public IEnumerable <DyncForm> GetDyncFormByName(string name) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = $"where name = '{name}' and IsDelete=0"; return(_dyncForm.Query(condition)); }
public IEnumerable <DyncForm> GetDyncForm() { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = "where IsDelete=0 order by Updatetime desc"; return(_dyncForm.Query(condition: condition)); }
QueryBuilder IRepositoryDependent <CuentaMayor> .GetDependentByMasterSelectSQL(int dependentIdCodigo, IEnumerable <int> ids) { Type t = GetObjModelType(); QueryBuilder qBuilder = new QueryBuilder(); //var ownerConditions = GetCurrentOwnersCondition(tableAlias: "cuenta"); var joinCondition = new SQLCondition("Id", "cuenta", "IdCuenta", "apu"); var owners = new string[2] { "IdOwnerComunidad", "IdOwnerEjercicio" }; IEnumerable <string> inParams = ids .Select(x => x.ToString().PutAhead("inP")); qBuilder //SELECT apu.Apunte FROM apunte apu WHERE apu.Id IN(ids); .Select(t, "apu") .SelectColumns(owners, "cuenta") .From(t, "apu") //.Join("INNER", typeof(CuentaMayor), "cuenta") //.On(joinCondition) //.AddWhere(ownerConditions) .Where(new SQLCondition("Id", "apu", inParams)) // "@codCuenta", "")) .SemiColon(); //qBuilder.StoreParameter("codCuenta", dependentIdCodigo); //qBuilder.StoreParameter("idCdad", base.CurrentCdadOwner); //qBuilder.StoreParameter("idEjer", base.CurrentEjerOwner); qBuilder.StoreParameters((IEnumerable <object>)ids, "inP"); return(qBuilder); }
QueryBuilder IRepositoryDependent <CuentaMayor> .GetAllDependentByMasterSelectSQL(int dependentIdCodigo) { Type t = GetObjModelType(); QueryBuilder qBuilder = new QueryBuilder(); var ownerConditions = GetCurrentOwnersCondition(tableAlias: "cuenta"); var joinCuentaCondition = new SQLCondition("Id", "cuenta", "IdCuenta", "apu"); var joinAsientoCondition = new SQLCondition("Id", "asi", "Asiento", "apu"); var owners = new string[2] { "IdOwnerComunidad", "IdOwnerEjercicio" }; qBuilder //SELECT apu.Apunte, cuenta.owners FROM apunte apu INNER JOIN cuentamayor cuenta ON cuenta.Id = apu.IdCuenta //WHERE cuenta.IdOwnerComunidad = @idCdad AND cuenta.IdOwnerEjercicio = @idEjer AND apu.IdCuenta = @codCuenta; .Select(t, "apu") .SelectColumns(owners, "cuenta") .From(t, "apu") .Join("INNER", typeof(CuentaMayor), "cuenta") .On(joinCuentaCondition) .Where(ownerConditions) .Condition("AND ", new SQLCondition("IdCuenta", "apu", "@codCuenta", "")) .SemiColon(); qBuilder.StoreParameter("codCuenta", dependentIdCodigo); qBuilder.StoreParameter("idCdad", base.CurrentCdadOwner); qBuilder.StoreParameter("idEjer", base.CurrentEjerOwner); return(qBuilder); }
public SQLPage <DyncForm> GetDyncFormByName(int pageSize, int currentPage, string name) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = "where name like '%" + name + "%' and IsDelete=0 order by Updatetime desc"; return(_dyncForm.Query(pageSize, currentPage, condition)); }
public Site GetSiteById(int id) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = $"where Id = {id}"; return(_site.Query(condition).SingleOrDefault()); }
QueryBuilder IRepositoryDependent <CuentaMayor> .GetDependentByMasterSelectSQL(int dependentIdCodigo, IEnumerable <int> ids) { Type t = GetObjModelType(); Type apunte = typeof(Apunte); QueryBuilder qBuilder = new QueryBuilder(); var joinApunteCondition = new SQLCondition("Asiento", "apu", "Id", "asi"); IEnumerable <string> inParams = ids .Select(x => x.ToString().PutAhead("inP")); //SELECT asi.asiento, apu.apunte FROM asiento asi //INNER JOIN apunte apu ON apu.Asiento = asi.Id -> joinApuntecondition //WHERE asi.Id IN(ids) qBuilder .Select(t, "asi") .SelectColumns(apunte, "apu") .Join("INNER", apunte, "apu") .On(joinApunteCondition) .Where(new SQLCondition("Id", "asi", inParams)) .OrderBy(new string[1] { "Fecha" }, "asi") .OrderBy(new string[1] { "OrdenEnAsiento" }, "apu") .SemiColon(); qBuilder.StoreParameters((IEnumerable <object>)ids, "inP"); return(qBuilder); }
public SQLPage <Site> GetSiteByName(string name, int pageSize, int currentPage) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = $"where name like '%{name}%' and IsDelete=0 order by Updatetime desc"; return(_site.Query(pageSize, currentPage, condition)); }
/// <summary> /// 执行查询返回DataSet /// </summary> /// <param name="TableName">表名</param> /// <param name="ConditionForSelect">自定义条件</param> /// <param name="PageIndex">页索引号</param> /// <returns>Dataset</returns> public DataSet GetDSQuery(string TableName, SQLCondition ConditionForSelect, params string[] FieldNames) { int MaxCount = 0; DataHelper dh = new DataHelper(_DataBaseName); return(GetDSQuery(dh, TableName, ConditionForSelect != null ? ConditionForSelect.ToString(dh) : string.Empty, -1, -1, ref MaxCount, FieldNames)); }
public SQLPage <Site> GetSite(int pageSize, int currentPage) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = "where IsDelete=0 order by Updatetime desc"; return(_site.Query(pageSize, currentPage, condition)); }
public IEnumerable <Site> GetSiteByName(string name) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = $"where name = '{name}' and IsDelete=0 order by Updatetime desc"; return(_site.Query(condition)); }
public SiteTemp GetSiteTempById(int Id) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = $"where Id = {Id} and IsDelete=0 "; return(_siteTemp.Query(condition).FirstOrDefault()); }
public IEnumerable <SiteResource> GetSiteSiteResourceBySiteId(int siteId) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = $"where SiteId = {siteId} and IsDelete=0 order by Updatetime desc"; return(_siteResource.Query(condition)); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { // Get list of series in view SQLCondition conditions = new SQLCondition(); conditions.Add(new DBOnlineSeries(), DBOnlineSeries.cTraktIgnore, 1, SQLConditionType.Equal); CheckedItems = DBSeries.Get(conditions); // Get list of series not in view conditions = new SQLCondition(); conditions.Add(new DBOnlineSeries(), DBOnlineSeries.cTraktIgnore, 1, SQLConditionType.NotEqual); UnCheckedItems = DBSeries.Get(conditions); // Populate series list, // mark as checked at top of list foreach (DBSeries series in CheckedItems) { checkedListBoxSeries.Items.Add(series, true); } foreach (DBSeries series in UnCheckedItems) { checkedListBoxSeries.Items.Add(series, false); } CheckedCount = CheckedItems.Count; labelSeriesSelected.Text = CheckedCount.ToString() + " Series Selected"; this.checkedListBoxSeries.ItemCheck += new System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventHandler(this.checkedListBoxSeries_ItemCheck); base.OnLoad(e); }
public int QueryMultiMOMemoCount( string itemcodes, string mos, string startRCard, string endRCARD, string startMemo, string endMemo) { string sql = string.Format(@"select count( * ) from TBLONWIP where action = '{0}' and length(eattribute1)>0 ", ActionType.DataCollectAction_GoMO); if (itemcodes != null && itemcodes.Length > 0) { sql += string.Format(" and itemcode in ({0}) ", FormatHelper.ProcessQueryValues(itemcodes)); } if (mos != null && mos.Length > 0) { sql += string.Format(" and MoCode in ({0}) ", FormatHelper.ProcessQueryValues(mos)); } sql += FormatHelper.GetRCardRangeSql("RCARD", startRCard, endRCARD); sql += FormatHelper.GetCodeRangeSql("EAttribute1", startMemo, endMemo); SQLCondition sqlCondition = new SQLCondition(sql); #if DEBUG Log.Info(sqlCondition.SQLText); #endif return(this.DataProvider.GetCount(sqlCondition)); }
private void buttonSeriesIgnore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SeriesSelect SeriesSelectDlg = new SeriesSelect(); // Get list of series in view SQLCondition conditions = new SQLCondition(); conditions.Add(new DBOnlineSeries(), DBOnlineSeries.cTraktIgnore, 1, SQLConditionType.Equal); SeriesSelectDlg.CheckedItems = DBSeries.Get(conditions); // Get list of series not in view conditions = new SQLCondition(); conditions.Add(new DBOnlineSeries(), DBOnlineSeries.cTraktIgnore, 1, SQLConditionType.NotEqual); SeriesSelectDlg.UnCheckedItems = DBSeries.Get(conditions); // Show series list dialog DialogResult result = SeriesSelectDlg.ShowDialog(this); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (DBSeries series in SeriesSelectDlg.CheckedItems) { // ignore these series series[DBOnlineSeries.cTraktIgnore] = 1; series.Commit(); } foreach (DBSeries series in SeriesSelectDlg.UnCheckedItems) { // unignore these series series[DBOnlineSeries.cTraktIgnore] = 0; series.Commit(); } } }
public VLogin Login(string login, string password) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); var dbParameter = new DbParameter[] { new SqlParameter() { DbType = DbType.String, Value = login, ParameterName = "@login" }, }; condition.Expression = "where name = @login or Email = @login or Phone=@login"; var user = _user.Query(condition, dbParameter); var vLogin = new VLogin(); if (!user.Any()) { vLogin.IsLogin = false; vLogin.LoginStats = LoginStats.NAME; return(vLogin); } var item = user.Where(t => t.Password.Equals(password.GetMd5Str())).SingleOrDefault(); if (item == null) { vLogin.IsLogin = false; vLogin.LoginStats = LoginStats.PASSOWRD; return(vLogin); } vLogin.IsLogin = true; vLogin.LoginStats = LoginStats.SUCCESS; vLogin.User = item; return(vLogin); }
public SQLPage <VUser> GetUserByName(int page, int current, string name) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = "where name like '%" + name + "%'"; return(ConverToVUser(_user.Query(page, current, condition))); }
private void buttonSeriesSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SeriesSelect SeriesSelectDlg = new SeriesSelect(); // Set Current View string viewTag = "|" + txtViewName.Text + "|";; // Get list of series in view SQLCondition conditions = new SQLCondition(); conditions.Add(new DBOnlineSeries(), DBOnlineSeries.cViewTags, viewTag, SQLConditionType.Like); SeriesSelectDlg.CheckedItems = DBSeries.Get(conditions); // Get list of series not in view conditions = new SQLCondition(); conditions.Add(new DBOnlineSeries(), DBOnlineSeries.cViewTags, viewTag, SQLConditionType.NotLike); SeriesSelectDlg.UnCheckedItems = DBSeries.Get(conditions); // Show series list dialog DialogResult result = SeriesSelectDlg.ShowDialog(this); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { SeriesToAdd = SeriesSelectDlg.CheckedItems; SeriesToRemove = SeriesSelectDlg.UnCheckedItems; } }
/// <summary> /// Get a series id by show name /// </summary> /// <param name="seriesName">Name of the series to look for</param> /// <returns>A series id or null if none was found</returns> public static int?GetSeriesIdByName(string seriesName) { SQLCondition conditions = new SQLCondition(); conditions.Add(new DBOnlineSeries(), DBOnlineSeries.cPrettyName, seriesName, SQLConditionType.Like); List <DBSeries> seriesList = DBSeries.Get(conditions); // Return best matching series or null if no result was found if (seriesList.Count == 1) { return(seriesList[0][DBOnlineSeries.cID]); } else if (seriesList.Count > 1) { foreach (DBSeries series in seriesList) { if (series[DBOnlineSeries.cPrettyName].Equals(seriesName)) { return(series[DBOnlineSeries.cID]); } } return(seriesList[0][DBOnlineSeries.cID]); } else { return(null); } }
public void UpdateSapstorageSuccess() { string sql = "update I_SAPSTORAGE set mesflag='S',pdate=sys_date,ptime=sys_time where mesflag='W'"; SQLCondition SC = new SQLCondition(sql); this.DataProvider.CustomExecute(SC); }
public IEnumerable <File> GetFileByRole(string roleId) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = "where Role like '%" + roleId + "%'"; return(_file.Query(condition: condition)); }
public void DeleteSapCustomer(int date) { string sql = string.Format("Delete I_SAPCUSTOMER where mesflag='S' and SDATE <{0} ", date); SQLCondition SC = new SQLCondition(sql); this.DataProvider.CustomExecute(SC); }
public SQLPage <Role> GetRole(int pageSize, int currentPage, string name) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = $"where name like '%{name}%'"; return(_role.Query(pageSize, currentPage, condition: condition)); }
private void LogData(DataSet ds) { if (ds != null && ds.Tables[OUTTABLE] != null) { if (ds.Tables[OUTTABLE].Rows.Count > 0) { try { string strInsert; string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[OUTTABLE].Rows) { string receiptNO = Convert.ToString(row[OUT_ReceiptNO]); string facLotNo = Convert.ToString(row[OUT_FacLotNo]); strInsert = @"INSERT INTO i_tblinvfaclot (receiptno,faclotno,batchno) VALUES( '" + receiptNO + "','" + facLotNo + "','" + time + "')"; SQLCondition SC = new SQLCondition(strInsert); this.DataProvider.CustomExecute(SC); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build condition set from controls // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- private bool BuildConditionSet(ref SQLCondition cond) { if ((lbFieldName.SelectedIndex >= 0) && (cbCondition.SelectedIndex >= 0) && (cbValue.Text.Length >= 0)) { cond.fieldtype = _fieldtypes[lbFieldName.SelectedIndex]; cond.fieldname = lbFieldName.Text; cond.condition = cbCondition.Text; cond.value = cbValue.Text; if (SQLFilter.ConditionCount == 0) { cond.logicaloperator = ""; } else if (rbAND.Checked) { cond.logicaloperator = "AND"; } else { cond.logicaloperator = "OR"; } return(true); } return(false); }
public AuthenticationSite GetAuthenticationSiteByUuid(string uuid) { var condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Expression = $"where uuid = '{uuid}'"; return(_authenticationSite.Query(condition).FirstOrDefault()); }
QueryBuilder IRepositoryDependent <CuentaMayor> .GetIdsDependentByMasterSelectSQL(int dependentIdCodigo) { Type t = GetObjModelType(); Type apunte = typeof(Apunte); Type cuenta = typeof(CuentaMayor); QueryBuilder qBuilder = new QueryBuilder(); var ownerConditions = GetCurrentOwnersCondition(tableAlias: "cuenta"); var joinApunteCuentaCondition = new SQLCondition("Id", "cuenta", "IdCuenta", "apu"); var joinApunteCondition = new SQLCondition("Asiento", "apu", "Id", "asi"); var owners = new string[2] { "IdOwnerComunidad", "IdOwnerEjercicio" }; //SELECT asi.Id FROM asiento asi //INNER JOIN apunte apu ON apu.Asiento = asi.Id -> joinApuntecondition //INNER JOIN cuentamayor cuenta ON cuenta.Id = apu.IdCuenta -> joinApunteCuentacondition //WHERE cuenta.IdOwnerComunidad = @idCdad AND cuenta.IdOwnerEjercicio = @idEjer AND apu.IdCuenta = @codCuenta; qBuilder .Select(new string[] { "Id" }, "asi") .From(t, "asi") .Join("INNER", apunte, "apu") .On(joinApunteCondition) .Join("INNER", cuenta, "cuenta") .On(joinApunteCuentaCondition) .Where(ownerConditions) .Condition("AND", new SQLCondition("IdCuenta", "apu", "@codCuenta", "")) .SemiColon(); base.StoreCurrentOwnerConditionsParameters(qBuilder); qBuilder.StoreParameter("codCuenta", dependentIdCodigo); return(qBuilder); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { return(((SQLCondition != null ? SQLCondition.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397) ^ (Display != null ? Display.GetHashCode() : 0)); } }
public static string GetLanguageOverride(String sSeriesID) { string sqlCon = string.Empty; SQLCondition cond = new SQLCondition(); sqlCon = "id = " + sSeriesID; cond.AddCustom(sqlCon); // Get the language that the user has selected for the serie List<DBValue> seriesLanguage = DBOnlineSeries.GetSingleField(DBOnlineSeries.cLanguage, cond, new DBOnlineSeries()); if ((seriesLanguage.Count > 0) && (seriesLanguage[0] != "")) { return seriesLanguage[0]; } else { //If there is no language prefered for the series, the fallback is SelLanguageAsString (en). return SelLanguageAsString; } }
protected static DBEpisode WaitForSyncedEpisode(DBEpisode episode) { if (episode == null) return null; if (episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cFollwitId] != 0) return episode; TimeSpan retryDelay = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30); int limit = 8; int epId = episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cID]; int tries = 0; while (tries < limit) { // reload the episode from the db to check for changes SQLCondition condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cID, epId, SQLConditionType.Equal); condition.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cFollwitId, 0, SQLConditionType.NotEqual); List<DBEpisode> episodes = DBEpisode.Get(condition, false); if (episodes.Count > 0) return episodes[0]; Thread.Sleep(retryDelay); tries++; } return null; }
public static void SyncNewEpisodes(ProgressDialog.ProgressDelegate progress) { // grab list of all local episodes SQLCondition condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cFollwitId, 0, SQLConditionType.Equal); List<DBEpisode> episodes = DBEpisode.Get(condition, false); SyncEpisodes(episodes, progress); }
public static void InitUpdateThread() { if (updateThread != null) { updateThread.Abort(); updateThread = null; } if (!Enabled) return; updateThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate () { while (true) { try { DateTime start = DateTime.Now; MPTVSeriesLog.Write("[] Beginning update synchronization.", MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel.Debug); // grab a list of items to update from the server and process them DateTime serverTime; int actionsTaken = 0; List<TaskListItem> tasks = FollwitApi.GetUserTaskList(LastUpdated, out serverTime); foreach (TaskListItem task in tasks) { DBEpisode episode = null; DBSeries series = null; // try to find a cooresponding episode if (task.EpisodeId != 0) { SQLCondition condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cFollwitId, task.EpisodeId, SQLConditionType.Equal); List<DBEpisode> episodes = DBEpisode.Get(condition, false); if (episodes.Count > 0) { episode = episodes[0]; series = DBSeries.Get(episode[DBEpisode.cSeriesID]); } } // try to find a series if we dont have one yet if (task.Task == TaskItemType.NewSeriesRating) { if (task.TvdbSeriesId != 0 && series == null) series = DBSeries.Get(task.TvdbSeriesId); } // update local data with retrieved info switch (task.Task) { case TaskItemType.NewEpisodeRating: if (episode == null) continue; // if we already have a rating and its within one unit of what we are recieving // ignore it. if (episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cMyRating] != "" && Math.Abs((decimal)(episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cMyRating] - (task.Rating * 2))) <= 1) continue; episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cMyRating] = task.Rating * 2; episode.Commit(); actionsTaken++; MPTVSeriesLog.Write("[] Retrieved rating of {3} for '{0} S{1}E{2}'.", series == null ? "???" : (string) series[DBOnlineSeries.cPrettyName], episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cCombinedSeason], episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cEpisodeIndex], episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cMyRating]); break; case TaskItemType.NewEpisodeWatchedStatus: if (episode == null) continue; episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cWatched] = task.Watched; episode.Commit(); actionsTaken++; MPTVSeriesLog.Write("[] Retrieved watched status of {3} for '{0:00} S{1}E{2}'.", series == null ? "???" : (string) series[DBOnlineSeries.cPrettyName], episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cCombinedSeason], episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cEpisodeIndex], episode[DBOnlineEpisode.cWatched] == 1 ? "true" : "false"); break; case TaskItemType.NewSeriesRating: if (series == null) continue; // if we already have a rating and its within one unit of what we are recieving // ignore it. if (series[DBOnlineSeries.cMyRating] != "" && Math.Abs((decimal)(series[DBOnlineSeries.cMyRating] - (task.Rating * 2))) <= 1) continue; series[DBOnlineSeries.cMyRating] = task.Rating * 2; series.Commit(); actionsTaken++; MPTVSeriesLog.Write("[] Retrieved rating of {1} for '{0}'.", series[DBOnlineSeries.cPrettyName], series[DBOnlineSeries.cMyRating]); break; } } // log final results MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel logLevel = actionsTaken == 0 ? MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel.Debug : MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel.Normal; MPTVSeriesLog.Write(string.Format("[] Finished update synchronization. Acted on {0}/{1} events. ({2})", actionsTaken, tasks.Count, DateTime.Now - start), logLevel); LastUpdated = serverTime; } catch (Exception e) { MPTVSeriesLog.Write("[] Failed update synchronization: {0}", e.StackTrace); } // sleep in 5 second intervals to allow the thread to be aborted as needed. DateTime lastChecked = DateTime.Now; while (DateTime.Now - lastChecked < UpdateFrequency) { Thread.Sleep(5000); } } })); updateThread.IsBackground = true; updateThread.Name = " persistent update thread"; updateThread.Start(); }
public virtual string SerializeCondition(SQLCondition condition) { return SerializeFieldNameAndTablePrefix(condition.Table, condition.FieldName) + " " + SerializeCondition(condition.Compare, condition.Value); }
public static void SyncAllEpisodes(ProgressDialog.ProgressDelegate progress) { // grab list of all local episodes SQLCondition condition = new SQLCondition(); condition.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID, 0, SQLConditionType.GreaterThan); List<DBEpisode> episodes = DBEpisode.Get(condition, false); SyncEpisodes(episodes, progress); }
private void buttonSeriesSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SeriesSelect SeriesSelectDlg = new SeriesSelect(); // Set Current View string viewTag = "|" + txtViewName.Text + "|"; ; // Get list of series in view SQLCondition conditions = new SQLCondition(); conditions.Add(new DBOnlineSeries(), DBOnlineSeries.cViewTags, viewTag, SQLConditionType.Like); SeriesSelectDlg.CheckedItems = DBSeries.Get(conditions); // Get list of series not in view conditions = new SQLCondition(); conditions.Add(new DBOnlineSeries(), DBOnlineSeries.cViewTags, viewTag, SQLConditionType.NotLike); SeriesSelectDlg.UnCheckedItems = DBSeries.Get(conditions); // Show series list dialog DialogResult result = SeriesSelectDlg.ShowDialog(this); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { SeriesToAdd = SeriesSelectDlg.CheckedItems; SeriesToRemove = SeriesSelectDlg.UnCheckedItems; } }