Exemple #1
        public Tank()
            Size = new SFML.Window.Vector2f(32, 32);
            FillColor = Color.Black;

        // IMPORTANT: a1 and a2 cannot be the same, e.g. a1--a2 is a true segment, not a point
        // b1/b2 may be the same (b1--b2 is a point)
        private static SFML.Window.Vector2f[] OneD_Intersection(SFML.Window.Vector2f a1, SFML.Window.Vector2f a2, SFML.Window.Vector2f b1, SFML.Window.Vector2f b2)
            //float ua1 = 0.0f; // by definition
            //float ua2 = 1.0f; // by definition
            float ub1, ub2;

            float denomx = a2.X - a1.X;
            float denomy = a2.Y - a1.Y;

            if (Math.Abs(denomx) > Math.Abs(denomy))
                ub1 = (b1.X - a1.X) / denomx;

                ub2 = (b2.X - a1.X) / denomx;
                ub1 = (b1.Y - a1.Y) / denomy;
                ub2 = (b2.Y - a1.Y) / denomy;

            List <SFML.Window.Vector2f> ret = new List <SFML.Window.Vector2f>();

            float[] interval = OverlapIntervals(ub1, ub2);
            foreach (float f in interval)
                float x = a2.X * f + a1.X * (1.0f - f);
                float y = a2.Y * f + a1.Y * (1.0f - f);
                SFML.Window.Vector2f p = new SFML.Window.Vector2f(x, y);
 public UnitPictureBox()
     //frame = new RectangleShape(new SFML.Window.Vector2f(122, 122));
     Scale = new SFML.Window.Vector2f(122, 122);
     Position = new SFML.Window.Vector2f(32, 640 - 124);
     FillColor = Color.Black;
        private static bool PointOnLine(SFML.Window.Vector2f p, SFML.Window.Vector2f a1, SFML.Window.Vector2f a2)
            float dummyU = 0.0f;
            float d      = DistFromSeg(p, a1, a2, MyEpsilon, ref dummyU);

            return(d < MyEpsilon);
Exemple #5
        static public float DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(SFML.Window.Vector2f a, SFML.Window.Vector2f b)
            float distanceX = b.X - a.X;
            float distanceY = b.Y - a.Y;

            return((float)Math.Sqrt((Double)(distanceX * distanceX) + (Double)(distanceY * distanceY)));
Exemple #6
        public static bool BoundingBoxTest(SFML.Graphics.Sprite Object1, SFML.Graphics.Sprite Object2)
            OrientedBoundingBox OBB1 = new OrientedBoundingBox(Object1);
            OrientedBoundingBox OBB2 = new OrientedBoundingBox(Object2);

            // Create the four distinct axes that are perpendicular to the edges of the two rectangles
            SFML.Window.Vector2f[] Axes = new SFML.Window.Vector2f[4]
                new SFML.Window.Vector2f(OBB1.Points[1].X - OBB1.Points[0].X,
                                         OBB1.Points[1].Y - OBB1.Points[0].Y),
                new SFML.Window.Vector2f(OBB1.Points[1].X - OBB1.Points[2].X,
                                         OBB1.Points[1].Y - OBB1.Points[2].Y),
                new SFML.Window.Vector2f(OBB2.Points[0].X - OBB2.Points[3].X,
                                         OBB2.Points[0].Y - OBB2.Points[3].Y),
                new SFML.Window.Vector2f(OBB2.Points[0].X - OBB2.Points[1].X,
                                         OBB2.Points[0].Y - OBB2.Points[1].Y)

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // For each axis...
                float MinOBB1 = 0.0f, MaxOBB1 = 0.0f, MinOBB2 = 0.0f, MaxOBB2 = 0.0f;

                // ... project the points of both OBBs onto the axis ...
                OBB1.ProjectOntoAxis(Axes[i], ref MinOBB1, ref MaxOBB1);
                OBB2.ProjectOntoAxis(Axes[i], ref MinOBB2, ref MaxOBB2);

                // ... and check whether the outermost projected points of both OBBs overlap.
                // If this is not the case, the Seperating Axis Theorem states that there can be no collision between the rectangles
                if (!((MinOBB2 <= MaxOBB1) && (MaxOBB2 >= MinOBB1)))
        public LineSegment(SFML.Window.Vector2f start, SFML.Window.Vector2f end)
            Start = start;
            End   = end;

            linePoints = new VertexArray(PrimitiveType.Lines);
            linePoints.Append(new Vertex(start));
            linePoints.Append(new Vertex(end));
        public AABBProjection(AABB start, SFML.Window.Vector2f movement, SFML.Graphics.Color color)
            Start = start;
            End   = new AABB(new SFML.Window.Vector2f(start.Position.X + movement.X, start.Position.Y + movement.Y), start.Extents.X, start.Extents.Y, Start.Color);

            this.color = color;

Exemple #9
 static void w_MouseMoved(object sender, SFML.Window.MouseMoveEventArgs e)
     if (_point.HasValue)
         SFML.Window.Vector2f       newPoint = new SFML.Window.Vector2f(e.X, e.Y);
         SFML.Window.Vector2f       delta    = _point.Value - newPoint;
         SFML.Graphics.RenderWindow w        = (SFML.Graphics.RenderWindow)sender;
         w.SetView(new SFML.Graphics.View(w.GetView().Center + delta, w.GetView().Size));
         _point = newPoint;
        public OrientedBoundingBox(SFML.Graphics.Sprite Object)  // Calculate the four points of the OBB from a transformed (scaled, rotated...) sprite
            Points = new SFML.Window.Vector2f[4];
            SFML.Graphics.Transform trans = Object.Transform;
            SFML.Graphics.IntRect   local = Object.TextureRect;

            Points[0] = trans.TransformPoint(0.0f, 0.0f);
            Points[1] = trans.TransformPoint(local.Width, 0.0f);
            Points[2] = trans.TransformPoint(local.Width, local.Height);
            Points[3] = trans.TransformPoint(0.0f, local.Height);
Exemple #11
        public static bool CircleTest(SFML.Graphics.Sprite Object1, SFML.Graphics.Sprite Object2)
            SFML.Window.Vector2f Obj1Size = GetSpriteSize(Object1);
            SFML.Window.Vector2f Obj2Size = GetSpriteSize(Object2);
            float Radius1 = (Obj1Size.X + Obj1Size.Y) / 4.0f;
            float Radius2 = (Obj2Size.X + Obj2Size.Y) / 4.0f;

            SFML.Window.Vector2f Distance = GetSpriteCenter(Object1) - GetSpriteCenter(Object2);

            return(Distance.X * Distance.X + Distance.Y * Distance.Y <= (Radius1 + Radius2) * (Radius1 + Radius2));
        public OrientedBoundingBox(SFML.Graphics.Shape Object) // Calculate the four points of the OBB from a transformed (scaled, rotated...) sprite
            Points = new SFML.Window.Vector2f[4];
            SFML.Graphics.Transform trans = Object.Transform;

            Points[0] = trans.TransformPoint(0.0f, 0.0f);
            Points[1] = trans.TransformPoint(Object.GetLocalBounds().Width, 0.0f);
            Points[2] = trans.TransformPoint(Object.GetLocalBounds().Width, Object.GetLocalBounds().Height);
            Points[3] = trans.TransformPoint(0.0f, Object.GetLocalBounds().Height);
        public LineSegment(SFML.Window.Vector2f start, SFML.Window.Vector2f end, SFML.Graphics.Color color)
            Start = start;
            End   = end;

            linePoints = new VertexArray(PrimitiveType.Lines);
            linePoints.Append(new Vertex(start)
                Color = color
            linePoints.Append(new Vertex(end)
                Color = color
        public void ProjectOntoAxis(SFML.Window.Vector2f Axis, ref float Min, ref float Max)  // Project all four points of the OBB onto the given axis and return the dotproducts of the two outermost points
            Min = (Points[0].X * Axis.X + Points[0].Y * Axis.Y);
            Max = Min;
            for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++)
                float Projection = (Points[j].X * Axis.X + Points[j].Y * Axis.Y);

                if (Projection < Min)
                    Min = Projection;
                if (Projection > Max)
                    Max = Projection;
        private static float DistFromSeg(SFML.Window.Vector2f p, SFML.Window.Vector2f q0, SFML.Window.Vector2f q1, float radius, ref float u)
            // formula here:
            // where x0,y0 = p
            //       x1,y1 = q0
            //       x2,y2 = q1
            float dx21      = q1.X - q0.X;
            float dy21      = q1.Y - q0.Y;
            float dx10      = q0.X - p.X;
            float dy10      = q0.Y - p.Y;
            float segLength = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)dx21 * dx21 + dy21 * dy21);

            if (segLength < MyEpsilon)
                throw new Exception("Expected line segment, not point.");
            float num = Math.Abs(dx21 * dy10 - dx10 * dy21);
            float d   = num / segLength;

        // this is the general case. Really really general
        public static SFML.Window.Vector2f[] Intersection(SFML.Window.Vector2f a1, SFML.Window.Vector2f a2, SFML.Window.Vector2f b1, SFML.Window.Vector2f b2)
            if (a1.Equals(a2) && b1.Equals(b2))
                // both "segments" are points, return either point
                if (a1.Equals(b1))
                    return new SFML.Window.Vector2f[] { a1 }
                else // both "segments" are different points, return empty set
                    return new SFML.Window.Vector2f[] { }
            else if (b1.Equals(b2)) // b is a point, a is a segment
                if (PointOnLine(b1, a1, a2))
                    return new SFML.Window.Vector2f[] { b1 }
                    return new SFML.Window.Vector2f[] { }
            else if (a1.Equals(a2)) // a is a point, b is a segment
                if (PointOnLine(a1, b1, b2))
                    return new SFML.Window.Vector2f[] { a1 }
                    return new SFML.Window.Vector2f[] { }

            // at this point we know both a and b are actual segments

            float ua_t = (b2.X - b1.X) * (a1.Y - b1.Y) - (b2.Y - b1.Y) * (a1.X - b1.X);
            float ub_t = (a2.X - a1.X) * (a1.Y - b1.Y) - (a2.Y - a1.Y) * (a1.X - b1.X);
            float u_b  = (b2.Y - b1.Y) * (a2.X - a1.X) - (b2.X - b1.X) * (a2.Y - a1.Y);

            // Infinite lines intersect somewhere
            if (!(-MyEpsilon < u_b && u_b < MyEpsilon))   // e.g. u_b != 0.0
                float ua = ua_t / u_b;
                float ub = ub_t / u_b;
                if (0.0f <= ua && ua <= 1.0f && 0.0f <= ub && ub <= 1.0f)
                    // Intersection
                    return(new SFML.Window.Vector2f[] {
                        new SFML.Window.Vector2f(a1.X + ua * (a2.X - a1.X),
                                                 a1.Y + ua * (a2.Y - a1.Y))
                    // No Intersection
                    return(new SFML.Window.Vector2f[] { });
            else // lines (not just segments) are parallel or the same line
                // Coincident
                // find the common overlapping section of the lines
                // first find the distance (squared) from one point (a1) to each point
                if ((-MyEpsilon < ua_t && ua_t < MyEpsilon) ||
                    (-MyEpsilon < ub_t && ub_t < MyEpsilon))
                    if (a1.Equals(a2)) // danger!
                        return(OneD_Intersection(b1, b2, a1, a2));
                    else // safe
                        return(OneD_Intersection(a1, a2, b1, b2));
                    // Parallel
                    return(new SFML.Window.Vector2f[] { });

Exemple #17
        private void DrawPreviewLighting(SFML.Graphics.RenderWindow rw)
            //pack data in matrix as SFML doesn't support array uniforms
            SFML.Window.Vector2f[] positions = new SFML.Window.Vector2f[m_maxLights];
            for (var i = 0; i < m_lights.Count; ++i)
                positions[i] = m_lights[i].Position;

            SFML.Graphics.Transform t = new SFML.Graphics.Transform(
                positions[0].X, positions[0].Y,
                positions[1].X, positions[1].Y,
                positions[2].X, positions[2].Y,
                positions[3].X, positions[3].Y, 0f);

            m_lightShaderTextured.SetParameter("u_lightColour", m_sunColour);
            m_lightShaderTextured.SetParameter("u_ambientColour", m_ambientColour);
            m_lightShaderTextured.SetParameter("u_lightPositions", t);

            m_lightShaderColoured.SetParameter("u_lightColour", m_sunColour);
            m_lightShaderColoured.SetParameter("u_ambientColour", m_ambientColour);
            m_lightShaderColoured.SetParameter("u_lightPositions", t);

            for (var i = 0; i < m_lights.Count; ++i)
                string param = "u_pointColour" + i.ToString();
                m_lightShaderTextured.SetParameter(param, m_lights[i].Colour);
                m_lightShaderColoured.SetParameter(param, m_lights[i].Colour);

            SFML.Graphics.RenderStates states = SFML.Graphics.RenderStates.Default;

            foreach (var layer in m_previewLayers)
                //if (layer != m_previewLayers[(int)Layer.Dynamic])
                //    states.Shader = m_lightShaderTextured;

                foreach (var d in layer)
                    if (d.Texture == null)
                        m_lightShaderColoured.SetParameter("u_inverseWorldViewMatrix", d.InverseTransform);
                        states.Shader = m_lightShaderColoured;
                        m_lightShaderTextured.SetParameter("u_texture", SFML.Graphics.Shader.CurrentTexture);
                        m_lightShaderTextured.SetParameter("u_inverseWorldViewMatrix", d.InverseTransform);
                        states.Shader = m_lightShaderTextured;
                    rw.Draw(d, states);

                if (layer == m_previewLayers[(int)Layer.Background] &&
Exemple #18
 private static SFML.Window.Vector2f GetSpriteSize(SFML.Graphics.Sprite Object)
     SFML.Graphics.IntRect OriginalSize = Object.TextureRect;
     SFML.Window.Vector2f  Scale        = Object.Scale;
     return(new SFML.Window.Vector2f(OriginalSize.Width * Scale.X, OriginalSize.Height * Scale.Y));
        // IMPORTANT: a1 and a2 cannot be the same, e.g. a1--a2 is a true segment, not a point
        // b1/b2 may be the same (b1--b2 is a point)
        private static SFML.Window.Vector2f[] OneD_Intersection(SFML.Window.Vector2f a1, SFML.Window.Vector2f a2, SFML.Window.Vector2f b1, SFML.Window.Vector2f b2)
            //float ua1 = 0.0f; // by definition
            //float ua2 = 1.0f; // by definition
            float ub1, ub2;

            float denomx = a2.X - a1.X;
            float denomy = a2.Y - a1.Y;

            if (Math.Abs(denomx) > Math.Abs(denomy))
                ub1 = (b1.X - a1.X) / denomx;
                ub2 = (b2.X - a1.X) / denomx;
                ub1 = (b1.Y - a1.Y) / denomy;
                ub2 = (b2.Y - a1.Y) / denomy;

            List<SFML.Window.Vector2f> ret = new List<SFML.Window.Vector2f>();
            float[] interval = OverlapIntervals(ub1, ub2);
            foreach (float f in interval)
                float x = a2.X * f + a1.X * (1.0f - f);
                float y = a2.Y * f + a1.Y * (1.0f - f);
                SFML.Window.Vector2f p = new SFML.Window.Vector2f(x, y);
            return ret.ToArray();