Exemple #1
    void AddSectors()
        sectorParent        = new GameObject("sectorParent").transform;
        sectorParent.parent = mapParent;

        for (int i = 0; i < openedMap.sectors.Count(); i++)    //start with a loop for each sector
            //if(i != 31) { continue; }

            SECTORS sector = openedMap.sectors[i];
            CreateMapObject(sector, "Sector_" + i, Triangulator.GeneratingGo.Sector);

            if (sector.isMovingCeiling)
                CreateMapObject(sector, sector.isDoor ? ("Sector_" + i + "_Door") : ("Sector_" + i + "_MovingCeiling"), Triangulator.GeneratingGo.Ceiling);

            if (sector.isMovingFloor)
                CreateMapObject(sector, "Sector_" + i + "_MovingFloor", Triangulator.GeneratingGo.Floor);

        hasOpenedAllDoors = false;
Exemple #2
        public static List <SubMesh> CreateWalls(SECTORS sector, WAD wad, GeneratingGo generating)
            List <SubMesh> sMeshs = new List <SubMesh>();

            foreach (LINEDEFS line in sector.lines)
                SECTORS fSector = line.getFrontSector();
                SECTORS bSector = line.getBackSector();

                // check to see if this line is totally broken
                if (fSector == null && bSector == null)

                // figure out which sector this wall actually belongs to

                bool hasBothSectors = (fSector != null && bSector != null);
                bool genMidWalls    = (generating == GeneratingGo.Sector);
                bool genLowerWalls  = hasBothSectors;
                bool genUpperWalls  = hasBothSectors;

                if (hasBothSectors)
                    if (sector.isMovingCeiling)
                        genLowerWalls = genLowerWalls ? (generating != GeneratingGo.Ceiling) : false;
                        genUpperWalls = genUpperWalls ? (generating == GeneratingGo.Ceiling) : false;

                    if (sector.isMovingFloor)
                        genLowerWalls = genLowerWalls ? (generating == GeneratingGo.Floor) : false;
                        genUpperWalls = genUpperWalls ? (generating != GeneratingGo.Floor) : false;

                // create all walls
                if (genMidWalls)
                    sMeshs.AddRange(CreateMidWalls(sector, line, wad));

                if (genLowerWalls)
                    sMeshs.AddRange(CreateLowerWalls(sector, line, wad));

                if (genUpperWalls)
                    sMeshs.AddRange(CreateUpperWalls(sector, line, wad));

Exemple #3
 public override int[] GetCeilingMovementBound(WAD wad, SECTORS sector)
     int[] bound = new int[2];
     bound[0] = sector.floorHeight + 8;
     bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight;
     if (bound[1] < bound[0])
         bound[0] = bound[1];
         bound[1] = sector.floorHeight + 8;
Exemple #4
    void UpdateSectorBounds(SECTORS sector, LINEDEFS line)
        if (sector == null)
        int[] floorBounds = LineDefTypes.types[line.types].GetFloorMovementBound(reader.newWad, sector);
        sector.floorBounds[0] = Math.Min(sector.floorBounds[0], floorBounds[0]);
        sector.floorBounds[1] = Math.Max(sector.floorBounds[1], floorBounds[1]);

        int[] ceilingBounds = LineDefTypes.types[line.types].GetCeilingMovementBound(reader.newWad, sector);
        sector.ceilingBounds[0] = Math.Min(sector.ceilingBounds[0], ceilingBounds[0]);
        sector.ceilingBounds[1] = Math.Max(sector.ceilingBounds[1], ceilingBounds[1]);
Exemple #5
        public override int[] GetCeilingMovementBound(WAD wad, SECTORS sector)
            int lowestNeighborCeiling = int.MaxValue;

            sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => lowestNeighborCeiling = Math.Min(lowestNeighborCeiling, n.ceilingHeight));
            if (lowestNeighborCeiling == int.MaxValue || (lowestNeighborCeiling - 4) < sector.floorHeight)
                return new int[2] {
                           sector.floorHeight, sector.ceilingHeight
                return new int[2] {
                           sector.floorHeight, lowestNeighborCeiling - 4
Exemple #6
        public static List <SubMesh> CreateUpperWalls(SECTORS sector, LINEDEFS line, WAD wad)            // uppertex
            List <SubMesh> walls = new List <SubMesh>();

            SECTORS otherSector = (sector == line.getFrontSector()) ? line.getBackSector() : line.getFrontSector();

            // figure out how much extra height we have to add to a moving ceiling
            float[] addMovementHeight = new float[2];
            addMovementHeight[0] = Math.Min(Math.Min(sector.ceilingHeight, otherSector.ceilingHeight), sector.ceilingBounds[0]);
            addMovementHeight[1] = Math.Max(Math.Max(sector.ceilingHeight, otherSector.ceilingHeight), sector.ceilingBounds[1]);

            // figure out start and end heights
            float startHeight = sector.ceilingHeight;
            float endHeight   = Math.Max(otherSector.ceilingHeight, sector.ceilingHeight + (addMovementHeight[1] - addMovementHeight[0]));

            // this is an ugly hack in order to get DOOM2 MAP31 to have correct doors:
            bool backSectorDoor = line.getBackSector() != null && line.getBackSector().isMovingCeiling;

            // generate a wall for each textured side
            if (line.getBackSector() == sector && line.side1 != null && wad.textures.ContainsKey(line.side1.upTex))
                walls.Add(CreateWall(line.getFrontSector(), line, wad.textures[line.side1.upTex], startHeight, endHeight, false, WallType.Upper));

            if (line.getFrontSector() == sector && line.side2 != null && wad.textures.ContainsKey(line.side2.upTex) && !backSectorDoor)
                walls.Add(CreateWall(line.getBackSector(), line, wad.textures[line.side2.upTex], startHeight, endHeight, true, WallType.Upper));

            // generate skybox hole textures
            if (line.getFrontSector() == sector && line.side1 != null && !wad.textures.ContainsKey(line.side1.upTex))
                if (line.getFrontSector().ceilingFlat.StartsWith("F_SKY") && line.getBackSector().ceilingFlat.StartsWith("F_SKY"))
                    Material texture = wad.flats[sector.ceilingFlat];
                    walls.Add(CreateWall(line.getFrontSector(), line, texture, startHeight, endHeight, false, WallType.Upper));

Exemple #7
        public static List <SubMesh> CreateLowerWalls(SECTORS sector, LINEDEFS line, WAD wad)            // lowtex
            List <SubMesh> walls = new List <SubMesh>();

            // figure out start and end heights
            SECTORS otherSector = (sector == line.getFrontSector()) ? line.getBackSector() : line.getFrontSector();
            float   startHeight = Math.Min(sector.floorHeight + sector.floorBounds[0] - sector.floorBounds[1], otherSector.floorHeight + otherSector.floorBounds[0] - otherSector.floorBounds[1]);
            float   endHeight   = sector.floorHeight;

            // generate a wall for each textured side
            if (line.getBackSector() == sector && line.side1 != null && wad.textures.ContainsKey(line.side1.lowTex))
                walls.Add(CreateWall(line.getFrontSector(), line, wad.textures[line.side1.lowTex], startHeight, endHeight, false, WallType.Lower));

            if (line.getFrontSector() == sector && line.side2 != null && wad.textures.ContainsKey(line.side2.lowTex))
                walls.Add(CreateWall(line.getBackSector(), line, wad.textures[line.side2.lowTex], startHeight, endHeight, true, WallType.Lower));

Exemple #8
        public static SubMesh CreateWall(SECTORS sector, LINEDEFS line, Material texture, float startHeight, float endHeight, bool flipped, WallType wallType)
            List <Vector3> tmpVerts = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector2> tmpUv    = new List <Vector2>();

            SubMesh sMesh = new SubMesh();

            sMesh.mesh = new Mesh();

            sMesh.mesh.vertices = new Vector3[4];
            sMesh.mesh.uv       = new Vector2[4];

            // create the vertices
            tmpVerts.Add(new Vector3(line.firstVert.x, startHeight, line.firstVert.z));
            tmpVerts.Add(new Vector3(line.firstVert.x, endHeight, line.firstVert.z));
            tmpVerts.Add(new Vector3(line.lastVert.x, endHeight, line.lastVert.z));
            tmpVerts.Add(new Vector3(line.lastVert.x, startHeight, line.lastVert.z));

            // remember things for uv generation
            SIDEDEFS side          = flipped ? line.side2 : line.side1;
            float    xOffset       = side.xOfs;
            float    yOffset       = side.yOfs;
            float    textureWidth  = texture.mainTexture.width;
            float    textureHeight = texture.mainTexture.height;
            float    wallHeight    = endHeight - startHeight;
            float    wallWidth     = line.getLength();

            // check upper and lower unpegged flags
            bool lowerUnpegged = (wallType == WallType.Upper) ? ((line.flags & 0x0008) == 0) : ((line.flags & 0x0010) != 0);

            // generate UVs
            if (lowerUnpegged)
                if (wallType == WallType.Lower)
                    float sectorHeight = sector.ceilingHeight - sector.floorHeight;
                    tmpUv.Add(new Vector2(xOffset / textureWidth, (sectorHeight + yOffset) / textureHeight));
                    tmpUv.Add(new Vector2(xOffset / textureWidth, (sectorHeight - wallHeight + yOffset) / textureHeight));
                    tmpUv.Add(new Vector2((wallWidth + xOffset) / textureWidth, (sectorHeight - wallHeight + yOffset) / textureHeight));
                    tmpUv.Add(new Vector2((wallWidth + xOffset) / textureWidth, (sectorHeight + yOffset) / textureHeight));
                    tmpUv.Add(new Vector2(xOffset / textureWidth, (textureHeight + yOffset) / textureHeight));
                    tmpUv.Add(new Vector2(xOffset / textureWidth, (textureHeight - wallHeight + yOffset) / textureHeight));
                    tmpUv.Add(new Vector2((wallWidth + xOffset) / textureWidth, (textureHeight - wallHeight + yOffset) / textureHeight));
                    tmpUv.Add(new Vector2((wallWidth + xOffset) / textureWidth, (textureHeight + yOffset) / textureHeight));
                tmpUv.Add(new Vector2(xOffset / textureWidth, (wallHeight + yOffset) / textureHeight));
                tmpUv.Add(new Vector2(xOffset / textureWidth, yOffset / textureHeight));
                tmpUv.Add(new Vector2((wallWidth + xOffset) / textureWidth, yOffset / textureHeight));
                tmpUv.Add(new Vector2((wallWidth + xOffset) / textureWidth, (wallHeight + yOffset) / textureHeight));

            // set mesh data
            sMesh.mesh.uv       = tmpUv.ToArray();
            sMesh.mesh.vertices = tmpVerts.ToArray();
            sMesh.material      = texture;

            if (flipped)
                sMesh.mesh.triangles = new int[6] {
                    2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2
                sMesh.mesh.normals = new Vector3[4] {
                    -line.frontVector(), -line.frontVector(), -line.frontVector(), -line.frontVector()
                sMesh.mesh.triangles = new int[6] {
                    0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0
                sMesh.mesh.normals = new Vector3[4] {
                    line.frontVector(), line.frontVector(), line.frontVector(), line.frontVector()

Exemple #9
        public static List <SubMesh> CreateMidWalls(SECTORS sector, LINEDEFS line, WAD wad)            // midtex
            float startHeight = 0;
            float endHeight   = 0;

            // figure out start and end heights
            if (line.getFrontSector() != null && line.getBackSector() != null)
                startHeight = Math.Max(line.getFrontSector().floorHeight, line.getBackSector().floorHeight);
                endHeight   = Math.Min(line.getFrontSector().ceilingHeight, line.getBackSector().ceilingHeight);
            else if (line.getFrontSector() != null && line.getBackSector() == null)
                SECTORS fSector = line.getFrontSector();
                startHeight = fSector.floorHeight;
                endHeight   = fSector.ceilingHeight;

                if (fSector.isMovingCeiling)
                    endHeight = fSector.ceilingBounds[1];

                if (fSector.isMovingFloor)
                    startHeight = Math.Min(startHeight, fSector.floorBounds[0]);
                    endHeight   = Math.Max(endHeight, fSector.floorBounds[1]);
            else if (line.getFrontSector() == null && line.getBackSector() != null)
                startHeight = line.getBackSector().floorHeight;
                endHeight   = line.getBackSector().ceilingHeight;

            // generate a wall for each textured side
            List <SubMesh> walls = new List <SubMesh>();

            if (line.getFrontSector() == sector && line.side1 != null && wad.textures.ContainsKey(line.side1.midTex))
                Material texture = wad.textures[line.side1.midTex];

                if (line.getFrontSector() != null && line.getBackSector() != null)
                    endHeight = Math.Min(startHeight + texture.mainTexture.height, endHeight);  //dont tile middle textures with 2 sides
                walls.Add(CreateWall(line.getFrontSector(), line, texture, startHeight, endHeight, false, WallType.Middle));

            if (line.getBackSector() == sector && line.side2 != null && wad.textures.ContainsKey(line.side2.midTex))
                Material texture = wad.textures[line.side2.midTex];

                if (line.getFrontSector() != null && line.getBackSector() != null)
                    endHeight = Math.Min(startHeight + texture.mainTexture.height, endHeight);  //dont tile middle textures with 2 sides
                walls.Add(CreateWall(line.getBackSector(), line, texture, startHeight, endHeight, true, WallType.Middle));

            // generate skybox hole textures
            if (line.getFrontSector() == sector && line.side1 != null && !wad.textures.ContainsKey(line.side1.midTex) && sector.ceilingFlat.StartsWith("F_SKY"))
                SECTORS bSector = line.getBackSector();
                if (bSector == null || (bSector.floorHeight == bSector.ceilingHeight && !bSector.isMovingCeiling && !bSector.isMovingFloor))
                    Material texture = wad.flats[sector.ceilingFlat];
                    startHeight = line.getFrontSector().floorHeight;
                    endHeight   = line.getFrontSector().ceilingHeight;
                    walls.Add(CreateWall(line.getFrontSector(), line, texture, startHeight, endHeight, false, WallType.Middle));

Exemple #10
        public static SubMesh CreateCeiling(SubMesh floor, SECTORS sector, Material mat, GeneratingGo generating)
            if (sector.isMovingFloor && generating == GeneratingGo.Floor)

            if (sector.isMovingFloor && generating != GeneratingGo.Floor)
                floor = CreateFloor(sector, mat, GeneratingGo.Floor);

            if (sector.isMovingCeiling && generating != GeneratingGo.Ceiling)

            if (sector.isMovingCeiling && generating == GeneratingGo.Ceiling)
                floor = CreateFloor(sector, mat, sector.isMovingFloor ? GeneratingGo.Floor : GeneratingGo.Sector);

            Mesh ceiling = new Mesh();

            List <Vector3> tmpVerts = new List <Vector3>(floor.mesh.vertices);
            List <Vector2> tmpUvs   = new List <Vector2>(floor.mesh.uv);
            List <int>     tmpTris  = new List <int>(floor.mesh.triangles);
            List <Vector3> tmpNrm   = new List <Vector3>(floor.mesh.normals);

            for (int a = 0; a < tmpVerts.Count; a++)
                tmpVerts[a] = new Vector3(tmpVerts[a].x, sector.ceilingHeight, tmpVerts[a].z); //change height for ceiling
                tmpNrm[a]   = Vector3.down;

            for (int i = 0; i < tmpTris.Count; i += 3)
                int tri = tmpTris[i];

                tmpTris[i]     = tmpTris[i + 2];
                tmpTris[i + 2] = tri;

            ceiling.vertices  = tmpVerts.ToArray();
            ceiling.uv        = tmpUvs.ToArray();
            ceiling.triangles = tmpTris.ToArray();
            ceiling.normals   = tmpNrm.ToArray();

            SubMesh newSubMesh = new SubMesh();

            newSubMesh.mesh     = ceiling;
            newSubMesh.material = mat;

Exemple #11
    void fillInfo(DoomMap map)
        // find and remember each sector's tag and index
        for (int i = 0; i < map.sectors.Count; i++)
            SECTORS sector = map.sectors[i];
            sector.sectorIndex = i;
            if (sector.sectorTag == 0)
            if (!map.sectorsByTag.ContainsKey(sector.sectorTag))
                map.sectorsByTag.Add(sector.sectorTag, new List <SECTORS> {

        // set sector's default movement bounds
        foreach (SECTORS sector in map.sectors)
            sector.floorBounds = new int[2] {
                sector.floorHeight, sector.floorHeight
            sector.ceilingBounds = new int[2] {
                sector.ceilingHeight, sector.ceilingHeight

        foreach (LINEDEFS line in map.linedefs)
            line.map = map;
            line.getVerts();    //store the vertex information inside the linedef
            line.getSidedefs(); //store the sidedefs in the linedef for easier access

            SECTORS front = line.getFrontSector();
            SECTORS back  = line.getBackSector();

            // tag dynamic sectors
            if (LineDefTypes.types.ContainsKey(line.types))
                switch (LineDefTypes.types[line.types].category)
                case LineDefTypes.Category.Door:
                    LineDefTypes.LineDefDoorType doorType = (LineDefTypes.types[line.types] as LineDefTypes.LineDefDoorType);

                    // tag door sectors
                    if (doorType.isLocal() && back != null)
                        back.isMovingCeiling = true;
                        back.isDoor          = true;
                    else if (!doorType.isLocal() && map.sectorsByTag.ContainsKey(line.tag))
                        map.sectorsByTag[line.tag].ForEach(x => x.isMovingCeiling = true);
                        map.sectorsByTag[line.tag].ForEach(x => x.isDoor          = true);


                case LineDefTypes.Category.Floor:
                    // tag floor sectors
                    if (map.sectorsByTag.ContainsKey(line.tag))
                        map.sectorsByTag[line.tag].ForEach(x => x.isMovingFloor = true);

                case LineDefTypes.Category.Lift:
                    // tag lift sectors
                    if (map.sectorsByTag.ContainsKey(line.tag))
                        map.sectorsByTag[line.tag].ForEach(x => x.isMovingFloor = true);

                case LineDefTypes.Category.Ceiling:
                    // tag ceiling sectors
                    if (map.sectorsByTag.ContainsKey(line.tag))
                        map.sectorsByTag[line.tag].ForEach(x => x.isMovingCeiling = true);

                case LineDefTypes.Category.Crusher:
                    // tag crusher  sectors
                    if (map.sectorsByTag.ContainsKey(line.tag))
                        map.sectorsByTag[line.tag].ForEach(x => x.isMovingCeiling = true);

            if (front == null && back == null) //if this line is BROKEN
                continue;                      //we ignore it
            else if (front == back)            //if the front and the back are the same, it is inside a single sector
                //if the line is internal to the sector, theres a special place in the sector class for them
            else if (front != null) //if the front is defined, add the front

                if (back != null)
                    back.lines.Add(line);//add the line to the sector on its back as well..if it exists
                back.lines.Add(line); //if all else fails, the line must be backwards

        // find and remember each sector's neighboring sectors
        foreach (SECTORS sector in map.sectors)
            foreach (LINEDEFS line in sector.lines)
                if (line.getFrontSector() != sector && line.getFrontSector() != null && !sector.neighbors.Contains(line.getFrontSector()))

                if (line.getBackSector() != sector && line.getBackSector() != null && !sector.neighbors.Contains(line.getBackSector()))

        //set sector's movement bounds
        foreach (LINEDEFS line in map.linedefs)
            if (!LineDefTypes.types.ContainsKey(line.types))

            if (LineDefTypes.types[line.types].category == LineDefTypes.Category.Door)
                LineDefTypes.LineDefDoorType doorType = LineDefTypes.types[line.types] as LineDefTypes.LineDefDoorType;
                if (doorType.isLocal())
                    UpdateSectorBounds(line.getBackSector(), line);

            if (line.tag != 0 && map.sectorsByTag.ContainsKey(line.tag))
                foreach (SECTORS sector in map.sectorsByTag[line.tag])
                    UpdateSectorBounds(sector, line);
Exemple #12
        static void RepairSector(SECTORS sector, List <Line> lines)
            if (lines.Count < 2)
                // sector with a single line, don't repair

            // generate a list of all vertices
            List <Vertex> vertices = new List <Vertex>();

            foreach (Line line in lines)
                if (!vertices.Contains(line.vertices[0]))

                if (!vertices.Contains(line.vertices[1]))

            // find all vertices that only have one line
            List <Vertex> loneVertices = new List <Vertex>();

            foreach (Vertex vertex in vertices)
                int count = 0;

                foreach (Line line in lines)
                    if (line.vertices.Contains(vertex))

                if (count < 2)

            if (loneVertices.Count == 0)
                // nothing wrong here

            Debug.Log("BAD SECTOR: " + sector.sectorIndex);

            // find lines that intersect
            foreach (Line line1 in lines)
                foreach (Line line2 in lines)
                    if (line1 == line2)

                    Vertex intersect = line1.Intersection(line2);
                    if (intersect == null)

                    Debug.Log("REPAIRING: intersection, SECTOR: " + sector.sectorIndex);

                    // find closest vertex to intersection point
                    Vertex closestVertex = line1.vertices[0];
                    foreach (Vertex vertex in line1.vertices)
                        if (vertex.DistanceTo(intersect) < closestVertex.DistanceTo(intersect))
                            closestVertex = vertex;
                    foreach (Vertex vertex in line2.vertices)
                        if (vertex.DistanceTo(intersect) < closestVertex.DistanceTo(intersect))
                            closestVertex = vertex;

                    // move closest to intersection point
                    closestVertex.x = intersect.x;
                    closestVertex.y = intersect.y;

                    // replace closest line1 vertex with closest vertex
                    if (line1.vertices[0].DistanceTo(intersect) < line1.vertices[1].DistanceTo(intersect))
                        line1.vertices[0] = closestVertex;
                        line1.vertices[1] = closestVertex;

                    // replace closest line2 vertex with closest vertex
                    if (line2.vertices[0].DistanceTo(intersect) < line2.vertices[1].DistanceTo(intersect))
                        line2.vertices[0] = closestVertex;
                        line2.vertices[1] = closestVertex;

            if (loneVertices.Count == 0)
                // sector was repaired

            // generate every combination of vertices in pairs
            SortedList <double, VertexPair> pairs = new SortedList <double, VertexPair>();

            foreach (Vertex v1 in loneVertices)
                foreach (Vertex v2 in loneVertices)
                    if (v1 == v2)

                    // make sure pair is unique
                    foreach (VertexPair pair in pairs.Values)
                        if (pair.vertices.Contains(v1) && pair.vertices.Contains(v2))
                            goto nextPair;

                    VertexPair vertexPair = new VertexPair(v1, v2);
                    double     dist       = vertexPair.Distance();
                    while (pairs.ContainsKey(dist))
                        dist += 0.001;
                    pairs.Add(dist, vertexPair);

                    nextPair :;

            // generate a line for every pair, sorted by distance
            while (pairs.Count > 0)
                // grab a pair with the least distance between them
                VertexPair pair = pairs.Values.First();

                // generate the line between the two vertices
                Line line = new Line(pair.vertices[0], pair.vertices[1], false, false);

                // check for collision
                foreach (Line line2 in lines)
                    if (line.Intersects(line2))
                        goto nextPair;

                // add the line to the list
                Debug.Log("REPAIRING: missing line, SECTOR: " + sector.sectorIndex);
                Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3((float)pair.vertices[0].x, 0, (float)pair.vertices[0].y), new Vector3((float)pair.vertices[1].x, 0, (float)pair.vertices[1].y), Color.red, 10000);

                // remove any pairs that contain a shared vertex to this one
                for (int i = 0; i < pairs.Count; i++)
                    if (pairs.Values[i].vertices.Contains(pair.vertices[0]) || pairs.Values[i].vertices.Contains(pair.vertices[1]))

                nextPair :;
Exemple #13
        // This class is the actual triangulator, you feed it a list of linedefs and it spits out triangles

        public static SubMesh CreateFloor(SECTORS sector, Material mat, GeneratingGo generating)
            if (sector.isMovingCeiling && generating == GeneratingGo.Ceiling)

            if (sector.isMovingFloor && generating != GeneratingGo.Floor)

            Mesh              mesh       = new Mesh();
            VertexPool        vertexPool = new VertexPool();
            List <Triangle2D> triangles  = new List <Triangle2D>();
            List <Line>       lines      = new List <Line>();

            // convert linedefs to lines
            foreach (LINEDEFS linedef in sector.lines)
                Vertex v1 = vertexPool.Get(linedef.firstVert.x, linedef.firstVert.z);
                Vertex v2 = vertexPool.Get(linedef.lastVert.x, linedef.lastVert.z);

                if (linedef.getFrontSector() == sector)
                    lines.Add(new Line(v1, v2, true, false));
                    lines.Add(new Line(v1, v2, true, true));

            // walk lines to make sure the sector isn't broken
            RepairSector(sector, lines);

            // go through every line and attach it to every other vertex.
            // reject the triangle if it isn't valid
            List <Line> unmarked = new List <Line>(lines);

            // ignore all initial lines that do not come from a linedef
            for (int i = 0; i < unmarked.Count; i++)
                Line line = unmarked[i];
                if (!line.fromLinedef)

            while (unmarked.Count > 0)
                Line line = unmarked.Last();
                CreateTriangle(line, lines, unmarked, triangles, vertexPool.vertices);

            List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector2> uvs      = new List <Vector2>();
            List <Vector3> normals  = new List <Vector3>();

            foreach (Vertex vertex in vertexPool.vertices)
                vertices.Add(new Vector3((float)vertex.x, sector.floorHeight, (float)vertex.y));
                uvs.Add(new Vector2((float)vertex.x / 64f, (float)vertex.y / 64f));


            List <int> triangleIndices = new List <int>();

            foreach (Triangle2D triangle in triangles)
                double mx = (triangle.vertices[0].x + triangle.vertices[1].x + triangle.vertices[2].x) / 3f;
                double my = (triangle.vertices[0].y + triangle.vertices[1].y + triangle.vertices[2].y) / 3f;
                SortedList <double, Vertex> sorted = new SortedList <double, Vertex>();
                foreach (Vertex vertex in triangle.vertices)
                    double theta = Math.Atan2(my - vertex.y, mx - vertex.x);
                    //while (sorted.ContainsKey(theta)) { theta += 0.1; } // maybe needed?
                    sorted.Add(theta, vertex);

            mesh.vertices  = vertices.ToArray();
            mesh.uv        = uvs.ToArray();
            mesh.triangles = triangleIndices.ToArray();
            mesh.normals   = normals.ToArray();

            SubMesh newSubMesh = new SubMesh();

            newSubMesh.mesh     = mesh;
            newSubMesh.material = mat;

Exemple #14
    private GameObject CreateMapObject(SECTORS sector, string name, Triangulator.GeneratingGo generating)
        //create lists for combining floor and ceiling meshes
        List <SubMesh> sectorMeshes = new List <SubMesh>();

        Material[] sectorMaterials = new Material[2]; //theres a material for the floor and the ceiling

        //create floor
        SubMesh floor = Triangulator.CreateFloor(sector, reader.newWad.flats[sector.floorFlat], generating);


        //create ceiling
        sectorMeshes.Add(Triangulator.CreateCeiling(floor, sector, reader.newWad.flats[sector.ceilingFlat], generating));

        //set the skybox's texture
        //DOOM2 SPECIFIC!!!!
        if (mapSelected <= 11)
            Texture2D newSky = (Texture2D)reader.newWad.textures["SKY1"].mainTexture;
            sky = newSky;
            skybox.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.SetColor("_LowerFogColor", AverageColorTop(newSky));
            skybox.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.SetColor("_UpperFogColor", AverageColorBottom(newSky));
        else if (mapSelected > 11 && mapSelected <= 20)
            Texture2D newSky = (Texture2D)reader.newWad.textures["SKY2"].mainTexture;
            sky = newSky;
            skybox.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.SetColor("_LowerFogColor", AverageColorTop(newSky));
            skybox.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.SetColor("_UpperFogColor", AverageColorBottom(newSky));
        else if (mapSelected > 20 && mapSelected <= 32)
            Texture2D newSky = (Texture2D)reader.newWad.textures["SKY3"].mainTexture;
            sky = newSky;
            skybox.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.SetColor("_LowerFogColor", AverageColorTop(newSky));
            skybox.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.SetColor("_UpperFogColor", AverageColorBottom(newSky));

        //create walls
        sectorMeshes.AddRange(Triangulator.CreateWalls(sector, reader.newWad, generating));

        //remove null submeshes
        sectorMeshes.RemoveAll(x => x == null);

        //combine the meshes
        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

        Triangulator.CombineAsMesh(ref mesh, sectorMeshes, ref sectorMaterials);

        Renderer rend;
        MaterialPropertyBlock propBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

        //Setup GameObject
        GameObject go = new GameObject();

        go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
        go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        go.name             = name;
        go.transform.parent = sectorParent;

        //Set up some variables
        rend = go.GetComponent <Renderer>();

        //Set the color for the material independently (for setting light level)
        propBlock.SetColor("_Color", new Color(sector.lightLevel / 255f, sector.lightLevel / 255f, sector.lightLevel / 255f, 1));

        //fill in the materials and mesh for the gameobject
        go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = sectorMaterials;
        go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh        = mesh;
        go.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();

        foreach (Material mat in go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials)
            foreach (string str in AnimatedTextures.Keys)
                if (AnimatedTextures[str].Contains(mat.mainTexture.name) && go.GetComponent <TextureAnimator>() == null)
                    TextureAnimator texAnim = go.AddComponent <TextureAnimator>();
                    texAnim.wad = reader.newWad;

        go.tag = "Map";
Exemple #15
    void ReadMAPEntries()
        for (int i = 0; i < newWad.directory.Count - 1; i++)
            if (newWad.directory[i + 1].name.Contains("THINGS") && newWad.directory[i].size == 0)
                DoomMap   newMap   = new DoomMap();
                DrctEntry dirEntry = newWad.directory[i];

                newMap.name = dirEntry.name;

                //THINGS lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 1].name.Contains("THINGS"))
                    byte[] thingBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 1].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 1].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(thingBytes, 0, thingBytes.Length);

                    for (int j = 0; j < newWad.directory[i + 1].size; j += 10)
                        THINGS newThing = new THINGS();

                        newThing.xPos         = BitConverter.ToInt16(thingBytes, j + 0);
                        newThing.yPos         = BitConverter.ToInt16(thingBytes, j + 2);
                        newThing.angle        = BitConverter.ToInt16(thingBytes, j + 4);
                        newThing.thingType    = BitConverter.ToInt16(thingBytes, j + 6);
                        newThing.thingOptions = BitConverter.ToInt16(thingBytes, j + 8);


                //LINEDEEFS lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 2].name.Contains("LINEDEFS"))
                    byte[] lineDefBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 2].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 2].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(lineDefBytes, 0, lineDefBytes.Length);
                    for (int j = 0; j < newWad.directory[i + 2].size; j += 14)
                        LINEDEFS newLineDef = new LINEDEFS();

                        newLineDef.firstVertIndex = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 0);
                        newLineDef.lastVertIndex  = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 2);
                        newLineDef.flags          = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 4);
                        newLineDef.types          = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 6);
                        newLineDef.tag            = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 8);
                        newLineDef.side1Index     = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 10);
                        newLineDef.side2Index     = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 12);


                //SIDEDEFS lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 3].name.Contains("SIDEDEFS"))
                    byte[] sideDefBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 3].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 3].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(sideDefBytes, 0, sideDefBytes.Length);

                    for (int j = 0; j < newWad.directory[i + 3].size; j += 30)
                        SIDEDEFS newSideDef = new SIDEDEFS();

                        newSideDef.xOfs   = BitConverter.ToInt16(sideDefBytes, j + 0);
                        newSideDef.yOfs   = BitConverter.ToInt16(sideDefBytes, j + 2);
                        newSideDef.upTex  = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(sideDefBytes, j + 4, 8)).ToUpper();
                        newSideDef.lowTex = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(sideDefBytes, j + 12, 8)).ToUpper();
                        newSideDef.midTex = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(sideDefBytes, j + 20, 8)).ToUpper();
                        newSideDef.secNum = BitConverter.ToInt16(sideDefBytes, j + 28);

                        newSideDef.upTex  = newSideDef.upTex.Replace("\0", "");
                        newSideDef.lowTex = newSideDef.lowTex.Replace("\0", "");
                        newSideDef.midTex = newSideDef.midTex.Replace("\0", "");


                //VERTEXES lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 4].name.Contains("VERTEXES"))
                    byte[] vertexBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 4].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 4].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(vertexBytes, 0, vertexBytes.Length);

                    for (int j = 0; j < newWad.directory[i + 4].size; j += 4)
                        Vector3 newVertex = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                        newVertex.x = BitConverter.ToInt16(vertexBytes, j + 0);
                        newVertex.z = BitConverter.ToInt16(vertexBytes, j + 2);


                //SECTORS lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 8].name.Contains("SECTORS"))
                    byte[] secBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 8].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 8].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(secBytes, 0, secBytes.Length);

                    for (int j = 0; j < newWad.directory[i + 8].size; j += 26)
                        SECTORS newSec = new SECTORS();

                        newSec.floorHeight   = BitConverter.ToInt16(secBytes, j + 0);
                        newSec.ceilingHeight = BitConverter.ToInt16(secBytes, j + 2);
                        newSec.floorFlat     = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(secBytes, j + 4, 8));
                        newSec.ceilingFlat   = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(secBytes, j + 12, 8));
                        newSec.lightLevel    = BitConverter.ToInt16(secBytes, j + 20);
                        newSec.specialSec    = BitConverter.ToInt16(secBytes, j + 22);
                        newSec.sectorTag     = BitConverter.ToInt16(secBytes, j + 24);

                        newSec.floorFlat   = newSec.floorFlat.Replace("\0", "");
                        newSec.ceilingFlat = newSec.ceilingFlat.Replace("\0", "");


                //BLOCKMAPS lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 10].name.Contains("BLOCKMAP"))
                    byte[] blockBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 10].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 10].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(blockBytes, 0, blockBytes.Length);

                    BLOCKMAP newBlockmap = new BLOCKMAP();

                    newBlockmap.xcoord     = BitConverter.ToInt16(blockBytes, 0);
                    newBlockmap.ycoord     = BitConverter.ToInt16(blockBytes, 2);
                    newBlockmap.numColumns = BitConverter.ToInt16(blockBytes, 4);
                    newBlockmap.numRows    = BitConverter.ToInt16(blockBytes, 6);

                    int N = newBlockmap.numColumns * newBlockmap.numRows;
                    for (int j = 8; j < (8 + (2 * (N - 1))); j += 2)                       // (8 + (2 * (N - 1))) IS DEFINITELY RIGHT
                        newBlockmap.Offsets.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt16(blockBytes, j) * 2); //multiply this times 2 so its right

                    foreach (int offset in newBlockmap.Offsets)
                        int line        = 0;
                        int blockOffset = offset;
                        // List<int> newBlock = new List<int>();
                        Block blk = new Block();
                            line = BitConverter.ToUInt16(blockBytes, blockOffset + 2);

                            if (line == 0xFFFF)


                            blockOffset += 2;
                        } while (line != 0xFFFF);


                    newMap.blockmap = newBlockmap;

                newWad.maps.Add(newMap);     //Store the map in newWad
Exemple #16
        public override int[] GetFloorMovementBound(WAD wad, SECTORS sector)
            int[] bound = new int[2];
            switch (target)
            case FloorTarget.LowestNeighborFloor:
                if (direction == Direction.Up)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;

                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[0] = Math.Min(bound[0], n.floorHeight));
                bound[1] = sector.floorHeight;

            case FloorTarget.NextNeighborFloor:
                if (direction == Direction.Up)
                    bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                    bound[1] = sector.floorHeight;
                    if (repeatable == Repeatable.Multiple)
                        sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[1] = Math.Max(bound[1], n.floorHeight));
                        int height = int.MaxValue;
                        sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => height = (n.floorHeight > sector.floorHeight) ? Math.Min(height, n.floorHeight) : height);
                        if (height < int.MaxValue)
                            bound[1] = height;
                else if (direction == Direction.Down)
                    bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                    bound[1] = sector.floorHeight;
                    if (repeatable == Repeatable.Multiple)
                        sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[0] = Math.Min(bound[0], n.floorHeight));
                        int height = int.MaxValue;
                        sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => height = (n.floorHeight < sector.floorHeight) ? Math.Max(height, n.floorHeight) : height);
                        if (height < int.MaxValue)
                            bound[0] = height;

            case FloorTarget.LowestNeighborCeiling:
                if (direction == Direction.Down)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight;
                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[1] = Math.Min(bound[1], n.ceilingHeight));

            case FloorTarget.LowestNeighborCeilingMinus8:
                if (direction == Direction.Down)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight - 8;
                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[1] = Math.Min(bound[1], n.ceilingHeight - 8));

            case FloorTarget.HighestNeighborFloor:
                if (direction == Direction.Up)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType direction!");
                bound[0] = -32000;
                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[0] = Math.Max(bound[0], n.floorHeight));
                bound[1] = sector.floorHeight;

            case FloorTarget.HighestNeighborFloorPlus8:
                if (direction == Direction.Up)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType direction!");
                bound[0] = -32000 + 8;
                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[0] = Math.Max(bound[0], n.floorHeight + 8));
                bound[1] = sector.floorHeight;

            case FloorTarget.Ceiling:
                if (direction == Direction.Down)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight;

            case FloorTarget.Absolute24:
                if (direction == Direction.Down)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = (repeatable == Repeatable.Multiple) ? sector.ceilingHeight : sector.floorHeight + 24;

            case FloorTarget.Absolute32:
                if (direction == Direction.Down)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = (repeatable == Repeatable.Multiple) ? sector.ceilingHeight : sector.floorHeight + 32;

            case FloorTarget.Absolute512:
                if (direction == Direction.Down)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = (repeatable == Repeatable.Multiple) ? sector.ceilingHeight : sector.floorHeight + 512;

            case FloorTarget.AbsShortestLowerTexture:
                if (direction == Direction.Down)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = sector.floorHeight;
                int texHeight = int.MaxValue;
                foreach (LINEDEFS line in sector.lines)
                    if (line.side1 != null && wad.textures.ContainsKey(line.side1.lowTex))
                        texHeight = Math.Min(texHeight, wad.textures[line.side1.lowTex].mainTexture.height);

                    if (line.side2 != null && wad.textures.ContainsKey(line.side2.lowTex))
                        texHeight = Math.Min(texHeight, wad.textures[line.side2.lowTex].mainTexture.height);
                if (texHeight < int.MaxValue)
                    bound[1] = (repeatable == Repeatable.Multiple) ? sector.ceilingHeight : sector.floorHeight + texHeight;

            case FloorTarget.None:
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight;

                throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType target!");

Exemple #17
        public override int[] GetCeilingMovementBound(WAD wad, SECTORS sector)
            int[] bound = new int[2];
            switch (target)
            case CeilingTarget.HighestNeighborCeiling:
                if (direction == Direction.Down)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefCeilingType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.ceilingHeight;
                bound[1] = -32000;
                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[1] = Math.Max(bound[1], n.ceilingHeight));
                if (bound[1] < bound[0])
                    bound[0] = bound[1];
                    bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight;

            case CeilingTarget.LowestNeighborCeiling:
                if (direction == Direction.Up)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefCeilingType direction!");
                bound[0] = 32000;
                bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight;
                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[0] = Math.Min(bound[0], n.ceilingHeight));
                if (bound[1] < bound[0])
                    bound[1] = bound[0];
                    bound[0] = sector.ceilingHeight;

            case CeilingTarget.HighestNeighborFloor:
                if (direction == Direction.Up)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefCeilingType direction!");
                bound[0] = Math.Max(sector.floorHeight, -32000);
                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[0] = Math.Max(bound[0], n.floorHeight));
                bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight;
                if (bound[1] < bound[0])
                    bound[1] = bound[0];
                    bound[0] = sector.ceilingHeight;

            case CeilingTarget.Floor:
                if (direction == Direction.Up)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefCeilingType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight;
                if (bound[1] < bound[0])
                    bound[1] = bound[0];
                    bound[0] = sector.ceilingHeight;

            case CeilingTarget.FloorPlus8:
                if (direction == Direction.Up)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefCeilingType direction!");
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight + 8;
                bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight;
                if (bound[1] < bound[0])
                    bound[1] = bound[0];
                    bound[0] = sector.ceilingHeight;

                throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefCeilingType target!");

Exemple #18
        public override int[] GetFloorMovementBound(WAD wad, SECTORS sector)
            int[] bound = new int[2];
            switch (target)
            case LiftTarget.LowestNeighborFloor:
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[0] = Math.Min(bound[0], n.floorHeight));
                bound[1] = sector.floorHeight;

            case LiftTarget.LowestAndHighestFloor:
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[0] = Math.Min(bound[0], n.floorHeight));
                bound[1] = sector.floorHeight;
                sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[1] = Math.Max(bound[1], n.floorHeight));

            case LiftTarget.RaiseNextFloor:
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = sector.floorHeight;
                if (repeatable == Repeatable.Multiple)
                    sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => bound[1] = Math.Max(bound[1], n.floorHeight));
                    int height = int.MaxValue;
                    sector.neighbors.ForEach(n => height = (n.floorHeight > sector.floorHeight) ? Math.Min(height, n.floorHeight) : height);
                    if (height < int.MaxValue)
                        bound[1] = height;

            case LiftTarget.Ceiling:
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = sector.ceilingHeight;

            case LiftTarget.Raise24:
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = (repeatable == Repeatable.Multiple) ? sector.ceilingHeight : sector.floorHeight + 24;

            case LiftTarget.Raise32:
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = (repeatable == Repeatable.Multiple) ? sector.ceilingHeight : sector.floorHeight + 32;

            case LiftTarget.Stop:
                bound[0] = sector.floorHeight;
                bound[1] = sector.floorHeight;

                throw new Exception("Unexpected LineDefFloorType target!");

Exemple #19
 public virtual int[] GetCeilingMovementBound(WAD wad, SECTORS sector)
     return(new int[2] {
         sector.ceilingHeight, sector.ceilingHeight
Exemple #20
 public virtual int[] GetFloorMovementBound(WAD wad, SECTORS sector)
     return(new int[2] {
         sector.floorHeight, sector.floorHeight