private void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SecurityNode sn = Roles.GetSecurityNode(); sn.NodeID = CurrentNode.Id; sn.RoleID = int.Parse(rolesList.SelectedValue); int i = 0; if (delete.Checked) { i += (int)Permission.Delete; } if (publish.Checked) { i += (int)Permission.Publish; } if (edit.Checked) { i += (int)Permission.Edit; } if (add.Checked) { i += (int)Permission.Add; } if (view.Checked) { i += (int)Permission.View; } sn.PermissionLevel = i; Roles.SaveSecurityNode(sn); msg.Text = "added role: " + rolesList.SelectedItem.Text + " level:" + i.ToString(); SFGlobal.UpdateNodes(); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); }
private void createPreview() { // first delete any previews from before this.removePreviewArticle(); // now put the new preview in DataContainer dc = new DataContainer(this.dbTable); DataRow dr = dc.GetNewRow(); dr["nodeID"] = currentNode.Id; dr["templateID"] = int.Parse(articleTemplateID.SelectedValue); dr["version"] = 0; dr["lang"] = lang; dr["rank"] = rank; dr["title"] = title.Text; dr["summary"] = summary.Text; dr["keywords"] = keywords.Text; dr["body"] = body1.Value; dr["userID"] = ((UserIdentity)SFGlobal.GetCurrentUser().Identity).ID; dr["dateCreated"] = System.DateTime.Now; dr["dateModified"] = System.DateTime.Now; dr["publish"] = false; dr["preview"] = true; dr["active"] = true; dc.UpdateRow(dr); }
public void changeNodeRank(Node currentNode, string direction) { Node p = currentNode.parent; int i = currentNode.GetIndexInParentCollection(); if (i >= 0 && i < p.children.Count) { int oldRank = currentNode.Rank; int dir = (direction == "dn") ? 1 : -1; if (dir == -1 && i == 0) { return; } if (dir == 1 && i == p.children.Count - 1) { return; } //Response.Write("changing " + currentNode.Id + ":" + currentNode.Rank + " to " + p.children[i+dir].Id + ":" + p.children[i+dir].Rank); currentNode.Rank = p.children[i + dir].Rank; p.children[i + dir].Rank = oldRank; currentNode.Publish = true; p.children[i + dir].Publish = true; SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(currentNode); SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(p.children[i + dir]); SFGlobal.UpdateNodes(); } else { //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("ignoring order change"); } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { currentNode = (Node)Context.Items["currentNode"]; if (currentNode == null) { throw new DuryTools.ErrorHandler("currentNode not found!"); } if (SFGlobal.IsUserCMS()) { publicSuffix = ""; } DataSet ds = dal.execDataSet("SELECT showTemplate,title,body FROM SimpleArticles " + publicSuffix + " WHERE nodeID = " + currentNode.Id); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; Page.ShowTemplate = (dr["showTemplate"] != System.DBNull.Value) ? (bool)dr["showTemplate"] : false; Page.PageTitle = dr["title"].ToString(); body.Text = dr["body"].ToString(); } else { body.Text = "content not found in database."; } }
private void addNewUserButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = SFGlobal.SqlCleanString(newUserName.Text); string password = Dury.SiteFoundry.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricEncryption.ComputeHash(newUserPassword.Text, SFGlobal.EncryptionMethod, SFGlobal.EncryptionSalt); string fullname = SFGlobal.SqlCleanString(newUserFullName.Text); string email = SFGlobal.SqlCleanString(newUserEmail.Text); string sql = String.Format("INSERT INTO SecurityUsers (username,password,disabled,fullname,email,lastlogin,datecreated,datemodified) VALUES ('{0}','{1}',0, '{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}')", username, password, fullname, email, System.DateTime.Now, System.DateTime.Now, System.DateTime.Now); SFGlobal.DAL.execNonQuery(sql); int userID = (int)SFGlobal.DAL.execScalar("SELECT id FROM SecurityUsers WHERE username = '******'"); foreach (ListItem li in newUserRoles.Items) { if (li.Selected) { SFGlobal.DAL.execNonQuery("INSERT INTO SecurityUserRoles (userID,roleID) VALUES (" + userID.ToString() + "," + li.Value + ")"); } li.Selected = false; } newUserName.Text = ""; newUserPassword.Text = ""; newUserFullName.Text = ""; newUserEmail.Text = ""; userGridBind(); msg.Text = "user added"; }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // load the article control Node currentNode = (Node)Context.Items["currentNode"]; if (SFGlobal.IsUserCMS()) { publicSuffix = ""; } BaseArticle article; //SFGlobal.SetLangSession(); if (Session["lang"] != null) { lang = Session["lang"].ToString(); //Context.Items["lang"]; } else { lang = SFGlobal.DefaultLanguage; } string sql = string.Format("SELECT b.title, b.summary, b.body, b.dateModified, b.templateID ,b.summary, b.keywords FROM " + this.articleBodyTable + this.publicSuffix + " b INNER JOIN " + this.articleContainerTable + this.publicSuffix + " a ON b.articleID = WHERE (a.nodeID = {0}) AND (b.lang = '{1}')", currentNode.Id.ToString(), lang); DataSet ds = SFGlobal.DAL.execDataSet(sql); string title; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; ArticleTemplateInfo at = SFGlobal.GetArticleTemplate((int)dr["templateID"]); article = (BaseArticle)Page.LoadControl(SFGlobal.NodeTemplateLocation + "\\" + at.Src + ".ascx"); article.ArticleTitle = dr["title"].ToString(); article.ArticleBody = dr["body"].ToString(); article.LastModified = (dr["dateModified"] != DBNull.Value) ? (DateTime)dr["dateModified"] : System.DateTime.Now; article.Keywords = dr["keywords"].ToString(); article.Summary = dr["summary"].ToString(); title = dr["title"].ToString(); } else { ArticleTemplateInfo at = SFGlobal.GetArticleTemplate(1); article = (BaseArticle)Page.LoadControl(SFGlobal.NodeTemplateLocation + "\\" + at.Src + ".ascx"); article.ArticleTitle = "problem!"; article.ArticleBody = "article doesn't exist for this node."; title = "BIG PROBLEM!"; } articleHolder.Controls.Add(article); /* * Node p = currentNode.parent; * if (p.parent != null) * while(p.parent != null) * { * title = ": " + p.getName(SFGlobal.DefaultLanguage) + title; * p = p.parent; * } */ }
private void applySecurity() { if (SFGlobal.GetCurrentUser().Roles.Contains(SFGlobal.AdminstratorRoleName) || SFGlobal.GetCurrentUser().Roles.Contains(SFGlobal.PublisherRoleName)) { deleteLanguage.Enabled = true; deletePage.Enabled = true; publishNowButton.Enabled = true; } }
private void fillTemplateSelect() { System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary at = SFGlobal.LoadArticleTemplates(); foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry de in at) { ArticleTemplateInfo ati = (ArticleTemplateInfo)de.Value; articleTemplateID.Items.Add(new ListItem(ati.Name, ati.ID)); } }
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); //Response.Write(SFGlobal.GetUserAlert()); if (SFGlobal.GetUserAlert() != null) { alertMsg.InnerText = SFGlobal.GetUserAlert().ToString(); alertMsg.Visible = true; SFGlobal.ClearUserAlert(); } }
private void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HttpApplication app = ((HttpApplication)(sender)); HttpContext context = app.Context; string r = context.Request.RawUrl; // get the user System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User = SFGlobal.FetchUser(); if (!cs.IsExcluded(r)) // page isn't excluded { if (r.IndexOf(rqcs.AdminDirectory) > 0) // is in the 'admin' directory { bool b = false; foreach (string role in SFGlobal.CurrentUser.Roles) { if (SFGlobal.CurrentUser.IsRoleCMS(role, NodeFactory.RootNode)) { b = true; } } if (!b) { SFGlobal.RedirectToLogin(); } /* * if (!SFGlobal.CurrentUser.IsUserCMS()) * { * SFGlobal.RedirectToLogin(); * } */ } else // process normally { if (context.Items["currentNode"] == null) { throw new Exception("currentNode is null and page isn't excluded from url processing:"); //context.Response.End(); } if (!SFGlobal.CheckUserNodePermission(Permission.View)) // check to see if the user has view permissions { //context.Response.Write("process"); //context.Response.End(); SFGlobal.RedirectToLogin(); } } } }
private void saveCurrentPage() { this.removePreviewArticle(); DataContainer dc = new DataContainer(this.dbTable); DataRow dr = dc.GetRowByCustomSql("SELECT * FROM " + dbTable + " WHERE nodeID = " + currentNode.Id + " AND rank = " + rank + " AND version = " + version); dr["templateID"] = int.Parse(articleTemplateID.SelectedValue); dr["title"] = title.Text; dr["summary"] = summary.Text; dr["keywords"] = keywords.Text; dr["body"] = content.Text; dr["userID"] = ((UserIdentity)SFGlobal.GetCurrentUser().Identity).ID; dr["dateModified"] = System.DateTime.Now; dr["publish"] = publishCheck.Checked; dr["active"] = activeCheck.Checked; dc.UpdateRow(dr); }
private void rolesGrid_ItemCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Save") { SecurityNode sn = Roles.GetSecurityNode(int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())); CheckBox delete = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("delete"); CheckBox publish = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("publish"); CheckBox edit = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("edit"); CheckBox add = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("add"); CheckBox view = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("view"); int i = 0; if (delete.Checked) { i += (int)Permission.Delete; } if (publish.Checked) { i += (int)Permission.Publish; } if (edit.Checked) { i += (int)Permission.Edit; } if (add.Checked) { i += (int)Permission.Add; } if (view.Checked) { i += (int)Permission.View; } sn.PermissionLevel = i; Roles.SaveSecurityNode(sn); SFGlobal.UpdateNodes(); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } if (e.CommandName == "Delete") { SecurityNode sn = Roles.GetSecurityNode(int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())); Roles.DeleteSecurityNode(sn); msg.Text = "role deleted"; SFGlobal.UpdateNodes(); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } }
private void saveNode() { if (nodeID > 0) //update { currentNode = root.Find(nodeID); } else //insert { currentNode = (Node)SFGlobal.ObjectManager.GetObject(typeof(Node)); currentNode.DateCreated = currentNode.DateModified = DateTime.Now; } currentNode.Filename = filename.Text; //if (nodeID <= 0) currentNode.Rank = 0; Node parent = root.Find(int.Parse(parentID.SelectedValue)); if (nodeID == 0) { if (parent.children.Count > 0) { currentNode.Rank = parent.children[parent.children.Count - 1].Rank + 1; } else { currentNode.Rank = 0; } } currentNode.ParentID = int.Parse(parentID.SelectedValue); currentNode.TypeID = int.Parse(nodeTypeID.SelectedValue); currentNode.PageTemplateID = int.Parse(pageTemplateID.SelectedValue); currentNode.Publish = publish_check.Checked; currentNode.Visible = visible_check.Checked; currentNode.VisibleMenu = visibleMenu_check.Checked; currentNode.VisibleSubMenu = visibleSubMenu_check.Checked; currentNode.DateModified = DateTime.Now; SFGlobal.ObjectManager.PersistChanges(currentNode); SFGlobal.UpdateNodes(); // hack! -- skip the redirect if "add & close" was clicked if (nodeID > 0 && action == 0) { Response.Redirect(Request.Path + "?action=add"); } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Node currentNode = (Node)Context.Items["currentNode"]; if (!SFGlobal.IsUserCMS()) { publicSuffix = "_public"; } string linkLocation = (string)dal.execScalar("SELECT linkURL FROM Links" + publicSuffix + " WHERE nodeID = " + currentNode.Id); if (linkLocation != null) { Response.Redirect(linkLocation); } else { //Response.Write("Uh oh! problem with links"); //throw new ErrorHandler("Problem loading node (type=links). Most likely caused by unpublished Link"); } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { currentNode = (Node)Context.Items["currentNode"]; lang = SFGlobal.CurrentCulture.Name; rank = SFGlobal.IsNumeric(Page.CustomQueryString["page"]) ? int.Parse(Page.CustomQueryString["page"]) : 1; string sql = ""; string columns = "TOP 1 templateID, title, summary, keywords, body, dateModified "; if (SFGlobal.IsUserCMS()) { sql = "SELECT " + columns + " FROM " + dbTable + " WHERE nodeID={0} AND lang='{1}' AND rank = {2} ORDER BY preview DESC, publish DESC, dateModified DESC, version DESC"; } else { dbTable += SFGlobal.PublicSuffix; sql = "SELECT " + columns + " FROM " + dbTable + " WHERE nodeID = {0}AND lang = '{1}' and rank = {2}"; } sql = String.Format(sql, currentNode.Id, lang, rank); DataRow dr = SFGlobal.DAL.execDataRow(sql); if (dr != null) { article = loadArticle((int)dr["templateID"]); article.ArticleTitle = dr["title"].ToString(); article.ArticleBody = dr["body"].ToString(); article.Keywords = dr["keywords"].ToString(); article.Summary = dr["summary"].ToString(); article.LastModified = (DateTime)dr["dateModified"]; } else { article = loadArticle(1); article.ArticleBody = String.Format("<h2>Article not Found.</h2><p>There is no Article for this node yet. Publish a new article</p>"); article.ArticleTitle = "Error!"; article.Keywords = "ERROR"; article.Summary = "ERROR"; article.LastModified = DateTime.Now; //throw new DuryTools.ErrorHandler("Problem loading article. Possible causes: haven't published yet, no article for this language"); } holder.Controls.Add(article); }
private void createArticlePage(string language, int rank) { DataContainer dc = new DataContainer(dbTable); DataRow dr = dc.GetNewRow(); dr["nodeID"] = currentNode.Id; dr["templateID"] = 1; dr["lang"] = language; dr["version"] = 1; dr["rank"] = rank; dr["title"] = currentNode.getName(SFGlobal.DefaultLanguage); dr["summary"] = "new summary"; dr["keywords"] = "new keywords"; dr["body"] = "new body for " + currentNode.getName(SFGlobal.DefaultLanguage); dr["userID"] = SFGlobal.GetCurrentUser().ID; dr["publish"] = false; dr["preview"] = false; dr["active"] = false; dr["dateCreated"] = dr["dateModified"] = System.DateTime.Now; dc.UpdateRow(dr); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (FormField.Title == "") { title.Text = "new question"; } else { title.Text = SFGlobal.TruncateText(FormField.Title, 30); } title.Command += new CommandEventHandler(button_Command); title.CommandName = "edit"; title.Attributes.Add("onMouseOver", "showControls('fl_" + FormField.FieldID.ToString() + "');"); upButton.Command += new CommandEventHandler(button_Command); upButton.CommandName = "up"; dnButton.Command += new CommandEventHandler(button_Command); dnButton.CommandName = "dn"; editButton.Command += new CommandEventHandler(button_Command); editButton.CommandName = "edit"; deleteButton.Command += new CommandEventHandler(button_Command); deleteButton.CommandName = "delete"; }
private void publishItems() { string s = ""; // first publish the nodes SFGlobal.DAL.execNonQuery("publishNodes", null); s += "published nodes<br>"; // now publish what we want... foreach (ListItem li in nodesToPublish.Items) { if (li.Selected) { publishNodeInfo pni = (publishNodeInfo)nodeInfo[li.Value]; SFGlobal.DAL.execNonQuery(pni.PublishSP, null); s += "published " + pni.Name + "<BR>"; } } SFGlobal.UpdateNodes(); getItemsForPublish(); results.Text = s; }
protected void userGrid_Update(System.Object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { int itemID = int.Parse(e.Item.Cells[0].Text); // insert user data string username = SFGlobal.SqlCleanString(((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("username")).Text); string password = ((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("password")).Text; string fullname = SFGlobal.SqlCleanString(((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("fullname")).Text); string email = SFGlobal.SqlCleanString(((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("email")).Text); string disabled = ((CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("disabledCheck")).Checked ? "1" : "0"; if (password != null && password != "") { password = Dury.SiteFoundry.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricEncryption.ComputeHash(password, SFGlobal.EncryptionMethod, SFGlobal.EncryptionSalt); SFGlobal.DAL.execNonQuery("UPDATE SecurityUsers SET username = '******'" + ", password='******', fullname='" + fullname + "', email='" + email + "' , disabled=" + disabled + " WHERE id = " + itemID.ToString()); } else { SFGlobal.DAL.execNonQuery("UPDATE SecurityUsers SET username = '******', fullname='" + fullname + "', email='" + email + "', disabled=" + disabled + " WHERE id = " + itemID.ToString()); } // insert roles ListBox cbx = (ListBox)e.Item.FindControl("rolesList"); SFGlobal.DAL.execNonQuery("DELETE FROM SecurityUserRoles WHERE userID = " + itemID.ToString()); foreach (ListItem li in cbx.Items) { if (li.Selected) { SFGlobal.DAL.execNonQuery("INSERT INTO SecurityUserRoles (userID,roleID) VALUES (" + itemID.ToString() + "," + li.Value + ")"); } } userGrid.EditItemIndex = -1; userGridBind(); SFGlobal.UpdateNodes(); msg.Text = "User: "******" updated ok"; }
private void createNewVersion() { this.removePreviewArticle(); DataContainer dc = new DataContainer(this.dbTable); DataRow dr = dc.GetNewRow(); dr["nodeID"] = currentNode.Id; dr["templateID"] = int.Parse(articleTemplateID.SelectedValue); dr["version"] = versionCount() + 1; dr["lang"] = lang; dr["rank"] = rank; dr["title"] = title.Text; dr["summary"] = summary.Text; dr["keywords"] = keywords.Text; dr["body"] = content.Text; dr["userID"] = ((UserIdentity)SFGlobal.GetCurrentUser().Identity).ID; dr["dateCreated"] = dr["dateModified"] = System.DateTime.Now; dr["publish"] = false; dr["preview"] = false; dr["active"] = false; dc.UpdateRow(dr); loadPage(rank); }
private void deleteNode() { currentNode = (Node)SFGlobal.ObjectManager.GetObject(typeof(Node), nodeID); NodeFactory.DeleteNode(currentNode); SFGlobal.UpdateNodes(); }
private void removePreviewArticle() { string sql = String.Format("DELETE FROM " + dbTable + " WHERE preview = 1 AND nodeID = {0} AND lang = '{1}' AND userID = {2}", currentNode.Id, lang, ((UserIdentity)SFGlobal.GetCurrentUser().Identity).ID); dal.execNonQuery(sql); }
protected void Session_End(Object sender, EventArgs e) { SFGlobal.DecrementUserCount(); }
// url scheme: // // (uses default language) private void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { HttpApplication app = ((HttpApplication)(sender)); HttpContext context = app.Context; startTime = DateTime.Now; string r = context.Request.RawUrl; string virtualDir = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["virtualDirName"] != null) ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["virtualDirName"] : ""; string virtualFileExtension = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["virtualFileExtension"] != null) ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["virtualFileExtension"] : ".aspx"; RewriteConfigSettings cs = RewriteConfigSettings.GetSettings(); RequestConfigSettings rqcs = RequestConfigSettings.GetSettings(); // apply exceptions if (!cs.IsExcluded(r) && r.IndexOf(rqcs.AdminDirectory) < 0) { if (r[r.Length - 1] != '/' && virtualFileExtension == "" && r.IndexOf("?") == -1) { context.Response.Redirect(r + "/", true); } // lets cut the incoming url into the parts we're interested in string u = r.Substring(1); //context.Response.Write("1u=" + u + "<BR>"); //context.Response.Write("1r=" + r + "<BR>"); if (u.IndexOf("?") > 0) { u = u.Substring(0, u.IndexOf("?")); } if (virtualDir.Length > 0) { u = u.Replace(virtualDir, ""); } if (u.IndexOf(".aspx") > 0 && virtualDir.Length == 0) { u.Replace(".aspx", ""); } if (u != "" && virtualFileExtension != "" && virtualFileExtension.Length > 0) { try { u = u.Substring(0, u.IndexOf(virtualFileExtension)); //u.Replace(virtualFileExtension,""); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("substring 3 - " + u + ", " + r, ex); } } // split it! System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection url_parts = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); url_parts.AddRange(u.Split('/')); // find language identitfier -- if not found then set default System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("/[a-z]{2}-[a-zA-Z]{2}/|/[a-z]{2}/"); if (regex.IsMatch(r) && regex.Match(r).Index == 0) { setCulture(url_parts[0]); url_parts.RemoveAt(0); } else { setCulture(SFGlobal.DefaultLanguage); } // create pseudo-querystring string output = ""; foreach (string s in url_parts) { if (s.Length > 0 && !SFGlobal.IsNumeric(s)) { output += s + "*"; } } output = (output.Length > 1) ? output.Substring(0, output.Length - 1) : "default"; // url rewriting // this needs to load the user before the currentNode is returned context.User = SFGlobal.FetchUser(); context.Items.Add("currentNode", SFGlobal.GetNode(output)); if (context.Items["currentNode"] == null || SFGlobal.GetNode(output) == null) { context.Response.Write("currentNode is null:" + output); context.Response.End(); } context.RewritePath(cs.PageHandler, cs.PageHandler, output); } else { //context.Response.Write("no rewrite"); } }
protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) { SFGlobal.Start(); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { currentNode = (Node)Context.Items["currentNode"]; // get our current node from the context stack string sql = ""; object id = null; // lets give the CMS user special treatment if (SFGlobal.IsUserCMS()) { publicSuffix = ""; // see if there is a preview assigned to this node //sql = "SELECT b.versionNumber, b.pageNumber, b.title, b.summary, b.body, b.dateModified, b.templateID, b.keywords FROM sf_ArticlePages b INNER JOIN sf_Articles a ON b.articleID = WHERE (a.nodeID = " + currentNode.Id + ") AND (a.lang = '" + lang + "') AND (b.preview = 1)"; id = SFGlobal.DAL.execScalar(String.Format("SELECT FROM sf_ArticlePages b INNER JOIN sf_Articles a ON b.articleID = WHERE (a.nodeID = {0}) AND (b.preview = 1) AND (a.lang = '{1}')", currentNode.Id, this.lang)); Response.Write("1=" + id); // otherwise show the article set for publish if (id == null) { id = SFGlobal.DAL.execScalar(String.Format("SELECT FROM sf_ArticlePages b INNER JOIN sf_Articles a ON b.articleID = WHERE (a.nodeID = {0}) AND (a.lang = '{1}') AND (b.publish = 1)", currentNode.Id, this.lang)); Response.Write("2=" + id); } // otherwise show the greatest version number if (id == null) { id = SFGlobal.DAL.execScalar(String.Format("SELECT TOP 1 FROM sf_ArticlePages b INNER JOIN sf_Articles a ON b.articleID = WHERE (a.nodeID = {0}) AND (a.lang = '{1}') ORDER BY b.versionNumber DESC", currentNode.Id, this.lang)); Response.Write("3=" + id); } } else { //id = (int)SFGlobal.DAL.execScalar(String.Format("SELECT TOP 1 FROM sf_ArticlePages" + this.publicSuffix + " b INNER JOIN sf_Articles" + this.publicSuffix + " a ON b.articleID = WHERE (a.nodeID = {0}) AND (a.lang = '{1}')", currentNode.Id, this.lang)); } if (id == null) { throw new DuryTools.ErrorHandler("can't find article for this node! help!"); } else { DataSet ds = SFGlobal.DAL.execDataSet("SELECT * FROM sf_ArticlePages" + this.publicSuffix + " WHERE id = " + id.ToString()); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count >= 1) { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; ArticleTemplateInfo at = SFGlobal.GetArticleTemplate((int)dr["templateID"]); article = (BaseArticle)Page.LoadControl(SFGlobal.NodeTemplateLocation + "\\" + at.Src + ".ascx"); article.ArticleTitle = dr["title"].ToString(); article.ArticleBody = dr["body"].ToString(); article.LastModified = (dr["dateModified"] != DBNull.Value) ? (DateTime)dr["dateModified"] : System.DateTime.Now; article.Keywords = dr["keywords"].ToString(); article.Summary = dr["summary"].ToString(); //title = dr["title"].ToString(); holder.Controls.Add(article); Response.Write(Page.CustomQueryString["page"]); } else { throw new DuryTools.ErrorHandler("Can't load article id: " + id.ToString()); } } //DataSet ds = SFGlobal.DAL.execDataSet(sql); //Response.Write(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count); }
protected void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) { SFGlobal.IncrementUserCount(); }
private void addNewRole_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SFGlobal.DAL.execNonQuery("INSERT INTO SecurityRoles (name) VALUES ('" + SFGlobal.SqlCleanString(newRoleName.Text) + "')"); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); }