private string exportHeader(string exportPath) { string uploadfilename = "PFIZER_NUC_PCMS_" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmss") + ".txt"; string fullpath = Path.Combine(exportPath, uploadfilename); using (ImpersonateUser u = new ImpersonateUser()) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(exportPath); if (di.Exists == false) { di.Create(); } StreamWriter fileStream = new StreamWriter(fullpath, true); try { fileStream.WriteLine(N360File.exportHeader()); } catch (Exception e) { JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); return(null); } finally { fileStream.Close(); fileStream.Dispose(); } } return(fullpath); }
private bool SendMail(EmployeeMailTemplate model) { try { SMTPHelper smtpHelper = new SMTPHelper(); char[] symbols = new char[] { ';', ' ', ',', '\r', '\n' }; if (model != null) { string[] ToEmailId = model.To.Split(symbols); //Loop to seperate email id's of CC peoples string[] CCEmailId = null; if (model.Cc != "" && model.Cc != null) { CCEmailId = model.Cc.Split(symbols); string[] CCEmailIds = CCEmailId.Where(s => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToArray(); return(smtpHelper.SendMail(ToEmailId, null, CCEmailIds, null, null, null, model.From, null, model.Subject, model.Message, null, null)); } else { return(smtpHelper.SendMail(ToEmailId, null, null, null, null, null, model.From, null, model.Subject, model.Message, null, null)); } } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
private void PostMail(MailBaseData _MailBaseData, string recipientsAddressRange, string MailSubject, string Describe, string File_Path) { MailSubject = MailSubject + " (" + WIPCommon.ForamtCurDateTime() + ")";//任务名称 Describe += "<br/><br/>"; Describe += "消息来自主机:" + WIPCommon.GetHostName() + "<br/>"; Describe += "主机发生时间:" + WIPCommon.ForamtCurDateTime() + "<br/>"; IDictionary <string, object> logDict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); logDict.Add("recipientsAddressRange", recipientsAddressRange); logDict.Add("MailSubject", MailSubject); logDict.Add("Describe", Describe); logDict.Add("File_Path", File_Path); ExceptionInfoEntity exception = WipLogHelper.GetExceptionInfo <IDictionary <string, object> >(namespaceName, "MailSending", logDict, "", ""); try { if (File_Path == null) { File_Path = ""; } SMTPHelper.MailSending(_MailBaseData, _recipientsAddressRange, MailSubject, Describe.ToString(), ""); } catch (Exception ex) { WipLogHelper.GetExceptionInfoForError(ex, ref exception); WipLogHelper.WriteExceptionInfo(exception); } }
public ActionResult RecuperarSenha(string email) { if (email == "") { ViewBag.Erro = "Digite seu e-mail"; return(View()); } Usuario usuario = obterUsuarioPorEmail(email); if (usuario == null) { ViewBag.Erro = "O e-mail digitado não é válido"; return(View()); } MensagemEmail mensagem = new MensagemEmail(); mensagem.Mensagem = String.Format("Olá!\n Você solicitou a recuperação de senha. Sua senha é: {0}", usuario.senha); mensagem.Assunto = "Recuperação da Senha do Projeto Loja"; mensagem.Remetente = "*****@*****.**"; mensagem.Destinatario = email; try { SMTPHelper.EnviarEmail(mensagem); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Erro = ex.Message; } return(RedirectToAction("Login")); }
public void SendingMailToReportingPerson() { try { dsReportingTo = objLeaveDeatilsBOL.GetReportingTo(objLeaveDeatilsModel); if (dsReportingTo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //Send new password to the employee through Email. MailMessage objMailMessage = new MailMessage(); objMailMessage.To.Add(new MailAddress(dsReportingTo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EmployeeEmailID"].ToString())); string strBody; dsCancelDetails = objCompensationBOL.GetCancelCompOffDetails(objCompensationModel); for (int k = 0; k < dsReportingTo.Tables[1].Rows.Count; k++) { if (dsReportingTo.Tables[1].Rows[k]["ConfigItemName"].ToString() == "From EmailID") { objMailMessage.From = new MailAddress(dsReportingTo.Tables[1].Rows[k]["ConfigItemValue"].ToString(), dsReportingTo.Tables[1].Rows[k]["ConfigItemValue"].ToString()); } if (dsReportingTo.Tables[1].Rows[k]["ConfigItemName"].ToString() == "Mail Server Name") { break; } } objMailMessage.Subject = "Updated Compensatory Leave Details"; strBody = "<font style= color:Navy;font-size:smaller;font-family:Arial>" + "Hi ##EmployeeName##," + " \n\n" + " Updated Compensatory Leave Application Details: " + " \n\n" + " Applied For: ##AppliedFor##" + " \n" + " Reason: ##Reason##" + "\n\n" + "Update the Approved Compensatory Leave Details, the required updates are made in the system."; strBody = Regex.Replace(strBody, "##Environment##", Environment.NewLine); strBody = Regex.Replace(strBody, "##ApproverName##", dsReportingTo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ReporterName"].ToString()); strBody = Regex.Replace(strBody, "##EmployeeName##", dsReportingTo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EmployeeName"].ToString()); strBody = Regex.Replace(strBody, "##AppliedFor##", Convert.ToDateTime(dsCancelDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["AppliedFor"].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); strBody = Regex.Replace(strBody, "##Reason##", dsCancelDetails.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Reason"].ToString()); objMailMessage.Body = strBody; SMTPHelper objhelper = new SMTPHelper(); objhelper.SendMail(objMailMessage.From.ToString(), objMailMessage.To.ToString(), objMailMessage.Subject, objMailMessage.Body, null, null, 1); } } catch (V2Exceptions ex) { throw; } catch (System.Exception ex) { FileLog objFileLog = FileLog.GetLogger(); objFileLog.WriteLine(LogType.Error, ex.Message, "CompensationApproval.aspx.cs", "SendingMailToReportingPerson", ex.StackTrace); throw new V2Exceptions(ex.ToString(), ex); } }
protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SMTPHelper smtp = new SMTPHelper(); if (!smtp.Send("*****@*****.**", "wwwww", "eeeeeeeeeeeee")) { lblStatus.Text = smtp.SMTPError; lblStatus.Visible = true; } else { lblStatus.Text = string.Empty; lblStatus.Visible = false; } }
private string exportData(List <PforceRXFile> datalist, string exportPath, string backuppath) { string uploadfilename = "KR_CONSENT_IN_" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt"; string fullpath = Path.Combine(exportPath, uploadfilename); using (ImpersonateUser u = new ImpersonateUser()) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(exportPath); if (di.Exists == false) { di.Create(); } StreamWriter fileStream = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(fullpath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite), Encoding.UTF8); try { fileStream.WriteLine(PforceRXFile.exportHeader()); foreach (PforceRXFile n in datalist) { fileStream.WriteLine(n.Export()); } } catch (Exception e) { JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); return(null); } finally { fileStream.Close(); fileStream.Dispose(); } // 백업 try { File.Copy(fullpath, Path.Combine(backuppath, uploadfilename), true); } catch (Exception e) { JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); return(null); } } return(fullpath); }
protected void btnAceptar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime birthdate; if (DateTime.TryParse(txtFecha.Text, out birthdate)) { PassRecover PassRecover = passRecoverSession(birthdate); if (PassRecover.IsEmailAndBirthdayCorrect() && ValidateCaptcha()) { if (HasPasswordRecoveryPermission(PassRecover)) { string code = RandomString(5); PassRecover.Code = code; string message = string.Format("Usted ha solicitado una recuperación de contraseña en el sistema de ProcessSA, su código de recuperación es:" + "</br>" + "<h1>{0}</h1>" + "</br>" + "En caso que usted no haya solicitado este cambio, ignore este mensaje", code); SMTPHelper SMTPHelper = new SMTPHelper("*****@*****.**", PassRecover.Email, message, "Recuperación de contraseña", null); if (SMTPHelper.enviaMail()) { Session["PassRecover"] = PassRecover; Response.Redirect("CodigoContraseña.aspx"); } else { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Error del servidor al enviar el mensaje, contacte al administrador"; } } else { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Su cuenta no posee el permiso de recuperar contraseña"; } } else { lblErrorMessage.Text = "El email, la fecha de nacimiento o el captcha son inválidos, número de intentos restantes: " + (3 - PassRecover.NumberOfTries); CheckNumberOfTries(PassRecover.NumberOfTries); } } else { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Error en lectura de fecha"; } }
public void Execute() { JobLog(BatchStatus.Begin); myChannel = dbContext.Channels.Find(myChannel.ID); //CommonUtil.LogWrite("BatchStatus.Begin"); Channel channel = dbContext.Channels.Where(c => == @"N360" && c.bound == BoundType.Outbound).FirstOrDefault(); //ChannelStatus(channel, ActionStatus.Running); //CommonUtil.LogWrite("ActionStatus.Running"); // 미처리 채널 데이터를 파일로 export string uploadfilename = exportHeader(channel.path); //CommonUtil.LogWrite("exportHeader"); try { if (countTargetData() > 0) { //CommonUtil.LogWrite("initTargetData Before"); List <N360File> flist = initTargetData(); // 파일생성 //CommonUtil.LogWrite("initTargetData After"); exportData(flist, channel.path, uploadfilename); //CommonUtil.LogWrite("exportData "); } // 업로드 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel.exportpath)) { XferHelper.Call(XferHelper.XferActionEnum.Export, channel.path, channel.exportpath); } else { XferHelper.Call(XferHelper.XferActionEnum.Export, @"xfer_n360_export.txt"); } } catch (Exception e) { JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); } // 백업 CollectionLog(channel, uploadfilename, channel.exportpath, CollectionStatus.UPLOAD); //added by venkat for use service accoutn while accessing file son 5th march 2020 using (ImpersonateUser u = new ImpersonateUser()) { File.Move(uploadfilename, Path.Combine(channel.backuppath, Path.GetFileName(uploadfilename))); } JobLog(BatchStatus.Completed); }
public JsonResult DecideRequest(int id, int action, string message) { Approval approval = db.Approvals.Find(id); if (approval == null) { return(Json(new { result = false })); } Privacy p = db.Privacies.Find(approval.privacyId); if (action == 1) { if (!CommonUtil.checkEmail(p.EMAIL) && !CommonUtil.checkMobile(p.MOBILE)) { return(Json(new { result = false, msg = @"일부 데이터가 적합하지 않습니다. 승인할 수 없습니다.[이메일,핸드폰]" })); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.CONSENT.CONSENT_SOURCE)) { return(Json(new { result = false, msg = @"일부 데이터가 적합하지 않습니다. 승인할 수 없습니다.[동의서채널]" })); } approval.status = ApprovalStatus.Approved; } else if (action == 2) { approval.status = ApprovalStatus.Rejected; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { approval.message = message; } db.Entry(approval).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.LINK_RESERVATION) && approval.status == ApprovalStatus.Approved) { SMTPHelper.SendAlertPfizerLink(p); } if (approval.status == ApprovalStatus.Approved) { SMTPHelper.SendAlertApproved(p); } else if (approval.status == ApprovalStatus.Rejected) { SMTPHelper.SendAlertRejected(p); } return(Json(new { result = true })); }
private void exportData(List <N360File> datalist, string exportPath, string appendfile) { string uploadfilename = "PFIZER_NUC_PCMS_" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmss") + ".txt"; string fullpath = Path.Combine(exportPath, uploadfilename); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appendfile)) { fullpath = appendfile; } using (ImpersonateUser u = new ImpersonateUser()) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(exportPath); if (di.Exists == false) { di.Create(); } StreamWriter fileStream = new StreamWriter(fullpath, true); try { foreach (N360File n in datalist) { fileStream.WriteLine(n.Export()); } } catch (Exception e) { JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); } finally { fileStream.Close(); fileStream.Dispose(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string sql = @" SELECT 'BLOMBlood' SourceTable,a.ChargeItemId,a.ChargeCode,a.ItemChineseName, a.CreateTime,a.ModifyTime ,b.BloodId ItemId,b.BloodCode ItemCode,b.BloodChineseName ItemName FROM dbo.CHGMChargeItem a FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.BLOMBlood b ON a.ChargeItemId = b.BloodId WHERE a.OrderTypeCode = 'BLO' AND (a.ChargeItemId IS NULL OR b.BloodId IS NULL OR a.ChargeCode <> b.BloodCode) UNION all SELECT 'EXAMExamination' SourceTable,a.ChargeItemId,a.ChargeCode,a.ItemChineseName, a.CreateTime,a.ModifyTime ,b.ExaminationId ItemId,b.ExaminationCode ItemCode,b.ExamChineseName ItemName FROM dbo.CHGMChargeItem a FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.EXAMExamination b ON a.ChargeItemId = b.ExaminationId WHERE a.OrderTypeCode = 'EXA' AND (a.ChargeItemId IS NULL OR b.ExaminationId IS NULL OR a.ChargeCode <> b.ExaminationCode) UNION all SELECT 'LABMLaboratory' SourceTable,a.ChargeItemId,a.ChargeCode,a.ItemChineseName, a.CreateTime,a.ModifyTime ,b.LaboratoryId ItemId,b.LaboratoryCode ItemCode,b.LaboratoryChineseName ItemName FROM dbo.CHGMChargeItem a FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.LABMLaboratory b ON a.ChargeItemId = b.LaboratoryId WHERE a.OrderTypeCode = 'LAB' AND (a.ChargeItemId IS NULL OR b.LaboratoryId IS NULL OR a.ChargeCode <> b.LaboratoryCode) UNION all SELECT 'OPRMOperation' SourceTable,a.ChargeItemId,a.ChargeCode,a.ItemChineseName, a.CreateTime,a.ModifyTime ,b.OperationId ItemId,b.OperationCode ItemCode,b.OprChineseName ItemName FROM dbo.CHGMChargeItem a FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.OPRMOperation b ON a.ChargeItemId = b.OperationId WHERE a.OrderTypeCode = 'OPR' AND (a.ChargeItemId IS NULL OR b.OperationId IS NULL OR a.ChargeCode <> b.OperationCode) UNION all SELECT 'PHRMMedication' SourceTable,a.ChargeItemId,a.ChargeCode,a.ItemChineseName, a.CreateTime,a.ModifyTime,b.MedicationId ItemId,b.MedicationCode ItemCode,b.GenericName ItemName FROM dbo.CHGMChargeItem a FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.PHRMMedication b ON a.ChargeItemId = b.MedicationId WHERE a.OrderTypeCode = 'PHR' AND (a.ChargeItemId IS NULL OR b.MedicationId IS NULL OR a.ChargeCode <> b.MedicationCode) UNION all SELECT 'PEXMHealthCheckItem' SourceTable,a.ChargeItemId,a.ChargeCode,a.ItemChineseName, a.CreateTime,a.ModifyTime ,b.HealthCheckItemId ItemId,b.HealthCheckItemCode ItemCode,b.ItemChineseName ItemName FROM dbo.CHGMChargeItem a FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.PEXMHealthCheckItem b ON a.ChargeItemId = b.HealthCheckItemId WHERE a.OrderTypeCode = 'PEX' AND (a.ChargeItemId IS NULL OR b.HealthCheckItemId IS NULL OR a.ChargeCode <> b.HealthCheckItemCode) UNION all SELECT 'TREMTreatment' SourceTable,a.ChargeItemId,a.ChargeCode,a.ItemChineseName, a.CreateTime ,a.ModifyTime,b.TreatmentId ItemId,b.TreatmentCode ItemCode,b.TreatmentChineseName ItemName FROM dbo.CHGMChargeItem a FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.TREMTreatment b ON a.ChargeItemId = b.TreatmentId WHERE a.OrderTypeCode = 'TRE' AND (a.ChargeItemId IS NULL OR b.TreatmentId IS NULL OR a.ChargeCode <> b.TreatmentCode) "; IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsetting.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true).Build(); //取得連線字串 string connString = config.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); //string connString = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog={0};Integrated Security=False;User ID={1};Password={2};Pooling=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Connect Timeout=120;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=True;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite"; SqlServerDBHelper sqlHelper = new SqlServerDBHelper(string.Format(connString, "HISDB", "msdba", "1qaz@wsx")); List <DBdata> migrationTableInfoList = sqlHelper.QueryAsync <DBdata>(sql).Result?.ToList(); DataTable dt = sqlHelper.FillTableAsync(sql).Result; /*var excelname = new FileInfo(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmm") + ".xlsx"); * //ExcelPackage.LicenseContext = LicenseContext.Commercial; * ExcelPackage.LicenseContext = LicenseContext.NonCommercial; * using (var excel = new ExcelPackage(excelname)) * { * excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("結果"); * ExcelWorksheet firstsheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets[0]; * int rowIndex = 1; * int colIndex = 1; * //4.3.1塞資料到某一格 * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = "SourceTable"; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = "ChargeItemId"; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = "ChargeCode"; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = "ItemChineseName"; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = "CreateTime"; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = "ModifyTime"; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = "ItemId"; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = "ItemCode"; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = "ItemName"; * //4.3.2 Cell Style * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1, rowIndex, colIndex - 1] * .SetQuickStyle(Color.Black, Color.LightPink, ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center); * * foreach (var v in migrationTableInfoList) * { * rowIndex++; * colIndex = 1; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = v.SourceTable; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = v.ChargeItemId; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = v.ChargeCode; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = v.ItemChineseName; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex].Value = v.CreateTime; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex].Style.Numberformat.Format = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex].Value = v.ModifyTime; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex].Style.Numberformat.Format = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = v.ItemId; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = v.ItemCode; * firstsheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].Value = v.ItemName; * * } * //4.3.3 儲存格和字數相等 * int startColumn = firstsheet.Dimension.Start.Column; * int endColumn = firstsheet.Dimension.End.Column; * for (int count = startColumn; count <= endColumn; count++) * { * firstsheet.Column(count).AutoFit(); * } * Byte[] bin = excel.GetAsByteArray(); * File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\Users\v-vyin\SchedulerDB_ExcelFile\" + excelname, bin); * * }*/ DatatableToHTML datatableToHTML = new DatatableToHTML(); var helper = new SMTPHelper($"{config[$"SendEmail:FromAddressMail"]}", $"{config[$"SendEmail:FromAddressMailPassword"]}", $"{config[$"SendEmail:SMTPHost"]}", int.Parse($"{config[$"SendEmail:SMTPPort"]}"), bool.Parse($"{config[$"SendEmail:SMTPEnableSsl"]}"), bool.Parse($"{config[$"SendEmail:UseDefaultCredentials"]}")); //寄出信email string subject = $"有關收標與子檔無法對應項目"; //信件主旨 string body = $"Hi All, \r\n\r\n無法對應的項目如下表,\r\n\r\n{datatableToHTML.ToHTML(dt)}\r\n\r\n Best Regards, \r\n\r\n Vicky Yin"; //信件內容 string attachments = null; //附件 /* var fileName = $@"C:\Users\v-vyin\SchedulerDB_ExcelFile\{excelname}";//附件位置 * if (File.Exists(fileName.ToString())) * { * attachments = fileName.ToString(); * }*/ //string toMailList = "*****@*****.**";//收件者 //string ccMailList = "";//CC收件者 string toMailList = $"{config[$"TargetTable:toMail"]}"; //收件者 string ccMailList = $"{config[$"TargetTable:ccMail"]}"; //CC收件者 helper.SendMail(toMailList, ccMailList, null, subject, body, null); }
public JsonResult MailApi() { bool result = SMTPHelper.TestMail(); return(Json(new { result = result }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void Display(bool endAnalyse) { SimpleLog.Log("Finalise..."); if (Analyser.Config.Duplicate) { dgvDoublons.DataSource = _dvDoublons; if (_dvDoublons.Count < 5000) { dgvDoublons.AutoResizeColumns( DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCellsExceptHeader); } hideColumnFromList(dgvDoublons, new string[] { "Erreur", "Chemin", "isDuplicate", "AnalysisPath", "debug" }); if (Analyser.Config.Bdd) { dgvDoublons.Columns["id"].Visible = false; } hideQualifierColumn(dgvDoublons); ResourceHelper.setHeaders(dgvDoublons); Finalize(endAnalyse); } UpdateChemin(); _dvErreurs = new DataView(Analyser.Dset.Tables[0], "Erreur<>''", "Fichier asc", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); dgvErreurs.DataSource = _dvErreurs; dgvErreurs.AutoResizeColumns( DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCellsExceptHeader); hideColumnFromList(dgvErreurs, new string[] { "Chemin", "Taille", "isDuplicate", "Hash", "AnalysisPath", "isOriginal", "debug" }); if (Analyser.Config.Bdd) { dgvErreurs.Columns["id"].Visible = false; } hideQualifierColumn(dgvErreurs); ResourceHelper.setHeaders(dgvErreurs); _dv2003 = new DataView(Analyser.Dset.Tables[0], "Fichier like '%.doc' or Fichier like '%.rtf' or Fichier like '' or Fichier like '%.xls' or Fichier like '%.ppt'" , "Fichier asc", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); dgv2003.DataSource = _dv2003; dgv2003.AutoResizeColumns( DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCellsExceptHeader); hideColumnFromList(dgv2003, new string[] { "Erreur", "Chemin", "isDuplicate", "Hash", "AnalysisPath", "isOriginal" }); if (Analyser.Config.Bdd) { dgv2003.Columns["id"].Visible = false; } hideQualifierColumn(dgv2003); ResourceHelper.setHeaders(dgv2003); if (Analyser.Config.Qualifiers.Count > 0) { updateQualifier(); } else { tabControl1.TabPages["tabQualifier"].Hide(); } if (endAnalyse) { Analyser.setStats(); } if (endAnalyse) { if (Analyser.Config.Mail) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Analyser.Config.ReportMail)) { SMTPHelper.sendReport(dgvDoublons, dgvErreurs); } } } if (automaticMode) { Application.Exit(); } }
//private ODSMDBContext odsmDB = new ODSMDBContext(); public void Execute() { //ODSMDBContext odsmDB = new ODSMDBContext(); JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Begin); myChannel = dbContext.Channels.Find(myChannel.ID); // Channel 정보 획득 // 접속 ODSMEntities odsm = new ODSMEntities(); #pragma warning disable CS0219 // The variable 'ncnt' is assigned but its value is never used int ncnt = 0; #pragma warning restore CS0219 // The variable 'ncnt' is assigned but its value is never used // 마지막 동작일 가져오기 PrivacyLog logone = null; try { logone = dbContext.PrivacyLogs.Where(pl => pl.creater == @"ODSM").OrderByDescending(pl => pl.createdate).First(); } #pragma warning disable CS0168 // The variable 'e' is declared but never used catch (Exception e) { #pragma warning restore CS0168 // The variable 'e' is declared but never used logone = null; } try { if (logone == null) { logone = dbContext.PrivacyLogs.Where(pl => pl.creater == @"TASK" && (pl.changes.Contains(@"NucleusKey") || pl.changes.Contains(@"OneKey"))).OrderByDescending(pl => pl.createdate).First(); } } #pragma warning disable CS0168 // The variable 'e' is declared but never used catch (Exception e) #pragma warning restore CS0168 // The variable 'e' is declared but never used { logone = null; } try { IEnumerable <VW_CONSENT> list = null; if (logone != null) { list = odsm.VW_CONSENT.Where(vc => vc.ODSK_MODIFY_DATE >= logone.createdate).ToList(); } else { list = odsm.VW_CONSENT.ToList(); } foreach (VW_CONSENT va in list) { Privacy privacy = dbContext.Privacies.Where(p => p.pcmsid.Equals(va.PCMS_ID)).FirstOrDefault(); if (privacy != null && (privacy.NucleusKey != va.NUC_ID || privacy.OneKey != va.ONEKEY)) { List <string> tracelist = new List <string>(); if (!IsEqual(privacy.NucleusKey, va.NUC_ID)) { tracelist.Add("NucleusKey : " + privacy.NucleusKey + " => " + va.NUC_ID); privacy.NucleusKey = va.NUC_ID; } if (!IsEqual(privacy.OneKey, va.ONEKEY)) { tracelist.Add("OneKey : " + privacy.OneKey + " => " + va.ONEKEY); privacy.OneKey = va.ONEKEY; } privacy.status = Status.PrivacyStatus.GRANTED; dbContext.Entry(privacy).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; if (tracelist.Count() > 0) { string changes = tracelist.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b); dbContext.PrivacyLogs.Add(new PrivacyLog { Privacy = privacy, creater = @"ODSM", changes = changes }); } } } dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { dbContext.SaveChanges(); JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); } JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Completed); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Step1. 備份檔案 //Step1.1. 本機檔案讀取 var filename = "PATMPatientItem"; DirectoryInfo readlocalfile = new DirectoryInfo($@"C:\Users\user\Downloads\{filename}.csv"); DataTable local_dt = TxtConvertToDataTable(readlocalfile.ToString(), "localfile", "|"); string firstColumnName = local_dt.Columns[0].ColumnName; DataRow[] rows = local_dt.Select(); //Step1.2. 檔案讀取→\\\d$\csv \\\d$\CSV - 複製 var host = @""; var RDPfile = "CSV"; var username = @"LAPTOP-ODUSIH5U\Administrator"; var password = "******"; string old_path = ""; string new_path = $@"\\{host}\d$\{RDPfile}\" + filename + ".csv"; using (new RDPCredentials(host, username, password)) { //Step1.3. 找到相對應File DirectoryInfo readfile = new DirectoryInfo($@"\\{host}\d$\{RDPfile}\{filename}.csv"); //Step1.4. 將File中的資料存入var string LastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(readfile.ToString()).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); old_path = $@"\\{host}\d$\{RDPfile}\" + filename + "_" + LastWriteTime + ".csv"; //old_path = $@"\\{host}\d$\{RDPfile}\" + filename + "_" + "2.csv"; //Step1.5. 修改名稱(原File_修改日期yyyyMMdd)--備份 //readfile.MoveTo($@"\\{host}\d$\{RDPfile}\" + filename + "_" + LastWriteTime + ".csv"); readfile.MoveTo(old_path); //Step1.6. 將下載的File 複製到 mstv File.Copy(readlocalfile.ToString(), new_path); } //Step2. SSMS import CSV //Step2.1. 連線SSMS IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsetting.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true).Build(); //取得連線字串 string connString = config.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); SqlServerDBHelper sqlHelper = new SqlServerDBHelper(string.Format(connString, "HISDB", "msdba", "1qaz@wsx")); //Step2.2. 將檔案名稱丟入SQL string sqlOldCSV = $@"select * from {filename}"; string sqlCSV = $@"--use [HISDB]; --use[HISBILLINGDB]; --, CODEPAGE = 65001 --已更新至225.17 DECLARE @TABLENAME VARCHAR(MAX) = '{filename}'; --檔案名稱去除CSV IF LEFT(@TABLENAME,3) IN('CHG', 'CLA') BEGIN use[HISBILLINGDB]; END ELSE BEGIN use[HISDB]; END EXEC('TRUNCATE TABLE ' + @TABLENAME) DECLARE @INS_CNT INT,@UPD_CNT INT DECLARE @START_TIME VARCHAR(24) SET @START_TIME = CONVERT(VARCHAR(24), GETDATE(), 121) DECLARE @ERR_NO INT DECLARE @SP_NAME VARCHAR(100) = ('mSP_INS_' + @TABLENAME + '_all'); --DECLARE @SP_NAME VARCHAR(100) = ('mSP_INS_' + @TABLENAME + '_fromExternal'); EXEC @ERR_NO = @SP_NAME @INS_CNT OUTPUT, @UPD_CNT OUTPUT PRINT @ERR_NO; IF @ERR_NO = 0 BEGIN EXEC('SELECT * FROM ' + @TABLENAME); END;"; DataTable old_CSV_dt = sqlHelper.FillTableAsync(sqlOldCSV).Result; DataTable new_CSV_dt = sqlHelper.FillTableAsync(sqlCSV).Result; int rowCount = (new_CSV_dt == null) ? 0 : new_CSV_dt.Rows.Count; Console.WriteLine(rowCount); int rowCount_old = (old_CSV_dt == null) ? 0 : old_CSV_dt.Rows.Count; Console.WriteLine(rowCount_old); DataRow[] id_row = new_CSV_dt.Select(); //Step3. 核對 SQL 跟 檔案中筆數及ID是否正確 bool status = true; //Step3.1. Map ListA & ListB 是否相同 for (int i = 56; i < rows.Length; i++) { bool intStatus = Int32.TryParse(rows[i][firstColumnName].ToString(), out int num); if (intStatus) { for (int c = 56; c < id_row.Length; c++) { if (!Equals(num, id_row[c][firstColumnName])) { status = false; } else { status = true; break; } } } } //Step3.3. 回傳比對結果 Console.WriteLine(status); //Step3.3.1 如果失敗必須先將備份的File名稱rename if (!status) { using (new RDPCredentials(host, username, password)) { FileInfo readfile_new = new FileInfo(new_path); readfile_new.Delete(); DirectoryInfo readfile_old = new DirectoryInfo(old_path); readfile_old.MoveTo(new_path); } // Step3.3.2 重新匯入225.17 var reault = sqlHelper.FillTableAsync(sqlCSV).Result; } else { //Step4. 比對新跟舊的差異發送Email DataTable compare_result = CompareRows(old_CSV_dt, new_CSV_dt); DatatableToHTML datatableToHTML = new DatatableToHTML(); //Step4.3. 將List_sync利用Email寄發 var helper = new SMTPHelper("*****@*****.**", "koormyktfbbacpmj", "", 587, true, true); //寄出信email string subject = $"Initial Data異動 {DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")}"; //信件主旨 string body = $"Hi All, \r\n\r\n{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")} {filename}.csv更改如下表,\r\n\r\n{(datatableToHTML.ToHTML(compare_result) == null ? string.Empty : datatableToHTML.ToHTML(compare_result))}\r\n\r\n Best Regards, \r\n\r\n Vicky Yin"; //信件內容 string attachments = null; //附件 /*var fileName = @"D:\微軟MCS\SchedulerDB_Excel\" + excelname;//附件位置 * if (File.Exists(fileName.ToString())) * { * attachments = fileName.ToString(); * }*/ string toMailList = "[email protected];[email protected]"; //收件者 string ccMailList = ""; //CC收件者 helper.SendMail(toMailList, ccMailList, null, subject, body, null); //Step5. 同步到各個DB //Step5.1 讀取相對應SyncData //Step5.2 執行同步到各個DB } }
// Every action starts from here. public void Run() { LogHelper logHelper = new LogHelper(_configuration, "MeterService"); var sendEmail = false; try { // step 1. Get all the files from directories DirectioryHelper directioryHelper = new DirectioryHelper(_logger, _configuration); IEnumerable <string> workingDirectories = directioryHelper.GetAllWorkingDirectoryFullPath(); // step 2. Read data from files foreach (string directory in workingDirectories) { logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Information, ("Start to process: " + directory))); // step 2.1 Check if the directory is empty if (directioryHelper.HasFile(directory)) { var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory); string excelVersion = string.Empty; CSVHelper csvHelper = new CSVHelper(); ExcelHelper excelHelper = new ExcelHelper(); DataTable unikDataTable = new DataTable(); // 2.2 Read the Unik data try { string unik = _configuration.GetValue <string>("Unik:Vendor"); unik = UtilHelper.ConvertToLatin1(unik); unikDataTable = excelHelper.ReadDataAsDataTable(unik, "12.0"); } catch (Exception ex) { logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Error, "Reading Unik configuration file failed. " + ex.Message)); } foreach (var file in files) { try { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file); string newFileName = string.Empty; string newErrorFileName = string.Empty; DataTable outputDataTable = new DataTable(); // 3. Get company name based on directory var company = getCompanyByDirectoryName(directory); logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Information, ("Ready to process file: " + fileInfo.FullName))); // 4. Reading from files. if (fileInfo.Extension == ".csv") { // handling CSV files outputDataTable = csvHelper.ReadDataAsDataTable(file); var stringArray = string.Join(", ", outputDataTable.Rows[0].ItemArray); var isNumeric = Regex.Match(stringArray, "[0-9]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success; if (!isNumeric) { outputDataTable.Rows[0].Delete(); outputDataTable.AcceptChanges(); } } else if (fileInfo.Extension == ".xlsx" || fileInfo.Extension == ".xlsb") { // handling Excel files excelVersion = "12.0"; outputDataTable = excelHelper.ReadDataAsDataTable(file, excelVersion); } else if (fileInfo.Extension == ".xls") { // handling Excel files excelVersion = "8.0"; outputDataTable = excelHelper.ReadDataAsDataTable(file, excelVersion); } else { logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Warning, (fileInfo.Extension + " file is not supported."))); throw new FileLoadException("File format is not supported"); } // 4.1 Create factormodel based on company, outputdata and data from unik FactorModel factorModel = BusinessLogic.CreateFactorModelByCompany(company, unikDataTable, outputDataTable); if (factorModel == null) { throw new Exception("Vendor configuration error. Cannot create factor model based based on vendor information."); } // 5. Filter source data. IEnumerable <DataRow> filteredData = BusinessLogic.FilterDataByCompany(outputDataTable, factorModel, company); IEnumerable <DataRow> errorData = BusinessLogic.ErrorDataByCompany(outputDataTable, factorModel, company); // 6. Save data to file. if (filteredData.Count() > 0) { newFileName = csvHelper.SaveDataToFile(filteredData, factorModel, company, directory, ConfigVariables.OutputFileNameSuffix); } if (errorData.Count() > 0) { newErrorFileName = csvHelper.SaveDataToFile(errorData, factorModel, company, directory, ConfigVariables.ErrorFileNameSuffix); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newFileName)) { throw new NullReferenceException("Error for generating new file name."); } else { directioryHelper.MoveFile(directory, newFileName, BDOEnum.FileMoveOption.Processed); logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Information, (newFileName + " has been moved to Processed dictory"))); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newErrorFileName)) { throw new NullReferenceException("Error for generating new error file name."); } else { logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Information, (newErrorFileName + " has been moved to Manual dictory"))); directioryHelper.MoveFile(directory, newErrorFileName, BDOEnum.FileMoveOption.Manual); } // 7. Move processed file to archive directioryHelper.MoveFile(directory, file, BDOEnum.FileMoveOption.Archive); logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Information, (file + " has been moved to Archive dictory"))); sendEmail = true; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("Processing file: " + file + " is failed."); _logger.LogError(ex.Message); logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Error, ex.Message)); // step 4. Move processed file to error directioryHelper.MoveFile(directory, file, BDOEnum.FileMoveOption.Error); logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Information, (file + " has been moved to Error dictory"))); } } } else { _logger.LogInformation(directory + " has no file to work on."); logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Information, (directory + " has no file to work on."))); } } // send notification if (sendEmail) { SMTPHelper smtpHelper = new SMTPHelper(_configuration); string emailBody = "Hej "; emailBody += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; emailBody += "Datakværnen har behandlet alle filerne i mappen."; emailBody += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; emailBody += "Dette er en autogenereret mail og kan ikke besvares."; emailBody += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; emailBody += "/Datakværn service"; smtpHelper.SendEmailAsync(emailBody); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.Message); logHelper.InsertLog(new LogObject(LogType.Error, ex.Message)); } }
public void Execute() { bool bTrjStarted = false; JobLog(BatchStatus.Begin); myChannel = dbContext.Channels.Find(myChannel.ID); log.Info(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name); try { using (ImpersonateUser u = new ImpersonateUser()) { // 가져오기 var filter = new Regex(@"^KR_CONSENT_OUT_\d{8}.txt$"); if (Directory.Exists(myChannel.path)) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(myChannel.path); var files = di.GetFiles().Where(f => filter.IsMatch(f.Name)).ToList(); foreach (var item in files) { //if (!CheckFile(myChannel, item.Name)) comment by Venkat for apaccr-287 if (!CheckFile(myChannel, item.FullName)) { // 찾았음 표시 CollectionLog(myChannel, item.Name, item.FullName, CollectionStatus.DOWNLOAD); } } } ODSMEntities ODSM = new ODSMEntities(); // Parsing List <Collection> paringlist = dbContext.Collections.Where(c => c.status == CollectionStatus.DOWNLOAD && c.channelId == myChannel.ID).ToList(); foreach (Collection pfile in paringlist) { // 파일이 없는 경우 if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(myChannel.path, { Collection one = dbContext.Collections.Find(pfile.ID); one.status = CollectionStatus.ERROR; dbContext.SaveChanges(); continue; } // 실제 파일 입력 using (DbContextTransaction dbTran = upsertContext.Database.BeginTransaction()) { bTrjStarted = true; try { // 임포트 string line; PforceRXFile f = null; StreamReader file = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(myChannel.path,; Collection one = upsertContext.Collections.Find(pfile.ID); one.status = CollectionStatus.COMPLETED; line = file.ReadLine(); //added by venkat /*Changes done as part of APACCR-287 * Assuming will get Opt Out records first and later Opt In records * Inserting "Opt Out" record in database if not avaiable and skipiing remaining "Opt In" record in that file with respective to nucleus id and (email/phone) * done bug fix while loging in collection log changed to pass "full name" of file alonng with ftp details. * */ List <Privacy> inserteddata = new List <Privacy>(); // end of comment while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] arr = line.Split('|'); f = new PforceRXFile(one, arr); List <Privacy> templist = upsertContext.Privacies.Where(pt => pt.NucleusKey == f.IND_ID && ((pt.EMAIL != null && pt.EMAIL == f.CONSENT_EMAIL) || (pt.MOBILE != null && pt.MOBILE.Replace("-", "") == f.CONSENT_MOBILE.Replace("-", "")))).ToList(); if (inserteddata.Where(insert => insert.NucleusKey == f.IND_ID && ((insert.EMAIL != null && insert.EMAIL == f.CONSENT_EMAIL) || (insert.MOBILE != null && insert.MOBILE.Replace("-", "") == f.CONSENT_MOBILE.Replace("-", "")))).ToList().Count() == 0) { // 원키나 PCMSID가 아니라 N키여서 여러 항목이 동시에 삭제될 가능성이 있음. if (templist.Count() > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.IND_ID) && f.CONSENT_STATUS == false) { //comment below line as part of apaccr-287 by venkat on 3/9/2020 /*List<Privacy> templist = upsertContext.Privacies.Where(pt => pt.NucleusKey == f.IND_ID).ToList(); */ foreach (Privacy p in templist) { /* comment as part of apaccr-287 by venkat on 3/9/2020 * p.IND_FIRSTNAME = "*****"; * p.IND_LASTNAME = "*****"; * p.IND_FULL_NAME = "*****"; * p.MOBILE = "*****"; * p.EMAIL = "*****"; * p.CONSENT.CONSENT_ABROAD = false; * p.CONSENT.CONSENT_SIGN = false; * p.CONSENT.CONSENT_TRUST = false; * p.CONSENT.CONSENT_USE = false; */ p.Unsubscribe = true; /* comment as part of apaccr-287 by venkat * p.status = PrivacyStatus.ERASED; * p.SENDCHANEL &= ~SendChannel.N360; */ upsertContext.Entry(p).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; upsertContext.PrivacyLogs.Add(new PrivacyLog { Privacy = p, creater = @"PFORCERX", changes = @"OptOut NucleusKey : => " + p.NucleusKey }); upsertContext.SaveChanges(); } } else { try { Privacy p = new Privacy(); p.pcmsid = IdGenerater.Generater(); p.IND_ID = f.IND_ID; p.NucleusKey = f.IND_ID; if (f.CONSENT_EMAIL != null && f.CONSENT_EMAIL.Length > 0) { p.EMAIL = f.CONSENT_EMAIL; } if (f.CONSENT_MOBILE != null && f.CONSENT_MOBILE.Length > 0) { p.MOBILE = f.CONSENT_MOBILE; } p.CONSENT_SOURCE = f.CONSENT_SOURCE; p.COUNTRY_CD = f.COUNTRY_CD; p.Unsubscribe = !f.CONSENT_STATUS; p.Consents.Add(new Consent { CONSENT_USE = f.CONSENT_STATUS, CONSENT_TRUST = f.CONSENT_STATUS, CONSENT_ABROAD = f.CONSENT_STATUS, CONSENT_SIGN = f.CONSENT_STATUS, CONSENT_DATE = f.CONSENT_DATE, CONSENT_SOURCE = f.CONSENT_SOURCE }); p.channelId = myChannel.ID; p.status = PrivacyStatus.IMPORTED; VW_CONSENT_ALIGNMENT vca = ODSM.VW_CONSENT_ALIGNMENT.Where(x => x.D_NUC_ID.Equals(f.IND_ID)).FirstOrDefault(); if (vca != null) { p.IND_FULL_NAME = vca.D_NAME; p.ZIP = vca.H_POSTCODE; p.WKP_NAME = vca.H_NAME; p.WKP_TEL = vca.H_PHONE; p.FULL_ADDR = vca.H_ADDR; p.IND_SP = vca.D_SPEC; p.OneKey = vca.D_ONEKEY_ID; } upsertContext.Privacies.Add(p); upsertContext.SaveChanges(); //added by Venkat for apaccr-287 inserteddata.Add(p); // end of comment List <string> tracelist = new List <string>(); tracelist.Add("NucleusKey : => " + p.NucleusKey); tracelist.Add("OneKey : => " + p.OneKey); tracelist.Add("EMAIL : => " + p.EMAIL); tracelist.Add("MOBILE : => " + p.MOBILE); tracelist.Add("CONSENT_SOURCE : => " + p.CONSENT_SOURCE); tracelist.Add("COUNTRY_CD : => " + p.COUNTRY_CD); tracelist.Add("IND_FULL_NAME : => " + p.IND_FULL_NAME); tracelist.Add("ZIP : => " + p.ZIP); tracelist.Add("WKP_NAME : => " + p.WKP_NAME); tracelist.Add("WKP_TEL : => " + p.WKP_TEL); tracelist.Add("FULL_ADDR : => " + p.FULL_ADDR); tracelist.Add("IND_SP : => " + p.IND_SP); string changes = tracelist.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b); upsertContext.PrivacyLogs.Add(new PrivacyLog { Privacy = p, creater = @"PFORCERX", changes = changes }); upsertContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); } } } } dbTran.Commit(); bTrjStarted = false; file.Close(); // Backup으로 이동 File.Move(Path.Combine(myChannel.path,, Path.Combine(myChannel.backuppath,; } catch (Exception e) { log.Error(e); if (bTrjStarted) { dbTran.Rollback(); } JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); } finally { dbTran.Dispose(); } } } } ChannelStatus(myChannel, ActionStatus.Waiting); JobLog(BatchStatus.Completed); } catch (Exception e) { //added by venkat for exception habding on 5th march 2020 JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); JobLog(BatchStatus.Completed); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); } }
public void Execute() { JobLog(BatchStatus.Begin); myChannel = dbContext.Channels.Find(myChannel.ID); try { // 가져오기 //added by venkat for use service account while accessing file son 5th march 2020 using (ImpersonateUser u = new ImpersonateUser()) { using (SftpClient sftp = new SftpClient(, myChannel.account, myChannel.pwd)) { try { sftp.Connect(); sftp.ChangeDirectory(myChannel.path); } #pragma warning disable CS0168 // The variable 'e' is declared but never used catch (Exception e) #pragma warning restore CS0168 // The variable 'e' is declared but never used { JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, @"Cannot connect SFTP:" + + "[" + myChannel.account + "/" + myChannel.pwd + "]"); JobLog(BatchStatus.Completed); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, @"Cannot connect SFTP:" + + "[" + myChannel.account + "/" + myChannel.pwd + "]"); return; } var filter = new Regex(@"^mms_\d{8}_pcms.csv$"); var files = sftp.ListDirectory(myChannel.path).Where(f => filter.IsMatch(f.Name)).ToList(); foreach (var file in files) { if (CheckFile(myChannel, file.FullName)) { // 이미 존재 패스 } else { // 찾았음 표시 CollectionLog(myChannel, file.Name, file.FullName, CollectionStatus.FIND); } } // 다운로드 var downloadlist = dbContext.Collections.Where(c => c.status == CollectionStatus.FIND && c.channelId == myChannel.ID); try { foreach (var clt in downloadlist) { Stream fileStream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(myChannel.exportpath,; sftp.DownloadFile(clt.ftpname, fileStream); CollectionLog(clt, CollectionStatus.DOWNLOAD); fileStream.Flush(); fileStream.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { //added by venkat for exception habding on 5th march 2020 JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); JobLog(BatchStatus.Completed); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); return; } sftp.Disconnect(); } // Parsing List <Collection> collectionlist = dbContext.Collections.Where(c => c.channelId == myChannel.ID && c.status == CollectionStatus.DOWNLOAD).ToList(); foreach (Collection collection in collectionlist) { string line; StreamReader file; try { file = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(myChannel.exportpath,; } catch (Exception e) { continue; } line = file.ReadLine(); try { List <MMSFile> mms = new List <MMSFile>(); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] arr = line.Split('|'); mms.Add(new MMSFile(collection, arr)); } file.Close(); // privacy 추가 foreach (MMSFile m in mms) { Privacy p = new Privacy( m.COMPANY // WKP_NAME , m.TEL // WKP_TEL , m.ZIP // ZIP , string.Empty // PROVINCE , string.Empty // CITY , m.ADDRESS1 // DONG , m.ADDRESS2 // STREET , m.ADDRESS1 + " " + m.ADDRESS2 // FUKKADDR , m.CATEGORY // IND_SP , string.Empty // TITLE , m.NAME // FULL_NAME , m.EMAIL // EMAIL , m.HP // MOBILE , "MMS" // CONSENT_SOURCE , m.SUB_CHANNEL // CONSENT_SUB_SOURCE , string.Empty, string.Empty // LINK Re / LINK PHONE , CommonUtil.toUtcDT(m.AGR_DATE) , m.AGR_VER // CONSENT_VERSION , chkOptIn2(m.AGREE1) , chkOptIn2(m.AGREE2) , chkOptIn2(m.AGREE3) , true , !chkOptIn2(m.RCV_MAIL) , true ); p.Channel = myChannel; p.CONSENT_SOURCE = @"MMS"; bool bExist = false; List <Privacy> tmp = dbContext.Privacies.Where(pp => pp.EMAIL == m.EMAIL && pp.CONSENT_SOURCE.Equals(@"MMS")).ToList(); foreach (Privacy pitem in tmp) { bExist = true; Privacy priv = pitem; List <string> tracelist = new List <string>(); if (!IsEqual(m.COMPANY, priv.WKP_NAME)) { tracelist.Add("근무처(병원명) : " + priv.WKP_NAME + " => " + m.COMPANY); priv.WKP_NAME = m.COMPANY; } if (!IsEqual(m.TEL, priv.WKP_TEL)) { tracelist.Add("근무지연락처 : " + priv.WKP_TEL + " => " + m.TEL); priv.WKP_TEL = m.TEL; } if (!IsEqual(m.ZIP, priv.ZIP)) { tracelist.Add("우편번호 : " + priv.ZIP + " => " + m.ZIP); priv.ZIP = m.ZIP; } if (!IsEqual(m.ADDRESS1, priv.DONG)) { tracelist.Add("주소(군/구/동) : " + priv.DONG + " => " + m.ADDRESS1); priv.DONG = m.ADDRESS1; } if (!IsEqual(m.ADDRESS2, priv.STREET)) { tracelist.Add("상세주소 : " + priv.STREET + " => " + m.ADDRESS2); priv.STREET = m.ADDRESS2; } string tmpaddr = m.ADDRESS1 + " " + m.ADDRESS2; if (!IsEqual(tmpaddr, priv.FULL_ADDR)) { tracelist.Add("주소 : " + priv.FULL_ADDR + " => " + tmpaddr); priv.FULL_ADDR = tmpaddr; } if (!IsEqual(m.CATEGORY, priv.IND_SP)) { tracelist.Add("진료과 : " + priv.IND_SP + " => " + m.CATEGORY); priv.IND_SP = m.CATEGORY; } if (!IsEqual(m.NAME, priv.IND_FULL_NAME)) { tracelist.Add("고객명 : " + priv.IND_FULL_NAME + " => " + m.NAME); priv.IND_FULL_NAME = m.NAME; } if (!IsEqual(m.HP, priv.MOBILE)) { tracelist.Add("핸드폰 : " + priv.MOBILE + " => " + m.HP); priv.MOBILE = m.HP; } if (!IsEqual(m.SUB_CHANNEL, priv.CONSENT_SUB_SOURCE)) { tracelist.Add("채널(부) : " + priv.CONSENT_SUB_SOURCE + " => " + m.SUB_CHANNEL); priv.CONSENT_SUB_SOURCE = m.SUB_CHANNEL; } if (!chkOptIn2(m.RCV_MAIL) != priv.Unsubscribe) { tracelist.Add("수신거부 : " + priv.Unsubscribe + " => " + !chkOptIn2(m.RCV_MAIL)); priv.Unsubscribe = !chkOptIn2(m.RCV_MAIL); } // 동의서 변경시 if (priv.CONSENT == null) { priv.Consents.Add(new Consent { CONSENT_DATE = CommonUtil.toUtcDT(m.AGR_DATE), CONSENT_VERSION = m.AGR_VER, CONSENT_USE = chkOptIn2(m.AGREE1), CONSENT_TRUST = chkOptIn2(m.AGREE2), CONSENT_ABROAD = chkOptIn2(m.AGREE3), CONSENT_SIGN = true, CONSENT_SOURCE = "MMS" }); } else if (priv.CONSENT != null && CommonUtil.toUtcDT(m.AGR_DATE) != priv.CONSENTDATE) { priv.Consents.Add(new Consent { CONSENT_DATE = CommonUtil.toUtcDT(m.AGR_DATE), CONSENT_VERSION = m.AGR_VER, CONSENT_USE = chkOptIn2(m.AGREE1), CONSENT_TRUST = chkOptIn2(m.AGREE2), CONSENT_ABROAD = chkOptIn2(m.AGREE3), CONSENT_SIGN = true, CONSENT_SOURCE = "MMS" }); } // 변경사항 저장 if (tracelist.Count() > 0) { string changes = tracelist.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b); dbContext.PrivacyLogs.Add(new PrivacyLog { Privacy = priv, creater = @"MMS", changes = changes }); } dbContext.Entry(priv).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); } // for 존재하면 업데이트 if (bExist == false) { // mms 에서 온 데이터가 없는 경우 새로 추가 dbContext.Privacies.Add(p); dbContext.SaveChanges(); List <string> tracelist = new List <string>(); tracelist.Add("근무처(병원명) : => " + p.WKP_NAME); tracelist.Add("근무지연락처 : => " + p.WKP_TEL); tracelist.Add("우편번호 : => " + p.ZIP); tracelist.Add("주소 : => " + p.FULL_ADDR); tracelist.Add("진료과 : => " + p.IND_SP); tracelist.Add("고객명 : => " + p.IND_FULL_NAME); tracelist.Add("핸드폰 : => " + p.MOBILE); tracelist.Add("채널(부) : => " + p.CONSENT_SUB_SOURCE); tracelist.Add("채널 : => " + p.CONSENT_SOURCE); tracelist.Add("수신거부 : => " + p.Unsubscribe); string changes = tracelist.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b); dbContext.PrivacyLogs.Add(new PrivacyLog { Privacy = p, creater = @"MMS", changes = changes }); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } } } catch (Exception e) { JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); } finally { if (file != null) { file.Dispose(); } } // 완료처리 collection.status = CollectionStatus.COMPLETED; dbContext.Entry(collection).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); // 백업처리 try { File.Move(Path.Combine(myChannel.exportpath,, Path.Combine(myChannel.backuppath,; } #pragma warning disable CS0168 // The variable 'e' is declared but never used catch (Exception e) { #pragma warning restore CS0168 // The variable 'e' is declared but never used File.Move(Path.Combine(myChannel.exportpath,, Path.Combine(myChannel.backuppath, Guid.NewGuid().ToString())); } } } } catch (Exception e) { //added by venkat for exception habding on 5th march 2020 JobLog(myChannel, BatchStatus.Error, e.Message); JobLog(BatchStatus.Completed); SMTPHelper.SendAlertInterface(, e.Message); } JobLog(BatchStatus.Completed); }