public void RemoveTestTwoChildrenNotRootRightmostIsNotLeft() { SGTree <int> sgt = new SGTree <int>(0.75); SGTNode <int> x = new SGTNode <int>(10); SGTNode <int> a = new SGTNode <int>(0); SGTNode <int> b = new SGTNode <int>(1); SGTNode <int> c = new SGTNode <int>(2); SGTNode <int> d = new SGTNode <int>(3); SGTNode <int> e = new SGTNode <int>(4); sgt.insertFirst(x); sgt.insertAfter(x, a); sgt.insertAfter(a, e); sgt.insertBefore(a, b); sgt.insertAfter(b, c); sgt.insertBefore(c, d); sgt.Remove(a); bool b1 = sgt.Query(c, d); bool b2 = sgt.Query(c, b); Assert.IsTrue(b1 && b2); }
public void RemoveTestNoChildrenNotRoot() { SGTree <int> sgt = new SGTree <int>(0.75); SGTNode <int> a = new SGTNode <int>(0); SGTNode <int> b = new SGTNode <int>(1); SGTNode <int> c = new SGTNode <int>(2); sgt.insertFirst(a); sgt.insertBefore(a, b); sgt.insertBefore(b, c); sgt.Remove(c); bool b1 = sgt.Query(a, b); Assert.IsTrue(b1); }
public void RemoveTestLeftChildIsRoot() { SGTree<int> sgt = new SGTree<int>(0.75); SGTNode<int> a = new SGTNode<int>(0); SGTNode<int> b = new SGTNode<int>(1); SGTNode<int> c = new SGTNode<int>(2); SGTNode<int> d = new SGTNode<int>(3); sgt.insertFirst(a); sgt.insertBefore(a, b); sgt.insertBefore(b, c); sgt.insertBefore(c, d); sgt.Remove(a); bool b1 = sgt.Query(c, d); bool b2 = sgt.Query(b, c); bool b3 = sgt.Query(b, d); Assert.IsTrue(b1 && b2 && b3); }
public void insertBeforeTest() { // a < root // b < a // a < c // d < a && d < b SGTree<int> sgt = new SGTree<int>(0.75); SGTNode<int> root = sgt.insertFirst(1); SGTNode<int> a = sgt.insertBefore(root, 2); SGTNode<int> b = sgt.insertBefore(a, 3); SGTNode<int> c = sgt.insertBefore(root, 4); SGTNode<int> d = sgt.insertBefore(b, 5); bool aGTroot = sgt.Query(root, a); bool bGTa = sgt.Query(a, b); bool aGTc = sgt.Query(c, a); bool dGTa = sgt.Query(a, d); bool dGTb = sgt.Query(b, d); Assert.IsTrue(aGTroot && bGTa && aGTc && dGTa && dGTb); }
public void insertBeforeTest() { // a < root // b < a // a < c // d < a && d < b SGTree <int> sgt = new SGTree <int>(0.75); SGTNode <int> root = sgt.insertFirst(1); SGTNode <int> a = sgt.insertBefore(root, 2); SGTNode <int> b = sgt.insertBefore(a, 3); SGTNode <int> c = sgt.insertBefore(root, 4); SGTNode <int> d = sgt.insertBefore(b, 5); bool aGTroot = sgt.Query(root, a); bool bGTa = sgt.Query(a, b); bool aGTc = sgt.Query(c, a); bool dGTa = sgt.Query(a, d); bool dGTb = sgt.Query(b, d); Assert.IsTrue(aGTroot && bGTa && aGTc && dGTa && dGTb); }
public void RemoveTestTwoChildrenNotRootRighstmostIsLeft() { SGTree <int> sgt = new SGTree <int>(0.75); SGTNode <int> a = new SGTNode <int>(0); SGTNode <int> b = new SGTNode <int>(1); SGTNode <int> c = new SGTNode <int>(2); SGTNode <int> d = new SGTNode <int>(3); sgt.insertFirst(a); sgt.insertBefore(a, b); sgt.insertBefore(b, c); sgt.insertAfter(b, d); sgt.Remove(b); bool b1 = sgt.Query(a, c); bool b2 = sgt.Query(a, d); bool b3 = sgt.Query(d, c); Assert.IsTrue(b1 && b2 && b3); }
public void RemoveTestLeftChildIsRoot() { SGTree <int> sgt = new SGTree <int>(0.75); SGTNode <int> a = new SGTNode <int>(0); SGTNode <int> b = new SGTNode <int>(1); SGTNode <int> c = new SGTNode <int>(2); SGTNode <int> d = new SGTNode <int>(3); sgt.insertFirst(a); sgt.insertBefore(a, b); sgt.insertBefore(b, c); sgt.insertBefore(c, d); sgt.Remove(a); bool b1 = sgt.Query(c, d); bool b2 = sgt.Query(b, c); bool b3 = sgt.Query(b, d); Assert.IsTrue(b1 && b2 && b3); }
public void RemoveTestTwoChildrenIsRootRightmostIsLeft() { SGTree <int> sgt = new SGTree <int>(0.75); SGTNode <int> b = new SGTNode <int>(1); SGTNode <int> c = new SGTNode <int>(2); SGTNode <int> d = new SGTNode <int>(3); sgt.insertFirst(b); sgt.insertBefore(b, c); sgt.insertAfter(b, d); sgt.Remove(b); bool b1 = sgt.Query(d, c); Assert.IsTrue(b1); }
public bool SoftThresholdSearch(int iv, int iw) { var v = _nodes[iv]; var w = _nodes[iw]; // Article states double linked list for F,B and normal list for FL BL var f = new List <SGTNode <HKMSTNodeFinal> >(1); var b = new List <SGTNode <HKMSTNodeFinal> >(1); f.Add(w); w.Value.InF = true; b.Add(v); v.Value.InB = true; w.Value.OutEnum = w.Value.Outgoing.GetEnumerator(); w.Value.OutEnum.MoveNext(); v.Value.InEnum = v.Value.Incoming.GetEnumerator(); v.Value.InEnum.MoveNext(); SGTNode <HKMSTNodeFinal> s = v; // To implement soft-threshold search, we maintain FA , FP, BA , and BP as doublylinked lists var fa = new LinkedList <SGTNode <HKMSTNodeFinal> >(); var fp = new LinkedList <SGTNode <HKMSTNodeFinal> >(); var ba = new LinkedList <SGTNode <HKMSTNodeFinal> >(); var bp = new LinkedList <SGTNode <HKMSTNodeFinal> >(); if (w.Value.OutEnum.Current != null) { fa.AddFirst(w); } if (v.Value.InEnum.Current != null) { ba.AddFirst(v); } while (fa.Count > 0 && ba.Count > 0) { var u = fa.First; // pointer to linkedlistnode for faster remove var z = ba.First; if (_nodeOrder.Query(z.Value, u.Value) || u.Value == z.Value) { // SEARCH_STEP(u,z) var x = u.Value.Value.OutEnum.Current; var y = z.Value.Value.InEnum.Current; u.Value.Value.OutEnum.MoveNext(); z.Value.Value.InEnum.MoveNext(); if (u.Value.Value.OutEnum.Current == null) { fa.Remove(u); } if (z.Value.Value.InEnum.Current == null) { ba.Remove(z); } if (x.Value.InB) { f.ForEach(item => item.Value.InF = false); b.ForEach(item => item.Value.InB = false); return(false); // Pair(uz.from, x.Current); } else if (y.Value.InF) { f.ForEach(item => item.Value.InF = false); b.ForEach(item => item.Value.InB = false); return(false); // Pair(y.Current,; } if (!x.Value.InF) { f.Add(x); x.Value.InF = true; x.Value.OutEnum = x.Value.Outgoing.GetEnumerator(); x.Value.OutEnum.MoveNext(); if (x.Value.OutEnum.Current != null) { fa.AddFirst(x); } } if (!y.Value.InB) { b.Add(y); y.Value.InB = true; y.Value.InEnum = y.Value.Incoming.GetEnumerator(); y.Value.InEnum.MoveNext(); if (y.Value.InEnum.Current != null) { ba.AddFirst(y); } } // END STEP } else { if (_nodeOrder.Query(u.Value, s)) { fa.Remove(u); fp.AddFirst(u); } if (_nodeOrder.Query(s, z.Value)) { ba.Remove(z); bp.AddFirst(z); } } if (fa.Count == 0) { bp.Clear(); ba.Remove(s); if (fp.Count > 0) { //choose s from Fp (median stuff) s = PickS(fp); fa.Clear(); var curr = fp.First; do { var next = curr.Next; if (curr.Value.Label <= s.Label) { fp.Remove(curr); fa.AddFirst(curr.Value); } curr = next; } while (curr != null); } } if (ba.Count == 0) { fp.Clear(); fa.Remove(s); if (bp.Count > 0) { //choose s from Bp (median stuff) s = PickS(bp); ba.Clear(); var curr = bp.First; do { var next = curr.Next; if (curr.Value.Label >= s.Label) { bp.Remove(curr); ba.AddFirst(curr.Value); } curr = next; } while (curr != null); } } } // reorder // let t = min({v}∪{x ∈ F|out(x) = null} and reorder the vertices in F< and B> as discussed previously. var vAndf = f.FindAll(item => item.Value.OutEnum.Current != null); vAndf.Add(v); var t = vAndf.Min(); // Let F< = { x ∈ F | x < t} and var fb = f.FindAll(item => item.Label < t.Label); // B > = { y ∈ B | y > t}. var bf = b.FindAll(item => item.Label > t.Label); if (t == v) { // move all vertices in fb just after t ... bf is empty foreach (var node in fb) { _nodeOrder.Remove(node); } if (fb.Count > 1) { fb = TopoSort(fb); } if (fb.Count > 0) { var prev = _nodeOrder.insertAfter(t, fb[0]); for (int i = 1; i < fb.Count; i++) { prev = _nodeOrder.insertAfter(prev, fb[i]); } } } if (t.Label < v.Label) { // move all vertices in fb just before t and all vertices in bf just before all vertices in fb // This is required as the articles states if (bf.Count > 1) { bf = TopoSort(bf); } if (fb.Count > 1) { fb = TopoSort(fb); } foreach (var node in bf) { _nodeOrder.Remove(node); } foreach (var node in fb) { _nodeOrder.Remove(node); } bf.AddRange(fb); if (bf.Count > 0) { var prev = _nodeOrder.insertBefore(t, bf[bf.Count - 1]); if (bf.Count > 1) { for (int i = bf.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--) { prev = _nodeOrder.insertBefore(prev, bf[i]); } } } } // reset bools f.ForEach(item => item.Value.InF = false); b.ForEach(item => item.Value.InB = false); // all done add to Outgoing and Incoming _nodes[iv].Value.Outgoing.Add(_nodes[iw]); _nodes[iw].Value.Incoming.Add(_nodes[iv]); return(true); }
private bool VertexGuidedSearch(int iv, int iw) { var v = _nodes[iv]; var w = _nodes[iw]; f.Clear(); b.Clear(); f.Add(w); w.Value.InF = true; b.Add(v); v.Value.InB = true; w.Value.OutEnum = w.Value.Outgoing.GetEnumerator(); w.Value.OutEnum.MoveNext(); v.Value.InEnum = v.Value.Incoming.GetEnumerator(); v.Value.InEnum.MoveNext(); var fl = new C5.IntervalHeap <SGTNode <HKMSTNode> >(); var bl = new C5.IntervalHeap <SGTNode <HKMSTNode> >(); if (w.Value.OutEnum.Current != null) { fl.Add(w); } if (v.Value.InEnum.Current != null) { bl.Add(v); } // For ease of notation, we adopt the convention that the // minimum of an empty set is bigger than any other value and the maximum of an empty // set is smaller than any other value. SGTNode <HKMSTNode> u = null; SGTNode <HKMSTNode> z = null; if (fl.Count > 0) { u = fl.FindMin(); } if (bl.Count > 0) { z = bl.FindMax(); } while (fl.Count > 0 && bl.Count > 0 && (u == z || _nodeOrder.Query(z, u))) { // SEARCH-STEP(vertex u, vertex z) var x = u.Value.OutEnum.Current; var y = z.Value.InEnum.Current; u.Value.OutEnum.MoveNext(); z.Value.InEnum.MoveNext(); if (u.Value.OutEnum.Current == null) { fl.DeleteMin(); } if (z.Value.InEnum.Current == null) { bl.DeleteMax(); } if (x.Value.InB) { f.ForEach(item => item.Value.InF = false); b.ForEach(item => item.Value.InB = false); return(false); // Pair(uz.from, x.Current); } else if (y.Value.InF) { f.ForEach(item => item.Value.InF = false); b.ForEach(item => item.Value.InB = false); return(false); // Pair(y.Current,; } if (!x.Value.InF) { f.Add(x); x.Value.InF = true; x.Value.OutEnum = x.Value.Outgoing.GetEnumerator(); x.Value.OutEnum.MoveNext(); if (x.Value.OutEnum.Current != null) { fl.Add(x); } } if (!y.Value.InB) { b.Add(y); y.Value.InB = true; y.Value.InEnum = y.Value.Incoming.GetEnumerator(); y.Value.InEnum.MoveNext(); if (y.Value.InEnum.Current != null) { bl.Add(y); } } // End of SEARCH-STEP(vertex u, vertex z) if (fl.Count > 0) { u = fl.FindMin(); } if (bl.Count > 0) { z = bl.FindMax(); } } // let t = min({v}∪{x ∈ F|out(x) = null} and reorder the vertices in F< and B> as discussed previously. var vAndf = f.FindAll(item => item.Value.OutEnum.Current != null); vAndf.Add(v); var t = vAndf.Min(); // Let F< = { x ∈ F | x < t} and var fb = f.FindAll(item => item.Label < t.Label); // B > = { y ∈ B | y > t}. var bf = b.FindAll(item => item.Label > t.Label); if (t == v) { // move all vertices in fb just after t ... bf is empty foreach (var node in fb) { _nodeOrder.Remove(node); } if (fb.Count > 1) { fb = TopoSort(fb); } if (fb.Count > 0) { var prev = _nodeOrder.insertAfter(t, fb[0]); for (int i = 1; i < fb.Count; i++) { prev = _nodeOrder.insertAfter(prev, fb[i]); } } } if (t.Label < v.Label) { // move all vertices in fb just before t and all vertices in bf just before all vertices in fb // This is required as the articles states if (bf.Count > 1) { bf = TopoSort(bf); } if (fb.Count > 1) { fb = TopoSort(fb); } foreach (var node in bf) { _nodeOrder.Remove(node); } foreach (var node in fb) { _nodeOrder.Remove(node); } foreach (var item in fb) { bf.Add(item); } if (bf.Count > 0) { var prev = _nodeOrder.insertBefore(t, bf[bf.Count - 1]); if (bf.Count > 1) { for (int i = bf.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--) { prev = _nodeOrder.insertBefore(prev, bf[i]); } } } } // reset bools f.ForEach(item => item.Value.InF = false); b.ForEach(item => item.Value.InB = false); // all done add to Outgoing and Incoming _nodes[iv].Value.Outgoing.Add(_nodes[iw]); _nodes[iw].Value.Incoming.Add(_nodes[iv]); return(true); }
public void RemoveTestTwoChildrenNotRootRightmostIsNotLeft() { SGTree<int> sgt = new SGTree<int>(0.75); SGTNode<int> x = new SGTNode<int>(10); SGTNode<int> a = new SGTNode<int>(0); SGTNode<int> b = new SGTNode<int>(1); SGTNode<int> c = new SGTNode<int>(2); SGTNode<int> d = new SGTNode<int>(3); SGTNode<int> e = new SGTNode<int>(4); sgt.insertFirst(x); sgt.insertAfter(x, a); sgt.insertAfter(a, e); sgt.insertBefore(a, b); sgt.insertAfter(b, c); sgt.insertBefore(c, d); sgt.Remove(a); bool b1 = sgt.Query(c, d); bool b2 = sgt.Query(c, b); Assert.IsTrue(b1 && b2); }
public void RemoveTestTwoChildrenNotRootRighstmostIsLeft() { SGTree<int> sgt = new SGTree<int>(0.75); SGTNode<int> a = new SGTNode<int>(0); SGTNode<int> b = new SGTNode<int>(1); SGTNode<int> c = new SGTNode<int>(2); SGTNode<int> d = new SGTNode<int>(3); sgt.insertFirst(a); sgt.insertBefore(a, b); sgt.insertBefore(b, c); sgt.insertAfter(b, d); sgt.Remove(b); bool b1 = sgt.Query(a, c); bool b2 = sgt.Query(a, d); bool b3 = sgt.Query(d, c); Assert.IsTrue(b1 && b2 && b3); }
public void RemoveTestTwoChildrenIsRootRightmostIsLeft() { SGTree<int> sgt = new SGTree<int>(0.75); SGTNode<int> b = new SGTNode<int>(1); SGTNode<int> c = new SGTNode<int>(2); SGTNode<int> d = new SGTNode<int>(3); sgt.insertFirst(b); sgt.insertBefore(b, c); sgt.insertAfter(b, d); sgt.Remove(b); bool b1 = sgt.Query(d, c); Assert.IsTrue(b1); }
public void RemoveTestNoChildrenNotRoot() { SGTree<int> sgt = new SGTree<int>(0.75); SGTNode<int> a = new SGTNode<int>(0); SGTNode<int> b = new SGTNode<int>(1); SGTNode<int> c = new SGTNode<int>(2); sgt.insertFirst(a); sgt.insertBefore(a, b); sgt.insertBefore(b, c); sgt.Remove(c); bool b1 = sgt.Query(a, b); Assert.IsTrue(b1); }