public void UnifiedOrder(string deviceid, string tariffid, string tradetype) { int tariff_id = int.Parse(tariffid); SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); DataTable dt = s.Selects(" select ID, TariffName, Price, OldPrice, BuyCount, Type from TariffPackages where ID=@tariff_id", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("tariff_id", tariff_id) }); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } s.ExecuteSql("update TariffPackages set BuyCount=BuyCount+cast( ceiling(rand()*100) as int) where ID=@ID", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("ID", tariff_id) }); s.Selects(" select ID, TariffName, Price, OldPrice, BuyCount, Type from TariffPackages where ID=@tariff_id", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("tariff_id", tariff_id) }); string total_fee = dt.Rows[0]["Price"].toStringEmpty(); string tariff_name = dt.Rows[0]["TariffName"].toStringEmpty(); string device_name = s.Select("select case when DeviceName='' then SerialNumber else DeviceName end from Devices where deviceid=@deviceid", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("deviceid", deviceid) }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(device_name)) { return; } tariff_name = "GPS移动流量-" + device_name + " 充值" + tariff_name; JsApiPay jsApiPay = new JsApiPay(); jsApiPay.user_id = int.Parse(myHeader.UserID); jsApiPay.openid = ""; jsApiPay.total_fee = jsApiPay.user_id == 6 || jsApiPay.user_id == 7 ? new Random().Next(1, 10) : int.Parse(total_fee); jsApiPay.device_id = int.Parse(deviceid); jsApiPay.tariff_id = tariff_id; jsApiPay.product_body = tariff_name; WxPayData unifiedOrderResult = jsApiPay.GetUnifiedOrderResult(); jsApiPay.InsertMgooOrder(); // AddOrder(myHeader.UserID,deviceid,"",); }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有的报警类型 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetExceptionType() { SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); String strSql = "select Message,NotificationType as ID from ExceptionMessage group by Message,NotificationType"; return(s.Selects(strSql).toListDictionary()); }
private static void OffLineMessagePush(string date) { try { //AccountID 1有线,2无线 string strSql = @"select em.ExceptionID,d.DeviceID,em.NotificationType,em.Message,em.Created,em.OLat,em.OLng ,d.UserID , case when d.DeviceName ='' then d.SerialNumber else d.DeviceName end DeviceName from ExceptionMessage em inner join Devices d on d.DeviceID=em.DeviceID inner join Dictionary di on di.DataValue =d.Model where convert(varchar(16), dateadd(HH, 8, em.Created), 20) = convert(varchar(16), dateadd(mi,case when di.AccountID=1 then -di.SortOrder else 1450 end ,@date),20) and notificationtype = 9 "; SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(connectionString); DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("date", date) }); WeixinOper wo = new WeixinOper(s); int index = 0; // Console.WriteLine(dt.Rows.Count); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { index++; string res = wo.StartPush(row["UserID"].ToString(), row["ExceptionID"].ToString(), row["DeviceName"].ToString(), row["Message"].ToString(), row["Created"].ToString()); // Console.WriteLine(index+":"+res); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("OffLineMessagePush Error:" + ex.Message + " StackTrace:" + ex.StackTrace + " Source:" + ex.Source, log_name); } }
public List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetMessageTypeList() { List <Dictionary <string, string> > list = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { string strSql = " select [Message],[NotificationType] as ID from ExceptionMessage e inner join Devices d on d.DeviceID=e.DeviceID where d.UserID=@UserID group by [Message],[NotificationType] order by ID"; SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); DataTable msgTypeDataTable = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("UserID", myHeader.UserID) }); string pushMsgType = s.Select("select PushMsgType from [UsersConfig] where UserID=@UserID", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("UserID", myHeader.UserID) }); string[] msgList = pushMsgType.Split(','); foreach (DataRow row in msgTypeDataTable.Rows) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (DataColumn col in msgTypeDataTable.Columns) { dic[col.ColumnName] = row[col.ColumnName].ToString(); } if (msgList.Contains(row["ID"].ToString())) { dic["IsPush"] = "0";//推送 } else { dic["IsPush"] = "1";//不推送 } list.Add(dic); } } catch (Exception e) { Utils.log("GetMessageTypeList Error:" + e.Message); } return(list); }
public List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetOrderList(int userid, string orderno = null) { var list = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { List <SqlParameter> pars = new List <SqlParameter>(); string where = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderno)) { where = " and OrderNo=@OrderNo"; pars.Add(new SqlParameter("OrderNo", orderno)); } string strSql = "select OrderID, o.UserID,d.DeviceName,d.SerialNumber, o.DeviceID, OpenID, OrderNo, TransactionNo, ProductBody, FeeType ," + "TotalFee, o.Created, OrderDate, OrderExpire, PayDate, TradeType, o.Status, BankType, TariffID, BillCreateIP " + " from Orders o inner join devices d on o.DeviceID=d.DeviceID " + "where o.userid = @userid " + where + " order by orderID desc"; pars.Add(new SqlParameter("userid", userid)); SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); list = s.Selects(strSql, pars.ToArray()).toListDictionary(); return(list); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.Log.Error(this, ex); return(list); } }
public void PaySuccessPush(string OpenID, string DeviceName, string Fee, string PayDate, string Bank, string OrderNo) { string rulst = ""; try { WeixinOper wo = new WeixinOper(); string access_token = wo.AccessToken(); MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestUrl = "" + access_token; SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); Dictionary <string, string> dic = s.Selects("select ProductBody,tp.RenewalDate from Orders o inner join TariffPackages tp on where OrderNo = @OrderNo", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("OrderNo", OrderNo) }).toDictionary(); string pushContent = wo.GetPaySuccessText(OpenID, DeviceName, Fee, PayDate, OrderNo, Bank, dic["ProductBody"], dic["RenewalDate"]); mwc.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pushContent); rulst = mwc.RequestSend(); Dictionary <string, string> res = Utils.ToDictionary(rulst); if (res["errcode"].Equals("0") && res["errmsg"].Equals("ok")) { Utils.log("充值成功提醒推送成功:" + DeviceName); } else { Utils.log("充值成功微信推送失败" + rulst, "WeChatExpirePush.log"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("PaySuccessPush Error:" + ex.Message + ",StackTrace:" + ex.StackTrace + ",Source:" + ex.Source + ",rulst:" + rulst); } }
private string GetDeviceInfo(int DeviceID) { string strSql = @"select d.DeviceID, SerialNumber, DeviceName,CarUserName,PhoneNum, CarNum, CellPhone,ActiveDate,HireExpireDate,di.DataText from Devices d inner join Dictionary di on d.Model = di.DataValue where d.Deleted = 0 and d.DeviceID = @DeviceID "; SQLServerOperating sqlHelper = new SQLServerOperating(); return(Utils.ToJson(sqlHelper.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("DeviceID", DeviceID) }).toDictionary())); }
private string UnlockList(int DeviceID) { string strSql = @" select row_number() over(order by CreateDate desc) rowIndex,DeviceID SerialNumber,CreateDate,IsResponse,CommandName from CarCommandQueue where deviceid = (select SerialNumber from devices where deviceid = @deviceid )"; SQLServerOperating sqlHelper = new SQLServerOperating(); var list = sqlHelper.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("deviceid", DeviceID) }).toListDictionary(); return(Utils.ToJson(list)); }
public Dictionary <string, string> GetExceptionByID(string ExceptionID) { string strSql = @"select d.UserID,u.UserName,ISNULL(d.ServerID2,1)ServerID2,case when d.DeviceName = '' then d.SerialNumber else d.DeviceName end DeviceName,em.DeviceID,d.Model,d.CellPhone DeviceCellPhone,d.SerialNumber, case when geo.FenceName is null then em.Message else em.Message+':'+geo.FenceName end Message,em.NotificationType,DATEADD(HH,8,em.Created) Created,em.OLat,em.OLng ,u.CellPhone from ExceptionMessage em inner join Devices d on em.DeviceID=d.DeviceID inner join Users u on u.UserID=d.UserID left join GeoFence geo on geo.GeofenceID=em.GeoFenceID where ExceptionID = @ExceptionID"; SQLServerOperating s = GetSQLServerOperating(); return(s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("ExceptionID", ExceptionID) }).toDictionary()); }
public void push(string UserID) { try { string strSql = "select ClientID,Token,AppID,AppKey,MasterSecret,AppSecret,PackageName,m.OS,uc.PushShock,uc.PushAudio from MobileAppInfo m inner join apps a on m.AppsID=a.ID inner join usersconfig uc on uc.UserID=m.UserID where m.UserID=@userid and a.PackageName!='HBuilder' and m.LastDate>dateadd(MM,-1, getdate())"; SQLServerOperating s = GetSQLServerOperating(); DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("userid", UserID) }); int len = dt.Rows.Count; if (len > 0) { // GetuiPush.Push push = new GetuiPush.Push(); XiaoMiPush.Push push = new XiaoMiPush.Push(); push.PushAudio = dt.Rows[0]["PushAudio"].toStringEmpty() == "0"; push.PushShock = dt.Rows[0]["PushShock"].toStringEmpty() == "0"; // if (push.PushShock && push.PushShock) push.DefaulSound = -1; //声音 并且 震动 if (push.PushAudio && !push.PushShock) { push.DefaulSound = 1; //声音,不震动 } else if (!push.PushAudio && !push.PushShock) { push.DefaulSound = 2; //只震动 } else if (!push.PushAudio && !push.PushShock) { push.DefaulSound = 4; //LED灯光提示,没有声音没有震动 } List <string> regids = new List <string>(); List <string> packages = new List <string>(); List <Task> taskList = new List <Task>(); TaskFactory taskFactory = new TaskFactory(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int index = i; Task task = taskFactory.StartNew(() => { DataRow row = dt.Rows[index]; regids.Add(row["ClientID"].ToString()); packages.Add(row["PackageName"].ToString()); push.PushMessageToSingle(row["ClientID"].ToString(), Title, this.Text, row["AppSecret"].ToString(), row["PackageName"].ToString(), this.NotificationType, row["OS"].ToString().ToLower(), this.ExceptionID); }); taskList.Add(task); } //Task.WaitAll(taskList.ToArray()); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Utils.log("AppPush push Error:" + ex.Message + ",Source:" + ex.Source + ",StackTrace" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public LoginUserInfo Login_Imei(string LoginName, string PassWord, string Identifies) { try { string strSql = "select DeviceID,SerialNumber, DeviceName, UserID,DevicePassword from devices where serialnumber = @serialnumber and deleted =0"; SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("serialnumber", LoginName) }); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow loginUserDic = dt.Rows[0]; // 加密 //string EncryptPWD = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(loginUserDic["DevicePassword"].toStringEmpty(), "MD5"); string EncryptPWD = Utils.GetMD5(loginUserDic["DevicePassword"].toStringEmpty()); if (EncryptPWD.Equals(PassWord.ToLower())) { LoginUserInfo _loginUserInfo = new LoginUserInfo(); _loginUserInfo.DeviceID = loginUserDic["DeviceID"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.UserID = loginUserDic["UserID"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.UserName = loginUserDic["DeviceName"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.DeviceName = loginUserDic["DeviceName"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.LoginTime = DateTime.Now; _loginUserInfo.Identifies = Identifies; _loginUserInfo.LoginType = LoginType.Imei; _loginUserInfo.ToKen = Guid.NewGuid().toStringEmpty().Replace("-", "").ToLower(); if (Identifies.Split('@').Length == 2) { string mt = Identifies.Split('@')[1]; if (mt.ToUpper() == "BAIDU") { _loginUserInfo.MapType = MapType.BAIDU; } else { _loginUserInfo.MapType = MapType.AMAP; } } else { _loginUserInfo.MapType = MapType.AMAP; } return(_loginUserInfo); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("Login_Imei Error:" + ex.Message); } return(null); }
public bool FilterMsgType(string UserID, string NotificationType) { try { string strSql = string.Format(" select PushAudio,PushShock,PushPeriod from UsersConfig where UserID=@UserID and (PushMsgType like '%,{0},%')", NotificationType); SQLServerOperating s = GetSQLServerOperating(); DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("UserID", UserID) }); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string period = dt.Rows[0]["PushPeriod"].ToString(); //1 是全天接收 if (period == "1") { return(true); } var now = DateTime.Now; var date1 = default(DateTime); var date2 = default(DateTime); //晚上接收 if (period == "2") { date1 = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 20:00:00").toDateTime(); date2 = now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 07:59:59").toDateTime(); if (now >= date1 && now <= date2) { return(true); } Utils.log("免打扰时间-晚上接收: UserID:" + UserID + ",NotificationType:" + NotificationType); } //白天接收 if (period == "3") { date1 = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 08:00:00").toDateTime(); date2 = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 19:59:59").toDateTime(); if (now >= date1 && now <= date2) { return(true); } Utils.log("免打扰时间-白天接收: UserID:" + UserID + ",NotificationType:" + NotificationType); } return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("FilterMsgType Error:" + ex.Message); } return(false); }
public Dictionary <string, string> GetMessageInfoByID(string eid) { try { SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); string strSql = @"select CASE when d.devicename='' then d.SerialNumber else d.DeviceName end DeviceName,dateadd(HH,8, em.created) Created,em.OLat,em.OLng , case when geo.FenceName is null then em.Message else em.Message+':'+geo.FenceName end Message from ExceptionMessage em inner join Devices d on d.DeviceID=em.DeviceID left join GeoFence geo on geo.GeofenceID=em.GeoFenceID where ExceptionID=@ExceptionID"; DataTable table = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("ExceptionID", eid) }); Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Geocoding geo = GetCurrentMapType(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn dc in table.Columns) { dic[dc.ColumnName] = row[dc.ColumnName].toStringEmpty(); } } Mgoo.Position.IGeocoding geocoding = null; if (geo.GetType().Name.ToLower() == "baidu") { geocoding = new Mgoo.Position.Geocod.Baidu(); } else if (geo.GetType().Name.ToLower() == "amap") { geocoding = new Mgoo.Position.Geocod.Amap(); } else { geocoding = new Mgoo.Position.Geocod.Google(); } var point = geocoding.Translate(dic["OLat"].toDouble(), dic["OLng"].toDouble()); var task = Task.Run(() => { return(geocoding.GetAddress(point)); }); dic["OLat"] = point.Lat.ToString(); dic["OLng"] = point.Lng.ToString(); dic["Address"] = task.Result; return(dic); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("Message>GetMessageInfoByID ERROR:" + ex.Message); return(new Dictionary <string, string>()); } }
public List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetMessageByDeviceID(int DeviceID, int second) { try { string strSql = $"select top 5 ExceptionID,DeviceID,Message,Created from [ExceptionMessage] where DeviceID=@DeviceID and created > dateadd(ss,@second,dateadd(HH,-8, getdate()))"; SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); SqlParameter[] par = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("DeviceID", DeviceID), new SqlParameter("second", second - second * 2) }; List <Dictionary <string, string> > list = s.Selects(strSql, par).toListDictionary(); return(list); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("GetMessageByDeviceID:" + ex.Message); return(new List <Dictionary <string, string> >()); } }
public List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetMessageByDeviceID(string currentIndex, string pageCount, string deviceid, string type) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentIndex) || currentIndex == "undefined") { return(new List <Dictionary <string, string> >()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { type = "2"; } string where = ""; if (type.Equals("0")) //查看未删除的 { where = " and ex.Deleted = 0 "; } else if (type.Equals("1")) //查看已删除的 { where = " and ex.Deleted = 1 "; } else if (type.Equals("2"))//查看全部报警信息 { } else { return(new List <Dictionary <string, string> >()); } string strSql = string.Format(@"select top {0} * from( select row_number() over(order by ex.[Created] desc) rowIndex, ex.ExceptionID, CASE when d.devicename = '' then d.SerialNumber else d.DeviceName end DeviceName, d.SerialNumber, d.DeviceID,case when geo.FenceName is null then ex.Message else ex.Message+':'+geo.FenceName end Message, dateadd(HH, 8, ex.created) Created ,ex.ClearBy,ex.ClearDate from ExceptionMessage ex inner join devices d on d.deviceid = ex.deviceid left join GeoFence geo on geo.GeofenceID=ex.GeoFenceID where d.DeviceID = @DeviceID " + where + @" ) t where rowIndex > {0} * ({1} - 1) order by Created desc", pageCount, currentIndex); SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); return(s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("DeviceID", deviceid) }).toListDictionary()); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("Message>GetMessageByDeviceID ERROR:" + ex.Message); return(new List <Dictionary <string, string> >()); } }
public string GetUsersInfoByID(string userid) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { if (myHeader.UserID.Equals(userid)) { string strSql = "select UserName,LoginName,FirstName,CellPhone,PrimaryEmail,Address1 [Address] from users where userid=@userid"; SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); dic = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("userid", userid) }).toDictionary(); } return(Utils.ToJson(dic)); } catch (Exception) { return(Utils.ToJson(dic)); } }
public Dictionary <string, string> GetUsersConfig() { Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { string strSql = @"select ISNULL(uc.PushAudio,0) Audio,ISNULL(uc.PushShock,0) Shock,ISNULL(ShockSens,0) ShockSens ,ISNULL(PushPeriod,1) Period from users u left join UsersConfig uc on uc.UserID=u.UserID where u.userid = @userid"; SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > list = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("userid", myHeader.UserID) }).toListDictionary(); dic = list[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("GetUsersConfig Error:" + ex.Message); } return(dic); }
private string GetMessageList(string currentIndex, string pageCount, int deviceid, string type) { var list = new List <Dictionary <string, string> > (); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { type = "2"; } string where = ""; if (type.Equals("0")) //查看未删除的 { where = " and e.Deleted = 0 "; } else if (type.Equals("1")) //查看已删除的 { where = " and e.Deleted = 1 "; } else if (type.Equals("2"))//查看全部报警信息 { } else { return(Utils.ToJson(list)); } string strSql = string.Format(@"select top {0} * from( select row_number() over(order by e.[Created] desc) rowIndex, e.[ExceptionID], case when geo.FenceName is null then e.Message else e.Message+':'+geo.FenceName end Message , dateadd(HH,8, e.[Created])[Created], d.DeviceName, d.SerialNumber, e.ClearDate, e.ClearBy from ExceptionMessage e inner join Devices d on e.DeviceID = d.DeviceID left join GeoFence geo on geo.GeofenceID=e.GeoFenceID where d.deleted =0 and d.DeviceID=@DeviceID " + where + @" ) t where rowIndex > {0} * ({1} - 1) order by Created desc" , pageCount, currentIndex); SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); return(Utils.ToJson(s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("DeviceID", deviceid) }).toListDictionary())); } catch (Exception ex) { // Utils.log("GetMessageList Error:" + ex.Message); return(Utils.ToJson(list)); } }
private string GetHistory(int deviceid, string startdate, string enddate) { var list = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); string speedfilter = "2"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(startdate) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(enddate)) { return(Utils.ToJson(list)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(speedfilter)) { speedfilter = Utils.SpeedFilter.toStringEmpty(); } try { DateTime startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(startdate); DateTime endTime = Convert.ToDateTime(enddate); if (startTime >= endTime) { return(Utils.ToJson(list)); } TimeSpan ts = endTime - startTime; double days = Math.Ceiling(ts.TotalDays); //一次最多只能看5天的数据 if (days > 5) { return(Utils.ToJson(list)); } string DataBaseBefore = "YWData";// ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBaseName"].ToStringEmpty(); StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); string startTimeUtc = startTime.AddHours(-8).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string endTimeUtc = endTime.AddHours(-8).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); strSql.Append(" select DeviceTime, OLat, OLng, Speed, Course from ( "); string where = " where speed > @speedfilter and deviceid=@deviceid and DeviceUTCTime>@startTimeUtc and DeviceUTCTime<@endTimeUtc"; for (int i = 0; i < days; i++) { string DateBase = DataBaseBefore + startTime.ToString("yyyyMM"); int TableName = Convert.ToInt32(startTime.ToString("dd")); strSql.Append("select dateadd(HH,8,DeviceUTCTime)DeviceTime, OLat, OLng, Speed, Course from [" + DateBase + "].[dbo].[Location" + TableName + @"]"); strSql.Append(where); if (i != days - 1) { strSql.Append(" union all "); } startTime = startTime.AddDays(1); } strSql.Append(" )t order by DeviceTime"); SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); string model = s.Select("select di.DataText from Devices d inner join Dictionary di on di.DataValue=d.Model where DeviceID=@DeviceID", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("DeviceID", deviceid) }); if (model.EndsWith("W") || model.EndsWith("WD") || model.EndsWith("WF")) { speedfilter = "-1"; } SqlParameter[] pars = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("speedfilter", speedfilter), new SqlParameter("deviceid", deviceid), new SqlParameter("startTimeUtc", startTimeUtc), new SqlParameter("endTimeUtc", endTimeUtc) }; DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql.ToString(), pars); //List<Dictionary<string, string>> list = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>(); Geocoding geo = new Amap(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { dic[dc.ColumnName] = row[dc.ColumnName].toStringEmpty(); } Gps gps = geo.Translate(dic["OLat"], dic["OLng"], false); var listWhere = list.Where(l => l.ContainsValue(gps.getWgLat().ToString()) && l.ContainsValue(gps.getWgLon().ToString())); if (listWhere.Count() > 0) { continue; } dic["OLat"] = gps.getWgLat().toStringEmpty(); dic["OLng"] = gps.getWgLon().toStringEmpty(); list.Add(dic); } return(Utils.ToJson(list)); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("GetHistoryLocus Error2:" + ex.Message + ",堆栈信息:" + ex.StackTrace + "," + deviceid + "-" + startdate + "-" + enddate); return(Utils.ToJson(list)); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { userid = Request.QueryString["userid"]; total_fee = Request.QueryString["total_fee"]; deviceid = Request.QueryString["deviceid"]; string openid = Request.QueryString["openid"]; type = Request.QueryString["type"]; imei = Request.QueryString["imei"]; string tid = Request.QueryString["tariff_id"]; if (type == "1") { tid = "7"; userid = "7"; total_fee = "1"; } else { type = "2"; } //检测是否给当前页面传递了相关参数string.IsNullOrEmpty(openid) || if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(total_fee) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(openid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { state = "页面传参出错,请返回重试"; //Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "页面传参出错,请返回重试" + "</span>"); Log.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), "This page have not get params, cannot be inited, exit..."); //submit.Visible = false; return; } int tariff_id = int.Parse(tid); SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); // DataTable dt= s.Selects(" select ID, TariffName, Price, OldPrice, BuyCount, Type from TariffPackages where ID=@tariff_id", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("tariff_id", tariff_id) }); string strSql = @"update TariffPackages set BuyCount=BuyCount+cast( ceiling(rand()*100) as int) where ID=@tariff_id; select ID, TariffName, Price, OldPrice, BuyCount, Type, (select case when DeviceName='' then SerialNumber else DeviceName end from Devices where deviceid=@deviceid) DeviceName from TariffPackages where ID=@tariff_id "; DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("tariff_id", tariff_id), new SqlParameter("deviceid", deviceid) }); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { state = "页面传参出错,请返回重试"; return; } //s.ExecuteSql("update TariffPackages set BuyCount=BuyCount+cast( ceiling(rand()*100) as int) where ID=@ID", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("ID", tariff_id) }); total_fee = dt.Rows[0]["Price"].toStringEmpty(); tariff_name = dt.Rows[0]["TariffName"].toStringEmpty(); device_name = dt.Rows[0]["DeviceName"].toStringEmpty(); // s.Select("", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("deviceid", deviceid) }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(device_name)) { return; } tariff_name = "GPS移动流量-" + device_name + " 充值" + tariff_name; //若传递了相关参数,则调统一下单接口,获得后续相关接口的入口参数 JsApiPay jsApiPay = new JsApiPay(this); //JSAPI支付预处理 try { // total_fee = ( type == "1" ? int.Parse(total_fee) :int.Parse( total_fee) )+""; jsApiPay.user_id = int.Parse(userid); jsApiPay.openid = openid; jsApiPay.total_fee = jsApiPay.user_id == 6 || jsApiPay.user_id == 7 ? new Random().Next(1, 10) : Convert.ToInt32(total_fee); jsApiPay.device_id = int.Parse(deviceid); jsApiPay.tariff_id = tariff_id; jsApiPay.product_body = tariff_name; jsApiPay.device_name = device_name; WxPayData unifiedOrderResult = jsApiPay.GetUnifiedOrderResult(); wxJsApiParam = jsApiPay.GetJsApiParameters();//获取H5调起JS API参数 jsApiPay.InsertMgooOrder(); //下单成功后的内部订单号 order_no = jsApiPay.order_no; callback_url = "" + order_no.ToString() + "&deviceid=" + deviceid + "&t=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks; Log.Debug(this.GetType().ToString(), "wxJsApiParam : " + wxJsApiParam); //在页面上显示订单信息 // Response.Write("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:20px' id='payRes'>订单详情:</span><br/>"); // Response.Write("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:20px'>" + unifiedOrderResult.ToPrintStr() + "</span>"); } catch (System.Net.WebException ex) { //state = ex.Message; state = "网络繁忙,请稍后再试!"; } catch (Exception ex) { state = "下单失败,请稍后再试!"; //state = ex.Message; Utils.log("下单失败:userid:" + userid + ",deviceid:" + deviceid + ",total_fee:" + Convert.ToInt32(total_fee) + ",openid:" + openid + ",tariff_id:" + tariff_id + ",tariff_name:" + tariff_name + ",device_name:" + device_name + ",type:" + type); //Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "下单失败,请返回重试" + "</span>"); // submit.Visible = false; } } }
public string Pushed(string UserID, string DeviceName, string Message, string Date, string Lat, string Lng, string Remark, string exceptionid, string DeviceID) { try { int tryIndex = 0; SQLServerOperating s = GetSQLServerOperating(); string strSql = "select ID, UserID,LoginName, OpenID, CreateTime, UpdateTime from WechatUsers where UserID = @UserID and Deleted=0"; DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("UserID", UserID) }); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string _lat = Lat; string _lng = Lng; MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); string access_token = AccessToken(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(access_token)) { return("未获取到access_token."); } int count = 0; string rulst = ""; string key = Utils.GetAmapKey(); string logName = "PushedMessage" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM") + ".log"; if (Lat.toDouble() == -1.0 && Lng.toDouble() == -1.0) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = s.Selects("select OLat,OLng from lklocation where deviceid=@DeviceID", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("DeviceID", DeviceID) }).toDictionary(); Lat = dic["OLat"]; Lng = dic["OLng"]; } Gps g = Utils.gps84_To_Gcj02(Lat, Lng, key); mwc.RequestUrl = "" + access_token; string time = Date.toDateTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); //List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>(); // TaskFactory taskFactory = new TaskFactory(); // List<string> openids = new List<string>(); foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { DataRow row = item; //Task task = taskFactory.StartNew(() => // { string openid = row["OpenID"].toStringEmpty(); string pushContent = GetAlarmPushText(openid, DeviceName, Message, time, g.Address, Remark, exceptionid); mwc.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pushContent); rulst = mwc.RequestSend(); Dictionary <string, string> res = Utils.ToDictionary(rulst); Utils.log(string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", UserID, row["LoginName"], DeviceName, openid, time, Message), logName); if (res["errcode"].Equals("0") && res["errmsg"].Equals("ok")) { count++; continue; //return Utils.GetResult("发送成功.", statusCode.Code.success); } else if (res["errcode"] == "40001") //获取access_token时AppSecret错误,或者access_token无效。请开发者认真比对AppSecret的正确性,或查看是否正在为恰当的公众号调用接口 { if (tryIndex < 1) { Utils.SetCache("access_token", ""); AccessToken(); tryIndex++; return(Pushed(UserID, DeviceName, Message, time, _lat, _lng, Remark, exceptionid, DeviceID)); } } else if (res["errcode"] == "43004") //接收者没有关注公众号 { string sql = "delete from wechatusers where OpenID=@OpenID"; s.ExecuteSql(sql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("OpenID", openid) }); } Utils.log(string.Format("----发送失败 :{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", UserID, row["LoginName"], DeviceName, openid, time, Message), logName); Utils.log("----rulst :" + rulst, logName); // openids.Add(openid); // return Utils.GetResult("发送失败.", statusCode.Code.failure); // }); // taskList.Add(task); } //Task.WaitAll(taskList.ToArray()); if (count > 0) { return(Utils.GetResult("发送成功.", statusCode.Code.success)); } else { return(Utils.GetResult("发送失败.", statusCode.Code.failure, rulst)); } } return(Utils.GetResult("该用户未绑定微信.", statusCode.Code.failure)); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("Pushed ERROR:" + ex.Message + ",堆栈:" + ex.StackTrace); throw ex; } }
public void SendMail(string OrderNo, string mailTitle = null) { System.Net.Mail.MailMessage msg = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(); msg.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); // 张飞鸿 msg.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); //罗坤 msg.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); //谢春丽 // msg.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); //阿成 try { SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); string strSql = @"select u.UserName, d.DeviceID,d.DeviceName,d.SerialNumber,o.OrderNo,o.ProductBody,o.PayDate,o.TradeType,d.PhoneNum ,d.HireExpireDate,cast(CONVERT(int, o.TotalFee)/100.0 as numeric(6,2)) TotalFee ,tp.TariffName from orders o inner join Devices d on d.DeviceID=o.DeviceID inner join Users u on u.UserID=o.UserID inner join TariffPackages tp on tp.ID=o.TariffID where o.Status = @Status and o.OrderNo = @OrderNo"; DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("OrderNo", OrderNo), new SqlParameter("Status", OrderStatus.已付款) }); DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; msg.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "美谷充值", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); /* 上面3个参数分别是发件人地址(可以随便写),发件人姓名,编码*/ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailTitle)) { mailTitle = "设备充值成功"; } msg.Subject = mailTitle; // "设备充值成功";//邮件标题 msg.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //邮件标题编码 StringBuilder sbBody = new StringBuilder(); sbBody.Append("用户名称:" + row["UserName"] + " <br />"); sbBody.Append("充值设备IMEI:" + row["SerialNumber"] + " <br />"); sbBody.Append("充值设备名称:" + row["DeviceName"] + " <br />"); sbBody.Append("订单号:" + row["OrderNo"] + " <br />"); sbBody.Append("充值套餐:" + row["TariffName"] + " <br />"); sbBody.Append("充值金额:" + row["TotalFee"] + " <br />"); sbBody.Append("下次到期时间:" + row["HireExpireDate"] + " <br />"); sbBody.Append("交易时间:" + row["PayDate"] + " <br />"); sbBody.Append("流量卡号:" + row["PhoneNum"] + " <br />"); sbBody.Append("请尽快给该设备充值流量!"); msg.Body = sbBody.ToString(); //邮件内容 msg.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //邮件内容编码 msg.Priority = MailPriority.High; //邮件优先级 msg.IsBodyHtml = true; //是否是HTML邮件 SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "mgoo123"); //登录密码 86768770 client.Host = ""; client.Port = 25; //启用ssl,也就是安全发送 client.EnableSsl = true; object userState = msg; try { //client.SendAsync(msg, userState); client.Send(msg); //简单一点儿可以client.Send(msg); Utils.log("邮件发送成功:订单号:" + OrderNo); } catch (System.Net.Mail.SmtpException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Utils.log("SendMailUseZj1 Error:" + ex.Message + ",body:" + sbBody.ToString() + ",副标题:" + msg.Subject); throw ex; } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("SendMailUseZj2 Error:" + ex.Message + ",发送邮件失败。。。 订单号:" + OrderNo, "PaySuccessEmailFailure.log"); } }
public LoginUserInfo SystemLogin_Bll(string loginName, string passWord, string identifies, string loginType) { try { string strSql = "select UserName,UserID,LoginName,UserType,SuperAdmin,PassWord from users where Deleted=0 and LoginName=@LoginName"; SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter [] { new SqlParameter("LoginName", loginName) }; SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql, parameter); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return(null); } else { DataRow loginUserDic = dt.Rows[0]; // 加密 //string EncryptPWD = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(loginUserDic["PassWord"].toStringEmpty(), "MD5"); string EncryptPWD = Utils.GetMD5(loginUserDic["PassWord"].toStringEmpty()); // = BitConverter.ToString(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes())).Replace("-", "").ToUpper(); if (EncryptPWD.Equals(passWord.ToLower())) { LoginUserInfo _loginUserInfo = new LoginUserInfo(); _loginUserInfo.UserID = loginUserDic["UserID"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.UserName = loginUserDic["UserName"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.LoginName = loginUserDic["LoginName"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.UserType = loginUserDic["UserType"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.SuperAdmin = loginUserDic["SuperAdmin"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.LoginTime = DateTime.Now; _loginUserInfo.LoginType = LoginType.User; _loginUserInfo.ToKen = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "").ToLower(); _loginUserInfo.Identifies = identifies; if (identifies.Split('@').Length == 2) { string mt = identifies.Split('@')[1]; if (mt.ToUpper() == "BAIDU") { _loginUserInfo.MapType = MapType.BAIDU; } else { _loginUserInfo.MapType = MapType.AMAP; } } else { _loginUserInfo.MapType = MapType.AMAP; } //string ip = Utils.GetIP(); //HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("ip_"+_loginUserInfo.ToKen, ip, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20), TimeSpan.Zero); //SessionOper.SetSession(_loginUserInfo, SessionOper.SessionName); return(_loginUserInfo); } return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("登录出错:" + loginName + "," + passWord + " --异常信息:" + ex.Message + ",堆栈信息:" + ex.StackTrace); return(null); } }