Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The AllClubs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sortOrder">The sortOrder<see cref="string"/></param>
        /// <param name="currentFilter">The currentFilter<see cref="string"/></param>
        /// <param name="searchString">The searchString<see cref="string"/></param>
        /// <param name="page">The page<see cref="int?"/></param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="ActionResult"/></returns>
        public ActionResult AllClubs(string sortOrder, string currentFilter, string searchString, int?page)
            if (searchString != null)
                page = 1;
                searchString = currentFilter;

            //Sets the title
            ViewBag.NavTag = "Clubs";

            // Required for stored proc, default is blank
            string search = Request.QueryString["search"];

            if (search == null)
                search = "";

            int pageSize   = 6;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            var clubs = SQLUtilities.GetAllClubs(search);

            ViewBag.SearchTerm = search;

            return(View(clubs.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Exemple #2
        public void CreateGeographyInsertCommandTest()
            DataColumn dc1 = new DataColumn("ID", typeof(int));
            DataColumn dc2 = new DataColumn("GEOG", typeof(SqlGeography));
            DataColumn dc3 = new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string));

            List <DataColumn> list = new List <DataColumn>()
                dc1, dc2, dc3

            ICoordinate[] coords = new List <Coordinate>()
                new Coordinate(90, -90), new Coordinate(-90, 90), new Coordinate(180, -90), new Coordinate(90, -90)

            MemPolygonFeature feature = new MemPolygonFeature(new LinearRing(coords), null);

            feature.Attributes.SetValue("ID", 123);
            feature.Attributes.SetValue("Name", "Vish");

            SqlCommand sqlCommand = SQLUtilities.CreateGeographyInsertCommand("GeographyTable", "SHAPE", list.GetEnumerator(), feature);

            Assert.IsNotNull(sqlCommand, "Failed to generate INSERT geography command SQL.");
            Assert.AreEqual(sqlCommand.Parameters.Count, 4, "INSERT SQL parameter count does not match");

            dc1.AutoIncrement = true;

            sqlCommand = SQLUtilities.CreateGeographyInsertCommand("GeographyTable", "SHAPE", list.GetEnumerator(), feature);
            Assert.IsNotNull(sqlCommand, "Failed to generate INSERT geography command SQL.");
            Assert.AreEqual(sqlCommand.Parameters.Count, 3, "INSERT SQL with auto increment column parameter count does not match");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The AllNews
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="ActionResult"/></returns>
        public ActionResult AllNews(string sortOrder, string currentFilter, string searchString, int?page)
            if (searchString != null)
                page = 1;
                searchString = currentFilter;

            ViewBag.NavTag = "News";
            string search = Request.QueryString["search"];

            if (search == null)
                search = "";

            int pageSize   = 9;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            var news = SQLUtilities.GetAllNews(search);

            //look below @AsianCarp let me know if this may help ?? not sure how you plan but yeah

            ViewBag.SearchTerm = search;

            return(View(news.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
        public void Add(IGISFeature feature)
            IDbCommand dbCommand  = GetDBCommand();
            SqlCommand sqlCommand = SQLUtilities.CreateGeographyInsertCommand(_tableName, GetShapeFieldName(), _gisFields, feature);

            sqlCommand.Connection = dbCommand.Connection as SqlConnection;

        public void Add(IGISFeature feature)
            IDbCommand dbCommand  = GetDBCommand();
            SqlCommand sqlCommand = SQLUtilities.CreateGeometryInsertCommand(GetTableName(), GetShapeFieldName(), GetGISFields().GetEnumerator(), feature);

            sqlCommand.Connection = dbCommand.Connection as SqlConnection;

        public void DeleteBuilding(int buildingId)
            string script     = ReadSQLScript("DeleteBuilding.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@BuildingId", buildingId)

            SQLUtilities.ExecuteSqlCommand(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);
        public void DeleteBuildingFiles(List <Guid> fileIds)
            string script = "update BuildingDocument set IsActive = 0 where Id = @Id";

            foreach (Guid id in fileIds)
                var parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                    new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Id", id),
                SQLUtilities.ExecuteSqlCommand(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);
        public byte[] SaveBuildingImage(int buildingId, byte[] image)
            string script     = ReadSQLScript("SaveBuildingImage.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@BuildingId", buildingId),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@ImageData", image)

            SQLUtilities.ExecuteSqlCommand(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);

        public void CreateUserRecord(string emailAddress, string password, string accountNumber)
            password = Cipher.Encrypt(password);

            string script     = ReadSQLScript("CreateUserRecord.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@EmailAddress", emailAddress),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@PasswordHash", password),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@AccountNumber", accountNumber),

            SQLUtilities.ExecuteSqlCommand(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);
 public void UpdatePrimaryEmail(int buildingId, string accountNumber, string oldEmail, string newEmail)
     if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oldEmail) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newEmail))
         string script     = ReadSQLScript("UpdatePrimaryEmail.sql");
         var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
             new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@BuildingId", buildingId),
             new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@AccountNumber", accountNumber),
             new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@OldEmail", oldEmail),
             new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@NewEmail", newEmail),
         SQLUtilities.ExecuteSqlCommand(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);
        public string GetLoginPassword(string emailAddress)
            string script     = ReadSQLScript("GetLoginPassword.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@EmailAddress", emailAddress)
            var ds = SQLUtilities.FetchData(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);

            if (ds.Tables.Count == 1 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
                string password = (string)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PasswordHash"];
            return(string.Empty); //no login found
Exemple #12
        public void SQLforGeometryTest()
            IGeometry geometry = new Polygon(null, null, new GeometryFactory());

            ICoordinate[] coords = new List <Coordinate>()
                new Coordinate(90, -90), new Coordinate(-90, 90), new Coordinate(180, -90), new Coordinate(90, -90)
            geometry = new Polygon(new LinearRing(coords));

            string result = SQLUtilities.SQLforGeometry(geometry, null);

            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Error generating SQL for geometry.");

            result = SQLUtilities.SQLforGeography(geometry, 4326);
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Error generating SQL for geometry.");
        public byte[] GetUnitFile(Guid unitDocumentId)
            string script     = ReadSQLScript("GetUnitFile.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@UnitDocumentId", unitDocumentId),

            var ds = SQLUtilities.FetchData(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);

            if (ds.Tables.Count == 1 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
                var val = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DocumentData"];
        public string UploadUnitDocument(DocumentCategoryType documentType, DateTime fileDate, int buildingId,
                                         string accountNumber, string filename, string title, byte[] data, string emailAddress)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title))
                title = "Correspondence ";

            filename = Path.GetFileName(filename);

            filename = filename.Replace(" ", "");
            //return a URL to the uploaded document

            Guid documentId = System.Guid.NewGuid();

            if (title.Length > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH)
                title = title.Substring(0, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH);

            if (filename.Length > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH)
                filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename).Substring(0, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 4) + "." + Path.GetExtension(filename);

            string script     = ReadSQLScript("UploadUnitDocument.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@DocumentType", (int)documentType),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@BuildingId", buildingId),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@AccountNumber", accountNumber),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Filename", filename),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Description", title),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@FileDate", fileDate),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@DocumentId", documentId),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Data", data),

            var result = SQLUtilities.FetchData(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);

            documentId = (Guid)result.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Id"];

            return(GetUnitDocumentLink(documentId, emailAddress));
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// The CreateHomePage
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="HomePageViewModel"/></returns>
        public static HomePageViewModel CreateHomePage()
            HomePageViewModel HPModel = new HomePageViewModel();

            List <Club> clubs = SQLUtilities.GetAllClubs(String.Empty).ToList();

            HPModel.Clubs = new ObservableCollection <Club>(clubs.Take(4));

            List <News> news = SQLUtilities.GetAllNews(String.Empty).ToList();

            HPModel.News = new ObservableCollection <News>(news.Take(5));

            List <Event> events = SQLUtilities.GetAllEvents(String.Empty).ToList();

            HPModel.UpcomingEvents = new ObservableCollection <Event>(events.Take(4));

        public List <WebDocumentAccessLogItem> GetUnitFileAccessHistory(Guid unitDocumentId)
            string script     = ReadSQLScript("GetUnitFileAccesHistory.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@UnitDocumentId", unitDocumentId),

            var ds = SQLUtilities.FetchData(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);

            List <WebDocumentAccessLogItem> result = new List <WebDocumentAccessLogItem>();

            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                result.Add(new WebDocumentAccessLogItem(row));

Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Creates the view for approving or denying all the pending events
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentFilter">The currentFilter<see cref="string"/></param>
        /// <param name="searchString">The searchString<see cref="string"/></param>
        /// <param name="page">The page<see cref="int?"/></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult PendingEvents(string currentFilter, string searchString, int?page)
            if (searchString != null)
                page = 1;
                searchString = currentFilter;

            ViewBag.NavTag = "Pending Events";

            int pageSize   = 5;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            var events = SQLUtilities.GetPendingEvents();

            return(View(events.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Exemple #18
        private void ConnectToDatabase()
            SQLUtilities scoQuery = new SQLUtilities();

            //scoQuery.ConnectionString = string.Format("Server = {0}; Database = {1}; User ID = {2}; Password = {3}; Trusted_Connection = False;", _dbServer, _dbName, _dbUserID, _dbPassword);
            scoQuery.ConnectionString = string.Format("Data Source = {0}; Initial Catalog = {1}; Integrated Security=SSPI", _dbServer, _dbName);
            _myConnection             = scoQuery.OpenConnection();
            buttonGetDetails.Enabled  = false;
            SelectionWindowText       = string.Empty;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(IPUtilities.ExtensionsPath))

                textBoxConnectedTo.Text = string.Format("Connected to Management Server: [{0}]  /  SQL Server: [{1}]", _managementServerName, _dbServer);
        public List <FileDetail> BuildingDocumentList(int buildingId, bool activeOnly = true)
            string script     = ReadSQLScript("BuildingDocumentList.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@BuildingId", buildingId),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@ActiveOnly", activeOnly)

            var data = SQLUtilities.FetchData(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);

            List <FileDetail> result = new List <FileDetail>();

            foreach (DataRow row in data.Tables[0].Rows)
                result.Add(new FileDetail(row));

        public List <string> GetLinkedUnits(int buildingId, string emailAddress)
            List <string> accountNumbers = new List <string>();

            string script     = ReadSQLScript("GetLinkedUnits.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@EmailAddress", emailAddress),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@BuildingId", buildingId)
            var ds = SQLUtilities.FetchData(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);

            if (ds.Tables.Count == 1 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
        public byte[] GetBuildingImage(int buildingId)
            byte[] result     = null;
            string script     = ReadSQLScript("GetBuildingImage.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@BuildingId", buildingId)
            var ds = SQLUtilities.FetchData(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);

            if (ds.Tables.Count == 1 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
                var val = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["BuildingImage"];
                result = ReadBinaryValue(val);
            if (result == null)
                result = ReadDefaultImage();

        public string UploadBuildingDocument(DocumentCategoryType documentType, DateTime fileDate,
                                             int buildingId, string description, string filename, byte[] fileData, string emailAddress)
            filename = Path.GetFileName(filename);
            //return a URL to the uploaded document

            if (description.Length > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH)
                description = description.Substring(0, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH);

            if (filename.Length > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH)
                filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename).Substring(0, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 4) + "." + Path.GetExtension(filename);

            Guid documentId = System.Guid.NewGuid();

            string script     = ReadSQLScript("UploadBuildingDocument.sql");
            var    parameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>()
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@DocumentType", (int)documentType),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@BuildingId", buildingId),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Filename", filename),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Description", description),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@FileDate", fileDate),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@DocumentId", documentId),
                new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Data", fileData),
            var result = SQLUtilities.FetchData(_ClientProtalConnection, script, parameters);

            documentId = (Guid)result.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Id"];

            return(GetBuildingDocumentLink(documentId, emailAddress));
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Creates the view for approving or denying all the pending news
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult PendingNews(string currentFilter, string searchString, int?page)
            if (searchString != null)
                page = 1;
                searchString = currentFilter;

            //filtering in the future...
            //ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString;

            ViewBag.NavTag = "Pending News";

            int pageSize   = 5;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            var news = SQLUtilities.GetPendingNews();

            return(View(news.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the selection lists for the events controller
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateSelectionLists()
            //populates the host dropdown with  clubs drom db
            List <SelectListItem> clubs = SQLUtilities.GetAllHosts();

            ViewData["ClubHosts"] = clubs;

            //Gets all the categories and creates selection list
            List <SelectListItem> cats = SQLUtilities.GetCategories();

            ViewData["cats"] = cats;

            List <SelectListItem> camp = new List <SelectListItem>();

            camp.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Value = "1", Text = "Stevens Point"
            camp.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Value = "2", Text = "Wisconsin Rapids"
            camp.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Value = "3", Text = "Marshfield"
            camp.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Value = "4", Text = "Adams"
            camp.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Value = "5", Text = "Off Campus"

            ViewData["campuses"] = camp;
Exemple #25
        public static string GetDataFromServer()
            int counter = 0;

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            List <Event> events = SQLUtilities.GetAllEvents();

            ds = SQLUtilities.ToDataSet(events);

            // After pulling the events its builds it out into a table
            string resp = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 1; i <= ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                string strComment = string.Empty;
                if (ds.Tables != null)
                    if (ds.Tables[0] != null)
                        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count >= i - 1)
                                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i - 1][0] != DBNull.Value)
                                    strComment = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i - 1][0].ToString();
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the posted by selection list
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateSelectionList()
            List <SelectListItem> clubs = SQLUtilities.GetAllHosts();

            ViewData["ClubHosts"] = clubs;
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// The AllEvents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sortOrder">The sortOrder<see cref="string"/></param>
        /// <param name="currentFilter">The currentFilter<see cref="string"/></param>
        /// <param name="searchString">The searchString<see cref="string"/></param>
        /// <param name="page">The page<see cref="int?"/></param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="ActionResult"/></returns>
        public ActionResult AllEvents(string sortOrder, string currentFilter, string searchString, int?page)
            ViewBag.NavTag = "Events";

            // Gets the categories for the filters
            MintContext db = new MintContext();

            ViewData["Categories"] = SQLUtilities.GetCategories();

            // Searching
            string search = null;

            if (Request.QueryString["search"] != null)
                search = Request.QueryString["search"];

            // Categories
            int?Category = null;

            if (Request.QueryString["category"] == "0")
                Category = null;
            else if (Request.QueryString["category"] != null)
                Category = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["category"]);

            //Free Stuff/Food
            bool?FreeFood  = null;
            bool?FreeStuff = null;

            if (Request.QueryString["freefood"] != null)
                FreeFood = true;
            if (Request.QueryString["freestuff"] != null)
                FreeStuff = true;

            // Date
            string Date = null;

            if (Request.QueryString["Date"] != null)
                Date = Request.QueryString["Date"].ToString();
            bool?Weekend = null;

            if (Request.QueryString["Weekend"] != null)
                Weekend = true;

            // Paging info
            if (searchString != null)
                page = 1;
                searchString = currentFilter;

            int pageSize   = 9;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            // Gets all the events for the page
            var events = SQLUtilities.GetAllEvents(search, Category, FreeFood, FreeStuff, Date, Weekend);

            //Sets the viewbag info
            ViewBag.SearchTerm = search;
            ViewBag.Category   = Category;
            ViewBag.Date       = Date;
            ViewBag.FreeStuff  = FreeStuff == null ? "" : "checked";
            ViewBag.FreeFood   = FreeFood == null ? "" : "checked";
            ViewBag.Weekend    = Weekend == null ? "" : "checked";

            // Returns the view
            return(View(events.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
        private string ReadSQLScript(string scriptName)
            string resourcePath = "Astrodon.ClientPortal.Scripts." + scriptName;

            return(SQLUtilities.ReadResourceScript(this.GetType().Assembly, resourcePath));
        /*Update all building records and client records*/
        public void SyncBuildings()
            string script = ReadSQLScript("SyncBuildingsAndUnits.sql");

            SQLUtilities.ExecuteSqlCommand(_ClientProtalConnection, script);