//public Dictionary<Guid, object> Load(XmlDocument dom)
        //    return SIPAssetXMLPersistor<SIPRegistrarBinding>.LoadAssetsFromXMLRecordSet(dom);

        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes a binding when the remote network information of the remote or proxy end point has changed.
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshBinding(int expiry, SIPEndPoint remoteSIPEndPoint, SIPEndPoint proxySIPEndPoint, SIPEndPoint registrarSIPEndPoint, bool dontMangle)
            LastUpdate             = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            RemoteSIPEndPoint      = remoteSIPEndPoint;
            m_proxySIPEndPoint     = proxySIPEndPoint;
            m_registrarSIPEndPoint = registrarSIPEndPoint;
            RemovalReason          = SIPBindingRemovalReason.Unknown;
            m_expiry = expiry;

            //if (SIPTransport.IsPrivateAddress(sipRequest.Header.Contact[0].ContactURI.Host) && m_mangleUACContact)
            if (!dontMangle && Regex.Match(m_mangledContactURI.Host, @"(\d+\.){3}\d+").Success)
                // The Contact URI Host is used by registrars as the contact socket for the user so it needs to be changed to reflect the socket
                // the intial request was received on in order to work around NAT. It's no good just relying on private addresses as a lot of User Agents
                // determine their public IP but NOT their public port so they send the wrong port in the Contact header.

                //logger.Debug("Mangling contact header from " + m_mangledContactURI.Host + " to " + IPSocket.GetSocketString(uacRecvdEndPoint) + ".");

                m_mangledContactURI.Host = remoteSIPEndPoint.GetIPEndPoint().ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes a binding when the remote network information of the remote or proxy end point has changed.
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshBinding(int expiry, SIPEndPoint remoteSIPEndPoint, SIPEndPoint proxySIPEndPoint, SIPEndPoint registrarSIPEndPoint, bool dontMangle)
            LastUpdate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            RemoteSIPEndPoint = remoteSIPEndPoint;
            m_proxySIPEndPoint = proxySIPEndPoint;
            m_registrarSIPEndPoint = registrarSIPEndPoint;
            RemovalReason = SIPBindingRemovalReason.Unknown;
            m_expiry = expiry;

            //if (SIPTransport.IsPrivateAddress(sipRequest.Header.Contact[0].ContactURI.Host) && m_mangleUACContact)
            if (!dontMangle && Regex.Match(m_mangledContactURI.Host, @"(\d+\.){3}\d+").Success)
                // The Contact URI Host is used by registrars as the contact socket for the user so it needs to be changed to reflect the socket
                // the intial request was received on in order to work around NAT. It's no good just relying on private addresses as a lot of User Agents
                // determine their public IP but NOT their public port so they send the wrong port in the Contact header.

                //logger.Debug("Mangling contact header from " + m_mangledContactURI.Host + " to " + IPSocket.GetSocketString(uacRecvdEndPoint) + ".");

                m_mangledContactURI.Host = remoteSIPEndPoint.GetIPEndPoint().ToString();