Exemple #1
        public TileRegionFilter(SQuantizedExtentGrid <int> grid, SQuantizedExtent3D quantizedExtent, GridRange tileRange)
            m_range = tileRange;
            m_grid  = grid;

            m_quantizedExtent = quantizedExtent;
Exemple #2
        public TileRegionFilter(SQuantizedExtentGrid<int> grid, SQuantizedExtent3D quantizedExtent, GridRange tileRange)
            m_range = tileRange;
            m_grid = grid;

            m_quantizedExtent = quantizedExtent;
Exemple #3
        public GridCounter(IPointCloudBinarySource source, SQuantizedExtentGrid<int> grid)
            m_source = source;
            m_grid = grid;
            m_quantizedExtent = source.QuantizedExtent;

            m_chunkTiles = new List<int[]>();
Exemple #4
        public GridCounter(IPointCloudBinarySource source, SQuantizedExtentGrid <int> grid)
            m_source          = source;
            m_grid            = grid;
            m_quantizedExtent = source.QuantizedExtent;

            m_chunkTiles = new List <int[]>();
 public PointCloudBinarySource(FileHandlerBase file, long count, Extent3D extent, SQuantization3D quantization, long dataOffset, short pointSizeBytes)
     : base(file)
     m_count = count;
     m_extent = extent;
     m_quantization = quantization;
     m_pointDataOffset = dataOffset;
     m_pointSizeBytes = pointSizeBytes;
     m_quantizedExtent = quantization.Convert(m_extent);
 public PointCloudBinarySource(FileHandlerBase file, long count, Extent3D extent, SQuantization3D quantization, long dataOffset, short pointSizeBytes)
     : base(file)
     m_count           = count;
     m_extent          = extent;
     m_quantization    = quantization;
     m_pointDataOffset = dataOffset;
     m_pointSizeBytes  = pointSizeBytes;
     m_quantizedExtent = quantization.Convert(m_extent);
        private static unsafe BitmapSource CreateBitmapSource(Grid <int> grid, SQuantizedExtent3D extent, QuantizedStatistics statistics, bool useStdDevStretch, IColorHandler colorHandler, int quality)
            var ramp = colorHandler as ColorRamp;
            var map  = colorHandler as ColorMapDistinct;

            var bmp = new WriteableBitmap(grid.SizeX, grid.SizeY, 96, 96, System.Windows.Media.PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);

            var pBackBuffer = bmp.BackBuffer;
            var p           = (int *)pBackBuffer;

            if (map != null)
                //CreateColorBufferMap(grid, p, map);
                if (ramp == null)
                    ramp = ColorRamp.PredefinedColorRamps.Grayscale;

                var qualityRatio = (float)quality / 100;
                var rampSize     = (int)(qualityRatio * 300);

                StretchBase stretch = null;
                if (useStdDevStretch)
                    stretch = new StdDevStretch(extent.MinZ, extent.MaxZ, statistics, 2);
                    stretch = new MinMaxStretch(extent.MinZ, extent.MaxZ);

                var cachedRamp = ramp.CreateCachedRamp(stretch, rampSize);

                //var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                //int count = 300;
                //for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    CreateColorBufferMap(grid, p, cachedRamp);
                //Context.WriteLine("fps: {0}", (double)1000 * count / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            bmp.AddDirtyRect(new System.Windows.Int32Rect(0, 0, bmp.PixelWidth, bmp.PixelHeight));

        public PointCloudBinarySourceComposite(FileHandlerBase file, Extent3D extent, IPointCloudBinarySource[] sources)
            : base(file)
            m_sources = sources;

            // verify that they are compatible

            m_count = m_sources.Sum(s => s.Count);
            m_extent = extent;
            m_quantization = m_sources[0].Quantization;
            m_pointSizeBytes = m_sources[0].PointSizeBytes;
            m_quantizedExtent = m_quantization.Convert(m_extent);
        public PointCloudBinarySourceComposite(FileHandlerBase file, Extent3D extent, IPointCloudBinarySource[] sources)
            : base(file)
            m_sources = sources;

            // verify that they are compatible

            m_count           = m_sources.Sum(s => s.Count);
            m_extent          = extent;
            m_quantization    = m_sources[0].Quantization;
            m_pointSizeBytes  = m_sources[0].PointSizeBytes;
            m_quantizedExtent = m_quantization.Convert(m_extent);
Exemple #10
        public PointCloudTileSet(IPointCloudBinarySource source, PointCloudTileDensity density, SQuantizedExtentGrid <int> tileCounts, Grid <int> lowResCounts)
            Extent          = source.Extent;
            Quantization    = source.Quantization;
            QuantizedExtent = source.QuantizedExtent;
            Density         = density;

            Cols      = tileCounts.SizeX;
            Rows      = tileCounts.SizeY;
            TileSizeX = tileCounts.CellSizeX;
            TileSizeY = tileCounts.CellSizeY;
            //TileSize = tileCounts.CellSize;

            PointCount     = density.PointCount;
            TileCount      = density.TileCount;
            ValidTileCount = density.ValidTileCount;

            LowResCount = 0;

            m_tileIndex = CreateTileIndex(ValidTileCount);
            m_tiles     = new PointCloudTile[density.ValidTileCount];

            // create valid tiles (in order)
            long offset         = 0;
            int  validTileIndex = 0;

            foreach (var tile in GetTileOrdering(Rows, Cols))
                int pointCount = tileCounts.Data[tile.Row, tile.Col];
                if (pointCount > 0)
                    var lowResCount = lowResCounts.Data[tile.Row, tile.Col];
                    m_tiles[validTileIndex] = new PointCloudTile(this, tile.Col, tile.Row, validTileIndex, offset, pointCount, LowResCount, lowResCount);
                    m_tileIndex.Add(tile.Index, validTileIndex);
                    offset      += (pointCount - lowResCount);
                    LowResCount += lowResCount;
Exemple #11
        public PointCloudTileSet(BinaryReader reader)
            Rows      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            Cols      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            TileSizeY = reader.ReadInt32();
            TileSizeX = reader.ReadInt32();

            TileCount = Rows * Cols;

            Extent          = reader.ReadExtent3D();
            Quantization    = reader.ReadSQuantization3D();
            QuantizedExtent = Quantization.Convert(Extent);
            Density         = reader.ReadTileDensity();
            PointCount      = Density.PointCount;
            ValidTileCount  = Density.ValidTileCount;

            LowResCount = 0;

            m_tileIndex = CreateTileIndex(ValidTileCount);
            m_tiles     = new PointCloudTile[ValidTileCount];

            // fill in valid tiles (dense)
            long pointOffset = 0;
            var  i           = 0;

            foreach (var tile in GetTileOrdering(Rows, Cols))
                var pointCount  = reader.ReadInt32();
                var lowResCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                if (pointCount > 0)
                    m_tiles[i] = new PointCloudTile(this, tile.Col, tile.Row, i, pointOffset, pointCount, LowResCount, lowResCount);
                    m_tileIndex.Add(tile.Index, i);

                    pointOffset += (pointCount - lowResCount);
                    LowResCount += lowResCount;
Exemple #12
        public unsafe void ComputeExtent(ProgressManager progressManager)
            using (var process = progressManager.StartProcess("CalculateLASExtent"))
                short pointSizeBytes = PointSizeBytes;

                int minX = 0, minY = 0, minZ = 0;
                int maxX = 0, maxY = 0, maxZ = 0;

                foreach (var chunk in GetBlockEnumerator(process))
                    if (minX == 0 && maxX == 0)
                        var p = (SQuantizedPoint3D*)chunk.PointDataPtr;

                        minX = maxX = (*p).X;
                        minY = maxY = (*p).Y;
                        minZ = maxZ = (*p).Z;

                    byte* pb = chunk.PointDataPtr;
                    while (pb < chunk.PointDataEndPtr)
                        var p = (SQuantizedPoint3D*)pb;

                        if ((*p).X < minX) minX = (*p).X; else if ((*p).X > maxX) maxX = (*p).X;
                        if ((*p).Y < minY) minY = (*p).Y; else if ((*p).Y > maxY) maxY = (*p).Y;
                        if ((*p).Z < minZ) minZ = (*p).Z; else if ((*p).Z > maxZ) maxZ = (*p).Z;

                        pb += pointSizeBytes;

                    if (!process.Update(chunk))

                var quantizedExtent = new SQuantizedExtent3D(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ);
                m_extent = m_header.Quantization.Convert(quantizedExtent);

                process.LogTime("Traversed {0:0,0} points", Count);
        private static unsafe BitmapSource CreateBitmapSource(Grid<int> grid, SQuantizedExtent3D extent, QuantizedStatistics statistics, bool useStdDevStretch, IColorHandler colorHandler, int quality)
            var ramp = colorHandler as ColorRamp;
            var map = colorHandler as ColorMapDistinct;

            var bmp = new WriteableBitmap(grid.SizeX, grid.SizeY, 96, 96, System.Windows.Media.PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
            var pBackBuffer = bmp.BackBuffer;
            var p = (int*)pBackBuffer;

            if (map != null)
                //CreateColorBufferMap(grid, p, map);
                if (ramp == null)
                    ramp = ColorRamp.PredefinedColorRamps.Grayscale;

                var qualityRatio = (float)quality / 100;
                var rampSize = (int)(qualityRatio * 300);

                StretchBase stretch = null;
                    stretch = new StdDevStretch(extent.MinZ, extent.MaxZ, statistics, 2);
                    stretch = new MinMaxStretch(extent.MinZ, extent.MaxZ);

                var cachedRamp = ramp.CreateCachedRamp(stretch, rampSize);

                //var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                //int count = 300;
                //for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    CreateColorBufferMap(grid, p, cachedRamp);
                //Context.WriteLine("fps: {0}", (double)1000 * count / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            bmp.AddDirtyRect(new System.Windows.Int32Rect(0, 0, bmp.PixelWidth, bmp.PixelHeight));

            return bmp;
Exemple #14
        public unsafe void ComputeExtent(ProgressManager progressManager)
            using (var process = progressManager.StartProcess("CalculateLASExtent"))
                short pointSizeBytes = PointSizeBytes;

                int minX = 0, minY = 0, minZ = 0;
                int maxX = 0, maxY = 0, maxZ = 0;

                foreach (var chunk in GetBlockEnumerator(process))
                    if (minX == 0 && maxX == 0)
                        var p = (SQuantizedPoint3D *)chunk.PointDataPtr;

                        minX = maxX = (*p).X;
                        minY = maxY = (*p).Y;
                        minZ = maxZ = (*p).Z;

                    byte *pb = chunk.PointDataPtr;
                    while (pb < chunk.PointDataEndPtr)
                        var p = (SQuantizedPoint3D *)pb;

                        if ((*p).X < minX)
                            minX = (*p).X;
                        else if ((*p).X > maxX)
                            maxX = (*p).X;
                        if ((*p).Y < minY)
                            minY = (*p).Y;
                        else if ((*p).Y > maxY)
                            maxY = (*p).Y;
                        if ((*p).Z < minZ)
                            minZ = (*p).Z;
                        else if ((*p).Z > maxZ)
                            maxZ = (*p).Z;

                        pb += pointSizeBytes;

                    if (!process.Update(chunk))

                var quantizedExtent = new SQuantizedExtent3D(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ);
                m_extent = m_header.Quantization.Convert(quantizedExtent);

                process.LogTime("Traversed {0:0,0} points", Count);