protected virtual string GetCommand(char inserter) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SQLStatement)) { throw new ArgumentNullException($"SQL statement can't be null or empty"); } if (!IsStoredProcedure) { if (SQLStatement.Contains('?')) { if (SQLStatement.Count(f => f == '?') > 1) { throw new ArgumentException($"There can only be one occurrence of the " + $"primary key placeholder '?'"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PrimaryKeyInputParameter)) { throw new ArgumentNullException( $"For dependencies with parameters, the " + $"{nameof(PrimaryKeyInputParameter)} value can't be null or empty"); } return(SQLStatement.Replace("?", $"{inserter}{PrimaryKeyInputParameter.Trim()}")); } else { return(SQLStatement); } } else { return(SQLStatement); } }