static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Count() < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Rasterex SDK Sample");
                Console.WriteLine("Demonstrate how to extract text from any supported file format and save as a text file.");
                Console.WriteLine("Usage:\nrxExtractText.exe inputfile output_text_file");
                Console.WriteLine("Sample Command Line:\nrxExtractText.exe c:\\pdf\\5tour.pdf c:\\text\\5tour.txt");

            RxDoc    myRxDocument = new RxDoc();
            RxEngine myRxEngine   = new RxEngine();

            if (myRxDocument == null)
                Console.WriteLine("RxSDK is not installed on this system.");
            RxText myRxText = new RxText();

            string extracted_text = "";

            myRxEngine.LicenseCode = "";
            myRxEngine.Start(RXDOCCOMLib.RX_REGISTRY_KEY.RX_REGKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Rasterex\\RxFilters");

                myRxDocument.Open(args[0]);      //First argument, arg0, is input file name
                myRxText.TextExtract(myRxDocument, -1, ref extracted_text);

                using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText((args[1])))
            catch (Exception ex)
            //Stop RxEngine - no longer needed - will also check in license if FlexLM is used.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Initialize Rasterex Components
            RxDoc       myRxDocument  = new RxDoc();
            RxConverter myRxConverter = new RxConverter();
            RxEngine    myRxEngine    = new RxEngine();

            myRxEngine.Start(RXDOCCOMLib.RX_REGISTRY_KEY.RX_REGKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Rasterex\\RxFilters");

            if (args.Count() < 5)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage:\nrxThumbnail.exe width height inputfile outputfile format\n\nThe width and height parameters define the thumbnail size in pixels\nPlease include full path for bot input and utput file names\nSupported thumbnail formats: PNG or JPEG");
                    int    nImageWidth    = int.Parse(args[0]);
                    int    nImageHeight   = int.Parse(args[1]);
                    string outputfilename = args[3];
                    string outputformat;

                    if (args[4] == "PNG" || args[4] == "png")
                        outputformat = "Portable Network Graphics Format"; //Use PNG
                        outputformat = "JPEG File Interchange Format"; //Use JPEG

                    if (myRxDocument.NumLayouts > 1)
                        //Multilayout - DWG - output each layout (each may contain one or more pages/views)
                        for (int layout = 0; layout < myRxDocument.NumLayouts; layout++)
                            myRxDocument.ActiveLayout = layout;
                            for (int page = 0; page < myRxDocument.Pages; page++)
                                myRxDocument.ActivePage = page;
                                string localfilename = outputfilename;
                                localfilename = localfilename.Replace(".", "." + (layout + 1) + "." + (page + 1) + ".");
                                myRxConverter.RasterFileFit(localfilename, myRxDocument, outputformat, nImageWidth, nImageHeight, 24, 0x00FFFFFF, 96);
                    else if (myRxDocument.Pages > 1)
                        //Multipage - PDF, DWF, PLT and more
                        for (int page = 0; page < myRxDocument.Pages; page++)
                            myRxDocument.ActivePage = page;
                            string localfilename = outputfilename;
                            localfilename = localfilename.Replace(".", "." + (page + 1) + ".");
                            myRxConverter.RasterFileFit(localfilename, myRxDocument, outputformat, nImageWidth, nImageHeight, 24, 0x00FFFFFF, 96);
                        //Single page document
                        myRxConverter.RasterFileFit(outputfilename, myRxDocument, outputformat, nImageWidth, nImageHeight, 24, 0x00FFFFFF, 96);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("RxDocument Last Error: " + myRxDocument.LastError);
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RxDoc     myRxDocument = new RxDoc();
            RxPrinter myRxPrinter  = new RxPrinter();
            RxEngine  myRxEngine   = new RxEngine();

            myRxEngine.Start(RXDOCCOMLib.RX_REGISTRY_KEY.RX_REGKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Rasterex\\RxFilters");

            if (args.Count() < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage:\nrxPrintCOM.exe /command inputfile #");
                Console.WriteLine("Available commands :");
                Console.WriteLine("/l  list all installed printers.");
                Console.WriteLine("/p  print a file to default printer.");
                Console.WriteLine("/pn print a file to printer with ID number # (from list printers).");
                    if (args[0] == "/l")
                        Console.WriteLine("Number of printers installed : " + myRxPrinter.InstalledPrinters);
                        for (int i = 0; i < myRxPrinter.InstalledPrinters; i++)
                            string PrinterName = null;
                            myRxPrinter.GetPrinterInfo(i, ref PrinterName);
                            Console.WriteLine(i + " : " + PrinterName);
                    else if (args[0] == "/p" || args[0] == "/pn")

                        if (args[0] == "/pn")
                            //We have a printer index
                            int    PrinterID   = Convert.ToInt32(args[2]);
                            string PrinterName = null;
                            myRxPrinter.GetPrinterInfo(PrinterID, ref PrinterName);


                        myRxPrinter.SetPDFConfig(enumPDFPrintConfig.rxPDFPrintDisableAntialiase, 1); //Turn off antialiase during printing,

                        //Get information from printer device
                        int PaperW = myRxPrinter.PaperWidth; //size in pixels
                        int PaperH = myRxPrinter.PaperHeight;

                        //Now print each page in the document - we use scale to fit for all pages
                        for (int i = 0; i < myRxDocument.Pages; i++)
                            myRxDocument.ActivePage = i;
                            double DocW = myRxDocument.Width;
                            double DocH = myRxDocument.Height;

                            double sx         = (double)PaperW / DocW;
                            double sy         = (double)PaperH / DocH;
                            double printscale = Math.Min(sx, sy);

                            //Calculate offsets to center document on paper
                            int offsetx = ((PaperW) - (int)(DocW * printscale)) / 2;
                            int offsety = ((PaperH) - (int)(DocH * printscale)) / 2;

                            myRxPrinter.Print(myRxDocument, 0.0, offsetx, offsety, 0.0, 0.0, printscale, printscale);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("RxDocument Last Error: " + myRxDocument.LastError);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Crate needed objects
            RxDoc          myRxDocument  = new RxDoc();
            RxConverter    myRxConverter = new RxConverter();
            RxEngine       myRxEngine    = new RxEngine();
            RxPDF          myRxPDF       = new RxPDF();
            RxRedline      myRxRedline   = new RxRedline();
            RxSaveSettings mySettings    = new RxSaveSettings();

            if (args.Count() < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Convert any format to a PDF file with or without markup.");
                Console.WriteLine("Usage:\nrxPublishPDF.exe inputfile outputfile markupfile (/burnin)");

            if (myRxDocument == null || myRxEngine == null)
                Console.WriteLine("RxSDK is not installed on this system.");

            //Start RxEngine - use your license code below if you have one, if no license code is given, RxEngine will check out a RxSDK FlexLM license
            //myRxEngine.LicenseCode = "";
            myRxEngine.Start(RXDOCCOMLib.RX_REGISTRY_KEY.RX_REGKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Rasterex\\RxFilters");

            //Turn off PDF/A (default standard selection)
            //Available options : 0 : Standard PDF, 1 : PDF/A-1B, 2: PDF/A-2B
            mySettings.SetFilterLongValue(enumLongSettings.rxPDFStandardSelect, 0); //Select Standard PDF output

            //Publish input file as PDF
                myRxDocument.Open(args[0]);  //First argument, arg0, is input file name

                //Extract some information about the given file
                double dFileConversionScale = 25.4; //assume mm - used to apply markup
                string Name = null;
                string Compression = null;
                int    dpi = 0;
                double dscale = 1.0, doffsetx = 0.0, doffsety = 0.0, dw = 0, dh = 0;
                myRxDocument.GetPageInfo(0, ref Name, ref Compression, ref dpi, ref dscale, ref doffsetx, ref doffsety, ref dw, ref dh);
                RX_DOCUMENT_TYPE type = myRxDocument.Type;
                if (type == RX_DOCUMENT_TYPE.RX_DOCTYPE_VECTOR_2D)
                    //We will force conversion to a standard paper format (minimum A4 and maximum A0)
                    if (dpi != 0)
                        //to mm
                        dw = dw / dpi * 25.4;
                        dh = dh / dpi * 25.4;
                    else if (dscale != 0.0)
                        //Note: For this conversion we do assume that the file is in MM
                        dw = dw / dscale;
                        dh = dh / dscale;
                    double scale = 1.0;

                    //Find largest extent
                    double maxextent = Math.Max(dw, dh);
                    if (maxextent > 1189) //Larger than A0 . probably AutoCAD or other CAD format not using paper size
                        //Use A0 size if our file is larger
                        double pw = 841.0;
                        double ph = 1189.0;
                        if (dw > dh)
                            ph = 841.0;
                            pw = 1189.0;
                        double sx = pw / dw;
                        double sy = ph / dh;
                        scale = Math.Min(sx, sy);
                    else if (maxextent < 210) //Smaller than A4. could be  Acad, Mi10 or other format
                        //Use A4
                        double pw = 210.0;
                        double ph = 297.0;
                        if (dw > dh)
                            ph = 210.0;
                            pw = 297.0;
                        double sx = pw / dw;
                        double sy = ph / dh;
                        scale = Math.Min(sx, sy);

                    if (dpi == 0)
                        if (scale > 0)
                            dFileConversionScale = 25.4 / scale; //Assume mm and apply to scaling
                        if (scale > 0)
                            dFileConversionScale = dpi / scale;

                    //Create our new PDF file - VectorSaveTransformEx will make sure we keep vector geometry.
                    myRxConverter.VectorSaveTransformEx(args[1], myRxDocument, "Acrobat PDF", dFileConversionScale, 1.0, 0.0, 1);

                    //scale from mm to pdf units, 72 dpi (for markup later)
                    dFileConversionScale = 1.0 / dscale * (1.0 / dFileConversionScale * 72);
                else //All other document types end up here - we will rasterize!
                    bool converttopdf = true;
                    //First check if the original document is a PDF - we will not have to convert PDF to raster
                    if (type == RX_DOCUMENT_TYPE.RX_DOCTYPE_TEXT)
                        if (myRxDocument.FilterName == "RxFilterDynaPDF")
                            dFileConversionScale = 72.0 / 600.0; //From internal RimEngine DPI to actual PDF dpi - used for markup scaling
                            converttopdf         = false;
                            //Just copy the original pdf to the new location
                            System.IO.File.Copy(args[0], args[1], true);

                    if (converttopdf)
                        int    rasterdpi     = 200; //For this sample we will use 200 dpi for raster images
                        double dimagescaling = (double)rasterdpi / (double)dpi;
                        int    width         = (int)(dw * dimagescaling + .9);
                        int    height        = (int)(dh * dimagescaling + .9);
                        int    whitebg       = 0x00ffffff;
                        int    bitsperpixel  = 24; //default - true color

                        if (type == RX_DOCUMENT_TYPE.RX_DOCTYPE_RASTER)
                            //This is a raster file, do we actually need 24 bit? Check all pages and use largest bitsperpixel found
                            int bpp = 1;
                            for (int i = 0; i < myRxDocument.Pages; i++)
                                myRxDocument.ActivePage = i;
                                if (myRxDocument.BitsPerPixel > bpp)
                                    bpp = myRxDocument.BitsPerPixel;
                            bitsperpixel = bpp;
                        myRxConverter.RasterFileMP(args[1], myRxDocument, "Acrobat PDF", width, height, bitsperpixel, whitebg, rasterdpi, 0, 0, 0, dimagescaling, dimagescaling);
                        dFileConversionScale = 72.0 / dpi; //From office or raster dpi to pdf - used for markup scaling

                //do we have markup data - yes we have if 3 or more arguments given
                if (args.Count() >= 3)
                    //apply markup now
                    myRxRedline.OpenEx(myRxDocument, args[2]);
                    myRxRedline.PrepareConversion(myRxDocument); //Load and rescale for each page in document
                    //Add markup elements to PDF, either "burned in" or as PDF annotations:
                    if (args.Count() == 4 && args[3] == "/burnin")
                        myRxPDF.PDFMarkupBurnIn(args[1], myRxDocument, myRxRedline, dFileConversionScale);
                        myRxPDF.ExportPDFMarkupEx(args[1], myRxDocument, myRxRedline, dFileConversionScale);

            catch (Exception ex)

            //Stop RxEngine - no longer needed - will also check in license if FlexLM is used.