public static void printtable(List <int>[] table, string filename)
            StreamWriter sw;

            if (Form1.UseS3)
                string dir_name  = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                string file_name = Path.GetFileName(filename);

                S3DirectoryInfo s3dir   = new S3DirectoryInfo(Form1.S3client, Form1.bucketName, dir_name);
                S3FileInfo      artFile = s3dir.GetFile(file_name);
                sw = new StreamWriter(artFile.OpenWrite());
                sw = new StreamWriter(filename, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Count(); i++)
                var line = "";
                for (int j = 0; j < table[i].Count(); j++)
                    line += table[i][j].ToString() + " ";

        static public void printLevelWaveletNorm(List <GeoWave> decisionGeoWaveArr, string filename)
            StreamWriter sw;

            if (Form1.UseS3)
                string dir_name  = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                string file_name = Path.GetFileName(filename);

                S3DirectoryInfo s3dir   = new S3DirectoryInfo(Form1.S3client, Form1.bucketName, dir_name);
                S3FileInfo      artFile = s3dir.GetFile(file_name);
                sw = new StreamWriter(artFile.OpenWrite());
                sw = new StreamWriter(filename, false);

            /*  int dataDim = decisionGeoWaveArr[0].rc.dim;
             * int labelDim = decisionGeoWaveArr[0].MeanValue.Count();*/

            foreach (GeoWave t in decisionGeoWaveArr)
                sw.WriteLine(t.level + ", " + t.norm);

//************************************** PRINT FUNCTIONS WITH OUT REFERENCES ****************************************************
        public static void printErrorsToFile(string filename, double l2, double l1, double l0, double testSize)
            StreamWriter writer;

            if (Form1.UseS3)
                string dir_name  = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                string file_name = Path.GetFileName(filename);

                S3DirectoryInfo s3dir   = new S3DirectoryInfo(Form1.S3client, Form1.bucketName, dir_name);
                S3FileInfo      artFile = s3dir.GetFile(file_name);
                writer = new StreamWriter(artFile.OpenWrite());
                writer = new StreamWriter(filename, false);

            writer.WriteLine("l2 estimation error: " + l2.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteLine("l1 estimation error: " + l1.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteLine("num of miss labels: " + l0.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteLine("num of tests: " + testSize.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteLine("sucess rate : " + (1 - (l0 / testSize)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Exemple #4
        public void CopyLocalToS3(String localFile, S3FileInfo s3File)
            FileStream local = fs.File.OpenRead(localFile, Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.PathFormat.FullPath);
            Stream     file  = s3File.OpenWrite();

        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the specified file for reading or writing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path of the file to open.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">Specified if the file should be opened, created, overwritten or truncated.</param>
        /// <param name="access">Specified if the stream should be opened for reading or writing.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="T:Systen.IO.Stream"/> that can be used to read or write the content of the file. </returns>
        public Stream OpenFileStream(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path");

            path = MapPath(path);
            path = path.Substring(this.BucketName.Length + 1);
            if (mode == FileMode.Open && access == FileAccess.Read)
                var info = new S3FileInfo(S3, this.BucketName, path);
            else if (mode == FileMode.Open && access == FileAccess.Write)
                var info = new S3FileInfo(S3, this.BucketName, path);
            else if (mode == FileMode.Create || mode == FileMode.CreateNew && access == FileAccess.Write)
                var info = new S3FileInfo(S3, this.BucketName, path);

            throw new NotSupportedException();
        public static void printList(List <double> lst, string filename)
            StreamWriter sw;

            if (Form1.UseS3)
                string dir_name  = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                string file_name = Path.GetFileName(filename);

                S3DirectoryInfo s3dir   = new S3DirectoryInfo(Form1.S3client, Form1.bucketName, dir_name);
                S3FileInfo      artFile = s3dir.GetFile(file_name);
                sw = new StreamWriter(artFile.OpenWrite());
                sw = new StreamWriter(filename, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count(); i++)

        public void Test()
             * var x = "woof/bubu/x";
             * var dir = new S3DirectoryInfo(_client, _amazonS3StorageConfiguration.AWSFileBucket, "a/b");
             * dir.Create();
             * Console.WriteLine("Name: " + dir.Name + ", FullName: " + dir.FullName);
             * var dir2 = new S3DirectoryInfo(_client, _amazonS3StorageConfiguration.AWSFileBucket, "1\\2");
             * dir2.Create();
             * Console.WriteLine("Name: " + dir2.Name + ", FullName: " + dir2.FullName);
             * var file = new S3FileInfo(_client, _amazonS3StorageConfiguration.AWSFileBucket, "1\\2\\t.txt");
             * using (file.Create()) { }
             * Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, FullName: {1}, DirName: {2}", file.Name, file.FullName, file.DirectoryName);
             * var file2 = new S3FileInfo(_client, _amazonS3StorageConfiguration.AWSFileBucket, "a/b/t2.txt");
             * using (file2.Create()) { }
             * Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, FullName: {1}, DirName: {2}", file2.Name, file2.FullName, file2.DirectoryName);
             * =*/
            using (var fsFileStream = File.OpenRead(@"E:\al\pics\adventure_time\x.jpg"))
                var a3File = new S3FileInfo(_client, _amazonS3StorageConfiguration.AWSFileBucket, @"test\x2.jpg");
                using (a3File.Create()) { }

                using (var outStream = a3File.OpenWrite())
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of the ZephyrFile Open method in Amazon S3 Storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="access">Specifies to open Stream with "Read" or "Write" access.</param>
        /// <param name="callbackLabel">Optional "label" to be passed into the callback method.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">Optional method that is called for logging purposes.</param>
        /// <returns>The open Stream for the AmazonS3ZephyrFile.</returns>
        public override System.IO.Stream Open(AccessType access, bool verbose = true, string callbackLabel = null, Action <string, string> callback = null)
            if (!Exists)
                Create(verbose: false);

            if (!IsOpen)
                if (_client == null)
                    throw new Exception($"AWSClient Not Set.");

                S3FileInfo file = new S3FileInfo(_client.Client, BucketName, ObjectKey);
                if (access == AccessType.Read)
                    this.Stream = file.OpenRead();
                else if (access == AccessType.Write)
                    this.Stream = file.OpenWrite();
                    throw new Exception($"Unknown AccessType [{access}] Received.");

Exemple #9
        public void printConfig(string fileName, S3FileInfo outFile)
            StreamWriter sw;

            if (outFile == null)
                string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);
                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dir))

                sw = new StreamWriter(fileName, false);
                sw = new StreamWriter(outFile.OpenWrite());

            sw.WriteLine("croosValidCB" + "=" + croosValidCB);
            sw.WriteLine("croosValidTB" + "=" + croosValidTB);
            sw.WriteLine("runRFPrunningCB" + "=" + runRFPrunningCB);
            sw.WriteLine("runRfCB" + "=" + runRfCB);
            sw.WriteLine("rumPrallelCB" + "=" + rumPrallelCB);
            sw.WriteLine("DBTB" + "=" + DBTB);
            sw.WriteLine("ResultsTB" + "=" + ResultsTB);
            sw.WriteLine("approxThreshTB" + "=" + approxThreshTB);
            sw.WriteLine("minNodeSizeTB" + "=" + minNodeSizeTB);
            sw.WriteLine("partitionTypeTB" + "=" + partitionTypeTB);
            sw.WriteLine("splitTypeTB" + "=" + splitTypeTB);
            sw.WriteLine("boundLevelTB" + "=" + boundLevelTB);
            sw.WriteLine("errTypeEstimationTB" + "=" + errTypeEstimationTB);
            sw.WriteLine("trainingPercentTB" + "=" + trainingPercentTB);
            sw.WriteLine("NrfTB" + "=" + NrfTB);
            sw.WriteLine("NfeaturesrfTB" + "=" + NfeaturesrfTB);
            sw.WriteLine("bagginPercentTB" + "=" + bagginPercentTB);
            sw.WriteLine("saveTressCB" + "=" + saveTressCB);
            sw.WriteLine("runOneTreeCB" + "=" + runOneTreeCB);
            sw.WriteLine("estimateFullRFCB" + "=" + estimateFullRFCB);
            sw.WriteLine("estimateRF4SmoothnessAnalysis" + "=" + estimateRF4SmoothnessAnalysis);
            sw.WriteLine("estimateRFwaveletsCB" + "=" + estimateRFwaveletsCB);
            sw.WriteLine("BaggingWithRepCB" + "=" + BaggingWithRepCB);
            sw.WriteLine("boundDepthTB" + "=" + boundDepthTB);
            sw.WriteLine("thresholdWaveletsCB" + "=" + thresholdWaveletsCB);
            sw.WriteLine("thresholdWaveletsTB" + "=" + thresholdWaveletsTB);
            sw.WriteLine("useClassificationCB" + "=" + useClassificationCB);

        public void SaveStream(string path, Stream inputStream)
            path = CleanPath(path);
            var file  = new S3FileInfo(_client, _amazonS3StorageConfiguration.AWSFileBucket, path);
            var isNew = !file.Exists;

            using (var stream = file.Exists ? file.OpenWrite() : file.Create())
            if (isNew)
Exemple #11
        public void SaveStream(string path, Stream inputStream, string bucketName)
            path = CleanPath(path);
            var file  = new S3FileInfo(_client, bucketName, path);
            var isNew = !file.Exists;

            using (var stream = file.Exists ? file.OpenWrite() : file.Create())
            if (isNew)
Exemple #12
        public Stream GetObjectStream(string bucketName, string objectKey, S3FileMode fileMode = S3FileMode.Open, S3FileAccess fileAccess = S3FileAccess.Read)
            Stream     stream     = null;
            S3FileInfo file       = new S3FileInfo(client, bucketName, objectKey);
            bool       fileExists = file.Exists;

            if (fileMode == S3FileMode.Create || fileMode == S3FileMode.CreateNew || fileMode == S3FileMode.Truncate)
                if (fileExists)
                    if (fileMode == S3FileMode.CreateNew)
                        throw new Exception($"Object [s3://{bucketName}/{objectKey}] Already Exists.");
                else if (fileMode == S3FileMode.Truncate)
                    throw new Exception($"Object [s3://{bucketName}/{objectKey}] Does Not Exist.");

                stream = file.Create();
            else if (fileMode == S3FileMode.Open || fileMode == S3FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
                if (!fileExists)
                    if (fileMode == S3FileMode.Open)
                        throw new Exception($"Object [s3://{bucketName}/{objectKey}] Does Not Exist.");
                    stream = file.Create();

                if (fileAccess == S3FileAccess.Read)
                    stream = file.OpenRead();
                    stream = file.OpenWrite();

        public static void printWaveletsProperties(List <GeoWave> decisionGeoWaveArr, string filename)
            StreamWriter sw;

            if (Form1.UseS3)
                string dir_name  = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                string file_name = Path.GetFileName(filename);

                S3DirectoryInfo s3dir   = new S3DirectoryInfo(Form1.S3client, Form1.bucketName, dir_name);
                S3FileInfo      artFile = s3dir.GetFile(file_name);
                sw = new StreamWriter(artFile.OpenWrite());
                sw = new StreamWriter(filename, false);

            recordConfig rc = decisionGeoWaveArr[0].rc;

            //different log for local pca split
            if (rc.split_type == 5)
                printPcaWaveletsProperties(decisionGeoWaveArr, sw);

            sw.WriteLine("norm, level, Npoints, volume, dimSplit, MainGridIndexSplit");

            foreach (GeoWave t in decisionGeoWaveArr)
                double volume = 1;
                //if (pnt[i] < Form1.MainGrid[i][BoxOfIndeces[0][i]] || pnt[i] > Form1.MainGrid[i][BoxOfIndeces[1][i]])
                for (int j = 0; j < t.boubdingBox[0].Count(); j++)
                    volume *= (Form1.MainGrid[j][t.boubdingBox[1][j]] - Form1.MainGrid[j][t.boubdingBox[0][j]]);

                sw.WriteLine(t.norm + ", " + t.level + ", "
                             + t.pointsIdArray.Count() + ", " + volume
                             + ", " + t.dimIndex + ", " + t.Maingridindex
                             + ", " + t.MaingridValue);

 public async Task <bool> WriteFileToStorageAsync(string fileContent, string genericFileName, FileType fileType)
         S3FileInfo newFile = _subDirectory.GetFile(string.Format("{0}.{1}", genericFileName, GetFileTypeExtension(fileType)));
         // Write the file
         using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(newFile.OpenWrite()))
             await writer.WriteAsync(fileContent);
        public async Task <bool> WriteFileToStorageAsync(string fileContent, DateTime dateFileName, FileType fileType)
                S3FileInfo newFile = _subDirectory.GetFile(string.Format("{0}.{1}", dateFileName.ToString("yyyy MMMM dd"), GetFileTypeExtension(fileType)));
                // Write the file
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(newFile.OpenWrite()))
                    await writer.WriteAsync(fileContent);
            catch {

            _latestDate = dateFileName.AddDays(1);
        static public void printConstWavelets2File(List <GeoWave> decisionGeoWaveArr, string filename)
            StreamWriter sw;

            if (Form1.UseS3)
                string dir_name  = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                string file_name = Path.GetFileName(filename);

                S3DirectoryInfo s3dir   = new S3DirectoryInfo(Form1.S3client, Form1.bucketName, dir_name);
                S3FileInfo      artFile = s3dir.GetFile(file_name);
                sw = new StreamWriter(artFile.OpenWrite());
                sw = new StreamWriter(filename, false);
            int dataDim  = decisionGeoWaveArr[0].rc.dim;
            int labelDim = decisionGeoWaveArr[0].MeanValue.Count();

            //save metadata

            foreach (GeoWave t in decisionGeoWaveArr)
                string line = t.ID.ToString() + "; " + t.child0.ToString() + "; " + t.child1.ToString() + "; ";
                for (int j = 0; j < dataDim; j++)
                    line += t.boubdingBox[0][j].ToString() + "; " + t.boubdingBox[1][j].ToString() + "; "
                            + Form1.MainGrid[j][t.boubdingBox[0][j]].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "; " +
                            Form1.MainGrid[j][t.boubdingBox[1][j]].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "; ";
                line += t.level + "; ";

                for (int j = 0; j < labelDim; j++)
                    line += t.MeanValue[j].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "; ";

                line += t.norm + "; " + t.parentID.ToString();

Exemple #17
 public Stream OpenWrite()
Exemple #18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (checkRequiredFields())
                using (client = Amazon.AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.USWest2))
                    // Creates the bucket.
                    S3DirectoryInfo rootDirectory = new S3DirectoryInfo(client, bucketName);

                    // Creates a file at the root of the bucket.
                    S3FileInfo readme = rootDirectory.GetFile("README.txt");
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(readme.OpenWrite()))
                        writer.WriteLine("This is my readme file.");

                    DirectoryInfo localRoot = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\");
                    DirectoryInfo localCode = localRoot.CreateSubdirectory("code");

                    // Create a directory called code and write a file to it.
                    S3DirectoryInfo codeDir  = rootDirectory.CreateSubdirectory("code");
                    S3FileInfo      codeFile = codeDir.GetFile("Program.cs");
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(codeFile.OpenWrite()))
                        writer.WriteLine("namespace S3FileSystem_Sample");
                        writer.WriteLine("    class Program");
                        writer.WriteLine("    {");
                        writer.WriteLine("        static void Main(string[] args)");
                        writer.WriteLine("        {");
                        writer.WriteLine("            Console.WriteLine(\"Hello World\");");
                        writer.WriteLine("        }");
                        writer.WriteLine("    }");

                    // Create a directory called license and write a file to it.
                    S3DirectoryInfo licensesDir = rootDirectory.CreateSubdirectory("licenses");
                    S3FileInfo      licenseFile = licensesDir.GetFile("license.txt");
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(licenseFile.OpenWrite()))
                        writer.WriteLine("A license to code");

                    Console.WriteLine("Write Directory Structure");
                    WriteDirectoryStructure(rootDirectory, 0);

                    foreach (var file in codeDir.GetFiles())
                        Console.WriteLine("Content of {0}", file.Name);
                        using (StreamReader reader = file.OpenText())

                    // Deletes all the files and then the bucket.

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
        private void btnScript_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            u_config.printConfig(@"C:\Wavelets decomposition\config.txt", null);

            // Create a client
            AmazonS3Config confisS3 = new AmazonS3Config {
                ProxyHost = null
            TimeSpan timeOUT = new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0);

            confisS3.ReadWriteTimeout = timeOUT;
            confisS3.Timeout          = timeOUT;
            AmazonS3Client client = new AmazonS3Client(confisS3);

            UseS3                   = UseS3CB.Checked;
            rumPrallel              = rumPrallelCB.Checked;
            runBoosting             = runBoostingCB.Checked;
            runProoning             = runProoningCB.Checked;
            runBoostingProoning     = runBoostingProoningCB.Checked;
            runRFProoning           = runRFProoningCB.Checked;
            runRf                   = runRfCB.Checked;
            runBoostingLearningRate = runBoostingLearningRateCB.Checked;

            bucketName = bucketTB.Text;
            string results_path = @ResultsTB.Text;
            string db_path      = @DBTB.Text + "\\";//@"C:\Users\Administrator\Dropbox\ADA\ada_valid\"; //"D:\\Phd\\Shai\\code\\tests\\helix tests\\noise_5\\noise_5\\"; // "C:\\reasearch\\tests\\lena\\";

            //get dir

            MainFolderName = results_path;
            if (!UseS3)
                if (!Directory.Exists(MainFolderName))
            if (UseS3)
                S3DirectoryInfo s3results_path = new S3DirectoryInfo(client, bucketName, results_path);
                if (!s3results_path.Exists)
                //set archive path
                //S3DirectoryInfo s3archive_path = new S3DirectoryInfo(client, bucketName, results_path + "\\archive");
                //if (!s3archive_path.Exists)
                //    s3archive_path.Create();

            //READ DATA
            DB db = new DB();

            db.training_dt   = db.getDataTable(db_path + "trainingData.txt");
            db.testing_dt    = db.getDataTable(db_path + "testingData.txt");
            db.validation_dt = db.getDataTable(db_path + "ValidData.txt");

            db.training_label   = db.getDataTable(db_path + "trainingLabel.txt");
            db.testing_label    = db.getDataTable(db_path + "testingLabel.txt");
            db.validation_label = db.getDataTable(db_path + "ValidLabel.txt");

            //db.training_label = db.getDataTable(db_path + "trainingLabel" + t.ToString() + ".txt");

            upper_label = db.training_label.Max();
            lower_label = db.training_label.Min();

            double trainingPercent = double.Parse(trainingPercentTB.Text);      // 0.02;

            long rowToRemoveFrom = Convert.ToInt64(db.training_dt.Count() * trainingPercent);

            db.training_dt      = db.training_dt.Where((el, i) => i < rowToRemoveFrom).ToArray();
            db.training_label   = db.training_label.Where((el, i) => i < rowToRemoveFrom).ToArray();
            db.testing_dt       = db.testing_dt.Where((el, i) => i < rowToRemoveFrom).ToArray();
            db.testing_label    = db.testing_label.Where((el, i) => i < rowToRemoveFrom).ToArray();
            db.validation_dt    = db.training_dt.Where((el, i) => i < rowToRemoveFrom).ToArray();
            db.validation_label = db.validation_label.Where((el, i) => i < rowToRemoveFrom).ToArray();

            ////REDUCE DIM, GLOBAL PCA
            if (usePCA.Checked)
                DimReduction dimreduction = new DimReduction(db.training_dt);
                db.PCAtraining_dt   = dimreduction.getGlobalPca(db.training_dt);
                db.PCAtesting_dt    = dimreduction.getGlobalPca(db.testing_dt);
                db.PCAvalidation_dt = dimreduction.getGlobalPca(db.validation_dt);

                //printtable(db.PCAtraining_dt, MainFolderName + "\\PCAtraining_dt.txt");//dbg
                //printtable(db.PCAtesting_dt, MainFolderName + "\\PCAtesting_dt.txt");//dbg
                //de-activate pca for dbg
                db.PCAtraining_dt   = db.training_dt;
                db.PCAtesting_dt    = db.testing_dt;
                db.PCAvalidation_dt = db.validation_dt;

            db.PCAtraining_GridIndex_dt = new long[db.PCAtraining_dt.Count()][];
            for (int i = 0; i < db.PCAtraining_dt.Count(); i++)
                db.PCAtraining_GridIndex_dt[i] = new long[db.PCAtraining_dt[i].Count()];

            boundingBox = db.getboundingBox(db.PCAtraining_dt);
            MainGrid    = db.getMainGrid(db.PCAtraining_dt, boundingBox, ref db.PCAtraining_GridIndex_dt);

            //READ CONFIG
            methodConfig mc     = new methodConfig(true);
            int          Nloops = int.Parse(NloopsTB.Text) - 1;
            int          Kfolds = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(croosValidTB.Text, out Kfolds))
                Nloops = Kfolds - 1;

            for (int k = 0; k < Nloops; k++)
                mc.boostlamda_0.Add(3.8);    // - create variant in number of pixels
            //mc.boostlamda_0.Add(1500);// - create variant in number of pixels
            //mc.boostlamda_0.Add(2500);// - create variant in number of pixels
            //mc.boostlamda_0.Add(3000);// - create variant in number of pixels

            for (int k = 0; k < mc.recArr.Count(); k++)
                mc.recArr[k].dim               = NfeaturesTB.Text == @"all" ? db.PCAtraining_dt[0].Count() : int.Parse(evaluateString(NfeaturesTB.Text, k));
                mc.recArr[k].approxThresh      = double.Parse(evaluateString(approxThreshTB.Text, k));               // 0.1;
                mc.recArr[k].partitionErrType  = int.Parse(evaluateString(partitionTypeTB.Text, k));                 //2;
                mc.recArr[k].minWaveSize       = int.Parse(evaluateString(minNodeSizeTB.Text, k));                   //1;//CHANGE AFTER DBG
                mc.recArr[k].hopping_size      = int.Parse(evaluateString(waveletsSkipEstimationTB.Text, k));        //25;// 10 + 5 * (k + 1);// +5 * (k % 10);// 1;//25;
                mc.recArr[k].test_error_size   = double.Parse(evaluateString(waveletsPercentEstimationTB.Text, k));  // +0.05 * (k % 10);// 1;// 0.1;//percent of waves to check
                mc.recArr[k].NskipsinKfunc     = double.Parse(evaluateString(boostingKfuncPercentTB.Text, k));       // 0.0025;
                mc.recArr[k].rfBaggingPercent  = double.Parse(evaluateString(bagginPercentTB.Text, k));              // 0.6;
                mc.recArr[k].rfNum             = int.Parse(evaluateString(NrfTB.Text, k));                           // k + 1;//10 + k*10;// 100 / (k + 46) * 2;// int.Parse(Math.Pow(10, k + 1).ToString());
                mc.recArr[k].boostNum          = int.Parse(evaluateString(NboostTB.Text, k));                        // 10;
                mc.recArr[k].boostProoning_0   = int.Parse(evaluateString(NfirstPruninginBoostingTB.Text, k));       //13
                mc.recArr[k].boostlamda_0      = double.Parse(evaluateString(boostingLamda0TB.Text, k));             // 0.01 - (k + 1) * 0.001; //0.05;// 0.0801 + k * 0.001;// Math.Pow(0.1, k);// 0.22 + k*0.005;
                mc.recArr[k].NwaveletsBoosting = int.Parse(evaluateString(NfirstwaveletsBoostingTB.Text, k));        //  4;// k + 1;
                //mc.recArr[k].learningRate = 0;// 0.01;
                mc.recArr[k].boostNumLearningRate  = int.Parse(evaluateString(NboostingLearningRateTB.Text, k));     // 55;// 18;
                mc.recArr[k].percent_training_db   = trainingPercent;
                mc.recArr[k].BoundLevel            = int.Parse(evaluateString(boundLevelTB.Text, k));                //1024;
                mc.recArr[k].NDimsinRF             = NfeaturesrfTB.Text == @"all" ? db.PCAtraining_dt[0].Count() : int.Parse(evaluateString(NfeaturesrfTB.Text, k));
                mc.recArr[k].split_type            = int.Parse(evaluateString(splitTypeTB.Text, k));                 //0
                mc.recArr[k].NormLPType            = int.Parse(evaluateString(errTypeEstimationTB.Text, k));
                mc.recArr[k].RFpruningTestRange[1] = int.Parse(evaluateString(RFpruningEstimationRange1TB.Text, k)); // 12;// k + 9;
                mc.recArr[k].boundDepthTree        = int.Parse(evaluateString(boundDepthTB.Text, k));                //1024;
                mc.recArr[k].CrossValidFold        = k;
                // 2m0rr0w2 save labels dim in confif
                mc.recArr[k].labelDim = db.training_label[0].Count();
                //mc.recArr[k].boostNum =  t ;// tmp to delete !!!!!!!

                //mc.recArr[k].RFwaveletsTestRange[0] = 25;
                //mc.recArr[k].RFwaveletsTestRange[1] = 50;

            //create dirs
            foreach (recordConfig t in mc.recArr)
                if (!UseS3 && !Directory.Exists(MainFolderName + "\\" + t.getShortName()))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(MainFolderName + "\\" + t.getShortName());
                    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(MainFolderName + "\\" + t.getShortName() + "\\record_properties.txt", false);
                    u_config.printConfig(MainFolderName + "\\config.txt", null);
                if (!UseS3)
                S3DirectoryInfo s3results_path_with_folders = new S3DirectoryInfo(client, bucketName, results_path + "\\" + t.getShortName());
                if (!s3results_path_with_folders.Exists)
                    S3FileInfo   outFile = s3results_path_with_folders.GetFile("record_properties.txt");
                    StreamWriter sw      = new StreamWriter(outFile.OpenWrite());

                    S3FileInfo configFile = s3results_path_with_folders.GetFile("config.txt");
                    u_config.printConfig("", configFile);

            //SET ID ARRAY LIST
            List <int> trainingID = Enumerable.Range(0, db.PCAtraining_dt.Count()).ToList();
            List <int> testingID  = Enumerable.Range(0, db.PCAtesting_dt.Count()).ToList();

            //cross validation
            List <List <int> > trainingFoldId = new List <List <int> >();
            List <List <int> > testingFoldId  = new List <List <int> >();

            Random     ran           = new Random(2);
            List <int> training_rand = trainingID.OrderBy(x => ran.Next()).ToList().GetRange(0, trainingID.Count);

            if (int.TryParse(croosValidTB.Text, out Kfolds))
                createCrossValid(Kfolds, training_rand, trainingFoldId, testingFoldId);

            //bounding intervals
            int[][] BB = new int[2][];
            BB[0] = new int[boundingBox[0].Count()];
            BB[1] = new int[boundingBox[0].Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < boundingBox[0].Count(); i++)
                BB[1][i] = MainGrid[i].Count() - 1;    //set last index in each dim

            for (int i = 0; i < mc.recArr.Count; i++)
                Analizer Analizer = new Analizer(MainFolderName + "\\" + mc.recArr[i].getShortName(), MainGrid, db, mc.recArr[i]);
                if (!croosValidCB.Checked)
                    Analizer.analize(trainingID, testingID, BB);
                    Analizer.analize(trainingFoldId[i], testingFoldId[i], BB);    //cross validation

            btnScript.BackColor = Color.Green;
Exemple #20
 public Stream GetStream()
Exemple #21
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            if (checkRequiredFields())
                using (client = new AmazonS3Client(new AmazonS3Config()
                    MaxErrorRetry = 2,
                    ThrottleRetries = true
                    // Creates the bucket.
                    S3DirectoryInfo rootDirectory = new S3DirectoryInfo(client, bucketName);

                    // Creates a file at the root of the bucket.
                    S3FileInfo readme = rootDirectory.GetFile("README.txt");
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(readme.OpenWrite()))
                        writer.WriteLine("This is my readme file.");

                    // Create a directory called code and write a file to it.
                    S3DirectoryInfo codeDir  = rootDirectory.CreateSubdirectory("wiki");
                    S3FileInfo      codeFile = codeDir.GetFile("Phantasmagoria.txt");
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(codeFile.OpenWrite()))
                        writer.WriteLine("Phantasmagoria (About this sound American pronunciation (help·info), also fantasmagorie, fantasmagoria) was a form of horror theatre that ");
                        writer.WriteLine("(among other techniques) used one or more magic lanterns to project frightening images such as skeletons, demons, and ");
                        writer.WriteLine("ghosts onto walls, smoke, or semi-transparent screens, typically using rear projection to keep the lantern out of sight. Mobile or ");
                        writer.WriteLine("portable projectors were used, allowing the projected image to move and change size on the screen, and multiple projecting ");
                        writer.WriteLine("devices allowed for quick switching of different images. In many shows the use of spooky decoration, total darkness, sound ");
                        writer.WriteLine("effects, (auto-)suggestive verbal presentation and sound effects were also key elements. Some shows added all kinds of ");
                        writer.WriteLine("sensory stimulation, including smells and electric shocks. Even required fasting, fatigue (late shows) and drugs have been ");
                        writer.WriteLine("mentioned as methods of making sure spectators would be more convinced of what they saw. The shows started under the ");
                        writer.WriteLine("guise of actual séances in Germany in the late 18th century, and gained popularity through most of Europe (including Britain) ");
                        writer.WriteLine("throughout the 19th century.");

                    // Create a directory called license and write a file to it.
                    S3DirectoryInfo licensesDir = rootDirectory.CreateSubdirectory("licenses");
                    S3FileInfo      licenseFile = licensesDir.GetFile("license.txt");
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(licenseFile.OpenWrite()))
                        writer.WriteLine("A license to code");

                    Console.WriteLine("Write Directory Structure");
                    WriteDirectoryStructure(rootDirectory, 0);

                    foreach (var file in codeDir.GetFiles())
                        Console.WriteLine("Content of {0}", file.Name);
                        using (StreamReader reader = file.OpenText())

                    // Deletes all the files and then the bucket.
                    if (deleteAtEnd)

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
 public Stream OpenWrite()
     return(new DelayedS3Writer(this, _s3FileInfo.OpenWrite(), "public-read", _s3StorageProvider));
Exemple #23
        public void printConfig(string fileName, S3FileInfo outFile)
            StreamWriter sw;

            if (outFile == null)
                string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);
                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dir))

                sw = new StreamWriter(fileName, false);
                sw = new StreamWriter(outFile.OpenWrite());

            sw.WriteLine("croosValidCB" + "=" + croosValidCB);
            sw.WriteLine("croosValidTB" + "=" + croosValidTB);
            sw.WriteLine("usePCA" + "=" + usePCA);
            sw.WriteLine("runRFProoningCB" + "=" + runRFProoningCB);
            sw.WriteLine("runBoostingLearningRateCB" + "=" + runBoostingLearningRateCB);
            sw.WriteLine("runBoostingProoningCB" + "=" + runBoostingProoningCB);
            sw.WriteLine("runProoningCB" + "=" + runProoningCB);
            sw.WriteLine("runRfCB" + "=" + runRfCB);
            sw.WriteLine("runBoostingCB" + "=" + runBoostingCB);
            sw.WriteLine("rumPrallelCB" + "=" + rumPrallelCB);
            sw.WriteLine("UseS3CB" + "=" + UseS3CB);
            sw.WriteLine("bucketTB" + "=" + bucketTB);
            sw.WriteLine("DBTB" + "=" + DBTB);
            sw.WriteLine("ResultsTB" + "=" + ResultsTB);
            sw.WriteLine("NboostTB" + "=" + NboostTB);
            sw.WriteLine("boostingLamda0TB" + "=" + boostingLamda0TB);
            sw.WriteLine("NfirstwaveletsBoostingTB" + "=" + NfirstwaveletsBoostingTB);
            sw.WriteLine("NfirstPruninginBoostingTB" + "=" + NfirstPruninginBoostingTB);
            sw.WriteLine("NboostingLearningRateTB" + "=" + NboostingLearningRateTB);
            sw.WriteLine("boostingKfuncPercentTB" + "=" + boostingKfuncPercentTB);
            sw.WriteLine("NfeaturesTB" + "=" + NfeaturesTB);
            sw.WriteLine("approxThreshTB" + "=" + approxThreshTB);
            sw.WriteLine("minNodeSizeTB" + "=" + minNodeSizeTB);
            sw.WriteLine("partitionTypeTB" + "=" + partitionTypeTB);
            sw.WriteLine("splitTypeTB" + "=" + splitTypeTB);
            sw.WriteLine("boundLevelTB" + "=" + boundLevelTB);
            sw.WriteLine("pruningEstimationRange0TB" + "=" + pruningEstimationRange0TB);
            sw.WriteLine("waveletsEstimationRange0TB" + "=" + waveletsEstimationRange0TB);
            sw.WriteLine("errTypeEstimationTB" + "=" + errTypeEstimationTB);
            sw.WriteLine("waveletsSkipEstimationTB" + "=" + waveletsSkipEstimationTB);
            sw.WriteLine("waveletsPercentEstimationTB" + "=" + waveletsPercentEstimationTB);
            sw.WriteLine("trainingPercentTB" + "=" + trainingPercentTB);
            sw.WriteLine("NloopsTB" + "=" + NloopsTB);
            sw.WriteLine("pruningEstimationRange1TB" + "=" + pruningEstimationRange1TB);
            sw.WriteLine("waveletsEstimationRange1TB" + "=" + waveletsEstimationRange1TB);
            sw.WriteLine("RFpruningEstimationRange1TB" + "=" + RFpruningEstimationRange1TB);
            sw.WriteLine("NrfTB" + "=" + NrfTB);
            sw.WriteLine("RFwaveletsEstimationRange1TB" + "=" + RFwaveletsEstimationRange1TB);
            sw.WriteLine("RFpruningEstimationRange0TB" + "=" + RFpruningEstimationRange0TB);
            sw.WriteLine("NfeaturesrfTB" + "=" + NfeaturesrfTB);
            sw.WriteLine("RFwaveletsEstimationRange0TB" + "=" + RFwaveletsEstimationRange0TB);
            sw.WriteLine("bagginPercentTB" + "=" + bagginPercentTB);
            sw.WriteLine("saveTressCB" + "=" + saveTressCB);
            sw.WriteLine("runOneTreeCB" + "=" + runOneTreeCB);
            sw.WriteLine("estimateRFonTrainingCB" + "=" + estimateRFonTrainingCB);
            sw.WriteLine("runOneTreeOnTtrainingCB" + "=" + runOneTreeOnTtrainingCB);
            sw.WriteLine("estimateRFnoVotingCB" + "=" + estimateRFnoVotingCB);
            sw.WriteLine("estimateRFwaveletsCB" + "=" + estimateRFwaveletsCB);
            sw.WriteLine("BaggingWithRepCB" + "=" + BaggingWithRepCB);
            sw.WriteLine("sparseRfCB" + "=" + sparseRfCB);
            sw.WriteLine("sparseRfTB" + "=" + sparseRfTB);
            sw.WriteLine("boundDepthTB" + "=" + boundDepthTB);
        public Stream OpenWrite()
            var stream = _s3FileInfo.OpenWrite();

            return(new AmazonS3StreamProxy(stream, _storageProvider, _s3FileInfo));