public void TestIbaflinParsing()
            const string pathToPdf = @"TestFiles\TestSPCParser\WC500064198.pdf";
            var          ts        = SPCParser.GetTargetSpeciesFromMultiProductPdf(pathToPdf);

            Assert.IsTrue(ts.Keys.Count == 6, $"6 product names should be returned: {ts.Keys.Count}");
            Assert.IsTrue(ts.All(k => k.Value != null && k.Value.Length > 0), "Empty target species array returned");
            Assert.IsFalse(ts.Values.SelectMany(v => v).Any(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace), "Blank target species returned");
            Assert.IsTrue(ts.Where(kv => kv.Key.Contains("and")).All(kv => kv.Value.Length > 1), "multi-species product has single species");
        public void TestGetTargetSpeciesFromMultiPDF()
            const string pathtopdf = @"TestFiles\TestSPCParser\WC500065777.pdf";
            var          sp        = SPCParser.GetTargetSpeciesFromMultiProductPdf(pathtopdf);

            Assert.IsNotNull(sp, "null dictionary returned");
            Assert.IsFalse(sp.Count == 0, "empty dictionary returned");
            Assert.IsTrue(sp.ContainsKey("Metacam 20 mg/ml solution for injection for cattle, pigs and horses"),
                          "product not found");
                sp["Metacam 20 mg/ml solution for injection for cattle, pigs and horses"]
                .Intersect(new[] { "cattle", "pigs", "horses" }).Count() == 3,
                $"Unexpected species list returned:{string.Join(',', sp["Metacam 20 mg/ml solution for injection for cattle, pigs and horses"])}");