Exemple #1
        private async void queryInternal(string q, Tuple <string, dynamic>[] parameters, Guid g)
            command = new MySqlCommand(q, conn);

            if (parameters != null && parameters.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue(parameters[i].Item1, parameters[i].Item2);

            DbDataReader reader = null;

            try {
                reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                OnError?.Invoke(this, new SQLEventArgs(q, parameters, new SQLError()
                    ex = ex
                }, new SQLData(), g));

            SQLData d = new SQLData();

            d.recordsAffected = reader.RecordsAffected;

            DataColumnCollection columns  = reader.GetSchemaTable().Columns;
            List <string>        tColumns = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
            d.columns = tColumns.ToArray();

            List <object[]> tData = new List <object[]>();

            while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                object[] tVals = new object[tColumns.Count];

            d.data = new object[tData.Count, tColumns.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < tData.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < tColumns.Count; j++)
                    d.data[i, j] = tData[i][j];

            OnData?.Invoke(this, new SQLEventArgs(q, parameters, new SQLError(), d, g));
            new Thread(delegate() {
Exemple #2
        //Gets data from the database table. **Table must have a primary key to work**
        private void getData(String selectQuery)
                SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(conString);
                SqlCommand sqlCom = new SqlCommand(selectQuery, sqlCon);
                sqlCom.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                dataAdapter        = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCom);
                //Creating a command builder
                SqlCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter);

                //Creating a new data table
                dataTable = new DataTable();
                //Filling the table from Database
                //Binding dataTable to bindingSource1
                bindingSource1.DataSource = dataTable;
                SQLData.DataSource        = dataTable;

                //Resizes the table.
            catch (Exception e)
        public SQLData Execute(string query)
            SQLData dt = new SQLData();
            if (connection != null)
                using (SQLiteCommand mycommand = new SQLiteCommand(connection))
                    mycommand.CommandText = query;
                    using (SQLiteDataReader reader = mycommand.ExecuteReader())
                        if (reader.FieldCount > 0)

                        while (reader.Read())
                            List<string> fields = new List<string>();
                            var values = reader.GetValues();
                            for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                            dt.Rows.Add(new SQLDataRow() { fields = fields });
            return dt;
Exemple #4
        public DataTable GetList()
            string cachyname = "UserMedal";

            if (HttpRuntime.Cache[cachyname] == null)
                DataTable tables = new DataTable();
                using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                    builder.Append(@"SELECT *
                          FROM [USR_Medal] where dr=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal);
                        tables = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                        HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cachyname, tables, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(10), TimeSpan.Zero,
                                                 System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.High, null);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        throw exception;
            return((HttpRuntime.Cache[cachyname] as DataTable).Copy());
Exemple #5
        public Dictionary <int, SYS_ArticleContentMod> GetContentByArticle(int ArticleSysno)
            Dictionary <int, SYS_ArticleContentMod> ret = new Dictionary <int, SYS_ArticleContentMod>();
            DataTable m_dt   = new DataTable();
            string    strsql = "select * from SYS_ArticleContent where ArticleSysNo=" + ArticleSysno + " and DR=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " order by Page asc";

            using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData())
                    m_dt = m_data.CmdtoDataTable(strsql);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    throw exception;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                SYS_ArticleContentMod m_tmp = new SYS_ArticleContentMod();
                m_tmp.ArticleSysNo = int.Parse(m_dt.Rows[i]["ArticleSysNo"].ToString());
                m_tmp.Context      = m_dt.Rows[i]["Context"].ToString();
                m_tmp.DR           = int.Parse(m_dt.Rows[i]["DR"].ToString());
                m_tmp.Page         = int.Parse(m_dt.Rows[i]["Page"].ToString());
                m_tmp.SysNo        = int.Parse(m_dt.Rows[i]["SysNo"].ToString());
                m_tmp.TS           = DateTime.Parse(m_dt.Rows[i]["TS"].ToString());

                ret.Add(int.Parse(m_dt.Rows[i]["Page"].ToString()), m_tmp);
Exemple #6
        public DataTable GetListByQuest(int SysNo)
            DataTable tables = new DataTable();

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append(@"SELECT [QA_Order].[SysNo]
  FROM [QA_Order] left join USR_Customer on CustomerSysNo=USR_Customer.SysNo where QuestionSysNo=").Append(SysNo);

                    tables = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                catch (Exception exception)
                    throw exception;
Exemple #7
        public void PrepYears()
            var yearList = SQLData.GetCars()
                           .Select(c => c.Year)
                           .OrderBy(y => y)
                           .Select(y => new SelectListItem {
                Value = y.ToString(), Text = y.ToString()
            }).ToList <SelectListItem>();

            yearList.Add(new SelectListItem {
                Value = "0", Text = "Any Year"
            SelectYears = (IEnumerable <SelectListItem>)yearList.OrderBy(i => i.Value);
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Year))
                Year = "0";
                if (!(yearList.Select(yl => yl.Value).Contains(Year))) //Year must be in the list
                    Year = "0";
Exemple #8
 private void Btn_UserCZ_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (this.Txt_CZID.Text == "")
         CommFunc.PublicMessageAll("输入会员账号不能为空!", true, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, "");
     else if (this.Txt_CZPW.Text == "")
         CommFunc.PublicMessageAll("输入充值密码不能为空!", true, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, "");
         string text      = this.Txt_CZID.Text;
         string password  = this.Txt_CZPW.Text;
         string pUsedTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
         string localIP   = CommFunc.GetLocalIP();
         string xHintStr  = SQLData.CZUser(text, password, AppInfo.Account.AppName, pUsedTime, localIP);
         if (!xHintStr.Contains("【错误】-"))
             CommFunc.PublicMessageAll(xHintStr, false, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, "");
             CommFunc.PublicMessageAll(xHintStr.Replace("【错误】-", ""), true, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, "");
Exemple #9
 public void loadTable()
     if (Session["user"] != null)
         if (LocalVars.ADMINS.Contains(Session["user"].ToString()))
             SQLData data = (SQLData) new SQLConnection().getDataTable("select * from [Users]").end()[0];
             msgAdmin = "User table: <br/>" +
                        data.printDataTable(new SQLData.Filter[] {
                 new SQLData.Filter(SQLData.Filter.FilterType.ADD_CLASSES, "admin"),
                 new SQLData.Filter(SQLData.Filter.FilterType.COLOR, LocalVars.ADMINS, "blue"),
                 new SQLData.Filter(SQLData.Filter.FilterType.CHECKBOX, "to-delete", LocalVars.ADMINS),
                 new SQLData.Filter(SQLData.Filter.FilterType.ADD_BUTTON, "delete")
                        //+ "<br/>" + "<form method=\"post\"> <input type='text' name='to-delete' id='to - delete' style='margin-bottom:5px;'>" +
                        //"<input type='submit' value='Delete User' name='delete-user' id='delete-user' style='padding:5px;'> </form>"
             //ids = data.getIDs();
             msgAdmin = "<font color='red'>You need to be an admin to view this page!</font>";
         msgAdmin = "<font color='red'>You need to be signed in to view this page!</font>";
Exemple #10
        public SYS_AdminMod CheckAdmin(string username, string password)
            SYS_AdminMod model = new SYS_AdminMod();

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append("select SysNo from SYS_Admin where Username='******' and Password='******' and DR=").Append(0);
                    model.CustomerSysNo = int.Parse(data.CmdtoDataRow(builder.ToString())["SysNo"].ToString());
                catch (Exception exception)
                    //throw exception;
            if (model.CustomerSysNo != -999999)
                model           = this.GetModel(model.CustomerSysNo);
                model.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;
Exemple #11
        public void DeleteServiceShouldThrow()
            int id = 99999;
            var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <Exception>(() => SQLData.DeleteService(id));

            Assert.IsNotType <NullReferenceException>(ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// 前台发问题
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        public void AddQuest(ref QA_QuestionMod model, bool isquest)
            TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions();

            options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
            options.Timeout        = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout;

            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options))
                using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData())
                    model.SysNo = m_data.GetSequence("QA_Question_Seq");
                AppMod.User.USR_RecordMod m_record = new AppMod.User.USR_RecordMod();
                m_record.CustomerSysNo = model.CustomerSysNo;
                m_record.TargetSysNo   = model.SysNo;
                m_record.TS            = DateTime.Now;
                m_record.Type          = (int)AppEnum.ActionType.AddQuest;
                if (isquest)
                    User.USR_CustomerBll.GetInstance().AddPoint(0 - model.Award, model.CustomerSysNo);
                    User.USR_CustomerBll.GetInstance().AddCount(model.CustomerSysNo, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                    User.USR_CustomerBll.GetInstance().AddPoint(AppConst.TalkPoint, model.CustomerSysNo);
                    User.USR_CustomerBll.GetInstance().AddCount(model.CustomerSysNo, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                User.USR_CustomerBll.GetInstance().AddExp(AppConst.TalkExp, model.CustomerSysNo);
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取目录中贴数,返回四个表,分别为总主题数,总回帖评论数,24小时内新主题数,24小时内新回帖评论数
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataSet GetCatesPostNum()
            string cachyname = "QACatePostNum";

            if (HttpRuntime.Cache[cachyname] == null)
                DataSet tables = new DataSet();
                using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

SELECT COUNT(*) as questnum
      ,[CateSysNo],(case EndTime when null then '0' else '1' end) as IsSolved
  FROM [QA_Question] where dr=0 group by [CateSysNo],(case EndTime when null then '0' else '1' end);

select * from 
(SELECT COUNT(*) as AnswerNum
  FROM QA_Answer left join [QA_Question] on QA_Answer.QuestionSysNo = QA_Question.SysNo  where QA_Answer.dr=0 group by [CateSysNo]
  ) as PP,

(SELECT COUNT(*) as CommentNum
  FROM QA_Comment left join [QA_Question] on QA_Comment.QuestionSysNo = QA_Question.SysNo where QA_Comment.dr=0 group by [CateSysNo]
) as KK where PP.CateSysNo = KK.CateSysNo;

                    SELECT COUNT(*) as questnum
  FROM [QA_Question] where datediff(day,TS,getdate())<1 and dr=0 group by [CateSysNo];

select * from 
(SELECT COUNT(*) as AnswerNum
  FROM QA_Answer left join [QA_Question] on QA_Answer.QuestionSysNo = QA_Question.SysNo where datediff(day,QA_Answer.TS,getdate())<1 and QA_Answer.dr=0 group by [CateSysNo]
  ) as PP,

(SELECT COUNT(*) as CommentNum
  FROM QA_Comment left join [QA_Question] on QA_Comment.QuestionSysNo = QA_Question.SysNo where datediff(day,QA_Comment.TS,getdate())<1 and QA_Comment.dr=0 group by [CateSysNo]
) as KK where PP.CateSysNo = KK.CateSysNo");

                        tables = data.CmdtoDataSet(builder.ToString());
                        HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cachyname, tables, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), TimeSpan.Zero,
                                                 System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.High, null);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        throw exception;
            return((HttpRuntime.Cache[cachyname] as DataSet).Copy());
        public DataTable GetIndexCateArticle(int count, int cate)
            string cachyname = "IndexArticle";

            if (HttpRuntime.Cache[cachyname + cate.ToString() + "-" + count.ToString()] == null)
                DataTable tables = new DataTable();
                using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                    builder.Append(@"SELECT top " + count + @" [SysNo]
                                  FROM CMS_ArticleView where CateSysNo in (select SysNo from CMS_Category where SysNo=").Append(cate).Append(" or TopSysNo=").Append(cate).Append(" and dr=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal).Append(") and dr=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal);
                    builder.Append(" order by [OrderID] desc, [TS] desc;");
                        tables = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                        HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cachyname + cate.ToString() + "-" + count.ToString(), tables, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2), TimeSpan.Zero,
                                                 System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.High, null);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        throw exception;
            return((HttpRuntime.Cache[cachyname + cate.ToString() + "-" + count.ToString()] as DataTable).Copy());
        public DataTable GetAllCates()
            DataTable tables = new DataTable();

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append(@"SELECT [SysNo]
                          FROM [QA_Category] where dr=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal);

                    tables = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                catch (Exception exception)
                    throw exception;
        public DataTable GetList(int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total)
            DataTable m_dt    = new DataTable();
            string    columns = "*";
            string    tables  = "USR_Notice";

            string where = "1=1";
            string order = "SysNo desc";

            using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData())
                m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns);
                m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables);
                m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where);
                m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order);
                m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex);
                m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize);
                DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage");
                if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2)
                    m_dt  = m_ds.Tables[0];
                    total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString());
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 仅用于用户登录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public USR_CustomerMod CheckUser(string username, string password)
            USR_CustomerMod model = new USR_CustomerMod();

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                if (Util.IsEmailAddress(username))
                    builder.Append("select SysNo from USR_Customer where Email='").Append(SQLData.SQLFilter(username)).Append("' and Password='******' and Status=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal);
                    builder.Append("select SysNo from USR_Customer where Phone='").Append(SQLData.SQLFilter(username)).Append("' and Password='******' and Status=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal);
                    model.SysNo = int.Parse(data.CmdtoDataRow(builder.ToString())["SysNo"].ToString());
                catch (Exception exception)
                    //throw exception;
            if (model.SysNo != AppConst.IntNull)
                model = this.GetModel(model.SysNo);
                model.LastLoginTime = DateTime.Now;
Exemple #18
        public DataTable GetTopicByReciever(int UserSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total)
            DataTable m_dt    = new DataTable();
            string    columns = "";
            string    tables  = "";

            string where = "";
            string order = "SysNo desc";

            #region  设置参数
            columns = @"USR_SMS.SysNo, FromSysNo, Title, Context, IsRead, USR_SMS.DR, USR_SMS.TS, NickName, Photo,ReplyCount";
            tables  = "USR_SMS left join USR_Customer on FromSysNo= customer.sysNo";
            where   = "ToSysNo=" + UserSysno + " and Parent=0 and dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and IsToDeleted=" + (int)AppEnum.BOOL.False;

            using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData())
                m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns);
                m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables);
                m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where);
                m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order);
                m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex);
                m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize);
                DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage");
                if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2)
                    m_dt  = m_ds.Tables[0];
                    total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString());
Exemple #19
        public async Task <IActionResult> SaveProfile(UserProfileViewModel model)
            UserProfileModel m = model.GetProfileModel();

            const double maxSize = 368640; // 350x350 24 bit bmp file size

            if (model.Files != null && model.Files.Length > 0)
                byte[] imageBytes = null;

                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                    imageBytes = stream.ToArray();

                if (ImageHelper.isKnownFormat(imageBytes) &&
                    (ImageHelper.IsImageFit(imageBytes, 350)))
                    m.Image = imageBytes;


Exemple #20
        public int AddExp(int exp, int sysno)
            int ret = 0;

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append("update USR_Customer set Exp = Exp+(").Append(exp).Append(") where SysNo=").Append(sysno)
                .Append(";select Exp from USR_Customer where SysNo=").Append(sysno)
                .Append(";select * from USR_Grade where SysNo in (select GradeSysNo from USR_Customer where SysNo=").Append(sysno).Append(")");
                    DataSet m_ds = data.CmdtoDataSet(builder.ToString());
                    ret = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Exp"].ToString());
                    DataTable m_grade = USR_GradeBll.GetInstance().GetList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_grade.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if (int.Parse(m_grade.Rows[i]["LevelNum"].ToString()) == int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["LevelNum"].ToString()) + 1)
                            if (ret >= int.Parse(m_grade.Rows[i]["Exp"].ToString()))
                                data.CmdtoNone("update USR_Customer set GradeSysNo=" + m_grade.Rows[i]["SysNo"].ToString() + " where sysno=" + sysno);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    //throw exception;
        public DataTable GetCatesForAdmin(int parent)
            DataTable tables = new DataTable();

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append(@"SELECT [SysNo]
                          FROM [CMS_Category] where ")
                .Append(" [ParentSysNo] = ").Append(parent).Append(" order by [Name];");
                    tables = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                catch (Exception exception)
                    throw exception;

Exemple #22
        public DataSet GetSameFamous(AstroMod m_astro)
            DataSet m_ds = new DataSet();

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                string sql = "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where degree=" + m_astro.Stars[0].Degree + " and Constellation=" + (int)m_astro.Stars[0].Constellation + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Sun + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where degree=" + m_astro.Stars[1].Degree + " and Constellation=" + (int)m_astro.Stars[1].Constellation + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Moo + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where degree=" + m_astro.Stars[2].Degree + " and Constellation=" + (int)m_astro.Stars[2].Constellation + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Mer + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where degree=" + m_astro.Stars[3].Degree + " and Constellation=" + (int)m_astro.Stars[3].Constellation + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Ven + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where degree=" + m_astro.Stars[4].Degree + " and Constellation=" + (int)m_astro.Stars[4].Constellation + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Mar + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where gong=" + m_astro.Stars[0].Gong + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Sun + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where gong=" + m_astro.Stars[1].Gong + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Moo + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where gong=" + m_astro.Stars[2].Gong + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Mer + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where gong=" + m_astro.Stars[3].Gong + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Ven + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where gong=" + m_astro.Stars[4].Gong + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Mar + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where gong=" + m_astro.Stars[5].Gong + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Jup + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where gong=" + m_astro.Stars[6].Gong + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Sat + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where gong=" + m_astro.Stars[7].Gong + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Ura + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where gong=" + m_astro.Stars[8].Gong + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Nep + " and IsTop=1;" +
                             "select top 3 Sys_Famous.name,Sys_Famous.sysno from Sys_Famous_AstroStar left join Sys_Famous on Sys_Famous.sysno = famoussysno where gong=" + m_astro.Stars[9].Gong + " and star=" + (int)PublicValue.AstroStar.Plu + " and IsTop=1;";
                    m_ds = data.CmdtoDataSet(sql);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    //throw exception;
        public DataTable GetCates(int parent)
            string cachyname = "CMSCate";

            if (HttpRuntime.Cache[cachyname + parent] == null)
                DataTable tables = new DataTable();
                using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                    builder.Append(@"SELECT [SysNo]
                          FROM [CMS_Category] where dr=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal)
                    .Append(" and IsHide=").Append((int)AppEnum.BOOL.False)
                    .Append(" and [ParentSysNo] = ").Append(parent).Append(" order by [Name];");
                        tables = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                        HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cachyname + parent, tables, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2), TimeSpan.Zero,
                                                 System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.High, null);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        throw exception;
            return((HttpRuntime.Cache[cachyname + parent] as DataTable).Copy());
        public void RemoveAttention(int UserSysNo, int TagetSysNo)
            TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions();

            options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
            options.Timeout        = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout;

            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options))
                using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                    builder.Append("update BLG_Attention set DR=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.deleted).Append(" where CustomerSysNo=").Append(UserSysNo).Append(" and TargetSysNo=").Append(TagetSysNo).Append(" and DR=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        //throw exception;
        public DataTable GetSubLevel(int upSysNo)
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append(@"select [SysNo]
                 from [SYS_District] where upsysno=").Append(upSysNo).Append(" and dr=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal)
                .Append(" order by [Name]");
                    table = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                catch (Exception exception)
                    throw exception;
Exemple #26
        public Dictionary <int, SYS_PrivilegeMod> GetAdminPrivilege(int AdminSysNo)
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            Dictionary <int, SYS_PrivilegeMod> dictionary = new Dictionary <int, SYS_PrivilegeMod>();

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append("select SysNo,[Name],url from SYS_Privilege where SysNo in (select Privilege_SysNo from REL_Admin_Privilege where Admin_SysNo=").Append(AdminSysNo).Append(") and DR=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal);
                    table = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                catch (Exception exception)
                    throw exception;
            if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                    SYS_PrivilegeMod mod = new SYS_PrivilegeMod();
                    mod.Name  = table.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString();
                    mod.SysNo = int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["SysNo"].ToString());
                    mod.URL   = table.Rows[i]["url"].ToString();
                    dictionary.Add(int.Parse(table.Rows[i]["SysNo"].ToString()), mod);
        public SYS_DistrictMod GetNearestByPoi(string lng, string lat)
            DataTable       table  = new DataTable();
            SYS_DistrictMod m_dist = new SYS_DistrictMod();

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append(@"select top 1 sysno 
                 from [Sys_District] where level=3 and englishname is null and ABS([longitude]-").Append(SQLData.SQLFilter(lng)).Append(")<3 and ABS([Latitude]-").Append(SQLData.SQLFilter(lat)).Append(")<3 order by SQUARE([longitude]-").Append(SQLData.SQLFilter(lng)).Append(")+ SQUARE([Latitude]-").Append(SQLData.SQLFilter(lat)).Append(")");

                table = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                //catch (Exception exception)
                //    throw exception;
                if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    m_dist      = GetModel(int.Parse(table.Rows[0]["sysno"].ToString()));
                    table       = data.CmdtoDataTable("select * from [District3Level] where SysNo3=" + m_dist.SysNo);
                    m_dist.Name = (table.Rows[0]["Name1"].ToString() + "-" + table.Rows[0]["Name2"].ToString() + "-" + table.Rows[0]["Name3"].ToString()).Replace("市辖区-", "");
        public IActionResult ShowDocs(HeaderListFilters filters = null)
            if (_user.IsAuthenticated)
                ViewBag.User = _user.User; ViewBag.Roles = _user.Roles;

            ViewData["Title"] = "Documents";

            IEnumerable <HeaderModel> hdrList = null;

            if (_user.HasRole("Admin"))
                hdrList = SQLData.GetHeadersWithImages();
                hdrList = SQLData.GetHeadersWithImagesByIssuer(_user.User);

            if (filters != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filters.Id))
                    hdrList = hdrList.Where(e => String.Compare(e.HeaderId, filters.Id) == 0);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filters.ValidatorId))
                    hdrList = hdrList.Where(e => String.Compare(e.ValidatorUuid, filters.ValidatorId) == 0);

            return(View(new HeaderListViewModel(hdrList, _configuration)));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UseType">全部则为0</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetFirstLevel(int UseType)
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append(@"select [SysNo]
                 from [SYS_District] where [Level]=1 and dr=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal);
                if (UseType != 0 && UseType != AppConst.IntNull)
                    builder.Append(" and usetype=").Append(UseType);
                builder.Append(" order by [Name] desc");

                    table = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                catch (Exception exception)
                    throw exception;
Exemple #30
 private void Btn_Ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (this.Txt_LoginID.Text == "")
         CommFunc.PublicMessageAll("输入会员账号不能为空!", true, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, "");
     else if (this.Txt_LoginPW.Text == "")
         CommFunc.PublicMessageAll("输入会员密码不能为空!", true, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, "");
         string pHint = "";
         if (SQLData.UserLogin(this.Txt_LoginID.Text, this.Txt_LoginPW.Text, this.MachineCode, this.AccountData, ref pHint))
             base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
             CommFunc.PublicMessageAll(pHint, true, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, "");
        public DataTable GetStarsList(int customersysno, int count)
            string cachyname = "QAStarsQuest";

            if (HttpRuntime.Cache[cachyname + customersysno.ToString() + "-" + count.ToString()] == null)
                DataTable tables = new DataTable();
                using (SQLData data = new SQLData())
                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                    builder.Append(@"SELECT top " + count + @" Title
                                        , Award
                                        , EndTime
                                        , ReplyCount
                                        , Context
                                  FROM [QA_Question] where sysno in (select QuestionSysNo from QA_Answer where CustomerSysNo and Award>0 amd dr=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal).Append(") as T and IsSecret=0 and dr=").Append((int)AppEnum.State.normal);
                    builder.Append(" order by [OrderID] desc;");
                        tables = data.CmdtoDataTable(builder.ToString());
                        HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cachyname + customersysno.ToString() + "-" + count.ToString(), tables, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2), TimeSpan.Zero,
                                                 System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.High, null);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        throw exception;
            return((HttpRuntime.Cache[cachyname + customersysno.ToString() + "-" + count.ToString()] as DataTable).Copy());
 public SQLData Execute(string query)
     SQLiteResultSet result = sqlClient.Execute(query);
     SQLData dt = new SQLData(result.ColumnNames);
     foreach (SQLiteResultSet.Row row in result.Rows)
         dt.Rows.Add(new SQLDataRow() { fields = row.fields });
     return dt;
	public MainWindow (): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
//		System.Data.Bindings.DebugInformation.Debug.Active = true;
//		System.Data.Bindings.DebugInformation.Debug.DevelopmentInfo = true;
		Build ();
		sql = new SQLData();
		datatreeview1.ItemsDataSource = sql.DemoTable;
        //Validate user
        public Boolean ValidateUser(string userName, string password)
            DataTable dt=new SQLData().GetData("SELECT ID FROM tbUsers WHERE Username='******' AND Password='******'");
            if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
                HttpContext.Current.Session["LoginUserId"] = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                return true;
                return false;

        void upgradeEmulators(SQLData emulatorData)
            emuLookup[-1] = createPC();

            int currentEmulator = 2;
            int totalEmulators = emulatorData.Rows.Count + 1;
            foreach (SQLDataRow sqlRow in emulatorData.Rows)
                setProgress("{0}/{1} - Parsing Emulators", currentEmulator, totalEmulators);

                Emulator emu = new Emulator();
                emu.Id = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[0]);
                emu.Title = decode(sqlRow.fields[1]);
                emu.PathToRoms = decode(sqlRow.fields[2]);
                emu.Filter = decode(sqlRow.fields[3]);
                emu.Position = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[4]);
                emu.View = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[5]);
                emu.Platform = decode(sqlRow.fields[6]);
                emu.Developer = decode(sqlRow.fields[7]);
                emu.Year = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[8]);
                emu.Description = decode(sqlRow.fields[9]);
                emu.Grade = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[10]);
                emu.VideoPreview = decode(sqlRow.fields[11]);
                int lAspect = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[12]);
                if (lAspect != 0)
                    emu.CaseAspect = lAspect / 100.00;

                foreach (EmulatorProfile profile in emu.EmulatorProfiles)
                    if (profile.IsDefault)
                        emu.DefaultProfile = profile;

                emuLookup[(int)emu.Id] = emu;
        List<Game> upgradeGames(SQLData gameData)
            int currentGame = 1;
            int totalGames = gameData.Rows.Count;
            List<Game> games = new List<Game>();
            foreach (SQLDataRow sqlRow in gameData.Rows)
                setProgress("{0}/{1} - Parsing Games", currentGame, totalGames);

                Emulator parent;
                if (!emuLookup.TryGetValue(int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[2], culture), out parent))

                Game game = new Game();
                game.ParentEmulator = parent;
                game.Id = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[0]);
                game.Title = decode(sqlRow.fields[3]);
                game.Grade = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[4]);
                game.PlayCount = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[5]);
                game.Year = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[6]);
                game.Latestplay = DateTime.Parse(sqlRow.fields[7], culture);
                game.Description = decode(sqlRow.fields[8]);
                game.Genre = decode(sqlRow.fields[9]);
                game.Developer = decode(sqlRow.fields[10]);
                game.Favourite = bool.Parse(sqlRow.fields[12]);
                game.InfoChecked = bool.Parse(sqlRow.fields[15]);
                game.VideoPreview = decode(sqlRow.fields[17]);

                if (parent.IsPc())
                    if (game.GameProfiles.Count < 1)
                        EmulatorProfile profile = new EmulatorProfile(true);
                        profile.Arguments = decode(sqlRow.fields[19]);
                        profile.SuspendMP = true;

                int selectedProfileId = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[14]);
                foreach (EmulatorProfile profile in game.EmulatorProfiles)
                    if (profile.Id == selectedProfileId)
                        game.CurrentProfile = profile;

                if (game.Discs.Count < 1)
                    GameDisc disc = new GameDisc();
                    disc.Number = 1;
                    disc.Path = decode(sqlRow.fields[1]);
                    disc.LaunchFile = decode(sqlRow.fields[13]);
                    game.CurrentDisc = disc;
                    int discNum = int.Parse(sqlRow.fields[18]);
                    foreach (GameDisc disc in game.Discs)
                        if (discNum == disc.Number)
                            game.CurrentDisc = disc;
            return games;
Exemple #37
 private bool ReadSQLRow(string queryString, SqlConnection connection, out SQLData dsdReturnData, string trace = "")
     dsdReturnData = new SQLData();
     Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
     TimeMeasure(sw ,ref sqlreadtime);
         //using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))  //{
         SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
         using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
             dsdReturnData = new SQLData(reader.FieldCount);
             for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                 dsdReturnData.strData[i] = Convert.ToString(reader[i]);//reader.GetString(i);
                 dsdReturnData.strDescription[i] = reader.GetName(i);
             return true;
         }  //}
     catch (SqlException err)
         dsdReturnData.strError = err.Message;
         dsdReturnData.strTrace = trace;
         dsdReturnData.ErrorCode = 1;
         return false;
     catch (Exception err)
         dsdReturnData.strError = err.Message;
         dsdReturnData.strTrace = trace;
         dsdReturnData.ErrorCode = 2;
         return false;
         TimeMeasure(sw,ref sqlreadtime);
         sqlreadtime.strRemark1 = queryString;
         if (dsdReturnData.ErrorCode != 0)
             sqlreadtime.strRemark2 = dsdReturnData.strError;