/// <summary> /// Get Next Table Key from Main Database. /// </summary> /// <param name="TableName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public i9Message NextTableKey(i9Message requestMessage) { string TableName = requestMessage.MsgBody; //int KeyValue = 0; i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess cda = new SQLAccess(); string sql = @" BEGIN TRAN T1 " + " SELECT * FROM i9TableKey WHERE TableName = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(TableName) + " " + Environment.NewLine + " Update i9TableKey Set KeyValue = KeyValue + 1 WHERE TableName = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(TableName) + " " + Environment.NewLine + " COMMIT TRAN T1 "; DataSet ds = cda.GetDataSet(sql, "i9TableKey"); if (ds != null) { //if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) // if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) // KeyValue = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables["i9TableKey"].Rows[0]["KeyValue"].ToString()); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); } else { throw new Exception("Unable to get the next table key for: " + TableName); } }
/// <summary> /// CodeGetCodeListAdmin /// </summary> /// <param name="requestMessage"></param> /// <returns></returns> private i9Message CodeGetCodeListAdmin(i9Message requestMessage) { //------------------------------------------------------------------- //Testing //SELECT CodeName, CodeValue FROM i9Code group by CodeName, CodeValue having count (*) > 1 order by CodeName //------------------------------------------------------------------- i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQL = //" Select * FROM i9Code order by CodeSetName "+ Environment.NewLine + " Select CodeSetName, i9AgencyID FROM i9Code Group By CodeSetName, i9AgencyID order by CodeSetName " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * from i9Agency order by AgencyName "; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { //{"Table", "i9Code"}, { "Table", "i9Code" }, { "Table1", "i9Agency" }, }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); }
private i9Message Security_GetSecurityGroups(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQL = " Select * FROM i9SecurityGroup order by SecurityGroupName ASC" + Environment.NewLine + " Select * FROM i9Agency order by AgencyName " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * FROM i9Module order by Section ASC, ModuleName ASC " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * FROM i9SecurityTask Order By TaskName ASC " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * FROM i9SecurityGroupModule " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * FROM i9SecurityGroupTask "; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9SecurityGroup" }, { "Table1", "i9Agency" }, { "Table2", "i9Module" }, { "Table3", "i9SecurityTask" }, { "Table4", "i9SecurityGroupModule" }, { "Table5", "i9SecurityGroupTask" }, }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); }
public DataSet GetAllUser(string connectionstr) { sqlacc = new SQLAccess(); cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandText = "usp_tb_User";//Name of Stored Procedure cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Mode", 1); return(sqlacc.GetDataSet(connectionstr, cmd)); }
private i9Message SearchIncident(i9Message mMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQLIncident = " SELECT i.i9LawIncidentID, i.i9EventID, i.IncidentNumber, i.SupplementNumber, i.StatusCode, i.IncidentReportDate, i.ORI, 'N3,V1,P4', a.AgencyName " + " FROM i9LawIncident i join i9Agency a on i.i9AgencyID = a.i9AgencyID "; response.MsgBodyDataSet = da.GetDataSet(SQLIncident, "i9LawIncident"); return(response); }
private i9Message LogGetTop100(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQL = " SELECT TOP 500 * FROM i9SysLog ORDER BY LogDateTime DESC " + Environment.NewLine; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9SysLog" } }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); }
private i9Message GetList(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQL = " Select * from i9Agency order by AgencyName "; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9Agency" }, }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); }
private i9Message GetDetail(i9Message requestMessage) { string AgencyID = requestMessage.MsgBody.ToString(); i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQL = " Select * from i9Agency WHERE i9AgencyID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(AgencyID) + " order by AgencyName "; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9Agency" }, }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); }
/// <summary> /// CodeGetCodeDetailAdmin /// </summary> /// <param name="requestMessage"></param> /// <returns></returns> private i9Message CodeAdminGetDetail(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); string CodeSetName = requestMessage.MsgBody; SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQL = " Select * FROM i9Code where CodeSetName = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(CodeSetName) + " order by CodeText "; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9Code" } }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); }
private i9Message PersonnelGetList(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQL = " Select LastName +', ' + FirstName + ' - ' + BadgeNumber as DisplayName, * FROM i9SysPersonnel order by DisplayName " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * from i9Agency order by AgencyName "; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9SysPersonnel" }, { "Table1", "i9Agency" }, }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); }
private i9Message PersonnelAdd(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string BlankSQL = " Select * FROM i9SysPersonnel where 1 = 2 "; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9SysPersonnel" } }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(BlankSQL, tableMapping); DataTable PersonDT = ds.Tables["i9SysPersonnel"]; DataRow NewRD = PersonDT.NewRow(); NewRD["i9SysPersonnelID"] = Guid.NewGuid(); NewRD["FirstName"] = "@NewFirst"; NewRD["LastName"] = "@NewLast " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm"); NewRD["i9AgencyID"] = requestMessage.MsgBody.ToString(); NewRD["BadgeNumber"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyyhhmm"); NewRD["Enabled"] = 1; PersonDT.Rows.Add(NewRD); string i9SysPersonnelID = NewRD["i9SysPersonnelID"].ToString(); if (da.SaveDataTable(ds.Tables["i9SysPersonnel"]) <= 0) { //unable to save new personnel response.MsgBody = ""; response.ErrorStatus.IsError = true; response.ErrorStatus.ErrorMsg = "Unable to add new user"; return(response); } requestMessage.ToBizLayerMsgType = AdminType.SysPer_PersonGet; requestMessage.MsgBody = i9SysPersonnelID; return(PersonnelGet(requestMessage)); }
/// <summary> /// GetDynamicEntryAdmin /// </summary> /// <param name="mMessage"></param> /// <returns></returns> private i9Message GetDynamicEntryAdmin(i9Message mMessage) { SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); i9Message response = new i9Message(); string SQLLogin = "******" + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9DynamicEntryConfig " + Environment.NewLine + " select * from i9DynamicEntryRule " + Environment.NewLine; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9DynamicEntry" }, { "Table1", "i9DynamicEntryConfig" }, { "Table2", "i9DynamicEntryRule" }, }; response.MsgBodyDataSet = da.GetDataSet(SQLLogin, tableMapping); response.ErrorStatus.IsError = false; return(response); }
private i9Message Security_PersonnelGroupTaskGet(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string i9SysPersonnelID = requestMessage.MsgBody; string SQL1 = @" SELECT sgm.ModuleName FROM i9SecurityGroupPersonnel sgp INNER JOIN i9SecurityGroup sg ON sgp.i9SecurityGroupID = sg.i9SecurityGroupID LEFT OUTER JOIN i9SecurityGroupModule sgm ON sgm.SecurityGroupName = sg.SecurityGroupName LEFT OUTER JOIN i9Agency a on a.i9AgencyID = sgp.i9AgencyID INNER JOIN i9SysPersonnel per on per.i9SysPersonnelID = sgp.i9SysPersonnelID WHERE per.i9SysPersonnelID = @i9SysPersonnelID GROUP BY sgm.ModuleName ORDER BY sgm.ModuleName "; SQL1 = SQL1.Replace("@i9SysPersonnelID", SQLUtility.SQLString(i9SysPersonnelID)); string SQL2 = @" SELECT * FROM i9SecurityGroupTask WHERE 1=2"; SQL2 = SQL2.Replace("@i9SysPersonnelID", SQLUtility.SQLString(i9SysPersonnelID)); string SQL = SQL1 + " " + Environment.NewLine + " " + SQL2; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "ModuleName" }, { "Table1", "TaskName" }, }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); }
/// <summary> /// DynamicEntry_GetTableColumns /// </summary> /// <param name="mMessage"></param> /// <returns></returns> private i9Message DynamicEntry_GetTableColumns(i9Message mMessage) { SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); i9Message response = new i9Message(); string ModuleSection = mMessage.MsgBody.Split(new Char[] { ',' })[0]; string TableName = mMessage.MsgBody.Split(new Char[] { ',' })[1]; string sql = " EXEC TableSchema_Get '" + TableName + "' " + Environment.NewLine; //" SELECT * FROM i9DynamicEntryConfig where ModuleSection = '" + ModuleSection + "' " + Environment.NewLine + //" SELECT * FROM i9DynamicEntryRule der, i9DynamicEntryConfig dec WHERE der.i9DynanicEntryConfigID = dec.i9DynanicEntryConfigID AND dec.ModuleSection = '" + ModuleSection + "' " + Environment.NewLine; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9TableSchema" }, //{"Table1", "i9DynamicEntryConfig"}, //{"Table2", "i9DynamicEntryRule"}, }; response.MsgBodyDataSet = da.GetDataSet(sql, tableMapping); response.ErrorStatus.IsError = false; return(response); }
private i9Message Security_GetPersonnelGroups(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQL = " Select * FROM i9SecurityGroup order by SecurityGroupName ASC" + Environment.NewLine + " Select * FROM i9Agency order by AgencyName " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * FROM i9SecurityGroupPersonnel " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * FROM i9SysPersonnel ORDER BY LastName, FirstName"; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9SecurityGroup" }, { "Table1", "i9Agency" }, { "Table2", "i9SecurityGroupPersonnel" }, { "Table3", "i9SysPersonnel" }, }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); }
private i9Message PersonnelGet(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); string i9SysPersonnelID = requestMessage.MsgBody; SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQL = " Select * FROM i9SysPersonnel where i9SysPersonnelID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9SysPersonnelID) + " " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * from i9SysPersonnelAddress where i9SysPersonnelID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9SysPersonnelID) + " " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * from i9SysPersonnelAssignment where i9SysPersonnelID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9SysPersonnelID) + " " + Environment.NewLine + " Select * from i9SysPersonnelPhone where i9SysPersonnelID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9SysPersonnelID); Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9SysPersonnel" }, { "Table1", "i9SysPersonnelAddress" }, { "Table2", "i9SysPersonnelAssignment" }, { "Table3", "i9SysPersonnelPhone" } }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.MsgBodyDataSet = ds; return(response); }
private i9Message NewIncident(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQLIncident = " SELECT * FROM i9Event WHERE 1=2 " + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9LawIncident WHERE 1=2 " + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Person WHERE 1=2 " + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Vehicle WHERE 1=2 " + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Location WHERE 1=2 " + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Property WHERE 1=2 " + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Offense WHERE 1=2 " + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9CADServiceCall WHERE 1=2" + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9AttachmentLink WHERE 1=2" + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Attachment WHERE 1=2" + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9AttachmentData WHERE 1=2" + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9VehicleRecovery WHERE 1=2" + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9VehicleTowed WHERE 1=2" + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Narrative WHERE 1=2" + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Person WHERE 1=2" + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9PersonSMT WHERE 1=2" + Environment.NewLine; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9Event" }, { "Table1", "i9LawIncident" }, { "Table2", "i9Person" }, { "Table3", "i9Vehicle" }, { "Table4", "i9Location" }, { "Table5", "i9Property" }, { "Table6", "i9Offense" }, { "Table7", "i9CADServiceCall" }, { "Table8", "i9AttachmentLink" }, { "Table9", "i9Attachment" }, { "Table10", "i9AttachmentData" }, { "Table11", "i9VehicleRecovery" }, { "Table12", "i9VehicleTowed" }, { "Table13", "i9Narrative" }, { "Table14", "i9PersonAKA" }, { "Table15", "i9PersonSMT" } }; response.MsgBodyDataSet = da.GetDataSet(SQLIncident, tableMapping); //*************************************************************************** //* Adding standard table rows - need to move this to the common dll //*************************************************************************** //Adding Event Information: DataRow dri9Event = response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Event"].NewRow(); dri9Event["i9EventID"] = ServerKeyManager.NewGuid(); dri9Event["i9EventType"] = "Incident"; dri9Event["i9AgencyID"] = requestMessage.MessageSecurity.AgencyID; response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Event"].Rows.Add(dri9Event); //Adding Incident Information: DataRow dr = response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9LawIncident"].NewRow(); dr["i9LawIncidentID"] = ServerKeyManager.NewGuid(); dr["i9EventID"] = dri9Event["i9EventID"]; dr["IncidentNumber"] = ReportNumberManager.GetReportNumber("Incident"); dr["SupplementNumber"] = 1; dr["i9AgencyID"] = requestMessage.MessageSecurity.AgencyID; //This is the Login user agency (default Agency) response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9LawIncident"].Rows.Add(dr); //Add location incident dr = response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Location"].NewRow(); dr["i9EventID"] = dri9Event["i9EventID"]; dr["i9AgencyID"] = requestMessage.MessageSecurity.AgencyID; dr["i9LocationID"] = Guid.NewGuid(); dr["i9ModuleSectionID"] = i9ModuleSection.LawIncidentLocation.ToString(); dr["LocationMVI"] = 0; response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Location"].Rows.Add(dr); //Add i9Narrative to law incident dr = response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Narrative"].NewRow(); dr["i9EventID"] = dri9Event["i9EventID"]; dr["i9NarrativeID"] = Guid.NewGuid(); response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Narrative"].Rows.Add(dr); //========================================================================= //Relations //========================================================================= response.MsgBodyDataSet.Relations.Add("PersonToLocation", response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Person"].Columns["i9PersonID"], response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Location"].Columns["i9PersonID"]); //response.MsgBodyDataSet.Relations.Add("PersonLocationToPerson", // response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9PersonLocation"].Columns["i9PersonID"], // response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Person"].Columns["i9PersonID"]); //response.MsgBodyDataSet.Relations.Add("PersonLocationToLocation", // response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9PersonLocation"].Columns["i9LocationID"], // response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Location"].Columns["i9LocationID"]); //========================================================================= //DO NOT EXCEPT CHANGES TO THE DataSet //========================================================================= //Because I will not know if the row is new or old. //response.MsgBodyDataSet.AcceptChanges(); response.ErrorStatus.IsError = false; return(response); }
private i9Message EditIncident(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); LawIncidentMessage lim = (LawIncidentMessage)i9Message.XMLDeserializeMessage(typeof(LawIncidentMessage), requestMessage.MsgBody); string i9EventID = lim.i9EventID; string SQLIncident = " SELECT * FROM i9Event WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9LawIncident WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Person WHERE i9ModuleSectionID = '" + i9ModuleSection.LawIncidentPerson.ToString() + "' AND i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Vehicle WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Location WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Property WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9Offense WHERE 1=2 " + Environment.NewLine + " SELECT * FROM i9CADServiceCall WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + " SELECT * FROM i9VehicleRecovery WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + " SELECT * FROM i9VehicleTowed WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + " SELECT * FROM i9AttachmentLink WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + " SELECT * FROM i9Attachment WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + " SELECT * FROM i9AttachmentData WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + " SELECT * FROM i9Narrative WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + " SELECT * FROM i9Person WHERE i9ModuleSectionID = '" + i9ModuleSection.LawIncidentPersonAKA.ToString() + "' AND i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID) + " SELECT * FROM i9PersonSMT WHERE i9EventID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9EventID); Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9Event" }, { "Table1", "i9LawIncident" }, { "Table2", "i9Person" }, { "Table3", "i9Vehicle" }, { "Table4", "i9Location" }, { "Table5", "i9Property" }, { "Table6", "i9Offense" }, { "Table7", "i9CADServiceCall" }, { "Table8", "i9VehicleRecovery" }, { "Table9", "i9VehicleTowed" }, { "Table10", "i9AttachmentLink" }, { "Table11", "i9Attachment" }, { "Table12", "i9AttachmentData" }, { "Table13", "i9Narrative" }, { "Table14", "i9PersonAKA" }, { "Table15", "i9PersonSMT" } }; Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); response.MsgBodyDataSet = da.GetDataSet(SQLIncident, tableMapping); stopWatch.Stop(); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds / 10); Console.WriteLine(elapsedTime); response.MsgBodyDataSet.AcceptChanges(); response.ErrorStatus.IsError = false; //=============================================================================== //Retro fit older Events: // Add i9Narrative to law incident if it does not exist //=============================================================================== if (response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Narrative"].Rows.Count <= 0) { DataRow dr = response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Narrative"].NewRow(); dr["i9EventID"] = response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Event"].Rows[0]["i9EventID"]; dr["i9NarrativeID"] = Guid.NewGuid(); response.MsgBodyDataSet.Tables["i9Narrative"].Rows.Add(dr); } return(response); }
public i9Message Login(i9Message RequestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); LoginMessage oLoginMessage = (LoginMessage)i9Message.XMLDeserializeMessage(typeof(LoginMessage), RequestMessage.MsgBody); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQLLogin = "******" + SQLUtility.SQLString(oLoginMessage.UserName) + " and Password = "******"i9SysPersonnel"); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { //Just send back an empty table return(response); } string i9SysPersonnelID = dt.Rows[0]["i9SysPersonnelID"].ToString(); //Give an activision code to the login user string UpdateSql = "UPDATE i9SysPersonnel SET ActivationGuid = '" + Guid.NewGuid() + "' WHERE i9SysPersonnelID = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(i9SysPersonnelID); if (da.ExecuteSQL(UpdateSql) <= 0) { //Nothing was updated. } //SyncModuleManagerToDB(); Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9SysPersonnel" }, { "Table1", "xxSecurityGroupTask" }, { "Table2", "xxSecurityGroupModule" }, }; string SQL = "SELECT * FROM i9SysPersonnel WHERE i9SysPersonnelID = @i9SysPersonnelID"; SQL = SQL + Environment.NewLine + @" SELECT sgt.TaskName, sp.BadgeNumber FROM i9SecurityGroup sg inner join i9SecurityGroupTask sgt on sgt.SecurityGroupName = sg.SecurityGroupName inner join i9SecurityGroupPersonnel sgp on sgp.i9SecurityGroupID = sg.i9SecurityGroupID inner join i9SysPersonnel sp on sp.i9SysPersonnelID = sgp.i9SysPersonnelID WHERE sp.i9SysPersonnelID = @i9SysPersonnelID Group by TaskName, BadgeNumber order by BadgeNumber, TaskName "; SQL = SQL + Environment.NewLine + @" SELECT sgm.ModuleName, sp.BadgeNumber FROM i9SecurityGroup sg inner join i9SecurityGroupModule sgm on sgm.SecurityGroupName = sg.SecurityGroupName inner join i9SecurityGroupPersonnel sgp on sgp.i9SecurityGroupID = sg.i9SecurityGroupID inner join i9SysPersonnel sp on sp.i9SysPersonnelID = sgp.i9SysPersonnelID WHERE sp.i9SysPersonnelID = @i9SysPersonnelID Group by ModuleName, BadgeNumber order by BadgeNumber, ModuleName "; SQL = SQL.Replace("@i9SysPersonnelID", SQLUtility.SQLString(i9SysPersonnelID)); response.MsgBodyDataSet = response.MsgBodyDataSet = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); response.ErrorStatus.IsError = false; return(response); }
private i9Message CreateUser(i9Message requestMessage) { i9Message response = new i9Message(); string CodeSetName = requestMessage.MsgBody; CreateUserMessage oCreateUserMessage = (CreateUserMessage)i9Message.XMLDeserializeMessage(typeof(CreateUserMessage), requestMessage.MsgBody); SQLAccess da = new SQLAccess(); string SQL = " Select * FROM i9SysPersonnel WHERE Email = " + SQLUtility.SQLString(oCreateUserMessage.Email) + " "; Dictionary <string, string> tableMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Table", "i9SysPersonnel" } }; DataSet ds = da.GetDataSet(SQL, tableMapping); if (ds.Tables["i9SysPersonnel"].Rows.Count > 0) { response.ErrorStatus.ErrorMsg = "Email already exists in system"; response.ErrorStatus.IsError = true; return(response); } else { DataRow dr = ds.Tables["i9SysPersonnel"].NewRow(); dr["FirstName"] = oCreateUserMessage.FirstName; dr["LastName"] = oCreateUserMessage.LastName; dr["DateTimeInserted"] = DateTime.Now; dr["DateTimeUpdated"] = DateTime.Now; dr["Password"] = oCreateUserMessage.Password; dr["Email"] = oCreateUserMessage.Email; dr["BadgeNumber"] = oCreateUserMessage.Email; dr["i9SysPersonnelID"] = Guid.NewGuid(); dr["ActivationGuid"] = Guid.NewGuid(); dr["Enabled"] = 1; dr["DemoUser"] = 1; dr["OfficerORI"] = ""; dr["Officer"] = oCreateUserMessage.FirstName + ", " + oCreateUserMessage.LastName; if (oCreateUserMessage.i9AgencyID == Guid.Empty) { dr["i9AgencyID"] = "53A05F38-FC9C-4260-B939-CB1F3998C4D4"; } else { dr["i9AgencyID"] = oCreateUserMessage.i9AgencyID; } ds.Tables["i9SysPersonnel"].Rows.Add(dr); da.SaveDataTable(ds.Tables["i9SysPersonnel"]); //=============================================================== // Send Email Confirmation //=============================================================== //string EmailMessage = ""; //string EmailSubject = "Invert911 Activation Confirmation"; //string EmailFrom = "*****@*****.**"; //string EmailTo = oCreateUserMessage.Email; //EmailUtility.SendEmail(EmailTo,EmailFrom,EmailSubject, EmailMessage); } response.ErrorStatus.IsError = false; return(response); }