Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create 4 Exercises
            Exercise FizzBuzzJS = new Exercise {
                Name     = "FizzBuzzJS",
                Language = "JavaScript"

            Exercise FizzBuzzCSharp = new Exercise {
                Name     = "FizzBuzzCSharp",
                Language = "C#"

            Exercise ChickenMonkeyJS = new Exercise {
                Name     = "ChickenMonkeyJS",
                Language = "JavaScript"

            Exercise ChickenMonkeyCSharp = new Exercise {
                Name     = "ChickenMonkeyCSharp",
                Language = "C#"

            Exercise Another1 = new Exercise {
                Name     = "Another1",
                Language = "Binary"

            Exercise Another2 = new Exercise {
                Name     = "Another2",
                Language = "Hieroglyphics"

            Exercise Another3 = new Exercise {
                Name     = "Another3",
                Language = "Hieroglyphics"

            // Create 3 Cohorts
            Cohort Cohort27 = new Cohort {
                Name = "Cohort 27"
            Cohort Cohort28 = new Cohort {
                Name = "Cohort 28"
            Cohort Cohort29 = new Cohort {
                Name = "Cohort 29"

            // Create 4 Students
            Student Mike = new Student {
                firstName     = "Mike",
                lastName      = "Parrish",
                slackHandle   = "@thatmikeparrish",
                StudentCohort = Cohort27

            Student Kayla = new Student {
                firstName     = "Kayla",
                lastName      = "Carter",
                slackHandle   = "@lil'C",
                StudentCohort = Cohort28

            Student Chad = new Student {
                firstName     = "Chad",
                lastName      = "Taylor",
                slackHandle   = "@chadalac",
                StudentCohort = Cohort28

            Student Josh = new Student {
                firstName     = "Josh",
                lastName      = "Perez",
                slackHandle   = "@ohdang",
                StudentCohort = Cohort29

            Student Bill = new Student {
                firstName     = "Bill",
                lastName      = "Dollar",
                slackHandle   = "@money",
                StudentCohort = Cohort27

            // Create 3 Instructors
            Instructor Steve = new Instructor {
                firstName        = "Steve",
                lastName         = "Norris",
                slackHandle      = "coach",
                InstructorCohort = Cohort27

            Instructor Andy = new Instructor {
                firstName        = "Andy",
                lastName         = "Steve^2",
                slackHandle      = "coach^2",
                InstructorCohort = Cohort28

            Instructor Meg = new Instructor {
                firstName        = "Meg",
                lastName         = "Armstrong",
                slackHandle      = "jrcoach",
                InstructorCohort = Cohort29

            // Have each instructor assign 2 exercises to each of the students
            Steve.Assignment(FizzBuzzJS, Mike);
            Steve.Assignment(FizzBuzzCSharp, Mike);
            Steve.Assignment(FizzBuzzJS, Josh);
            Steve.Assignment(FizzBuzzCSharp, Josh);
            Steve.Assignment(FizzBuzzJS, Kayla);
            Steve.Assignment(FizzBuzzCSharp, Kayla);
            Steve.Assignment(FizzBuzzJS, Chad);
            Steve.Assignment(FizzBuzzCSharp, Chad);

            Andy.Assignment(Another1, Mike);
            Andy.Assignment(Another2, Mike);
            Andy.Assignment(Another1, Josh);
            Andy.Assignment(Another2, Josh);
            Andy.Assignment(Another1, Kayla);
            Andy.Assignment(Another2, Kayla);
            Andy.Assignment(Another1, Chad);
            Andy.Assignment(Another2, Chad);
            Andy.Assignment(Another3, Mike);

            Meg.Assignment(ChickenMonkeyJS, Mike);
            Meg.Assignment(ChickenMonkeyCSharp, Mike);
            Meg.Assignment(ChickenMonkeyJS, Josh);
            Meg.Assignment(ChickenMonkeyCSharp, Josh);
            Meg.Assignment(ChickenMonkeyJS, Kayla);
            Meg.Assignment(ChickenMonkeyCSharp, Kayla);
            Meg.Assignment(ChickenMonkeyJS, Chad);
            Meg.Assignment(ChickenMonkeyCSharp, Chad);

            // Challenge: Create a list of students, and add all of the students to the list.
            List <Student> students = new List <Student>();


            //Challenge: Create a list of exercises, and add all of the exercises to the list.
            List <Exercise> exercises = new List <Exercise>();


            // Challenge: Generate a report that displays which students are working on which exercise.
            foreach (Student student in students)
                foreach (Exercise exercise in exercises)
                    if (student.ExerciseList.Contains(exercise))
                        Console.WriteLine($"{exercise.Name} has been assigned to {student.firstName}.");

            // List exercises for the JavaScript language by using the Where() LINQ method.
            IEnumerable <Exercise> JavaScriptLessions = exercises.Where(L => L.Language == "JavaScript");

            foreach (var L in JavaScriptLessions)
                Console.WriteLine($"Exercises in JavaScript: {L.Name}");

            // List students in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method.
            IEnumerable <Student> SC27 = students.Where(s => s.StudentCohort.Name == "Cohort 27");

            foreach (var s in SC27)
                Console.WriteLine($"{s.firstName} {s.lastName} is in {s.StudentCohort.Name}");

            IEnumerable <Student> SC28 = students.Where(s => s.StudentCohort.Name == "Cohort 28");

            foreach (var s in SC28)
                Console.WriteLine($"{s.firstName} {s.lastName} is in {s.StudentCohort.Name}");

            // List instructors in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method.
            List <Instructor> instructors = new List <Instructor>();


            IEnumerable <Instructor> IC27 = instructors.Where(s => s.InstructorCohort.Name == "Cohort 27");

            foreach (var s in IC27)
                Console.WriteLine($"{s.firstName} {s.lastName} is in {s.InstructorCohort.Name}");

            IEnumerable <Instructor> IC28 = instructors.Where(s => s.InstructorCohort.Name == "Cohort 28");

            foreach (var s in IC28)
                Console.WriteLine($"{s.firstName} {s.lastName} is in {s.InstructorCohort.Name}");

            // Sort the students by their last name.
            IEnumerable <Student> StudentByLastName = students.OrderBy(x => x.lastName);

            foreach (var x in StudentByLastName)
                Console.WriteLine($"{x.lastName}, {x.firstName}");

            // Display any students that aren't working on any exercises (Make sure one of your student instances don't have any exercises. Create a new student if you need to.)
            IEnumerable <Student> NoExercises = students.Where(x => x.ExerciseList.Count == 0);

            foreach (var x in NoExercises)
                Console.WriteLine($"{x.firstName} {x.lastName} isn't working on anything.");

            // Which student is working on the most exercises? Make sure one of your students has more exercises than the others.
            IEnumerable <Student> MostExercises = students.Where(x => x.ExerciseList.Count == students.Max(p => p.ExerciseList.Count));

            foreach (var x in MostExercises)
                Console.WriteLine($"{x.firstName} {x.lastName} is working on the most with {x.ExerciseList.Count}");
            // need another way to do this. Andy said it was bad..  Mainly because its nested loops and uses to much memory

            // How many students in each cohort?
            var CohortSize = students.GroupBy(x => x.StudentCohort.Name);

            foreach (var SG in CohortSize)
                Console.WriteLine($"{SG.Key} has {SG.Count()} student(s).");