public bool HandleKeyEvent(SFKey.Code cd, SFKeyModifiers.Modifiers mod, UInt32 down, int keyboardIndex = 0)
     if (MovieID == -1)
     return false;
     if (AcceptKeyEvents())
     return SF_HandleKeyEvent(MovieID, cd, mod, down, keyboardIndex);
     return false;
	protected static extern bool SF_HandleKeyEvent(long movieID, SFKey.Code cd, SFKeyModifiers.Modifiers mod, UInt32 down, int keyboardIndex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Passes key events to Scaleform runtime for processing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cd"> The scaleform keycode corresponding the Unity key code. See SFKey.cs for the mapping table.</param>
 /// <param name="mod"> Key Modifiers.</param>
 /// <param name="down"> indicates whether the key event is up/down.</param>
 /// <param name="breturnOnHandled">In general, key events are sent to all movies. Set this flag to true if you don't want other movies to handle key events.</param>
 /// <param name="keyboardIndex"> Indicates the keyboard index in case multiple keyboards are connected.</param>
 /// <returns> Indicates whether the key event was processed successfully by the runtime.</returns>
 public virtual bool HandleKeyEvent(SFKey.Code cd, SFKeyModifiers.Modifiers mod, UInt32 down, ref bool breturnOnHandled, int keyboardIndex = 0)
     if (MovieID == 0)
     return false;
     if (AcceptKeyEvents())
     #if UNITY_WP8
     return sf_handleKeyEvent(MovieID, cd, mod, down, keyboardIndex);
     return SF_HandleKeyEvent(MovieID, cd, mod, down, keyboardIndex);
     return false;