Exemple #1
        public void Initialize()
            /// :CodeSample: Sound Sound.FromFile Sound.Play
            /// ### Basic usage
            Sound sound = Sound.FromFile("BlipNoise.wav");

            /// :End:

            /// :CodeSample: Sound Sound.Generate
            /// ### Generating a sound
            /// Making a procedural sound is pretty straightforward! Here's
            /// an example of building a sound from two frequencies of sin
            /// wave.
            Sound genSound = Sound.Generate((t) =>
                float band1        = SKMath.Sin(t * 523.25f * SKMath.Tau);          // a 'C' tone
                float band2        = SKMath.Sin(t * 659.25f * SKMath.Tau);          // an 'E' tone
                const float volume = 0.1f;
                return((band1 * 0.6f + band2 * 0.4f) * volume);
            }, 0.5f);

            /// :End:
Exemple #2
        public void Initialize()
            /// :CodeSample: Sound Sound.FromFile Sound.Play
            /// ### Basic usage
            Sound sound = Sound.FromFile("BlipNoise.wav");

            /// :End:

            /// :CodeSample: Sound Sound.Generate
            /// ### Generating a sound via generator
            /// Making a procedural sound is pretty straightforward! Here's
            /// an example of building a 500ms sound from two frequencies of
            /// sin wave.
            Sound genSound = Sound.Generate((t) =>
                float band1        = SKMath.Sin(t * 523.25f * SKMath.Tau);          // a 'C' tone
                float band2        = SKMath.Sin(t * 659.25f * SKMath.Tau);          // an 'E' tone
                const float volume = 0.1f;
                return((band1 * 0.6f + band2 * 0.4f) * volume);
            }, 0.5f);

            /// :End:

            /// :CodeSample: Sound Sound.FromSamples
            /// ### Generating a sound via samples
            /// Making a procedural sound is pretty straightforward! Here's
            /// an example of building a 500ms sound from two frequencies of
            /// sin wave.
            float[] samples = new float[(int)(48000 * 0.5f)];
            for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
                float       t      = i / 48000.0f;
                float       band1  = SKMath.Sin(t * 523.25f * SKMath.Tau);          // a 'C' tone
                float       band2  = SKMath.Sin(t * 659.25f * SKMath.Tau);          // an 'E' tone
                const float volume = 0.1f;
                samples[i] = (band1 * 0.6f + band2 * 0.4f) * volume;
            Sound sampleSound = Sound.FromSamples(samples);

            /// :End:
Exemple #3
    public void Initialize()
        /// :CodeSample: Mesh.GenerateCube
        /// ![Procedural Geometry Demo]({{site.url}}/img/screenshots/ProceduralGeometry.jpg)
        /// Here's a quick example of generating a mesh! You can store it in just a
        /// Mesh, or you can attach it to a Model for easier rendering later on.
        Mesh  cubeMesh  = Mesh.GenerateCube(Vec3.One * 0.4f);
        Model cubeModel = Model.FromMesh(cubeMesh, Default.Material);

        /// :End:
        demoCubeMesh  = cubeMesh;
        demoCubeModel = cubeModel;

        /// :CodeSample: Mesh.GenerateRoundedCube
        /// ![Procedural Geometry Demo]({{site.url}}/img/screenshots/ProceduralGeometry.jpg)
        /// Here's a quick example of generating a mesh! You can store it in just a
        /// Mesh, or you can attach it to a Model for easier rendering later on.
        Mesh  roundedCubeMesh  = Mesh.GenerateRoundedCube(Vec3.One * 0.4f, 0.05f);
        Model roundedCubeModel = Model.FromMesh(roundedCubeMesh, Default.Material);

        /// :End:
        demoRoundedCubeMesh  = roundedCubeMesh;
        demoRoundedCubeModel = roundedCubeModel;

        /// :CodeSample: Mesh.GenerateSphere
        /// ![Procedural Geometry Demo]({{site.url}}/img/screenshots/ProceduralGeometry.jpg)
        /// Here's a quick example of generating a mesh! You can store it in just a
        /// Mesh, or you can attach it to a Model for easier rendering later on.
        Mesh  sphereMesh  = Mesh.GenerateSphere(0.4f);
        Model sphereModel = Model.FromMesh(sphereMesh, Default.Material);

        /// :End:
        demoSphereMesh  = sphereMesh;
        demoSphereModel = sphereModel;

        /// :CodeSample: Mesh.GenerateCylinder
        /// ![Procedural Geometry Demo]({{site.url}}/img/screenshots/ProceduralGeometry.jpg)
        /// Here's a quick example of generating a mesh! You can store it in just a
        /// Mesh, or you can attach it to a Model for easier rendering later on.
        Mesh  cylinderMesh  = Mesh.GenerateCylinder(0.4f, 0.4f, Vec3.Up);
        Model cylinderModel = Model.FromMesh(cylinderMesh, Default.Material);

        /// :End:
        demoCylinderMesh  = cylinderMesh;
        demoCylinderModel = cylinderModel;

        /// :CodeSample: Mesh.GeneratePlane
        /// ![Procedural Geometry Demo]({{site.url}}/img/screenshots/ProceduralGeometry.jpg)
        /// Here's a quick example of generating a mesh! You can store it in just a
        /// Mesh, or you can attach it to a Model for easier rendering later on.
        Mesh  planeMesh  = Mesh.GeneratePlane(Vec2.One * 0.4f);
        Model planeModel = Model.FromMesh(planeMesh, Default.Material);

        /// :End:
        demoPlaneMesh  = planeMesh;
        demoPlaneModel = planeModel;

        /// :CodeSample: Mesh.SetVerts Mesh.SetInds
        /// ## Procedurally generating a wavy grid
        /// ![Wavy Grid]({{site.url}}/img/screenshots/ProceduralGrid.jpg)
        /// Here, we'll generate a grid mesh using Mesh.SetVerts and Mesh.SetInds! This
        /// is a common example of creating a grid using code, we're using a sin wave
        /// to make it more visually interesting, but you could also substitute this for
        /// something like sampling a heightmap, or a more interesting mathematical
        /// formula!
        /// Note: x+y*gridSize is the formula for 2D (x,y) access of a 1D array that represents
        /// a grid.
        const int gridSize = 8;

        Vertex[] verts = new Vertex[gridSize * gridSize];
        uint  [] inds  = new uint  [gridSize * gridSize * 6];

        for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                // Create a vertex on a grid, centered about the origin. The dimensions extends
                // from -0.5 to +0.5 on the X and Z axes. The Y value is then sampled from
                // a sin wave using the x and y values.
                // The normal of the vertex is then calculated from the derivative of the Y
                // value!
                verts[x + y * gridSize] = new Vertex(
                    new Vec3(
                        x / (float)gridSize - 0.5f,
                        SKMath.Sin((x + y) * 0.7f) * 0.1f,
                        y / (float)gridSize - 0.5f),
                    new Vec3(
                        -SKMath.Cos((x + y) * 0.7f),
                        -SKMath.Cos((x + y) * 0.7f)).Normalized);

                // Create triangle face indices from the current vertex, and the vertices
                // on the next row and column! Since there is no 'next' row and column on
                // the last row and column, we guard this with a check for size-1.
                if (x < gridSize - 1 && y < gridSize - 1)
                    int ind = (x + y * gridSize) * 6;
                    inds[ind]     = (uint)((x + 1) + (y + 1) * gridSize);
                    inds[ind + 1] = (uint)((x + 1) + (y) * gridSize);
                    inds[ind + 2] = (uint)((x) + (y + 1) * gridSize);

                    inds[ind + 3] = (uint)((x) + (y + 1) * gridSize);
                    inds[ind + 4] = (uint)((x + 1) + (y) * gridSize);
                    inds[ind + 5] = (uint)((x) + (y) * gridSize);
        demoProcMesh = new Mesh();
        /// :End: