private void HandleLoopBoundsChanges(BoundsChangeMerger <Loop> boundsChanges)
            foreach (var change in boundsChanges)
                SMRect oldBounds = change.OldBounds;
                SMRect newBounds = change.NewBounds;
                // Don't move things on structure move.
                if (!change.IsResize)

                var   element  = change.TargetElement;
                float leftDiff = newBounds.Left - oldBounds.Left;
                float topDiff  = newBounds.Top - oldBounds.Top;
                foreach (BorderNode node in element.BorderNodes)
                    if (BorderNode.GetBorderNodeDockingAxis(node.Docking) == BorderNodeDockingAxis.Horizontal)
                        node.Left -= leftDiff;
                        node.Top -= topDiff;
                ViewElementOverlapHelper.PreventBorderNodeOverlap(element, g => ViewElementOverlapHelper.PreventBorderNodeOverlap(g));
                element.BorderNodes.ForEach(bn => bn.EnsureDocking());
Exemple #2
        protected override void SetIconViewGeometry()
            Bounds = new SMRect(Left, Top, StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * 4, StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * 4);
            var terminals = FixedTerminals.OfType <NodeTerminal>().ToArray();

            terminals[0].Hotspot = new SMPoint(0, StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * 1);
Exemple #3
        public TerminateLifetimeTunnelGuide(SMRect r, LoopTerminateLifetimeTunnel rightRegister, SMThickness border, IEnumerable <SMRect> avoidRects)
            // go ahead and coerce rect, because we can't go over borders.
            _rect        = r;
            _rect.Y     += border.Top;
            _rect.Height = Math.Max(_rect.Height - border.Top - border.Bottom, 0);

            _terminateLifetimeTunnel = rightRegister;

            _avoidRects = avoidRects ?? new List <SMRect>();
Exemple #4
        private void SetIconViewGeometry()
            int inputTerminalCount = FixedTerminals.Count - 1,
                height             = StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * 2 * Math.Max(2, inputTerminalCount);

            Bounds = new SMRect(Left, Top, StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * 4, height);
            var terminals = FixedTerminals.OfType <NodeTerminal>().ToArray();

            terminals[0].Hotspot = new SMPoint(StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * 4, StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * 1);
            int index = 0;

            foreach (Terminal terminal in FixedTerminals.Skip(1))
                terminal.Hotspot = new SMPoint(0, StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * (2 * index + 1));
Exemple #5
        private bool IsInBounds(SMRect leftRect, SMRect rightRect)
            // To handle collision, we need to fake out our rect size
            // to add the EdgeOverflow, else contains will fail and we'll land
            // on top of other avoid zones
            SMRect leftAdjustedRect  = _rect;
            SMRect rightAdjustedRect = _rect;

            rightAdjustedRect.X     -= EdgeOverflow;
            rightAdjustedRect.Width += EdgeOverflow * 2;

            IBorderNodeGuide guide = AdornedStructure.GetGuide(PairedBeginLifetimeTunnel);

            leftAdjustedRect.X     -= guide.EdgeOverflow;
            leftAdjustedRect.Width += guide.EdgeOverflow * 2;
            return(leftAdjustedRect.Contains(leftRect) && rightAdjustedRect.Contains(rightRect));
Exemple #6
 private bool IsGood(SMRect leftRect, SMRect rightRect)
     if (!IsInBounds(leftRect, rightRect))
     else if (_avoidRects.Any(r => r.Overlaps(rightRect) || ((PairedBeginLifetimeTunnel.Owner != null) && r.Overlaps(leftRect))))
         // We need to check PairedLeftShiftRegister.Owner above because when you convert a tunnel to a right shift register, the
         // paired left shift register gets added then removed immediately from the structure.  The final left shift register doesn't
         // actually get created/added until the user left clicks on an existing tunnel to replace it or somewhere else to create a
         // new left shift register.  However, if we don't exclude the non-parented left shift register in our calculation, we might
         // end up moving the right shift register when we don't need to.  We don't need to worry about doing the same thing for the
         // left shift register because movement of both shift registers is tied to the right shift register.
Exemple #7
        protected override void SetIconViewGeometry()
            int maxSideTerminals = Math.Max(InputTerminals.Count(), OutputTerminals.Count());

            Bounds = new SMRect(Left, Top, StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * 4, StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * Math.Max(maxSideTerminals, 2) * 2);
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var inputTerminal in InputTerminals)
                inputTerminal.Hotspot = new SMPoint(0, StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * (i * 2 + 1));
            i = 0;
            foreach (var outputTerminal in OutputTerminals)
                outputTerminal.Hotspot = new SMPoint(StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * 4, StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize * (i * 2 + 1));
        public static void FindBorderNodePositions(StructureViewModel structureViewModel, out SMRect leftRect, out SMRect rightRect)
            var    view = structureViewModel.View;
            double top  = 0;

            var contextMenuInfo = parameter.QueryService <ContextMenuInfo>().FirstOrDefault();
            if (contextMenuInfo != null && !view.IsEmpty)
                top = contextMenuInfo.ClickPosition.GetPosition(view).Y;

            Structure model = (Structure)structureViewModel.Model;
            top -= (top - model.OuterBorderThickness.Top) % StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize;
            top  = Math.Max(top, model.OuterBorderThickness.Top);
            top  = Math.Min(top, model.Height - model.OuterBorderThickness.Bottom - StockDiagramGeometries.StandardTunnelHeight);
            SMRect l = new SMRect(-StockDiagramGeometries.StandardTunnelOffsetForStructures, top, StockDiagramGeometries.StandardTunnelWidth,
            SMRect r = new SMRect(model.Width - StockDiagramGeometries.StandardTunnelWidth + StockDiagramGeometries.StandardTunnelOffsetForStructures, top,
                                  StockDiagramGeometries.StandardTerminalWidth, StockDiagramGeometries.StandardTunnelHeight);
            while (
                    node => node.Bounds.Overlaps(l) || node.Bounds.Overlaps(r)))
                l.Y += StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize;
                r.Y += StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize;
            // If we ran out of room looking for a place to put Shift Register, we need to grow our Loop
            if (l.Bottom > model.Height - model.OuterBorderThickness.Bottom)
                model.Height = l.Bottom + StockDiagramGeometries.StandardTunnelHeight;
            leftRect  = l;
            rightRect = r;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to rubber band select this visual.
 /// The entire wire is selected since we do not have any segments.  testRect can
 /// be ignored since we do not have segment calculations.
 /// </summary>
 public override bool RubberBandSelect(SMRect testRect)
     ((SplineWireControl)this.View.AsFrameworkElement).Stroke = Brushes.Orange;
Exemple #10
        public BorderNodeGeometry ConstrainBounds(BorderNodeGeometry geom, RectDifference oldMinusNew)
            // ShiftRegisters cannot change docking, so first force the geometry to dock, this coerces crazy X values
            SMRect coercedInput = EnforceDocking(geom);

            // Now we are going to iterate up and down the side of the structure, looking for a location in which
            // both the left and the right registers are clear. We start with the right being the coerced input
            // and the left being the actual left shift register's bounds _except_ it's Y, which we want to move in sync with it's pair
            SMRect rightBounds = coercedInput;
            SMRect leftBounds  = PairedBeginLifetimeTunnel.Bounds;

            leftBounds.Y = rightBounds.Y;

            // Before we start scanning, make sure our current location doesn't just work, if it does we're done
            if (IsGood(leftBounds, rightBounds))
                return(new BorderNodeGeometry(rightBounds, BorderNodeDocking.Right));

            const float DistanceToIterateBy  = StockDiagramGeometries.GridSize;
            SMRect      rightSideUpIteration = rightBounds;

            rightSideUpIteration.Y -= DistanceToIterateBy;

            SMRect leftSideUpIteration = leftBounds;

            leftSideUpIteration.Y -= DistanceToIterateBy;

            SMRect rightSideDownIteration = rightBounds;

            rightSideDownIteration.Y += DistanceToIterateBy;

            SMRect leftSideDownIteration = leftBounds;

            leftSideDownIteration.Y += DistanceToIterateBy;

            bool favorUp      = oldMinusNew.Y > 0 || oldMinusNew.X > 0;
            bool favorDown    = oldMinusNew.Y < 0 || oldMinusNew.X < 0;
            bool favorNeither = !favorUp && !favorDown;

            // prevent overlap. Starting from our bounds calculation, move outward to find closest. Make sure we don't leave structure.
            while (true)
                if (favorUp || favorNeither)
                    if (IsGood(leftSideUpIteration, rightSideUpIteration))
                        return(new BorderNodeGeometry(rightSideUpIteration, BorderNodeDocking.Right));
                    if (!IsInBounds(leftSideUpIteration, rightSideUpIteration))
                        favorUp = false;
                    rightSideUpIteration.Y -= DistanceToIterateBy;
                    leftSideUpIteration.Y  -= DistanceToIterateBy;
                if (favorDown || favorNeither)
                    if (IsGood(leftSideDownIteration, rightSideDownIteration))
                        return(new BorderNodeGeometry(rightSideDownIteration, BorderNodeDocking.Right));
                    if (!IsInBounds(leftSideDownIteration, rightSideDownIteration))
                        favorDown = false;
                    rightSideDownIteration.Y += DistanceToIterateBy;
                    leftSideDownIteration.Y  += DistanceToIterateBy;

                if (favorNeither && !IsInBounds(leftSideUpIteration, rightSideUpIteration) && !IsInBounds(leftSideDownIteration, rightSideDownIteration))
                    // Give up, neither is within bounds.

                favorNeither = !favorUp && !favorDown;
            return(new BorderNodeGeometry(rightBounds, BorderNodeDocking.Right));
Exemple #11
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override SMRect CalculateBoundsForJointChange(SMRect originalBounds, SMPoint modifiedJointPosition, bool jointAdded, out bool boundsModified, out bool needsBoundsCompute)
     throw new NotImplementedException();