Exemple #1
        public static SKImage Resize(this SKImage input, int width, int height)
            var     imageInfo = new SKImageInfo(width, height);
            SKImage image     = SKImage.Create(imageInfo);

            input.ScalePixels(image.PeekPixels(), SKFilterQuality.High);
        protected virtual SKImage ConvertProfile(SKImage data, float width, float height)
            using SKImage srcImg = data;
            SKImageInfo info = new SKImageInfo((int)width, (int)height,
                                               SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, SKAlphaType.Opaque, SKColorSpace.CreateSrgb());
            // this is the important part. set the destination ColorSpace as
            // `SKColorSpace.CreateSrgb()`. Skia will then be able to automatically convert
            // the original CMYK colorspace, to this new sRGB colorspace.

            SKImage newImg = SKImage.Create(info);

            srcImg.ScalePixels(newImg.PeekPixels(), SKFilterQuality.None);

            // Remove transparency
            var bitmap = RemoveTransparency(srcImg);

            newImg = SKImage.FromBitmap(bitmap);
            // now when doing this resize, Skia knows the original ColorSpace, and the
            // destination ColorSpace, and converts the colors from CMYK to sRGB.