Exemple #1
        public CustomerSession Authenticate(string username, string password, string ipAddress)
                if (username.IsNullOrBlank() || password.IsNullOrBlank())
                    logger.Debug("Login failed, either username or password was not specified.");
                    logger.Debug("CustomerSessionManager authenticate requested for username " + username + " from " + ipAddress + ".");

                    // Don't do the password check via the database as different ones have different string case matching.
                    Customer customer = m_customerPersistor.Get(c => c.CustomerUsername == username);

                    if (customer != null && PasswordHash.Hash(password, customer.Salt) == customer.CustomerPassword)
                        if (!customer.EmailAddressConfirmed)
                            throw new ApplicationException("Your email address has not yet been confirmed.");
                        else if (customer.Suspended)
                            throw new ApplicationException("Your account is suspended.");
                            logger.Debug("Login successful for " + username + ".");

                            string          sessionId       = Crypto.GetRandomByteString(SESSION_ID_STRING_LENGTH / 2);
                            CustomerSession customerSession = new CustomerSession(Guid.NewGuid(), sessionId, customer.CustomerUsername, ipAddress);
                        logger.Debug("Login failed for " + username + ".");
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception Authenticate CustomerSessionManager. " + excp.Message);
        public SIPProvider AddSIPProvider(SIPProvider sipProvider)
            Customer customer = AuthoriseRequest();

            if (!customer.ServiceLevel.IsNullOrBlank() && customer.ServiceLevel.ToLower() == "free")
                // Check the number of SIP Provider is within limits.
                if (GetSIPProvidersCount(null) >= 1)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The SIP Provider cannot be added as your existing SIP Provider count has reached the allowed limit for your service level.");

            sipProvider.Owner = customer.CustomerUsername;

            string validationError = SIPProvider.ValidateAndClean(sipProvider);

            if (validationError != null)
                logger.Warn("Validation error in AddSIPProvider for customer " + customer.CustomerUsername + ". " + validationError);
                throw new ApplicationException(validationError);
        public void SIPProviderAdded(SIPProvider sipProvider)
                logger.Debug("SIPProviderBindingSynchroniser SIPProviderAdded for " + sipProvider.Owner + " and " + sipProvider.ProviderName + ".");

                if (sipProvider.RegisterEnabled)
                    SIPProviderBinding binding = new SIPProviderBinding(sipProvider);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception SIPProviderBindingSynchroniser SIPProviderAdded. " + excp.Message);
        public SIPProvider AddSIPProvider(SIPProvider sipProvider)
            Customer customer = AuthoriseRequest();

            sipProvider.Owner = customer.CustomerUsername;

            string validationError = SIPProvider.ValidateAndClean(sipProvider);

            if (validationError != null)
                logger.Warn("Validation error in AddSIPProvider for customer " + customer.CustomerUsername + ". " + validationError);
                throw new ApplicationException(validationError);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Establishes a new call with the client end tied to the proxy. Since the proxy will not be sending any audio the idea is that once
        /// the call is up it should be re-INVITED off somewhere else pronto to avoid the callee sitting their listening to dead air.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dest1">The dial string of the first call to place.</param>
        /// <param name="dest2">The dial string of the second call to place.</param>
        /// <param name="delaySeconds">Delay in seconds before placing the first call. Gives the user a chance to hangup their phone if they are calling themselves back.</param>
        /// <param name="ringTimeoutLeg1">The ring timeout for the first call leg, If 0 the max timeout will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="ringTimeoutLeg1">The ring timeout for the second call leg, If 0 the max timeout will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="customHeadersCallLeg1">A | delimited string that contains a list of custom SIP headers to add to the INVITE request sent for the first call leg.</param>
        /// /// <param name="customHeadersCallLeg2">A | delimited string that contains a list of custom SIP headers to add to the INVITE request sent for the second call leg.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the call.</returns>
        public void Callback(string dest1, string dest2, int delaySeconds, int ringTimeoutLeg1, int ringTimeoutLeg2, string customHeadersCallLeg1, string customHeadersCallLeg2)
            var ts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            CancellationToken ct = ts.Token;

                if (delaySeconds > 0)
                    delaySeconds = (delaySeconds > MAXCALLBACK_DELAY_SECONDS) ? MAXCALLBACK_DELAY_SECONDS : delaySeconds;
                    Log("Callback app delaying by " + delaySeconds + "s.");
                    Thread.Sleep(delaySeconds * 1000);

                Log("Callback app commencing first leg to " + dest1 + ".");

                SIPEndPoint defaultUDPEP = m_sipTransport.GetDefaultSIPEndPoint(SIPProtocolsEnum.udp);

                SIPRequest firstLegDummyInviteRequest = GetCallbackInviteRequest(defaultUDPEP.GetIPEndPoint(), null);
                ForkCall   firstLegCall = new ForkCall(m_sipTransport, Log_External, m_callManager.QueueNewCall, null, m_username, m_adminMemberId, m_outboundProxy, m_callManager, null);
                m_firstLegDialogue = Dial(firstLegCall, dest1, ringTimeoutLeg1, 0, firstLegDummyInviteRequest, SIPCallDescriptor.ParseCustomHeaders(customHeadersCallLeg1));
                if (m_firstLegDialogue == null)
                    Log("The first call leg to " + dest1 + " was unsuccessful.");

                // Persist the dialogue to the database so any hangup can be detected.
                m_sipDialoguePersistor.Add(new SIPDialogueAsset(m_firstLegDialogue));

                SDP    firstLegSDP       = SDP.ParseSDPDescription(m_firstLegDialogue.RemoteSDP);
                string call1SDPIPAddress = firstLegSDP.Connection.ConnectionAddress;
                int    call1SDPPort      = firstLegSDP.Media[0].Port;
                Log("The first call leg to " + dest1 + " was successful, audio socket=" + call1SDPIPAddress + ":" + call1SDPPort + ".");

                Log("Callback app commencing second leg to " + dest2 + ".");

                SIPRequest secondLegDummyInviteRequest = GetCallbackInviteRequest(defaultUDPEP.GetIPEndPoint(), m_firstLegDialogue.RemoteSDP);
                ForkCall   secondLegCall = new ForkCall(m_sipTransport, Log_External, m_callManager.QueueNewCall, null, m_username, m_adminMemberId, m_outboundProxy, m_callManager, null);

                Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    while (true)

                        Console.WriteLine("Checking if first call leg is still up...");

                        if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)
                            Console.WriteLine("Checking first call leg task was cancelled.");
                            // Check that the first call leg hasn't been hung up.
                            var dialog = m_sipDialoguePersistor.Get(m_firstLegDialogue.Id);
                            if (dialog == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("First call leg has been hungup.");

                                // The first call leg has been hungup while waiting for the second call.
                                Log("The first call leg was hungup while the second call leg was waiting for an answer.");

                    Console.WriteLine("Checking first call leg task finished...");
                }, ct);

                SIPDialogue secondLegDialogue = Dial(secondLegCall, dest2, ringTimeoutLeg2, 0, secondLegDummyInviteRequest, SIPCallDescriptor.ParseCustomHeaders(customHeadersCallLeg2));


                if (secondLegDialogue == null)
                    Log("The second call leg to " + dest2 + " was unsuccessful.");
                    m_firstLegDialogue.Hangup(m_sipTransport, m_outboundProxy);

                // Check that the first call leg hasn't been hung up.
                var firstLegDialog = m_sipDialoguePersistor.Get(m_firstLegDialogue.Id);
                if (firstLegDialog == null)
                    // The first call leg has been hungup while waiting for the second call.
                    Log("The first call leg was hungup while waiting for the second call leg.");
                    secondLegDialogue.Hangup(m_sipTransport, m_outboundProxy);

                SDP    secondLegSDP      = SDP.ParseSDPDescription(secondLegDialogue.RemoteSDP);
                string call2SDPIPAddress = secondLegSDP.Connection.ConnectionAddress;
                int    call2SDPPort      = secondLegSDP.Media[0].Port;
                Log("The second call leg to " + dest2 + " was successful, audio socket=" + call2SDPIPAddress + ":" + call2SDPPort + ".");

                // Persist the second leg dialogue and update the bridge ID on the first call leg.
                Guid bridgeId = Guid.NewGuid();
                secondLegDialogue.BridgeId = bridgeId;
                m_sipDialoguePersistor.Add(new SIPDialogueAsset(secondLegDialogue));
                m_sipDialoguePersistor.UpdateProperty(firstLegDialog.Id, "BridgeID", bridgeId.ToString());

                //m_callManager.CreateDialogueBridge(m_firstLegDialogue, secondLegDialogue, m_username);

                Log("Re-inviting Callback dialogues to each other.");

                m_callManager.ReInvite(m_firstLegDialogue, secondLegDialogue);
                //m_callManager.ReInvite(secondLegDialogue, m_firstLegDialogue.RemoteSDP);

                SendRTPPacket(call2SDPIPAddress + ":" + call2SDPPort, call1SDPIPAddress + ":" + call1SDPPort);
                SendRTPPacket(call1SDPIPAddress + ":" + call1SDPPort, call2SDPIPAddress + ":" + call2SDPPort);
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception CallbackApp. " + excp);
                Log("Exception in Callback. " + excp);
                if (!ts.IsCancellationRequested)
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the bindings list for a registrar's address-of-records.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proxyEndPoint">If the request arrived at this registrar via a proxy then this will contain the end point of the proxy.</param>
        /// <param name="uacRecvdEndPoint">The public end point the UAC REGISTER request was deemded to have originated from.</param>
        /// <param name="registrarEndPoint">The registrar end point the registration request was received on.</param>
        /// <param name="maxAllowedExpiry">The maximum allowed expiry that can be granted to this binding request.</param>
        /// <returns>If the binding update was successful the expiry time for it is returned otherwise 0.</returns>
        public List <SIPRegistrarBinding> UpdateBindings(
            SIPAccount sipAccount,
            SIPEndPoint proxySIPEndPoint,
            SIPEndPoint remoteSIPEndPoint,
            SIPEndPoint registrarSIPEndPoint,
            List <SIPContactHeader> contactHeaders,
            string callId,
            int cseq,
            //int contactHeaderExpiresValue,
            int expiresHeaderValue,
            string userAgent,
            out SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum responseStatus,
            out string responseMessage)
            //logger.Debug("UpdateBinding " + bindingURI.ToString() + ".");

            int maxAllowedExpiry = (m_userAgentConfigs != null) ? m_userAgentConfigs.GetMaxAllowedExpiry(userAgent) : SIPUserAgentConfiguration.DEFAULT_MAX_EXPIRY_SECONDS;

            responseMessage = null;
            string sipAccountAOR = sipAccount.SIPUsername + "@" + sipAccount.SIPDomain;

            responseStatus = SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok;

                userAgent = (userAgent != null && userAgent.Length > MAX_USERAGENT_LENGTH) ? userAgent.Substring(0, MAX_USERAGENT_LENGTH) : userAgent;

                List <SIPRegistrarBinding> bindings = m_bindingsPersistor.Get(b => b.SIPAccountId == sipAccount.Id, null, 0, Int32.MaxValue);

                foreach (SIPContactHeader contactHeader in contactHeaders)
                    SIPURI bindingURI = contactHeader.ContactURI.CopyOf();
                    int    contactHeaderExpiresValue = contactHeader.Expires;
                    int    bindingExpiry             = 0;

                    if (bindingURI.Host == m_sipRegisterRemoveAll)
                        if (contactHeaders.Count > 1)
                            // If a register request specifies remove all it cannot contain any other binding requests.
                            FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Registrar, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.BindingRemoval, "Remove all bindings requested for " + sipAccountAOR + " but mutliple bindings specified, rejecting as a bad request.", sipAccount.SIPUsername));
                            responseStatus = SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.BadRequest;

                        #region Process remove all bindings.

                        if (expiresHeaderValue == 0)
                            // Removing all bindings for user.
                            FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Registrar, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.BindingRemoval, "Remove all bindings requested for " + sipAccountAOR + ".", sipAccount.SIPUsername));

                            // Mark all the current bindings as expired.
                            if (bindings != null && bindings.Count > 0)
                                for (int index = 0; index < bindings.Count; index++)
                                    bindings[index].RemovalReason = SIPBindingRemovalReason.ClientExpiredAll;
                                    bindings[index].Expiry        = 0;

                                    // Remove the NAT keep-alive job if present.
                                    if (m_natKeepAliveJobs.ContainsKey(bindings[index].RemoteSIPSocket))

                            FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorMachineEvent(SIPMonitorMachineEventTypesEnum.SIPRegistrarBindingRemoval, sipAccount.Owner, sipAccount.Id.ToString(), SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(sipAccountAOR)));

                            responseStatus = SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok;
                            // Remove all header cannot be present with other headers and must have an Expiry equal to 0.
                            responseStatus = SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.BadRequest;

                        int requestedExpiry = (contactHeaderExpiresValue != -1) ? contactHeaderExpiresValue : expiresHeaderValue;
                        requestedExpiry = (requestedExpiry == -1) ? maxAllowedExpiry : requestedExpiry;   // This will happen if the Expires header and the Expiry on the Contact are both missing.
                        bindingExpiry   = (requestedExpiry > maxAllowedExpiry) ? maxAllowedExpiry : requestedExpiry;
                        bindingExpiry   = (bindingExpiry < MINIMUM_EXPIRY_SECONDS) ? MINIMUM_EXPIRY_SECONDS : bindingExpiry;


                        SIPRegistrarBinding binding = GetBindingForContactURI(bindings, bindingURI.ToString());

                        if (binding != null)
                            if (requestedExpiry <= 0)
                                FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Registrar, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.BindingExpired, "Binding expired by client for " + sipAccountAOR + " from " + remoteSIPEndPoint.ToString() + ".", sipAccount.SIPUsername));
                                bindingExpiry = 0;

                                FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorMachineEvent(SIPMonitorMachineEventTypesEnum.SIPRegistrarBindingRemoval, sipAccount.Owner, sipAccount.Id.ToString(), SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(sipAccountAOR)));

                                // Remove the NAT keep-alive job if present.
                                if (m_natKeepAliveJobs.ContainsKey(binding.RemoteSIPSocket))
                                FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Registrar, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.Registrar, "Binding update request for " + sipAccountAOR + " from " + remoteSIPEndPoint.ToString() + ", expiry requested " + requestedExpiry + "s granted " + bindingExpiry + "s.", sipAccount.Owner));
                                binding.RefreshBinding(bindingExpiry, remoteSIPEndPoint, proxySIPEndPoint, registrarSIPEndPoint, sipAccount.DontMangleEnabled);

                                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                                TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime);
                                //FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Registrar, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.RegistrarTiming, "Binding database update time for " + sipAccountAOR + " took " + duration.TotalMilliseconds + "ms.", null));
                                FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorMachineEvent(SIPMonitorMachineEventTypesEnum.SIPRegistrarBindingUpdate, sipAccount.Owner, sipAccount.Id.ToString(), SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(sipAccountAOR)));

                                // Add a NAT keep-alive job if required.
                                if (sipAccount.SendNATKeepAlives && proxySIPEndPoint != null)
                                    AddNATKeepAliveJob(sipAccount, remoteSIPEndPoint, proxySIPEndPoint, binding, bindingExpiry);
                            if (requestedExpiry > 0)
                                FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Registrar, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.BindingInProgress, "New binding request for " + sipAccountAOR + " from " + remoteSIPEndPoint.ToString() + ", expiry requested " + requestedExpiry + "s granted " + bindingExpiry + "s.", sipAccount.Owner));

                                if (bindings.Count >= m_maxBindingsPerAccount)
                                    // Need to remove the oldest binding to stay within limit.
                                    //SIPRegistrarBinding oldestBinding = m_bindingsPersistor.Get(b => b.SIPAccountId == sipAccount.Id, null, 0, Int32.MaxValue).OrderBy(x => x.LastUpdateUTC).Last();
                                    SIPRegistrarBinding oldestBinding = bindings.OrderBy(x => x.LastUpdate).Last();
                                    FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Registrar, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.BindingInProgress, "Binding limit exceeded for " + sipAccountAOR + " from " + remoteSIPEndPoint.ToString() + " removing oldest binding to stay within limit of " + m_maxBindingsPerAccount + ".", sipAccount.Owner));

                                    if (m_natKeepAliveJobs.ContainsKey(binding.RemoteSIPSocket))

                                SIPRegistrarBinding newBinding = new SIPRegistrarBinding(sipAccount, bindingURI, callId, cseq, userAgent, remoteSIPEndPoint, proxySIPEndPoint, registrarSIPEndPoint, bindingExpiry);
                                DateTime            startTime  = DateTime.Now;
                                TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime);
                                //FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Registrar, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.RegistrarTiming, "Binding database add time for " + sipAccountAOR + " took " + duration.TotalMilliseconds + "ms.", null));

                                // Add a NAT keep-alive job if required.
                                if (sipAccount.SendNATKeepAlives && proxySIPEndPoint != null)
                                    AddNATKeepAliveJob(sipAccount, remoteSIPEndPoint, proxySIPEndPoint, newBinding, bindingExpiry);

                                FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorMachineEvent(SIPMonitorMachineEventTypesEnum.SIPRegistrarBindingUpdate, sipAccount.Owner, sipAccount.Id.ToString(), SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(sipAccountAOR)));
                                FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Registrar, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.BindingFailed, "New binding received for " + sipAccountAOR + " with expired contact," + bindingURI.ToString() + " no update.", sipAccount.Owner));
                                bindingExpiry = 0;

                        responseStatus = SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok;

            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception UpdateBinding. " + excp.Message);
                FireSIPMonitorLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.Registrar, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.Error, "Registrar error updating binding: " + excp.Message + " Binding not updated.", sipAccount.SIPUsername));
                responseStatus = SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.InternalServerError;
        public void CreateCustomer(Customer customer)
                if (m_inviteCodeRequired && customer.InviteCode == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Sorry new account creations currently require an invite code, please see http://sipsorcery.wordpress.com/new-accounts/.");
                else if (m_newCustomersAllowedLimit != 0 && CRMCustomerPersistor.Count(null) >= m_newCustomersAllowedLimit)
                    // Check whether the number of customers is within the allowed limit.
                    throw new ApplicationException("Sorry new account creations are currently disabled, please see http://sipsorcery.wordpress.com/new-accounts/.");
                    // Check whether the username is already taken.
                    customer.CustomerUsername = customer.CustomerUsername.ToLower();
                    Customer existingCustomer = CRMCustomerPersistor.Get(c => c.CustomerUsername == customer.CustomerUsername);
                    if (existingCustomer != null)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The requested username is already in use please try a different one.");

                    // Check whether the email address is already taken.
                    customer.EmailAddress = customer.EmailAddress.ToLower();
                    existingCustomer      = CRMCustomerPersistor.Get(c => c.EmailAddress == customer.EmailAddress);
                    if (existingCustomer != null)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The email address is already associated with an account.");

                    string validationError = Customer.ValidateAndClean(customer);
                    if (validationError != null)
                        throw new ApplicationException(validationError);

                    customer.MaxExecutionCount = Customer.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_EXECUTION_COUNT;
                    customer.APIKey            = Crypto.GetRandomByteString(Customer.API_KEY_LENGTH / 2);

                    logger.Debug("New customer record added for " + customer.CustomerUsername + ".");

                    // Create a default dialplan.
                    SIPDialPlan defaultDialPlan = new SIPDialPlan(customer.CustomerUsername, "default", null, "sys.Log(\"hello world\")\n", SIPDialPlanScriptTypesEnum.Ruby);
                    logger.Debug("Default dialplan added for " + customer.CustomerUsername + ".");

                    // Get default domain name.
                    string defaultDomain = SIPDomainManager.GetDomain("local", true);

                    // Create SIP account.
                    if (SIPAccountPersistor.Get(s => s.SIPUsername == customer.CustomerUsername && s.SIPDomain == defaultDomain) == null)
                        SIPAccount sipAccount = new SIPAccount(customer.CustomerUsername, defaultDomain, customer.CustomerUsername, customer.CustomerPassword, "default");
                        logger.Debug("SIP account " + sipAccount.SIPUsername + "@" + sipAccount.SIPDomain + " added for " + sipAccount.Owner + ".");
                        int attempts = 0;
                        while (attempts < 10)
                            string testUsername = customer.CustomerUsername + Crypto.GetRandomString(4);
                            if (SIPAccountPersistor.Get(s => s.SIPUsername == testUsername && s.SIPDomain == defaultDomain) == null)
                                SIPAccount sipAccount = new SIPAccount(customer.CustomerUsername, defaultDomain, testUsername, customer.CustomerPassword, "default");
                                logger.Debug("SIP account " + sipAccount.SIPUsername + "@" + sipAccount.SIPDomain + " added for " + sipAccount.Owner + ".");

                    if (!m_customerConfirmLink.IsNullOrBlank())
                        logger.Debug("Sending new account confirmation email to " + customer.EmailAddress + ".");
                        SIPSorcerySMTP.SendEmail(customer.EmailAddress, NEW_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS, NEW_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_SUBJECT, String.Format(NEW_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_BODY, customer.FirstName, m_customerConfirmLink, customer.Id));
                        logger.Debug("Customer confirmation email was not sent as no confirmation link has been set.");
            catch (Exception excp)
                logger.Error("Exception CreateNewCustomer. " + excp.Message);