internal void Sync(long rowid)
     IsValid = false;
     _command.Parameters[0].Value = rowid;
     _reader = _command.ExecuteReader();
        // TODO: Honor behavior
        public new SQLiteDataReader ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
            if (OpenReader != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.OpenReaderExists);
            if (_connection == null
                || _connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.FormatCallRequiresOpenConnection("ExecuteReader"));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_commandText))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.FormatCallRequiresSetCommandText("ExecuteReader"));


            var changes = 0;
            var resultHandles = new List<StatementHandle>();
            foreach (var handle in _handles)
                var hasResults = NativeMethods.sqlite3_stmt_readonly(handle) != 0;

                var rc = NativeMethods.sqlite3_step(handle);
                if (rc == Constants.SQLITE_ROW
                    || (rc == Constants.SQLITE_DONE && hasResults))


                rc = NativeMethods.sqlite3_reset(handle);

                changes += NativeMethods.sqlite3_changes(_connection.Handle);

            return OpenReader = new SQLiteDataReader(this, resultHandles, changes);
    /// <summary>
    /// This function does all the nasty work at determining what keys need to be returned for
    /// a given statement.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cnn"></param>
    /// <param name="reader"></param>
    /// <param name="stmt"></param>
    internal SQLiteKeyReader(SQLiteConnection cnn, SQLiteDataReader reader, SQLiteStatement stmt)
      Dictionary<string, int> catalogs = new Dictionary<string, int>();
      Dictionary<string, List<string>> tables = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
      List<string> list;
      List<KeyInfo> keys = new List<KeyInfo>();

      // Record the statement so we can use it later for sync'ing
      _stmt = stmt;

      // Fetch all the attached databases on this connection
      using (DataTable tbl = cnn.GetSchema("Catalogs"))
        foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
          catalogs.Add((string)row["CATALOG_NAME"], Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

      // Fetch all the unique tables and catalogs used by the current statement
      using (DataTable schema = reader.GetSchemaTable(false, false))
        foreach (DataRow row in schema.Rows)
          // Check if column is backed to a table
          if (row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.BaseCatalogName] == DBNull.Value)

          // Record the unique table so we can look up its keys
          string catalog = (string)row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.BaseCatalogName];
          string table = (string)row[SchemaTableColumn.BaseTableName];

          if (tables.ContainsKey(catalog) == false)
            list = new List<string>();
            tables.Add(catalog, list);
            list = tables[catalog];

          if (list.Contains(table) == false)

        // For each catalog and each table, query the indexes for the table.
        // Find a primary key index if there is one.  If not, find a unique index instead
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> pair in tables)
          for (int i = 0; i < pair.Value.Count; i++)
            string table = pair.Value[i];
            DataRow preferredRow = null;
            using (DataTable tbl = cnn.GetSchema("Indexes", new string[] { pair.Key, null, table }))
              // Loop twice.  The first time looking for a primary key index, 
              // the second time looking for a unique index
              for (int n = 0; n < 2 && preferredRow == null; n++)
                foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                  if (n == 0 && (bool)row["PRIMARY_KEY"] == true)
                    preferredRow = row;
                  else if (n == 1 && (bool)row["UNIQUE"] == true)
                    preferredRow = row;
              if (preferredRow == null) // Unable to find any suitable index for this table so remove it
              else // We found a usable index, so fetch the necessary table details
                using (DataTable tblTables = cnn.GetSchema("Tables", new string[] { pair.Key, null, table }))
                  // Find the root page of the table in the current statement and get the cursor that's iterating it
                  int database = catalogs[pair.Key];
                  int rootPage = Convert.ToInt32(tblTables.Rows[0]["TABLE_ROOTPAGE"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                  int cursor = stmt._sql.GetCursorForTable(stmt, database, rootPage);

                  // Now enumerate the members of the index we're going to use
                  using (DataTable indexColumns = cnn.GetSchema("IndexColumns", new string[] { pair.Key, null, table, (string)preferredRow["INDEX_NAME"] }))
                    KeyQuery query = null;

                    List<string> cols = new List<string>();
                    for (int x = 0; x < indexColumns.Rows.Count; x++)
                      bool addKey = true;
                      // If the column in the index already appears in the query, skip it
                      foreach (DataRow row in schema.Rows)
                        if (row.IsNull(SchemaTableColumn.BaseColumnName))

                        if ((string)row[SchemaTableColumn.BaseColumnName] == (string)indexColumns.Rows[x]["COLUMN_NAME"] &&
                            (string)row[SchemaTableColumn.BaseTableName] == table &&
                            (string)row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.BaseCatalogName] == pair.Key)
                          addKey = false;
                      if (addKey == true)

                    // If the index is not a rowid alias, record all the columns
                    // needed to make up the unique index and construct a SQL query for it
                    if ((string)preferredRow["INDEX_NAME"] != "sqlite_master_PK_" + table)
                      // Whatever remains of the columns we need that make up the index that are not
                      // already in the query need to be queried separately, so construct a subquery
                      if (cols.Count > 0)
                        string[] querycols = new string[cols.Count];
                        query = new KeyQuery(cnn, pair.Key, table, querycols);

                    // Create a KeyInfo struct for each column of the index
                    for (int x = 0; x < indexColumns.Rows.Count; x++)
                      string columnName = (string)indexColumns.Rows[x]["COLUMN_NAME"];
                      KeyInfo key = new KeyInfo();

                      key.rootPage = rootPage;
                      key.cursor = cursor;
                      key.database = database;
                      key.databaseName = pair.Key;
                      key.tableName = table;
                      key.columnName = columnName;
                      key.query = query;
                      key.column = x;


      // Now we have all the additional columns we have to return in order to support
      // CommandBehavior.KeyInfo
      _keyInfo = new KeyInfo[keys.Count];
        private int?ReadNullableInt(SQLiteDataReader reader, string columnName)
            var value = reader[columnName];

            return(value == DBNull.Value ? (int?)null : Convert.ToInt32(value));
Exemple #5
        static public void ReadConfigsFormSQL()
            int count             = 0;
            SQLiteConnection conn = null;

            string strSQLiteDB = Environment.CurrentDirectory; // 获取目录

                string dbPath = "Data Source=" + strSQLiteDB + "\\data.db";
                conn = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath); //创建数据库实例,指定文件位置
                conn.Open();                         //打开数据库,若文件不存在会自动创建

                string        sql            = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS config(key varchar(250), value varchar(250));"; //建表语句 ,key为配置,value为值
                SQLiteCommand cmdCreateTable = new SQLiteCommand(sql, conn);
                cmdCreateTable.ExecuteNonQuery();                                                                          //如果表不存在,创建数据表

                SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();

                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM config";
                SQLiteDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (dataReader.Read())
                    String key = dataReader.GetString(0);
                    if (key == "NameOfCompany")
                        Form1.NameOfCompany = dataReader.GetString(1);

                    if (key == "LogoPath")
                        Form1.LogoPath = dataReader.GetString(1);

                    if (key == "MultipleLuck")
                        String multipleLuck = dataReader.GetString(1);
                        Form1.MultipleLuck = Boolean.Parse(multipleLuck);

                    if (key == "LuckType")
                        String sweepstakeType = dataReader.GetString(1);
                        Form1.LuckType = Boolean.Parse(sweepstakeType);

                    if (key == "HideLuckType")
                        String hideLuckType = dataReader.GetString(1);
                        Form1.HideLuckType = Boolean.Parse(hideLuckType);

                    if (key == "ProgramTitle")
                        String programTitle = dataReader.GetString(1);
                        Form1.ProgramTitle = Boolean.Parse(programTitle);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw; // <-------------------
Exemple #6
        private void LoadParameter()
            string sql_command = "";

            //0       , 1       , 2           , 3        , 4         , 5           , 6
            sql_command += "Select S7Adress, S7Symbol, S7SymbolType, S7Comment, SymbolType, cast(RankingGroup as integer) as RankingGroup, GroupComment, ";
            //7            , 8      , 9   , 10          , 11        , 12        ,  13             , 14
            sql_command += "cast(RankingSymbol as integer) as RankingSymbol, Comment, Unit, SymbolFormat, UpperLimit, LowerLimit, UserRightEnable, UserRightVisible, ";
            sql_command += "Column ";
            if (this.m_formularType == FormularType.Parameter)
                sql_command += "from plcitems where (SymbolType='P' or SymbolType='PO') order by RankingGroup, RankingSymbol";

            if (this.m_formularType == FormularType.Info)
                sql_command += "from plcitems where (SymbolType='I') order by RankingGroup, RankingSymbol";
            if (this.m_formularType == FormularType.Service)
                sql_command += "from plcitems where (SymbolType='S') order by RankingGroup, RankingSymbol";
            this.m_sqliteCommand.CommandText = sql_command;

            if (this.m_sqliteDataReader != null)
                this.m_sqliteDataReader = null;
            this.m_sqliteDataReader = this.m_sqliteCommand.ExecuteReader();
            int        i           = 0;
            TabControl tab_control = this.CreateTabControl(4, 20, this.GbxOutput.Width - 8, this.GbxOutput.Height - 25, this.GbxOutput);

            tab_control.TabStop = false;
            this.m_tabControl   = tab_control;
            TabPage          tab_page      = null;
            GroupBox         group_box     = null;
            Label            label_text    = null;
            Label            label_unit    = null;
            CompToggleSwitch toggle_switch = null;
            CompTxtBox       txt_box       = null;
            CompInputBox     input_box     = null;
            PlcItemList      plc_item_list;
            CompLedRectangle led_rectangle     = null;
            string           old_group_comment = "";
            int  row = 0;
            int  old_ranging_symbol = 0;
            bool first_start        = true;

            while (this.m_sqliteDataReader.Read())
                plc_item_list.S7Adress      = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(0).ToString();
                plc_item_list.S7Symbol      = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(1).ToString();
                plc_item_list.S7SymbolType  = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(2).ToString();
                plc_item_list.SymbolType    = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(4).ToString();
                plc_item_list.GroupComment  = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(6).ToString();
                plc_item_list.RankingSymbol = Convert.ToInt32(this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(7).ToString());
                if (first_start)
                    first_start        = false;
                    old_ranging_symbol = plc_item_list.RankingSymbol + 1;

                plc_item_list.Comment         = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(8).ToString();
                plc_item_list.Unit            = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(9).ToString();
                plc_item_list.Format          = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(10).ToString();
                plc_item_list.Column          = Convert.ToInt32(this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(15).ToString());
                plc_item_list.UpperLimit      = Convert.ToDouble(this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(11).ToString());
                plc_item_list.LowerLimit      = Convert.ToDouble(this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(12).ToString());
                plc_item_list.UserRightEnable = Convert.ToInt32(this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(13).ToString());

                string[] adress_info = plc_item_list.S7Adress.Split('.');
                string   db_number   = adress_info[0];
                string   varname     = db_number + "." + plc_item_list.S7Symbol;

                plc_item_list.Varname = varname;
                if (plc_item_list.GroupComment != old_group_comment)
                    old_ranging_symbol = plc_item_list.RankingSymbol - 1;
                    row = 0;
                    old_group_comment = plc_item_list.GroupComment;
                    tab_page          = (TabPage)this.CreateTabPage(plc_item_list.GroupComment, tab_control);
                    group_box         = (GroupBox)this.CreateGroupBox(4, 4, tab_control.Width - 18, tab_control.Height - 56, old_group_comment, tab_page);

                int top = row * (GlobalVar.ConstParameterTextHeigt + GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing) + GlobalVar.ConstGroupBoxOffset;

                int text_width = group_box.Width - (5 * GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing +
                                                    GlobalVar.ConstParameterTxtBoxWidth +
                                                    GlobalVar.ConstParameterTxtBoxWidth +
                                                    GlobalVar.ConstParameterTxtBoxWidth) -
                label_text = (Label)this.CreateLabel(GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing, top, text_width,
                                                     GlobalVar.ConstParameterTextHeigt, plc_item_list.Comment,
                                                     group_box, System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight);
                int left_unit = 0;
                if (plc_item_list.S7SymbolType == "BOOL")
                    if (plc_item_list.SymbolType == "P" || plc_item_list.SymbolType == "S")
                        toggle_switch = (CompToggleSwitch)this.CreateToggleSwitch(GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing +
                                                                                  label_text.Width + label_text.Left, top, group_box);
                        toggle_switch.Click   += new System.EventHandler(this.ToggleSwitch_Click);
                        toggle_switch.Symbol   = varname;
                        toggle_switch.DoSwitch = false;
                        this.m_dataBinding.AddList(this, toggle_switch.Name.ToString(), "State", varname);
                        led_rectangle = this.CreateLedRectangle(GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing + toggle_switch.Width + toggle_switch.Left, top, group_box);
                        this.m_dataBinding.AddList(this, led_rectangle.Name.ToString(), "State", varname);
                        this.m_userManagement.AddUserRightControl(toggle_switch, plc_item_list.UserRightEnable);
                    if (plc_item_list.SymbolType == "I")
                        led_rectangle = this.CreateLedRectangle(GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing + label_text.Width + label_text.Left, top, group_box);
                        this.m_dataBinding.AddList(this, led_rectangle.Name.ToString(), "State", varname);
                    if (plc_item_list.SymbolType == "PO" || plc_item_list.SymbolType == "I" || plc_item_list.SymbolType == "SO")
                        int left = GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing + (plc_item_list.Column - 1) * (GlobalVar.ConstParameterTxtBoxWidth +
                                                                                                 GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing) +
                                   label_text.Left +
                        txt_box = this.CreateTxtBox(left, top, plc_item_list.Format, group_box);
                        this.m_dataBinding.AddList(this, txt_box.Name.ToString(), "Text", varname);
                        left_unit = txt_box.Left + txt_box.Width + GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing;
                    if (plc_item_list.SymbolType == "P" || plc_item_list.SymbolType == "S")
                        int left = GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing + (plc_item_list.Column - 1) * (GlobalVar.ConstParameterTxtBoxWidth +
                                                                                                 GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing) +
                                   label_text.Left +
                        input_box           = this.CreateInputBox(left, top, plc_item_list.Format, group_box);
                        input_box.Symbol    = varname;
                        input_box.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(this.InputBox_KeyPress);
                        input_box.Leave    += new System.EventHandler(this.InputBox_Leave);
                        this.m_dataBinding.AddList(this, input_box.Name.ToString(), "Text", varname);
                        left_unit = input_box.Left + input_box.Width + GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing;
                        this.m_plcItemList.Add(input_box, plc_item_list);
                        this.m_userManagement.AddUserRightControl(input_box, plc_item_list.UserRightEnable);
                        left_unit = input_box.Left + input_box.Width + GlobalVar.ConstControlSpacing;
                label_unit = (Label)this.CreateLabel(left_unit, top, GlobalVar.ConstParameterTxtBoxWidth,
                if (plc_item_list.RankingSymbol != old_ranging_symbol)
                    old_ranging_symbol = plc_item_list.RankingSymbol;
            this.m_sqliteDataReader = null;
 private int ReadInt(SQLiteDataReader reader, string columnName)
Exemple #8
        private void Table()
            Application.VisualStyleState = VisualStyleState.NoneEnabled;

            pnlNav.Height          = sum.Height;
            pnlNav.Top             = sum.Top;
            pnlNav.Left            = sum.Left;
            Info.BackColor         = Color.FromArgb(24, 30, 54);
            sum.BackColor          = Color.FromArgb(46, 51, 73);
            btnCal.BackColor       = Color.FromArgb(24, 30, 54);
            btnDashboard.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(24, 30, 54);
            all.Columns.Add("ID", "ID");
            all.Columns.Add("Username", "Felhasználónév");
            all.Columns.Add("Food", "Étel/Ital");
            all.Columns.Add("cal", "Kalória");
            all.Columns.Add("prot", "Fehérje");
            all.Columns.Add("fat", "Zsír");
            all.Columns.Add("carb", "Szénhidrát");
            all.Columns.Add("date", "Dátum");
            all.Columns["ID"].Visible = false;
            all.Size                      = new Size(625, 400);
            all.Location                  = new Point(statusLabel.Left, 75);
            all.AllowUserToAddRows        = false;
            all.AllowUserToDeleteRows     = false;
            all.ForeColor                 = Color.White;
            all.GridColor                 = Color.FromArgb(158, 161, 176);
            all.BorderStyle               = BorderStyle.None;
            all.SelectionMode             = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect;
            all.ScrollBars                = ScrollBars.Vertical;
            all.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = false;
            all.MultiSelect               = false;
            all.RowHeadersVisible         = false;
            all.AutoSizeColumnsMode       = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;
            all.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            all.ColumnHeadersBorderStyle = DataGridViewHeaderBorderStyle.Single;
            all.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(46, 51, 73);
            all.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(46, 51, 73);
            all.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(46, 51, 73);
            all.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor   = Color.FromArgb(46, 51, 73);
            all.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor   = Color.White;
            all.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor      = Color.FromArgb(46, 51, 73);
            all.AutoSizeColumnsMode       = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells;
            all.Columns["Food"].ValueType = typeof(String);
            all.BackgroundColor           = Color.FromArgb(46, 51, 73);
            all.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(46, 51, 73);

            LogBase userData = new LogBase();

            string           query  = "SELECT ROWID, * FROM DATAS WHERE USERNAME='******' AND DATE='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'";
            SQLiteCommand    ossz   = new SQLiteCommand(query, userData.myConnection);
            SQLiteDataReader result = ossz.ExecuteReader();

            if (result.HasRows)
                while (result.Read())
                    string[] temp     = Convert.ToString(result["Cal"]).Split('/');
                    var      tempDate = DateTime.ParseExact(result["Date"].ToString(), "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("yyyy. MM. dd.");
                    all.Rows.Add(result["ROWID"], result["Username"], result["Food"], temp[1] + " kcal", result["Prot"] + " g", result["Fat"] + " g", result["carb"] + " g", tempDate.ToString());

            delete.Location = new Point(862, 515);
            delete.Size     = new Size(100, 50);
            delete.Image    = Image.FromFile("delete.png");
            delete.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
            delete.Cursor   = Cursors.Hand;
 private string ReadString(SQLiteDataReader reader, string columnName)
Exemple #10
        public Food(string name)
            this.calendar.ValueChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.calendar_ValueChanged);
            this.delete.Click          += new System.EventHandler(this.delete_Click);
            username = name;
            Region            = System.Drawing.Region.FromHrgn(CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height, 25, 25));
            userName.Text     = name;
            pnlNav.Height     = btnDashboard.Height;
            pnlNav.Top        = btnDashboard.Top;
            pnlNav.Left       = btnDashboard.Left;
            calendar.Location = new Point(statusLabel.Left, 55);
            btnDashboard.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(46, 51, 73);
            LogBase userData = new LogBase();
            string  query    = "SELECT * FROM USER WHERE USERNAME='******'";

            SQLiteCommand    getUser   = new SQLiteCommand(query, userData.myConnection);
            SQLiteDataReader result    = getUser.ExecuteReader();
            double           calFull   = 0;
            double           calBevitt = 0;

            if (result.HasRows)
                while (result.Read())
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(result["Sex"]) == 1)
                        calFull = 66.46 + (13.7 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Weight"])) + (5 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Height"])) - (6.8 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Age"]));
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(result["Sex"]) == 0)
                        calFull = 655.1 + (9.6 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Weight"])) + (1.8 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Height"])) - (4.7 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Age"]));
                    goal = Convert.ToInt32(result["Goal"]);

            query = "SELECT * FROM DATAS WHERE USERNAME='******'";
            SQLiteCommand getData = new SQLiteCommand(query, userData.myConnection);

            result = getData.ExecuteReader();
            double carbBevitt = 0;
            double protBevitt = 0;
            double fatBevitt  = 0;

            if (result.HasRows)
                while (result.Read())
                    if (DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") == result["Date"].ToString())
                        string[] temp = Convert.ToString(result["Cal"]).Split('/');
                        calBevitt  = Convert.ToDouble(temp[1]) + calBevitt;
                        carbBevitt = carbBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Carb"]);
                        protBevitt = protBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Prot"]);
                        fatBevitt  = fatBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Fat"]);

            if (goal == 0)
                calFull -= 200;
            if (goal == 1)
                calFull += 500;

            double carbFull = (calFull * 0.45) / 4;
            double protFull = (calFull * 0.35) / 4;
            double fatFull  = (calFull * 0.20) / 8;

            double percent = Math.Round((calBevitt / calFull) * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            if (percent < 100)
                statPercent.Text  = percent.ToString() + "%";
                statPercent.Value = Convert.ToInt32(percent);
                statPercent.Text  = percent.ToString() + "%";
                statPercent.Value = 100;

            fatLabel.Text  = Math.Round(fatBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(fatFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
            protLabel.Text = Math.Round(protBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(protFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
            carbLabel.Text = Math.Round(carbBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(carbFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
            cal.Text       = calBevitt + "/" + Math.Ceiling(calFull) + " kcal";
Exemple #11
        private void Food_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LogBase userData = new LogBase();
            string  query    = "SELECT * FROM USER WHERE USERNAME='******'";

            SQLiteCommand    getUser   = new SQLiteCommand(query, userData.myConnection);
            SQLiteDataReader result    = getUser.ExecuteReader();
            double           calFull   = 0;
            double           calBevitt = 0;

            if (result.HasRows)
                while (result.Read())
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(result["Sex"]) == 1)
                        calFull = 66.46 + (13.7 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Weight"])) + (5 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Height"])) - (6.8 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Age"]));
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(result["Sex"]) == 0)
                        calFull = 655.1 + (9.6 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Weight"])) + (1.8 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Height"])) - (4.7 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Age"]));
                    goal = Convert.ToInt32(result["Goal"]);

            query = "SELECT * FROM DATAS WHERE USERNAME='******'";
            SQLiteCommand getData = new SQLiteCommand(query, userData.myConnection);

            result = getData.ExecuteReader();
            double carbBevitt = 0;
            double protBevitt = 0;
            double fatBevitt  = 0;

            if (result.HasRows)
                while (result.Read())
                    if (DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") == result["Date"].ToString())
                        string[] temp = Convert.ToString(result["Cal"]).Split('/');
                        calBevitt  = Convert.ToDouble(temp[1]) + calBevitt;
                        carbBevitt = carbBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Carb"]);
                        protBevitt = protBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Prot"]);
                        fatBevitt  = fatBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Fat"]);

            if (goal == 0)
                calFull -= 200;
            if (goal == 1)
                calFull += 500;

            double carbFull = (calFull * 0.45) / 4;
            double protFull = (calFull * 0.35) / 4;
            double fatFull  = (calFull * 0.20) / 8;

            double percent = Math.Round((calBevitt / calFull) * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            if (percent < 100)
                statPercent.Text  = percent.ToString() + "%";
                statPercent.Value = Convert.ToInt32(percent);
                statPercent.Text  = percent.ToString() + "%";
                statPercent.Value = 100;

            fatLabel.Text  = Math.Round(fatBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(fatFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
            protLabel.Text = Math.Round(protBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(protFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
            carbLabel.Text = Math.Round(carbBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(carbFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
            cal.Text       = calBevitt + "/" + Math.Ceiling(calFull) + " kcal";
Exemple #12
        private void setCalendar()
            if (Convert.ToDateTime(calendar.Value) > DateTime.Now)
                Application.VisualStyleState = VisualStyleState.ClientAndNonClientAreasEnabled;
                MessageBox.Show("A kiválasztott dátum nem lehet későbbi mint a mai dátum!");
                LogBase userData = new LogBase();
                string query = "SELECT * FROM USER WHERE USERNAME='******'";
                SQLiteCommand    getUser   = new SQLiteCommand(query, userData.myConnection);
                SQLiteDataReader result    = getUser.ExecuteReader();
                double           calFull   = 0;
                double           calBevitt = 0;

                if (result.HasRows)
                    while (result.Read())
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(result["Sex"]) == 1)
                            calFull = 66.46 + (13.7 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Weight"])) + (5 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Height"])) - (6.8 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Age"]));
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(result["Sex"]) == 0)
                            calFull = 655.1 + (9.6 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Weight"])) + (1.8 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Height"])) - (4.7 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Age"]));
                        goal = Convert.ToInt32(result["Goal"]);
                query = "SELECT * FROM DATAS WHERE USERNAME='******' AND DATE='" + Convert.ToDateTime(calendar.Value).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'";
                SQLiteCommand keres = new SQLiteCommand(query, userData.myConnection);
                result = keres.ExecuteReader();
                double carbBevitt = 0;
                double protBevitt = 0;
                double fatBevitt  = 0;

                if (result.HasRows)
                    while (result.Read())
                        string[] temp = Convert.ToString(result["Cal"]).Split('/');
                        calBevitt  = Convert.ToDouble(temp[1]) + calBevitt;
                        carbBevitt = carbBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Carb"]);
                        protBevitt = protBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Prot"]);
                        fatBevitt  = fatBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Fat"]);

                if (goal == 0)
                    calFull -= 200;
                if (goal == 1)
                    calFull += 500;

                double carbFull = (calFull * 0.45) / 4;
                double protFull = (calFull * 0.35) / 4;
                double fatFull  = (calFull * 0.20) / 8;

                double percent = Math.Round((calBevitt / calFull) * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                if (percent < 100)
                    statPercent.Text  = percent.ToString() + "%";
                    statPercent.Value = Convert.ToInt32(percent);
                    statPercent.Text  = percent.ToString() + "%";
                    statPercent.Value = 100;

                fatLabel.Text     = Math.Round(fatBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(fatFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
                protLabel.Text    = Math.Round(protBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(protFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
                carbLabel.Text    = Math.Round(carbBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(carbFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
                cal.Text          = calBevitt + "/" + Math.Ceiling(calFull) + " kcal";
                dailyCal.Text     = "Összesen elfogyasztott kalória\n" + Convert.ToDateTime(calendar.Value).ToString("yyyy. MM. dd.");
                dailyFat.Text     = "Összesen elfogyasztott zsír\n" + Convert.ToDateTime(calendar.Value).ToString("yyyy. MM. dd.");
                dailyProt.Text    = "Összesen elfogyasztott fehérje\n" + Convert.ToDateTime(calendar.Value).ToString("yyyy. MM. dd.");
                dailyCarb.Text    = "Összesen elfogyasztott szénhidrát\n" + Convert.ToDateTime(calendar.Value).ToString("yyyy. MM. dd.");
                dailyPercent.Text = "Összesen elfogyasztott kalória %\n" + Convert.ToDateTime(calendar.Value).ToString("yyyy. MM. dd.");
Exemple #13
        private void btnDashboard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Application.VisualStyleState = VisualStyleState.ClientAndNonClientAreasEnabled;
            pnlNav.Height          = btnDashboard.Height;
            pnlNav.Top             = btnDashboard.Top;
            pnlNav.Left            = btnDashboard.Left;
            btnDashboard.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(46, 51, 73);
            btnCal.BackColor       = Color.FromArgb(24, 30, 54);
            Info.BackColor         = Color.FromArgb(24, 30, 54);
            dailyCal.Text     = "Összesen elfogyasztott kalória";
            dailyFat.Text     = "Összesen elfogyasztott zsír";
            dailyProt.Text    = "Összesen elfogyasztott fehérje";
            dailyCarb.Text    = "Összesen elfogyasztott szénhidrát";
            dailyPercent.Text = "Összesen elfogyasztott kalória %";
            sum.BackColor     = Color.FromArgb(24, 30, 54);

            LogBase userData = new LogBase();
            string  query    = "SELECT * FROM USER WHERE USERNAME='******'";

            SQLiteCommand    getUser   = new SQLiteCommand(query, userData.myConnection);
            SQLiteDataReader result    = getUser.ExecuteReader();
            double           calFull   = 0;
            double           calBevitt = 0;

            if (result.HasRows)
                while (result.Read())
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(result["Sex"]) == 1)
                        calFull = 66.46 + (13.7 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Weight"])) + (5 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Height"])) - (6.8 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Age"]));
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(result["Sex"]) == 0)
                        calFull = 655.1 + (9.6 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Weight"])) + (1.8 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Height"])) - (4.7 * Convert.ToInt32(result["Age"]));
                    goal = Convert.ToInt32(result["Goal"]);

            query = "SELECT * FROM DATAS WHERE USERNAME='******'";
            SQLiteCommand getData = new SQLiteCommand(query, userData.myConnection);

            result = getData.ExecuteReader();
            double carbBevitt = 0;
            double protBevitt = 0;
            double fatBevitt  = 0;

            if (result.HasRows)
                while (result.Read())
                    if (DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") == result["Date"].ToString())
                        string[] temp = Convert.ToString(result["Cal"]).Split('/');
                        calBevitt  = Convert.ToDouble(temp[1]) + calBevitt;
                        carbBevitt = carbBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Carb"]);
                        protBevitt = protBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Prot"]);
                        fatBevitt  = fatBevitt + Convert.ToDouble(result["Fat"]);

            if (goal == 0)
                calFull -= 200;
            if (goal == 1)
                calFull += 500;

            double carbFull = (calFull * 0.45) / 4;
            double protFull = (calFull * 0.35) / 4;
            double fatFull  = (calFull * 0.20) / 8;

            double percent = Math.Round((calBevitt / calFull) * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            if (percent < 100)
                statPercent.Text  = percent.ToString() + "%";
                statPercent.Value = Convert.ToInt32(percent);
                statPercent.Text  = percent.ToString() + "%";
                statPercent.Value = 100;

            fatLabel.Text    = Math.Round(fatBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(fatFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
            protLabel.Text   = Math.Round(protBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(protFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
            carbLabel.Text   = Math.Round(carbBevitt, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "/" + Math.Round(carbFull, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + " g";
            cal.Text         = calBevitt + "/" + Math.Ceiling(calFull) + " kcal";
            statusLabel.Text = "Főoldal";
Exemple #14
        private void bwPopuate_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string           kit = (string)e.Argument;
            SQLiteConnection cnn = GGKUtilLib.getDBConnection();
            //kit master
            SQLiteCommand query = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT name, sex from kit_master where kit_no=@kit_no", cnn);

            query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@kit_no", kit);
            SQLiteDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader();
            string           sex    = "U";

            if (reader.Read())
                this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    txtName.Text = reader.GetString(0);
                    sex          = reader.GetString(1);
                    if (sex == "U")
                        cbSex.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    else if (sex == "M")
                        cbSex.SelectedIndex = 1;
                    else if (sex == "F")
                        cbSex.SelectedIndex = 2;

            // kit autosomal - RSID,Chromosome,Position,Genotypoe
            query = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT rsid 'RSID',chromosome 'Chromosome',position 'Position',genotype 'Genotype' from kit_autosomal where kit_no=@kit_no order by chromosome,position", cnn);
            query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@kit_no", kit);
            reader = query.ExecuteReader();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                dataGridViewAutosomal.DataSource = dt;
                dataGridViewAutosomal.Columns[0].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
                dataGridViewAutosomal.Columns[1].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
                dataGridViewAutosomal.Columns[2].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
                dataGridViewAutosomal.Columns[3].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
                ((DataGridViewTextBoxColumn)dataGridViewAutosomal.Columns[0]).MaxInputLength = 20;
                ((DataGridViewTextBoxColumn)dataGridViewAutosomal.Columns[1]).MaxInputLength = 2;
                ((DataGridViewTextBoxColumn)dataGridViewAutosomal.Columns[2]).MaxInputLength = 15;
                ((DataGridViewTextBoxColumn)dataGridViewAutosomal.Columns[3]).MaxInputLength = 2;

            // kit - ysnp
            query = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT ysnps from kit_ysnps where kit_no=@kit_no", cnn);
            query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@kit_no", kit);
            reader = query.ExecuteReader();
            if (reader.Read())
                ysnps = reader.GetString(0);
            this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                textBoxYDNA.Text = ysnps;

            // kit - ystr
            query = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT marker,value from kit_ystr where kit_no=@kit_no", cnn);
            query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@kit_no", kit);
            reader = query.ExecuteReader();
            string marker = null;
            string value  = null;
            Dictionary <string, string> ystr_dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while (reader.Read())
                marker = reader.GetString(0);
                value  = reader.GetString(1);
                ystr_dict.Add(marker, value);
            this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                for (int i = 0; i < ydna12.Length; i++)
                    if (ystr_dict.ContainsKey(ydna12[i]))
                        dgvy12.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = ystr_dict[ydna12[i]];
                for (int i = 0; i < ydna25.Length; i++)
                    if (ystr_dict.ContainsKey(ydna25[i]))
                        dgvy25.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = ystr_dict[ydna25[i]];
                for (int i = 0; i < ydna37.Length; i++)
                    if (ystr_dict.ContainsKey(ydna37[i]))
                        dgvy37.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = ystr_dict[ydna37[i]];
                for (int i = 0; i < ydna67.Length; i++)
                    if (ystr_dict.ContainsKey(ydna67[i]))
                        dgvy67.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = ystr_dict[ydna67[i]];
                for (int i = 0; i < ydna111.Length; i++)
                    if (ystr_dict.ContainsKey(ydna111[i]))
                        dgvy111.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = ystr_dict[ydna111[i]];
                //YDNA MISC
                foreach (string str in ystr_dict.Keys)
                    dgvymisc.Rows.Add(new string[] { str, ystr_dict[str] });

            // kit - mtdna
            query = new SQLiteCommand(@"SELECT mutations,fasta from kit_mtdna where kit_no=@kit_no", cnn);
            query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@kit_no", kit);
            reader = query.ExecuteReader();
            string fasta = null;

            if (reader.Read())
                this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                    textBoxMtDNA.Text = reader.GetString(0);
                    fasta             = reader.GetString(1);
                    if (fasta != null)
                        tbFASTA.Text = fasta;
                        tbFASTA.Text = "";
Exemple #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Overrides the default behavior to return a SQLiteDataReader specialization class
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="behavior">The flags to be associated with the reader.</param>
    /// <returns>A SQLiteDataReader</returns>
    public new SQLiteDataReader ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)

      SQLiteDataReader rd = new SQLiteDataReader(this, behavior);
      _activeReader = new WeakReference(rd, false);

      return rd;
        private string ReadNullableString(SQLiteDataReader reader, string columnName)
            var value = reader[columnName];

            return(value == DBNull.Value ? null : value.ToString());
        private static SQLiteDataReader CreateReader()
            var command = new SQLiteCommand();
            var reader = new SQLiteDataReader(command, new StatementHandle[0], 0);
            command.OpenReader = reader;

            return reader;
Exemple #18
        private void LoadError()
            string sql_command = "";

            //0       , 1       , 2           , 3        , 4         , 5           , 6
            sql_command += "Select S7Adress, S7Symbol, S7SymbolType, S7Comment, SymbolType, cast(RankingGroup as integer) as RankingGroup, GroupComment, ";
            //7            , 8      , 9   , 10          , 11        , 12        , 13             , 14
            sql_command += "cast(RankingSymbol as integer) as RankingSymbol, Comment, Unit, SymbolFormat, UpperLimit, LowerLimit, UserRightEnable, UserRightVisible, ";
            sql_command += "Column ";
            if (this.m_formularType == FormularType.Error)
                sql_command += "from plcitems where (SymbolType='E') order by RankingGroup, RankingSymbol";

            if (this.m_formularType == FormularType.Release)
                sql_command += "from plcitems where (SymbolType='R') order by RankingGroup, RankingSymbol";

            this.m_sqliteCommand.CommandText = sql_command;

            if (this.m_sqliteDataReader != null)
                this.m_sqliteDataReader = null;
            this.m_sqliteDataReader = this.m_sqliteCommand.ExecuteReader();
            TabControl tab_control = this.CreateTabControl(4, 20, this.GbxOutput.Width - 8, this.GbxOutput.Height - 25, this.GbxOutput);

            tab_control.TabStop = false;
            this.m_tabControl   = tab_control;
            TabPage tab_page = null;
            int     page_no  = 0;

            tab_page = this.CreateTabPage("Seite " + (page_no + 1), tab_control);
            int      gbx_row   = 0;
            int      gbx_col   = 0;
            GroupBox group_box = null;

            Label        label_text = null;
            PlcItemList  plc_item_list;
            CompLedRound led_round         = null;
            string       old_group_comment = "";
            int          row_comp          = 0;

            int gbx_width = (tab_control.DisplayRectangle.Width + 10) / GlobalVar.ConstNumberOfColumns - (GlobalVar.ConstNumberOfColumns + 1) * 4;

            while (this.m_sqliteDataReader.Read())
                plc_item_list.S7Adress        = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(0).ToString();
                plc_item_list.S7Symbol        = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(1).ToString();
                plc_item_list.S7SymbolType    = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(2).ToString();
                plc_item_list.SymbolType      = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(4).ToString();
                plc_item_list.GroupComment    = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(6).ToString();
                plc_item_list.RankingSymbol   = Convert.ToInt32(this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(7).ToString());
                plc_item_list.Comment         = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(8).ToString();
                plc_item_list.Unit            = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(9).ToString();
                plc_item_list.Format          = this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(10).ToString();
                plc_item_list.Column          = Convert.ToInt32(this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(15).ToString());
                plc_item_list.UpperLimit      = Convert.ToDouble(this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(11).ToString());
                plc_item_list.LowerLimit      = Convert.ToDouble(this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(12).ToString());
                plc_item_list.UserRightEnable = Convert.ToInt32(this.m_sqliteDataReader.GetValue(13).ToString());

                string[] adress_info = plc_item_list.S7Adress.Split('.');
                string   db_number   = adress_info[0];
                string   varname     = db_number + "." + plc_item_list.S7Symbol;

                plc_item_list.Varname = varname;

                int top  = 0;
                int left = 0;

                if (old_group_comment != plc_item_list.GroupComment)
                    old_group_comment = plc_item_list.GroupComment;
                    top  = 0;
                    left = 0;
                    if (gbx_row == 0)
                        top  = 4;
                        left = 4;
                        left = group_box.Left;
                        top  = group_box.Top + group_box.Height + 4;
                    group_box = this.CreateGroupBox(left, top, gbx_width, 50, plc_item_list.GroupComment, tab_page);
                    row_comp  = 0;
                int height     = (row_comp) * 27 + 50;
                int height_max = height + group_box.Top;
                if (height_max > tab_control.DisplayRectangle.Height)
                    if (gbx_col > 2)
                        tab_page = this.CreateTabPage("Seite " + (page_no + 1), tab_control);
                        gbx_row  = 0;
                        gbx_col  = 0;
                        left      = gbx_col * (gbx_width + 4) + 4;
                        top       = 4;
                        group_box = this.CreateGroupBox(left, top, gbx_width, 50, plc_item_list.GroupComment, tab_page);
                        row_comp  = 0;
                height           = (row_comp) * 27 + 50;
                group_box.Height = height;

                int top_comp  = row_comp * 27 + 20;
                int left_comp = 4;
                if (this.m_formularType == FormularType.Release)
                    led_round = this.CreateLedRound(left_comp, top_comp, group_box, CompLedRound.LEDType.Release);
                if (this.m_formularType == FormularType.Error)
                    led_round = this.CreateLedRound(left_comp, top_comp, group_box, CompLedRound.LEDType.Error);
                this.m_dataBinding.AddList(this, led_round.Name.ToString(), "State", varname);
                label_text = this.CreateLabel(left_comp + 40, top_comp, 200, 25, plc_item_list.Comment, group_box, ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft);
            this.m_sqliteDataReader = null;