private bool DeleteItem()
            bool success = false;

            try {
                SPA.TrngAnswer item     = new SPA.TrngAnswer(ItemID);
                int            answerID = item.ID;
                string         answer   = item.Answer;
                if (item.Delete())
                    Action.Write(string.Format("Deleted Answer ID: {0}, Answer: {1}", answerID, answer), CurrentUser.DisplayName);
                    success = true;
                    ItemID  = 0;
                    // display message that item is im use
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ShowDebug)
                    lblErrorMessage.Text = ex.ToString();
Exemple #2
        private bool DeleteItem()
            bool success = false;

            try {
                SPA.TrngAnswer item = new SPA.TrngAnswer(ItemID);
                if (item.Delete())
                    success = true;
                    ItemID  = 0;
                    // display message that item is im use
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ShowDebug)
                    lblErrorMessage.Text = ex.ToString();
Exemple #3
        //This is the GridView of all the items in the Table
        protected override void Fill()
            try {
                if (IView == ItemView.List)
                    // set table visibility
                    tblItem.Visible = false;
                    tblList.Visible = true;
                    // set ribbon visibility
                    tdNew.Visible    = true;
                    tdSave.Visible   = false;
                    tdDelete.Visible = false;
                    tdView.Visible   = false;
                    tdEdit.Visible   = false;
                    btnCancel.Text   = "Close";

                    // bind answers to list
                    gvData.EmptyDataText = Message.EMPTY_LIST;
                    DataView dv = new DataView(SPA.TrngAnswer.Items(QuestionID).Tables[0]);
                    gvData.DataSource = dv;
                    // set table visibility
                    tblList.Visible = false;
                    tblItem.Visible = true;
                    // set ribbon visibility
                    bool isView = (IView == ItemView.View);
                    bool isNew  = (IView == ItemView.New);
                    tdEdit.Visible   = isView;
                    tdView.Visible   = !isView && ItemID != 0;
                    tdDelete.Visible = !isView && ItemID != 0;
                    tdSave.Visible   = !isView;
                    btnSave.Visible  = !isView;
                    btnCancel.Text   = isView ? "Close" : "Cancel";
                    // bind data
                    TrngAnswer item = new SPA.TrngAnswer(ItemID);
                    txtAnswer.Text            = item.Answer;
                    txtAnswer.Visible         = !isView;
                    lblAnswerView.Text        = item.Answer;
                    lblAnswerView.Visible     = isView;
                    lblAnswerRequired.Visible = !isView;

                    ckbxIsCorrect.Checked    = item.IsCorrect;
                    ckbxIsCorrect.Visible    = !isView;
                    lblIsCorrectView.Text    = item.IsCorrect ? "Yes" : "No";
                    lblIsCorrectView.Visible = isView;

                    lblCreatedInfo.Text    = string.Format("Created at {0} by {1}", SPA.Common.ConvertUTCToWebLocalTime(this.Web, item.CreatedOn), item.CreatedBy);
                    lblCreatedInfo.Visible = (item.ID != 0);
                    lblUpdatedInfo.Text    = string.Format("Last modified at {0} by {1}", SPA.Common.ConvertUTCToWebLocalTime(this.Web, item.ModifiedOn), item.ModifiedBy);
                    lblUpdatedInfo.Visible = (item.ID != 0);

                    //Action.Write(string.Format("Opened SlideAnswers [AnswerID: {0}]", ItemID), CurrentUser.DisplayName);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ShowDebug)
                    lblErrorMessage.Text = ex.ToString();
Exemple #4
        protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            try {
                bool bContinue = true;
                lblWrong.Visible = false;
                TrngCourse course = new TrngCourse(CourseID);
                if (!rbtnlAnswers.SelectedValue.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    // answer selected
                    SPA.TrngAnswer answer = new SPA.TrngAnswer(int.Parse(rbtnlAnswers.SelectedValue.ToString()));
                    if (answer.IsCorrect)
                        // add 1 to correct answer count
                        Session["QuestionsCorrect"] = int.Parse(Session["QuestionsCorrect"].ToString()) + 1;
                        //lblErrorMessage.Text = "Correct Answers: " + Session["QuestionsCorrect"].ToString();
                        bContinue = true;
                        // do not add 1 to correct answer count
                        //lblErrorMessage.Text = "Correct Answers: " + Session["QuestionsCorrect"].ToString();
                        if (course.IsGraded)
                            bContinue = true;
                            bContinue        = false;
                            lblWrong.Text    = "Answer Wrong! Try Again!<br>";
                            lblWrong.Visible = true;
                else if (rbtnlAnswers.SelectedIndex == -1 && trQuestion.Visible)
                    bContinue        = false;
                    lblWrong.Visible = true;
                    lblWrong.Text    = "You Must Select an Answer! Try Again!<br>";

                if (btnNext.Text == "Finish" && bContinue)   // on last step
                    btnNext.Visible     = false;
                    btnPrevious.Visible = false;
                    trContent.Visible   = false;
                    trQuestion.Visible  = false;
                    trFinished.Visible  = true;

                    TrngRecord userRecord = new TrngRecord(CourseID, CurrentUser.ID);

                    string courseDuration = BuildDurationString(DateTime.Now);
                    userRecord.CourseName        = course.Name;
                    userRecord.CourseDescription = course.Description;
                    userRecord.CourseCode        = course.Code;
                    userRecord.DateCompleted     = DateTime.Now;
                    userRecord.TimeToComplete    = courseDuration;

                    // if course graded, check score for passing
                    bool completeCourse = true;
                    //lblErrorMessage.Text = "Finish - Correct Answers: " + Session["QuestionsCorrect"].ToString() + " Course Graded: " + course.IsGraded.ToString();
                    if (course.IsGraded)
                        int    questionCorrect = int.Parse(Session["QuestionsCorrect"].ToString());
                        int    minimumScore    = course.MinimumScore;
                        int    questionCount   = TrngCourse.QuestionCount(course.ID);
                        double score           = (double)questionCorrect / questionCount * 100;
                        //lblErrorMessage.Text += string.Format("</br> Correct: {0}, Minimum Score: {1}, Total Questions: {2}, Score: {3}", questionCorrect, minimumScore, questionCount, score);
                        if (score < minimumScore)
                            completeCourse = false;
                            Action.Write(string.Format("<font color='red'>Score of {0} <b>failed to meet minimum score</b> of {1} for {2}</font>", score, minimumScore, course.Name), CurrentUser.DisplayName);
                            lblFinished.Text    = string.Format("You failed to meet the minimum score and will need to reaccomplish the course!</br>Your score was {0}% and the minimum score to pass is {1}%</br></br>Select Close to return to your training record.", score, minimumScore);
                            btnClose.Visible    = true;
                            btnNext.Visible     = false;
                            btnPrevious.Visible = false;
                    if (completeCourse)
                        if (userRecord.ID != 0)
                            userRecord.ModifiedBy = CurrentUser.DisplayName;

                            if (userRecord.Update())
                                Action.Write(string.Format("Completed Course: {0}", course.Name), CurrentUser.DisplayName);
                                lblFinished.Text    = "Course completed and updated successfully!</br></br>Select Close to return to your training record.";
                                btnClose.Visible    = true;
                                btnNext.Visible     = false;
                                btnPrevious.Visible = false;
                                // record failure and send email to admins to investigate
                                Action.Write(string.Format("Course Failed to Finish: {0}", course.Name), CurrentUser.DisplayName);
                                lblFinished.Text    = "Course completion failed to update successfully!</br></br>The failure has been reported to the application administrators";
                                btnClose.Visible    = true;
                                btnNext.Visible     = false;
                                btnPrevious.Visible = false;
                            userRecord.CourseID   = course.ID;
                            userRecord.UserID     = CurrentUser.ID;
                            userRecord.CreatedBy  = CurrentUser.DisplayName;
                            userRecord.ModifiedBy = CurrentUser.DisplayName;
                            if (userRecord.Insert())
                                Action.Write(string.Format("Completed Course: {0}", course.Name), CurrentUser.DisplayName);
                                lblFinished.Text    = "Course completed and assigned successfully!</br></br>Select Close to return to your training record.";
                                btnClose.Visible    = true;
                                btnNext.Visible     = false;
                                btnPrevious.Visible = false;
                                // record failure and send email to admins to investigate
                                Action.Write(string.Format("Course Failed to Finish: {0}", course.Name), CurrentUser.DisplayName);
                                lblFinished.Text    = "Course failed to assign successfully!</br></br>The failure has been reported to the application administrators";
                                btnClose.Visible    = true;
                                btnNext.Visible     = false;
                                btnPrevious.Visible = false;
                    if (bContinue)
                        BuildSlide(CourseID, SlideNumber);
                if (course.IsGraded)
                    btnPrevious.Enabled = false;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ShowDebug)
                    lblErrorMessage.Text = ex.ToString();