public static StringBuilder NewUserUpdate(SCL_Users UserData) { StringBuilder strBulBodyContent = new StringBuilder(); strBulBodyContent.Append("<html>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("<head>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("</head>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("<body>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("<div>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("<div>Dear User, your account details has been updated.</div><br /><br/>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("<div>Account details</div><br/>"); //strBulBodyContent.Append("<div>Username: "******"</div><br/>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("<div>Email ID: " + UserData.EmailID + "</div><br/>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("<div>Click the below link to login to your account to view your updated details.</div><br/>"); string baseUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority; //Encrypter enc = new Encrypter(); //string url = string.Format("{0}/Master/ActivateUser?e1={1}&e2={2}&e3={3}", baseUrl, enc.Encrypt(UserData.ID.ToString()), enc.Encrypt(UserData.CompanyID.ToString()), enc.Encrypt(UserData.EmailID.ToString())); string url = "http://" + baseUrl; //strBulBodyContent.Append("<div><a href='" + baseUrl + "'>Go to AssetManagement</a></div><br/>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("<a href='" + baseUrl + "' style='cursor:pointer'><input type='button' value='Go to Leads' style='height:50px;width:200px;background-color:green;border-radius:3px;color:white' /></a>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("<br/><br/><br/>Regards<br />"); strBulBodyContent.Append("Leads Team."); strBulBodyContent.Append("</div>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("</body>"); strBulBodyContent.Append("</html>"); return(strBulBodyContent); }
public static string NewUserUpdate(string fromMail, SCL_Users UserData) { string emailStatus = ""; string fromName = "Leads"; string bodyHtml = NotificationBodyData1.NewUserUpdate(UserData).ToString(); string bodyText = ""; string heading = "User Account Details Updated"; emailStatus = Elasticmail.SendEmail(UserData.EmailID, heading, bodyText, bodyHtml, fromMail, fromName, ""); return(emailStatus); }
public ActionResult CreateNewUser(SCL_Users UserFormData, string password, string SaveType) { //if (Session["AMUSERDATA_USER_NAME"] == null) //{ // Dictionary<string, object> dic1 = new Dictionary<string, object>(); // dic1.Add("expire", true); // return Json(dic1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); //} Dictionary <string, object> dic = SaveType == "Add" ? asData.CreateNewUser(UserFormData, password) : asData.UpdateUser(UserFormData); var result = Json(dic, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); result.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue; return(result); }
public Dictionary <string, object> addCompany(HttpFileCollectionBase files, string FreeTrail, SCL_CompanyRegistration UserFormData, string Browser) { Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); var subDate = DateTime.Now; var SubEndDate = DateTime.Now; if (FreeTrail.Equals("YES")) { SubEndDate = subDate.AddDays(30); } else { SubEndDate = subDate.AddDays(10); } using (var tran = gc.db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { string file_name = ""; string fname = ""; List <string> fileNameList = new List <string>(); if (files.Count > 0) { // Get all files from Request object for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { HttpPostedFileBase file = files[i]; if (Browser == "IE" || Browser == "INTERNETEXPLORER") { string[] testfiles = file.FileName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); fname = testfiles[testfiles.Length - 1]; } else { fname = file.FileName; } fname = file.FileName; file_name = string.Format("{0}-{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMMyyyyHHmmss"), fname.Replace("-", "")); fname = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Attachments/"), file_name); file.SaveAs(fname); fileNameList.Add(file_name); } } //string password_ln = CreateRandomPassword(8); string body = "Welcome to Leads Portal.\n\nYour Account Details are \n\n username: "******"\n\n Password: "******"\n\n\n Thank You\n\n"; UserFormData.company_status = "Active"; UserFormData.cdate = subDate; UserFormData.Flag = FreeTrail; UserFormData.SubscriptionEndDate = SubEndDate; UserFormData.company_uniqueID = "Not Required"; UserFormData.ProfilePicture = fileNameList[0]; gc.db.SCL_CompanyRegistration.Add(UserFormData); int n = gc.db.SaveChanges(); if (n > 0) { SCL_UserRoles role = new SCL_UserRoles(); role.RoleName = "Admin"; role.CreatedBy = UserFormData.CID; role.CompanyID = UserFormData.CID; role.CreatedDateTime = subDate; role.Status = "Active"; gc.db.SCL_UserRoles.Add(role); gc.db.SaveChanges(); SCL_UserDepartments dep = new SCL_UserDepartments(); dep.DepartmentName = "Admin"; dep.CreatedBy = UserFormData.CID; dep.CompanyID = UserFormData.CID; dep.CreatedDateTime = subDate; dep.Status = "Active"; gc.db.SCL_UserDepartments.Add(dep); gc.db.SaveChanges(); SCL_Users users = new SCL_Users(); users.UserName = UserFormData.company_email; users.UserPass = UserFormData.company_password; users.RoleID = role.ID; users.DepartmentID = dep.DepartmentID; users.FirstName = UserFormData.first_name; users.LastName = UserFormData.last_name; users.EmailID = UserFormData.company_email; users.CompanyID = UserFormData.CID; users.Status = "Active"; users.CreatedBy = UserFormData.CID; users.CreatedDateTime = subDate; users.userType = "Admin"; gc.db.SCL_Users.Add(users); int x = gc.db.SaveChanges(); List <SCL_UserRoleScreenMapping> RoleScreenList = gc.db.SCL_UserRoleScreenMapping .Where(u => u.RoleID == users.RoleID && u.CompanyID == users.CompanyID).ToList(); foreach (SCL_UserRoleScreenMapping g in RoleScreenList) { SCL_UserwiseScreenMapping USM = new SCL_UserwiseScreenMapping(); USM.CompanyID = users.CompanyID; USM.CreatedBy = users.CompanyID; USM.CreatedDateTime = subDate; USM.ScreenID = g.ScreenID; USM.UserID = users.ID; gc.db.SCL_UserwiseScreenMapping.Add(USM); } gc.db.SaveChanges(); SCL_Login login = new SCL_Login(); login.CID = UserFormData.CID; login.username = UserFormData.company_email; login.password = UserFormData.company_password; login.status = "Active"; login.cdate = subDate; login.type = "ADMIN"; login.SubscriptionEndDate = SubEndDate; login.Flag = FreeTrail; gc.db.SCL_Login.Add(login); int m = gc.db.SaveChanges(); if (m > 0 && x > 0) { Elasticmail.SendEmail(UserFormData.company_email, "Leads Account Details", body, "", "*****@*****.**", "Leads", ""); tran.Commit(); dic.Add("success", "success"); } else { tran.Rollback(); dic.Add("Error", "Error"); } } else { dic.Add("error", "No results found!"); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { tran.Rollback(); Exception raise = dbEx; foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { string message = string.Format("{0}:{1}", validationErrors.Entry.Entity.ToString(), validationError.ErrorMessage); // raise a new exception nesting // the current instance as InnerException raise = new InvalidOperationException(message, raise); } } dic.Add("error", raise.Message); } } return(dic); }