Exemple #1
        public void testFaceUVtoXYZ()
            // Check that each face appears exactly once.
            var sum = new S2Point();

            for (var face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                var center = S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, 0, 0);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.GetNorm(face), center);
                assertEquals(Math.Abs(center[center.LargestAbsComponent]), 1.0);
                sum = sum + S2Point.Fabs(center);
            assertEquals(sum, new S2Point(2, 2, 2));

            // Check that each face has a right-handed coordinate system.
            for (var face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                    S2Point.CrossProd(S2Projections.GetUAxis(face), S2Projections.GetVAxis(face)).DotProd(
                        S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, 0, 0)), 1.0);

            // Check that the Hilbert curves on each face combine to form a
            // continuous curve over the entire cube.
            for (var face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                // The Hilbert curve on each face starts at (-1,-1) and terminates
                // at either (1,-1) (if axes not swapped) or (-1,1) (if swapped).
                var sign = ((face & S2.SwapMask) != 0) ? -1 : 1;
                assertEquals(S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, sign, -sign),
                             S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz((face + 1) % 6, -1, -1));
Exemple #2
 public void testUVAxes()
     // Check that axes are consistent with FaceUVtoXYZ.
     for (var face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                      S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, 1, 0) - S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, 0, 0));
                      S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, 0, 1) - S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, 0, 0));
Exemple #3
 public void testUVNorms()
     // Check that GetUNorm and GetVNorm compute right-handed normals for
     // an edge in the increasing U or V direction.
     for (var face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
         for (double x = -1; x <= 1; x += 1 / 1024.0)
                     S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, x, -1), S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, x, 1))
                 .Angle(S2Projections.GetUNorm(face, x)), 0);
                     S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, -1, x), S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, 1, x))
                 .Angle(S2Projections.GetVNorm(face, x)), 0);
Exemple #4
        public void testCells()
            // For each cube face, we construct some cells on
            // that face and some caps whose positions are relative to that face,
            // and then check for the expected intersection/containment results.

            // The distance from the center of a face to one of its vertices.
            var kFaceRadius = Math.Atan(S2.Sqrt2);

            for (var face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                // The cell consisting of the entire face.
                var rootCell = S2Cell.FromFacePosLevel(face, (byte)0, 0);

                // A leaf cell at the midpoint of the v=1 edge.
                var edgeCell = new S2Cell(S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, 0, 1 - EPS));

                // A leaf cell at the u=1, v=1 corner.
                var cornerCell = new S2Cell(S2Projections.FaceUvToXyz(face, 1 - EPS, 1 - EPS));

                // Quick check for full and empty caps.

                // Check intersections with the bounding caps of the leaf cells that are
                // adjacent to 'corner_cell' along the Hilbert curve. Because this corner
                // is at (u=1,v=1), the curve stays locally within the same cube face.
                var first = cornerCell.Id.Previous.Previous.Previous;
                var last  = cornerCell.Id.Next.Next.Next.Next;
                for (var id = first; id < last; id = id.Next)
                    var cell = new S2Cell(id);
                    JavaAssert.Equal(cell.CapBound.Contains(cornerCell), id.Equals(cornerCell.Id));
                        cell.CapBound.MayIntersect(cornerCell), id.Parent.Contains(cornerCell.Id));

                var antiFace = (face + 3) % 6; // Opposite face.
                for (var capFace = 0; capFace < 6; ++capFace)
                    // A cap that barely contains all of 'cap_face'.
                    var center   = S2Projections.GetNorm(capFace);
                    var covering = S2Cap.FromAxisAngle(center, S1Angle.FromRadians(kFaceRadius + EPS));
                    JavaAssert.Equal(covering.Contains(rootCell), capFace == face);
                    JavaAssert.Equal(covering.MayIntersect(rootCell), capFace != antiFace);
                    JavaAssert.Equal(covering.Contains(edgeCell), center.DotProd(edgeCell.Center) > 0.1);
                    JavaAssert.Equal(covering.Contains(edgeCell), covering.MayIntersect(edgeCell));
                    JavaAssert.Equal(covering.Contains(cornerCell), capFace == face);
                        covering.MayIntersect(cornerCell), center.DotProd(cornerCell.Center) > 0);

                    // A cap that barely intersects the edges of 'cap_face'.
                    var bulging = S2Cap.FromAxisAngle(center, S1Angle.FromRadians(S2.PiOver4 + EPS));
                    JavaAssert.Equal(bulging.MayIntersect(rootCell), capFace != antiFace);
                    JavaAssert.Equal(bulging.Contains(edgeCell), capFace == face);
                    JavaAssert.Equal(bulging.MayIntersect(edgeCell), center.DotProd(edgeCell.Center) > 0.1);

                    // A singleton cap.
                    var singleton = S2Cap.FromAxisAngle(center, S1Angle.FromRadians(0));
                    JavaAssert.Equal(singleton.MayIntersect(rootCell), capFace == face);