public bool IsChequeNoPresent(string cashChequeNo) { string str = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToByte(CashBankTransactionType.RefundFromSupplier)); try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var po = entities.CashAndBankTransactions.Where(e => e.Cash_Cheque_No == cashChequeNo && e.Type == str).ToList(); if (po.Count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public List <SalesInvoiceEntity> GetSalesInvoiceDetails(int psID) { string pandsID = Convert.ToString(psID); try { List <SalesInvoiceEntity> lstCodes = new List <SalesInvoiceEntity>(); using (SASEntitiesEDM objprodEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { lstCodes = (from pi in objprodEntities.SalesInvoices join pid in objprodEntities.SalesInvoiceDetails on pi.ID equals pid.SI_ID where pid.SI_No == pandsID orderby pi.CreatedDate descending select new SalesInvoiceEntity { ID = pi.ID, //PSCode = pid.PandS_Code, // PSName = pid.PandS_Name, InvoiceDate = pi.SI_Date, Amount = pid.SI_Amount, Price = pid.SI_Price, Quantity = pid.SI_Qty }).ToList <SalesInvoiceEntity>(); return(lstCodes); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void UpdateRefreshData(int psID) { try { using (SASEntitiesEDM objEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { ProductsAndService pands = objEntities.ProductsAndServices.Where(p => p.ID == psID).SingleOrDefault(); if (pands != null) { pands.IsRefresh = true; pands.RefreshDate = DateTime.Now.Date; objEntities.SaveChanges(); } List <ProductsAndService> pandsOther = objEntities.ProductsAndServices.Where(e => e.ID != psID).ToList(); if (pandsOther != null) { foreach (var item in pandsOther) { item.IsRefresh = false; item.RefreshDate = null; objEntities.SaveChanges(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public List <PandSDetailsModel> GetAllPandSNames() { List <PandSDetailsModel> lstCodes = new List <PandSDetailsModel>(); using (SASEntitiesEDM objEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { try { lstCodes = (from code in objEntities.ProductsAndServices where code.IsDeleted == false select new PandSDetailsModel { ID = code.ID, PSCode = code.PandS_Code, PSName = code.PandS_Description, }).ToList <PandSDetailsModel>(); return(lstCodes); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to get category content /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <ContentModel> GetCategoryContent(string catType) { List <ContentModel> lstContents = new List <ContentModel>(); using (SASEntitiesEDM objProdEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { try { lstContents = (from content in objProdEntities.CategoriesContents join cat in objProdEntities.Categories on content.Cat_Id equals cat.ID where cat.Cat_Code == catType && content.IsDeleted == false select new ContentModel { CategoryID = cat.ID, ContentID = content.ID, ContentName = content.Cat_Contents, IsSelected = content.Set_Default }).ToList(); return(lstContents); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public bool SaveSearchJson(string jsonSearch, int ScreenId, string ScreenName) { try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var result = entities.LastSelectionHistories.Where(x => x.Screen_Id == ScreenId).FirstOrDefault(); if (result != null) { result.Last_Selection = jsonSearch; result.Last_Updated = DateTime.Now; entities.SaveChanges(); return(true); } else { LastSelectionHistory lastSelection = new LastSelectionHistory() { Screen_Id = ScreenId, Screen_Name = ScreenName, Last_Selection = jsonSearch, Last_Updated = DateTime.Now }; entities.LastSelectionHistories.Add(lastSelection); entities.SaveChanges(); return(true); } } } catch { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to get category content /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GetCategoryContent(string catType) { string tandCContent = string.Empty; using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { try { var tandC = (from content in entities.TermsAndConditions where content.Cat_Code == catType select new ContentModel { ContentName = content.Cat_Content, ContentID = content.ID }); if (tandC != null) { tandCContent = tandC.SingleOrDefault().ContentName; } return(tandCContent); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
//public TaxModel GetDefaultTaxes() //{ // try // { // using (SASEntitiesEDM objEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) // { // var defaultTax = (from tax in objEntities.TaxCodesAndRates // where tax.IsDeleted == false // select new TaxModel() // { // TaxID = tax.ID, // TaxName = tax.Tax_Name, // TaxDescription = tax.Tax_Description, // TaxCode = tax.Tax_Code, // TaxRate = tax.Tax_Rate, // IsDefault = tax.Tax_Default, // IsInActive = tax.Tax_Inactive, // Predefined = tax.Predefined // }).Where(x => x.IsDefault == true && x.IsInActive != "Y").FirstOrDefault(); // return defaultTax as TaxModel; // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw ex; // } //} public TaxModel GetDefaultTaxes() { try { using (SASEntitiesEDM objEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var defaultTax = (from tax in objEntities.TaxCodesAndRates where tax.IsDeleted == false select new TaxModel() { TaxID = tax.ID, TaxName = tax.Tax_Name, TaxDescription = tax.Tax_Description, TaxCode = tax.Tax_Code, TaxRate = tax.Tax_Rate, IsDefault = tax.Tax_Default, IsInActive = tax.Tax_Inactive, Predefined = tax.Predefined }).FirstOrDefault(); return(defaultTax as TaxModel); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public string GetCountOfPOSuppliers() { string POCount = string.Empty; try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var po = (from e in entities.PurchaseOrders join p in entities.Suppliers on e.Sup_Id equals p.ID where e.IsDeleted == false select new { e.Sup_Id, p.Sup_Name } ).Distinct().ToList(); if (po != null) { POCount = Convert.ToString(po.Count); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(POCount); }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to retrieve single tax code and rates /// </summary> /// <param name="taxId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <TaxModel> GetTax(int taxId) { try { using (SASEntitiesEDM objEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var lstTax = (from tax in objEntities.TaxCodesAndRates where tax.IsDeleted == false && tax.ID == taxId select new TaxModel { TaxID = tax.ID, TaxName = tax.Tax_Name, TaxDescription = tax.Tax_Description, TaxCode = tax.Tax_Code, TaxRate = tax.Tax_Rate, IsDefault = tax.Tax_Default, IsInActive = tax.Tax_Inactive, Predefined = tax.Predefined }).ToList(); return(lstTax); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool IsCodeAndRateExists(TaxModel taxModel) { bool isExists = false; try { using (SASEntitiesEDM objEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var tax = objEntities.TaxCodesAndRates.Where(e => e.Tax_Code.Trim() == taxModel.TaxCode //&& e.Tax_Rate == taxModel.TaxRate ------removes after client MOM on 11 may 2017 && e.IsDeleted == false && e.ID != taxModel.TaxID).ToList(); if (tax.Count > 0) { isExists = true; } else { isExists = false; } } return(isExists); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to save category contents with associated category /// </summary> /// <param name="content"></param> public void SaveCategoryContent(ContentModel content) { using (SASEntitiesEDM objCategoryEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var obj = objCategoryEntities.CategoriesContents.Where(x => x.Cat_Id == content.CategoryID && x.IsDeleted != true && x.Set_Default == true && content.IsSelected == true).FirstOrDefault(); if (obj != null) { obj.Set_Default = false; objCategoryEntities.SaveChanges(); } try { CategoriesContent catContent = new CategoriesContent(); catContent.Cat_Contents = content.ContentName.Trim(); catContent.Content_Limit = content.Limit; catContent.Cat_Id = content.CategoryID; catContent.IsDeleted = false; catContent.Set_Default = content.IsSelected; catContent.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; objCategoryEntities.CategoriesContents.Add(catContent); objCategoryEntities.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public bool IsContentExists(ContentModel content) { bool IsExists = false; using (SASEntitiesEDM objCategoryEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { try { var catContent = objCategoryEntities.CategoriesContents.Where(e => e.Cat_Id == content.CategoryID && e.Cat_Contents == content.ContentName.Trim() && e.IsDeleted == false && e.ID != content.ContentID).ToList(); if (catContent.Count > 0) { IsExists = true; } else { IsExists = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(IsExists); } }
public List <AdjustCreditNoteEntity> GetCreditNotes(string CustomerId) { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { int supid = 0; //List<CustomerEntity> suppliersource = entities.Customers.Where(x => x.IsDeleted != true).Select(x => new CustomerEntity //{ // ID = x.ID, // CustomerName = x.Sup_Name, // Createddate = x.CreatedDate, //}).ToList(); if (CustomerId != null || CustomerId != "" || CustomerId != " ") { supid = Convert.ToInt32(CustomerId); } List <AdjustCreditNoteEntity> debitnotelist = (from p in entities.SalesInvoices join d in entities.CreditNotes on p.ID equals d.SI_Id where d.IsDeleted != true && d.Cus_Id == supid && d.CN_Amount > 0 select new AdjustCreditNoteEntity { Date = d.CN_Date, Amount = p.SI_Tot_aft_Tax, CreditNoteNo = d.CN_No }).ToList(); return(debitnotelist); } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to get latest quitation no /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public int GetLastQuotationNo() { int qno = 0; try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var pq = (from pqs in entities.SalesQuotations orderby pqs.ID descending select new { pqs.ID, pqs.CreatedDate } ); int Count = Convert.ToInt32(pq.Count()); if (Count > 0) { qno = pq.Take(1).SingleOrDefault().ID; } else { qno = 0; } } return(qno); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public List <AdjustDebitNoteEntity> GetDebitNotes(string SupplierId) { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { int supid = 0; //List<SupplierDetailEntity> suppliersource = entities.Suppliers.Where(x => x.IsDeleted != true).Select(x => new SupplierDetailEntity //{ // ID = x.ID, // SupplierName = x.Sup_Name, // Createddate = x.CreatedDate, //}).ToList(); if (SupplierId != null || SupplierId != "" || SupplierId != " ") { supid = Convert.ToInt32(SupplierId); } List <AdjustDebitNoteEntity> debitnotelist = (from p in entities.PurchaseInvoices join d in entities.DebitNotes on p.ID equals d.PI_Id where d.IsDeleted != true && d.Sup_Id == supid select new AdjustDebitNoteEntity { Date = d.DN_Date, Amount = p.PI_Tot_aft_Tax, DebitNoteNo = d.DN_No }).ToList(); return(debitnotelist); } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to get all purchase quotations /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <SalesQuotationEntity> GetAllSalesQuotations() { // List<SalesQuotationModel> lstSQF = new List<SalesQuotationForm>(); try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var lstSQs = (from pq in entities.SalesQuotations where (pq.IsDeleted == false || pq.IsDeleted == null) select new SalesQuotationEntity { CustomerID = pq.Cus_Id, QuotationNo = pq.SQ_No, QuotationDate = pq.SQ_Date, QuotationDateStr = Convert.ToString(pq.SQ_Date), ValidForDays = pq.SQ_Valid_for, TotalBeforeTax = pq.SQ_Tot_bef_Tax, TotalTax = pq.SQ_GST_Amt, TotalAfterTax = pq.SQ_Tot_aft_Tax, TermsAndConditions = pq.SQ_TandC, CreatedBy = pq.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = pq.CreatedDate }).ToList <SalesQuotationEntity>(); return(lstSQs); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public string GetCountOfPISuppliers() { string PICount = string.Empty; byte status = Convert.ToByte(PI_Status.UnPaid); try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var po = (from e in entities.PurchaseInvoices join p in entities.Suppliers on e.Sup_Id equals p.ID where e.IsDeleted == false && e.PI_Status == status select new { e.Sup_Id, p.Sup_Name } ).Distinct().ToList(); if (po != null) { PICount = Convert.ToString(po.Count); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(PICount); }
public int GetLastInvoiceNo() { int qno = 0; try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var pq = (from pqs in entities.SalesInvoices orderby pqs.ID descending select new { pqs.ID, pqs.CreatedDate } ); if (pq != null) { qno = pq.Take(1).SingleOrDefault().ID; } else { qno = 0; } } return(qno); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to get all purchase invoices /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <SalesInvoiceEntity> GetAllSalesInvoices() { // List<SalesInvoiceModel> lstSIF = new List<SalesInvoiceForm>(); try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var lstSIs = (from pq in entities.SalesInvoices where (pq.IsDeleted == false || pq.IsDeleted == null) select new SalesInvoiceEntity { CustomerID = pq.Cus_Id, InvoiceNo = pq.SI_No, InvoiceDate = pq.SI_Date, // PaymentDueDate = pq.SI_Pmt_Due_Date, OurSONo = pq.Cus_PO_No, CreditDays = pq.SI_Credit_Days, SalesmanID = pq.Salesman, TotalBeforeTax = pq.SI_Tot_bef_Tax, TotalTax = pq.SI_GST_Amt, TotalAfterTax = pq.SI_Tot_aft_Tax, TermsAndConditions = pq.SI_TandC, CreatedBy = pq.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = pq.CreatedDate }).ToList <SalesInvoiceEntity>(); return(lstSIs); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
//public int GetLastOrderNo() //{ // int qno = 0; // try // { // using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) // { // var pq = (from pqs in entities.SalesOrders // orderby pqs.ID descending // select new // { // pqs.ID, // pqs.SO_No, // pqs.CreatedDate // } // ); // int Count = Convert.ToInt32(pq.Count()); // if (Count>0) // { // qno = pq.Take(1).SingleOrDefault().ID; // } // else // { // qno = 0; // } // } // return qno; // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw ex; // } //} ///// <summary> ///// This method is used to get latest quitation no ///// </summary> ///// <returns></returns> //public int GetLastOrderNo() //{ // int qno = 0; // try // { // using (SDNSalesDBEntities entities = new SDNSalesDBEntities()) // { // var pq = (from pqs in entities.SalesOrders // orderby pqs.ID descending // select new // { // pqs.ID, // pqs.CreatedDate // } // ); // if (pq != null) // { // qno = pq.Take(1).SingleOrDefault().ID; // } // else // { // qno = 0; // } // } // return qno; // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw ex; // } //} /// <summary> /// This method is used to get all sales orders /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <SalesOrderEntity> GetAllSalesOrders() { // List<SalesOrderModel> lstSOF = new List<SalesOrderForm>(); try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var lstSOs = (from pq in entities.SalesOrders where (pq.IsDeleted == false || pq.IsDeleted == null) select new SalesOrderEntity { CustomerID = pq.Cus_Id, OrderNo = pq.SO_No, OrderDate = pq.SO_Date, //ValidForDays = pq.SO_Valid_for,, DeliveryDate = pq.SO_Del_Date, Cus_Po_No = pq.Cus_PO_No, TotalBeforeTax = pq.SO_Tot_bef_Tax, TotalTax = pq.SO_GST_Amt, TotalAfterTax = pq.SO_Tot_aft_Tax, TermsAndConditions = pq.SO_TandC, CreatedBy = pq.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = pq.CreatedDate }).ToList <SalesOrderEntity>(); return(lstSOs); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public ReceiveMoneyEntity GetReceiveMoneyDetails(string cashChequeNo) { ReceiveMoneyEntity receiveMoney = new ReceiveMoneyEntity(); try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { ReceiveMoney cbt = entities.ReceiveMoneys.SingleOrDefault(e => e.CashChequeNo == cashChequeNo); if (cbt != null) { receiveMoney.ID = cbt.ID; receiveMoney.SelectedLinkedAcntID = cbt.LinkedAccountID; receiveMoney.SelectedCashBankAcntID = cbt.CashBankAccountID; receiveMoney.IsCheque = cbt.IsCheque; receiveMoney.CashChequeNo = cbt.CashChequeNo; receiveMoney.CashChequeDate = cbt.CashChequeDate; receiveMoney.Remarks = cbt.Remarks; receiveMoney.SelectedTaxID = cbt.TaxID; receiveMoney.TotalBeforeTax = cbt.TotalBeforeTax; receiveMoney.TotalTax = cbt.TotalTax; receiveMoney.TotalAfterTax = cbt.TotalAfterTax; receiveMoney.Remarks = cbt.Remarks; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(receiveMoney); }
public List <PandSQtyAndStockModel> GetPandSList() { List <PandSQtyAndStockModel> lstCodes = new List <PandSQtyAndStockModel>(); using (SASEntitiesEDM objEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { try { lstCodes = (from code in objEntities.ProductsAndServices where (code.IsDeleted == false || code.IsDeleted == null) select new PandSQtyAndStockModel { PSID = code.ID, PSCode = code.PandS_Code, PSName = code.PandS_Name, Category1 = code.PandS_Cat1, Category2 = code.PandS_Cat2, QtyInStock = code.PandS_Qty_in_stock, PSType = code.PandS_Type, IsInActive = code.PandS_Inactive, AvgCostPriceAfterGSTd = code.PandS_Ave_Cost_Price_aft_GST, AvgCostPriceBeforeGSTd = code.PandS_Ave_Cost_Price_bef_GST, StdPriceAfterGSTd = code.PandS_Std_Cost_Price_aft_GST, StdPriceBeforeGSTd = code.PandS_Std_Cost_Price_bef_GST }).OrderBy(e => e.PSName).ToList <PandSQtyAndStockModel>(); return(lstCodes); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public int SaveReceiveMoney(ReceiveMoneyEntity receiveMoney) { int autoId = 0; try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { ReceiveMoney cbt = new ReceiveMoney(); cbt.LinkedAccountID = receiveMoney.SelectedLinkedAcntID; cbt.CashBankAccountID = receiveMoney.SelectedCashBankAcntID; cbt.IsCheque = receiveMoney.IsCheque; cbt.CashChequeNo = receiveMoney.CashChequeNo; cbt.CashChequeDate = receiveMoney.CashChequeDate; cbt.Remarks = receiveMoney.Remarks; cbt.TaxID = receiveMoney.SelectedTaxID; cbt.TotalBeforeTax = receiveMoney.TotalBeforeTax; cbt.TotalTax = receiveMoney.TotalTax; cbt.TotalAfterTax = receiveMoney.TotalAfterTax; cbt.Remarks = receiveMoney.Remarks; cbt.CreatedBy = 1; cbt.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; entities.ReceiveMoneys.Add(cbt); entities.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(autoId); }
public List <PurchaseInvoiceEntity> GetPurchaseInvoiceDetails(int psID) { string pandsId = Convert.ToString(psID); try { List <PurchaseInvoiceEntity> lstCodes = new List <PurchaseInvoiceEntity>(); using (SASEntitiesEDM objprodEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { lstCodes = (from pi in objprodEntities.PurchaseInvoices join pid in objprodEntities.PurchaseInvoiceDetails on pi.ID equals pid.PI_ID where pid.PI_No == pandsId select new PurchaseInvoiceEntity { ID = pi.ID, InvoiceDate = pi.PI_Date, Amount = pi.PI_Tot_bef_Tax, Price = pid.PI_Price, Quantity = pid.PI_Qty == null ? 0 : pid.PI_Qty }).ToList <PurchaseInvoiceEntity>(); return(lstCodes); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool DeleteQuotatoin(int pqID) { bool result = false; try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var obj = entities.SalesQuotations.Where(x => x.ID == pqID).FirstOrDefault(); //entities.SalesQuotations.Remove(obj); if (obj != null) { obj.IsDeleted = true; obj.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; entities.SaveChanges(); } } result = true; } catch { result = false; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to get all the taxes which are not deleted and inactive /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <TaxModel> GetTax() { List <TaxModel> lstContents = new List <TaxModel>(); using (SASEntitiesEDM objProdEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { try { lstContents = (from tax in objProdEntities.TaxCodesAndRates where tax.IsDeleted == false && tax.Tax_Inactive.Trim() == "N" // && tax.Tax_Default==true select new TaxModel { TaxID = tax.ID, TaxDescription = tax.Tax_Description, TaxCode = tax.Tax_Code, TaxName = tax.Tax_Name, TaxRate = tax.Tax_Rate, IsDefault = tax.Tax_Default, IsInActive = tax.Tax_Inactive }).ToList(); return(lstContents); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public List <ContentModel> GetAllSalesman(string catType) { List <ContentModel> lstsalesman = new List <ContentModel>(); using (SASEntitiesEDM objProdEntities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { try { lstsalesman = (from content in objProdEntities.Categories join catContent in objProdEntities.CategoriesContents on content.ID equals catContent.Cat_Id where content.Cat_Code == catType && catContent.IsDeleted == false select new ContentModel { ContentName = catContent.Cat_Contents, ContentID = catContent.ID }).ToList <ContentModel>(); return(lstsalesman); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public SuppliersStatementEntity GetAllUnPaidInvoice(int supplierID, string statementDate) { SuppliersStatementEntity entity = new SuppliersStatementEntity(); List <SuppliersBalanceEntity> lstbalances = new List <SuppliersBalanceEntity>(); List <SuppliersInvoiceDetailsEntity> lstInvoices = new List <SuppliersInvoiceDetailsEntity>(); try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { lstInvoices = entities.Database.SqlQuery <SuppliersInvoiceDetailsEntity>("USP_SuppliersStatementUnPaidInvoice @ID,@SDate", new SqlParameter("ID", supplierID), new SqlParameter("SDate", statementDate)).ToList(); lstbalances = entities.Database.SqlQuery <SuppliersBalanceEntity>("USP_GetStatementUnpaidInvoice_Summary @ID,@SDate,@Type", new SqlParameter("ID", supplierID), new SqlParameter("SDate", statementDate), new SqlParameter("Type", "S")).ToList(); entity.LstBalances = lstbalances; entity.LstInvoices = lstInvoices; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(entity); }
public string GetCountOfDNSuppliers(out List <SupplierDetailEntity> lstSuppliers) { string DNCount = string.Empty; byte status = Convert.ToByte(DN_Status.UnAdjusted); byte unrefunded = Convert.ToByte(DN_Status.Refunded); lstSuppliers = new List <SupplierDetailEntity>(); try { using (SASEntitiesEDM entities = new SASEntitiesEDM()) { var po = (from e in entities.DebitNotes join p in entities.Suppliers on e.Sup_Id equals p.ID where e.IsDeleted == false && p.Sup_Inactive != "Y" && (e.DN_Status == status || e.DN_Status != unrefunded) select new SupplierDetailEntity { ID = e.Sup_Id, SupplierName = p.Sup_Name } ).Distinct().ToList(); if (po != null) { lstSuppliers = new List <SupplierDetailEntity>(po.ToList()); DNCount = Convert.ToString(po.Count); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(DNCount); }