/// <summary>
    /// Unregister this widget.
    /// </summary>

    void OnDestroy()
        if (material != null && mScreen != null)
        mScreen = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Register this widget with the manager.
    /// </summary>

    void Start()
        if (mScreen == null && material != null)
            mColor  = color;
            mTrans  = transform;
            mPos    = mTrans.position;
            mRot    = mTrans.rotation;
            mScale  = mTrans.lossyScale;
            mDepth  = depth;
            mScreen = SGScreen.GetScreen(mMat = material, mLayer = gameObject.layer, mGroup = group, true);

    /// <summary>
    /// Check to see if anything has changed, and if it has, mark the screen as having changed.
    /// </summary>

    public bool ScreenUpdate()
        // Call the virtual function
        bool retVal = OnUpdate();

        // If the material or layer has changed, act accordingly
        if (mMat != material || mGroup != group || mLayer != gameObject.layer || mColor != color)
            if (mMat != null)

            mMat   = material;
            mColor = color;
            mPos   = mTrans.position;
            mRot   = mTrans.rotation;
            mScale = mTrans.lossyScale;
            mLayer = gameObject.layer;
            mDepth = depth;
            mGroup = group;
            retVal = true;

            if (mMat != null)
                mScreen = SGScreen.GetScreen(mMat, mLayer, mGroup, true);
        // Check to see if the position, rotation or scale has changed
        else if (mMat != null)
            Vector3    pos   = mTrans.position;
            Quaternion rot   = mTrans.rotation;
            Vector3    scale = mTrans.lossyScale;

            if (mDepth != depth || mPos != pos || mRot != rot || mScale != scale)
                mPos   = pos;
                mRot   = rot;
                mScale = scale;
                mDepth = depth;
                retVal = true;
Exemple #4
    private void Responsive()
        float     inch = SGScreen.PixelsToInch(Screen.width);
        bool      orientationPortrait = SGScreen.PortraitOrientation();
        Transform child;

        if (forceExpandCards > 0)
            if (orientationPortrait)
                cellSizeY = (rectTransformParent.rect.height - (gridLayoutGroup.padding.top + gridLayoutGroup.padding.bottom + gridLayoutGroup.spacing.y)) / forceExpandCards;
                cellSizeY = (rectTransformParent.rect.height - (gridLayoutGroup.padding.top + gridLayoutGroup.padding.bottom + gridLayoutGroup.spacing.y));

        if (fullScreen)
            rectTransform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            // SGDebug.Log("1 coluna, fullscreen");
            gridLayoutGroup.cellSize = new Vector2(rectTransformParent.rect.width, rectTransformParent.rect.height);
        else if (orientationPortrait)
            // SGDebug.Log("1 coluna");
            gridLayoutGroup.cellSize = new Vector2(rectTransform.rect.width - (gridLayoutGroup.padding.left + gridLayoutGroup.spacing.x), cellSizeY);
        else if (inch > breakPointWidthInch)
            // SGDebug.Log("3 coluna, se possível");
            gridLayoutGroup.cellSize = new Vector2(rectTransform.rect.width / 3 - (gridLayoutGroup.padding.left + gridLayoutGroup.spacing.x), cellSizeY);
            // SGDebug.Log("2 coluna, se possível");
            gridLayoutGroup.cellSize = new Vector2(rectTransform.rect.width / 2 - (gridLayoutGroup.padding.left + gridLayoutGroup.spacing.x), cellSizeY);

        // ajusta a altura do content
        child = this.transform.GetChild(this.transform.childCount - 1);                   // ultimo filho
        rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(0, child.localPosition.y * -1 + cellSizeY); // seta novo valor
    /// <summary>
    /// Retrieve a UI screen for the specified material, creating one if necessary.
    /// </summary>

    static public SGScreen GetScreen(Material mat, int layer, int group, bool createIfMissing)
        // Find an existing entry
        foreach (SGScreen s in mScreens)
            if (s.mMat == mat && s.mGroup == group && s.gameObject.layer == layer)

        // No existing entry found -- create a new one
        if (createIfMissing)
            GameObject go = new GameObject("_UIScreen [" + mat.name + "]: " +
                                           LayerMask.LayerToName(layer) + " " + group);

            if (Application.isPlaying)
                go.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave | HideFlags.NotEditable;

            // Use the specified layer
            go.layer = layer;

            // Add the UI screen script
            SGScreen screen = go.GetComponent <SGScreen>();
            if (screen == null)
                screen = go.AddComponent <SGScreen>();
            screen.mMat   = mat;
            screen.mGroup = group;