public TestCaseMethodCompiler(TestCaseAssemblyCompiler assemblyCompiler, ICompilationSchedulerStage compilationScheduler, RuntimeType type, RuntimeMethod method)
            : base(assemblyCompiler, type, method, null, compilationScheduler)
            // Populate the pipeline
            this.Pipeline.AddRange(new IMethodCompilerStage[] {
                new DecodingStage(),
                new BasicBlockBuilderStage(),
                new ExceptionPrologueStage(),
                new OperandDeterminationStage(),
                new StaticAllocationResolutionStage(),
                new CILTransformationStage(),
                //new CILLeakGuardStage() { MustThrowCompilationException = true },

                new	EdgeSplitStage(),
                new DominanceCalculationStage(),
                new PhiPlacementStage(),
                new EnterSSAStage(),

                new ConstantPropagationStage(ConstantPropagationStage.PropagationStage.PreFolding),
                new ConstantFoldingStage() ,
                new ConstantPropagationStage(ConstantPropagationStage.PropagationStage.PostFolding),

                new LeaveSSA(),

                new StrengthReductionStage(),
                new StackLayoutStage(),
                new PlatformStubStage(),
                //new BlockReductionStage(),
                //new LoopAwareBlockOrderStage(),
                new SimpleTraceBlockOrderStage(),
                //new ReverseBlockOrderStage(),  // reverse all the basic blocks and see if it breaks anything
                //new BasicBlockOrderStage()
                new CodeGenerationStage(),
 public override MethodCompilerBase CreateMethodCompiler(RuntimeType type, RuntimeMethod method)
     IArchitecture arch = this.Architecture;
     MethodCompilerBase mc = new TestCaseMethodCompiler(this.Pipeline.Find<IAssemblyLinker>(), this.Architecture, this.Assembly, type, method);
     return mc;
        internal static RuntimeType AddElementTypes(SerializationInfo info, RuntimeType type)
            List<int> elementTypes = new List<int>();
                if (type.IsSzArray)
                else if (type.IsArray)
                else if (type.IsPointer)
                else if (type.IsByRef)
                type = (RuntimeType)type.GetElementType();

            info.AddValue("ElementTypes", elementTypes.ToArray(), typeof(int[]));

            return type;
Exemple #4
        protected string FormatRuntimeType(RuntimeType type)
            if (!showTokenValues.Checked)
                return type.Namespace + Type.Delimiter + type.Name;

            return "[" + TokenToString(type.Token) + "] " + type.Namespace + Type.Delimiter + type.Name;
        public static void GetSerializationInfo(
            SerializationInfo info,
            String name,
            RuntimeType reflectedClass,
            String signature,
            String signature2,
            MemberTypes type,
            Type[] genericArguments)
            if (info == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info));

            String assemblyName = reflectedClass.Module.Assembly.FullName;
            String typeName = reflectedClass.FullName;

            info.AddValue("Name", name, typeof(String));
            info.AddValue("AssemblyName", assemblyName, typeof(String));
            info.AddValue("ClassName", typeName, typeof(String));
            info.AddValue("Signature", signature, typeof(String));
            info.AddValue("Signature2", signature2, typeof(String));
            info.AddValue("MemberType", (int)type);
            info.AddValue("GenericArguments", genericArguments, typeof(Type[]));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CilGenericType"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module">The module.</param>
        /// <param name="baseGenericType">Type of the base generic.</param>
        /// <param name="genericTypeInstanceSignature">The generic type instance signature.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
        /// <param name="typeModule">The type module.</param>
        public CilGenericType(ITypeModule module, RuntimeType baseGenericType, GenericInstSigType genericTypeInstanceSignature, Token token, ITypeModule typeModule)
            : base(module, token, baseGenericType.BaseType)
            Debug.Assert(baseGenericType is CilRuntimeType);

            this.signature = genericTypeInstanceSignature;
            this.baseGenericType = baseGenericType as CilRuntimeType;
            base.Attributes = baseGenericType.Attributes;
            base.Namespace = baseGenericType.Namespace;

            if (this.baseGenericType.IsNested)
                // TODO: find generic type


            // TODO: if this is a nested types, add enclosing type(s) into genericArguments first
            this.genericArguments = signature.GenericArguments;

            base.Name = GetName(typeModule);


            this.containsOpenGenericArguments = CheckContainsOpenGenericParameters();
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct from a string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">A string representing the runtime</param>
        public RuntimeFramework(string s)
            runtime = RuntimeType.Any;
            version = new Version();

            string[] parts = s.Split(new char[] { '-' });
            if (parts.Length == 2)
                runtime = (RuntimeType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(RuntimeType), parts[0], true);
                string vstring = parts[1];
                if (vstring != "")
                    version = new Version(vstring);
            else if (char.ToLower(s[0]) == 'v')
                version = new Version(s.Substring(1));
            else if (char.IsNumber(s[0]))
                version = new Version(s);
                runtime = (RuntimeType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(RuntimeType), s, true);
                version = Environment.Version;
Exemple #8
 public void ConstructorIsInvoked()
     RuntimeMember method = new RuntimeType(instance.GetType()).GetConstructor(0);
     TypedValue result = method.Invoke(new object[] {});
     Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SampleClass), result.Type);
 private static bool AttributeUsageCheck(RuntimeType attributeType, bool mustBeInheritable, object[] attributes, IList derivedAttributes)
     AttributeUsageAttribute attributeUsage = null;
     if (mustBeInheritable)
         attributeUsage = GetAttributeUsage(attributeType);
         if (!attributeUsage.Inherited)
             return false;
     if (derivedAttributes != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < derivedAttributes.Count; i++)
             if (derivedAttributes[i].GetType() == attributeType)
                 if (attributeUsage == null)
                     attributeUsage = GetAttributeUsage(attributeType);
                 return attributeUsage.AllowMultiple;
     return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the method table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        public void BuildMethodTable(RuntimeType type)
            // HINT: The method table is offset by a four pointers:
            // 1. interface dispatch table pointer
            // 2. type pointer - contains the type information pointer, used to realize object.GetType().
            // 3. interface bitmap
            // 4. parent type (if any)
            List<string> headerlinks = new List<string>();

            // 1. interface dispatch table pointer
            if (type.Interfaces.Count == 0)
                headerlinks.Add(type.FullName + @"$itable");

            // 2. type pointer - contains the type information pointer, used to realize object.GetType().
            headerlinks.Add(null); // TODO: GetType()

            // 3. interface bitmap
            if (type.Interfaces.Count == 0)
                headerlinks.Add(type.FullName + @"$ibitmap");

            // 4. parent type (if any)
            if (type.BaseType == null)
                headerlinks.Add(type.BaseType + @"$mtable");

            IList<RuntimeMethod> methodTable = typeLayout.GetMethodTable(type);
            AskLinkerToCreateMethodTable(type.FullName + @"$mtable", methodTable, headerlinks);
        public static String ComputeToString(MethodBase contextMethod, RuntimeType[] methodTypeArguments, RuntimeParameterInfo[] runtimeParametersAndReturn)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(30);
            sb.Append(' ');
            if (methodTypeArguments.Length != 0)
                String sep = "";
                foreach (RuntimeType methodTypeArgument in methodTypeArguments)
                    sep = ",";
                    String name = methodTypeArgument.InternalNameIfAvailable;
                    if (name == null)
                        name = ToStringUtils.UnavailableType;
            sb.Append(ComputeParametersString(runtimeParametersAndReturn, 1));

            return sb.ToString();
 public Signature(IRuntimeFieldInfo fieldHandle, RuntimeType declaringType)
     SignatureStruct signature = new SignatureStruct();
     GetSignature(ref signature, null, 0, fieldHandle.Value, null, declaringType);
     this.m_signature = signature;
        public ExplorerMethodCompiler(ExplorerAssemblyCompiler assemblyCompiler, ICompilationSchedulerStage compilationScheduler, RuntimeType type, RuntimeMethod method, CompilerOptions compilerOptions)
            : base(assemblyCompiler, type, method, null, compilationScheduler)
            // Populate the pipeline
            this.Pipeline.AddRange(new IMethodCompilerStage[] {
                new DecodingStage(),
                new BasicBlockBuilderStage(),
                new ExceptionPrologueStage(),
                new OperandDeterminationStage(),
                //new SingleUseMarkerStage(),
                //new OperandUsageAnalyzerStage(),
                new StaticAllocationResolutionStage(),
                new CILTransformationStage(),

                (compilerOptions.EnableSSA) ? new EdgeSplitStage() : null,
                (compilerOptions.EnableSSA) ? new DominanceCalculationStage() : null,
                (compilerOptions.EnableSSA) ? new PhiPlacementStage() : null,
                (compilerOptions.EnableSSA) ? new EnterSSAStage() : null,

                (compilerOptions.EnableSSA) ? new SSAOptimizations() : null,
                //(compilerOptions.EnableSSA) ? new ConstantPropagationStage(ConstantPropagationStage.PropagationStage.PreFolding) : null,
                //(compilerOptions.EnableSSA) ? new ConstantFoldingStage() : null,
                //(compilerOptions.EnableSSA) ? new ConstantPropagationStage(ConstantPropagationStage.PropagationStage.PostFolding) : null,

                (compilerOptions.EnableSSA) ? new LeaveSSA() : null,

                new StrengthReductionStage(),
                new StackLayoutStage(),
                new PlatformStubStage(),
                //new LoopAwareBlockOrderStage(),
                new SimpleTraceBlockOrderStage(),
                //new SimpleRegisterAllocatorStage(),
                new CodeGenerationStage(),
 internal static Attribute GetCustomAttribute(RuntimeType type)
     if ((type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Import) == TypeAttributes.AnsiClass)
         return null;
     return new ComImportAttribute();
		internal static Attribute GetCustomAttribute(RuntimeType type)
			if ((type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Serializable) != TypeAttributes.Serializable)
				return null;
			return new SerializableAttribute();
 internal ConstructorCallMessage(object[] callSiteActivationAttributes, object[] womAttr, object[] typeAttr, RuntimeType serverType)
     this._activationType = serverType;
     this._activationTypeName = RemotingServices.GetDefaultQualifiedTypeName(this._activationType);
     this._callSiteActivationAttributes = callSiteActivationAttributes;
     this._womGlobalAttributes = womAttr;
     this._typeAttributes = typeAttr;
 private RuntimeSyntheticConstructorInfo(SyntheticMethodId syntheticMethodId, RuntimeType declaringType, RuntimeType[] runtimeParameterTypesAndReturn, InvokerOptions options, Func<Object, Object[], Object> invoker)
     _syntheticMethodId = syntheticMethodId;
     _declaringType = declaringType;
     _options = options;
     _invoker = invoker;
     _runtimeParameterTypesAndReturn = runtimeParameterTypesAndReturn;
 internal RuntimeConstructorInfo(RuntimeMethodHandleInternal handle, RuntimeType declaringType, RuntimeType.RuntimeTypeCache reflectedTypeCache, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingFlags)
     this.m_bindingFlags = bindingFlags;
     this.m_reflectedTypeCache = reflectedTypeCache;
     this.m_declaringType = declaringType;
     this.m_handle = handle.Value;
     this.m_methodAttributes = methodAttributes;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CilRuntimeField"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="module">The module.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <param name="signature">The signature.</param>
 /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
 /// <param name="offset">The offset.</param>
 /// <param name="rva">The rva.</param>
 /// <param name="declaringType">Type of the declaring.</param>
 /// <param name="attributes">The attributes.</param>
 public CilRuntimeField(ITypeModule module, string name, FieldSignature signature, Token token, uint offset, uint rva, RuntimeType declaringType, FieldAttributes attributes)
     : base(module, token, declaringType)
     this.Name = name;
     this.Signature = signature;
     base.Attributes = attributes;
     base.RVA = rva;
 internal object GetEventProvider(RuntimeType t)
     object data = this.GetData(t);
     if (data == null)
         data = this.CreateEventProvider(t);
     return data;
        private string GetMethodTableForType(RuntimeType allocatedType)
            if (!allocatedType.IsValueType)
                return allocatedType.FullName + @"$mtable";

            return null;
 internal RuntimeConstructorInfo(RuntimeMethodHandle handle, RuntimeTypeHandle declaringTypeHandle, RuntimeType.RuntimeTypeCache reflectedTypeCache, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingFlags)
     this.m_bindingFlags = bindingFlags;
     this.m_handle = handle;
     this.m_reflectedTypeCache = reflectedTypeCache;
     this.m_declaringType = declaringTypeHandle.GetRuntimeType();
     this.m_parameters = null;
     this.m_toString = null;
     this.m_methodAttributes = methodAttributes;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CilGenericMethod"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="module">The module.</param>
 /// <param name="genericMethod">The generic method.</param>
 /// <param name="signature">The signature.</param>
 /// <param name="declaringType">Type of the declaring.</param>
 public CilGenericMethod(ITypeModule module, CilRuntimeMethod genericMethod, MethodSignature signature, RuntimeType declaringType)
     : base(module, genericMethod.Token, declaringType)
     this.Signature = signature;
     this.Attributes = genericMethod.Attributes;
     this.ImplAttributes = genericMethod.ImplAttributes;
     this.Rva = genericMethod.Rva;
     this.Parameters = genericMethod.Parameters;
     base.Name = genericMethod.Name;
Exemple #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a method compiler
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
 /// <param name="method">The method to compile.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// An instance of a MethodCompilerBase for the given type/method pair.
 /// </returns>
 public override MethodCompilerBase CreateMethodCompiler(RuntimeType type, RuntimeMethod method)
     MethodCompilerBase mc = new AotMethodCompiler(
     return mc;
 public RuntimePseudoCustomAttributeData(RuntimeType attributeType, IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgument> constructorArguments, IList<CustomAttributeNamedArgument> namedArguments)
     _attributeType = attributeType;
     if (constructorArguments == null)
         constructorArguments = Array.Empty<CustomAttributeTypedArgument>();
     _constructorArguments = new ReadOnlyCollection<CustomAttributeTypedArgument>(constructorArguments);
     if (namedArguments == null)
         namedArguments = Array.Empty<CustomAttributeNamedArgument>();
     _namedArguments = new ReadOnlyCollection<CustomAttributeNamedArgument>(namedArguments);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CilRuntimeMethod"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module">The module.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="signature">The signature.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
        /// <param name="declaringType">Type of the declaring.</param>
        /// <param name="methodAttributes">The method attributes.</param>
        /// <param name="methodImplAttributes">The method impl attributes.</param>
        /// <param name="rva">The rva.</param>
        public CilRuntimeMethod(ITypeModule module, string name, MethodSignature signature, Token token, RuntimeType declaringType, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, MethodImplAttributes methodImplAttributes, uint rva)
            : base(module, token, declaringType)
            base.Attributes = methodAttributes;
            base.ImplAttributes = methodImplAttributes;
            base.Rva = rva;
            this.Name = name;
            this.Signature = signature;

            this.Parameters = new List<RuntimeParameter>();
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct from a runtime type and version. If the version has
        /// two parts, it is taken as a framework version. If it has three
        /// or more, it is taken as a CLR version. In either case, the other
        /// version is deduced based on the runtime type and provided version.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runtime">The runtime type of the framework</param>
        /// <param name="version">The version of the framework</param>
        public RuntimeFramework(RuntimeType runtime, Version version)
            Runtime = runtime;

            if (version.Build < 0)

            DisplayName = GetDefaultDisplayName(runtime, version);
        public BootstrapJob(RuntimeType jobType, Dictionary<string, string> jobParameters)
            if (jobType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("jobType");

            if (jobParameters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("jobParameters");

            JobType = jobType;
            JobParameters = jobParameters;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a method compiler
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
 /// <param name="method">The method to compile.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// An instance of a MethodCompilerBase for the given type/method pair.
 /// </returns>
 public override IMethodCompiler CreateMethodCompiler(ICompilationSchedulerStage compilationScheduler, RuntimeType type, RuntimeMethod method)
     IMethodCompiler mc = new AotMethodCompiler(
     return mc;
 private void AllocateStaticFields(RuntimeType type)
     foreach (RuntimeField field in type.Fields)
         if (field.IsStaticField && !field.IsLiteralField)
             // Assign a memory slot to the static & initialize it, if there's initial data set
Exemple #31
        // Note that logic in this method is replicated in vm\compile.cpp to ensure that NGen
        // saves the right instantiations
        private static EqualityComparer <T> CreateComparer()
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <EqualityComparer <T> >() != null);

            object      result = null;
            RuntimeType t      = (RuntimeType)typeof(T);

            // Specialize type byte for performance reasons
            if (t == typeof(byte))
                result = new ByteEqualityComparer();
            // If T implements IEquatable<T> return a GenericEqualityComparer<T>
            else if (typeof(IEquatable <T>).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                result = RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter((RuntimeType)typeof(GenericEqualityComparer <int>), t);
            else if (default(T) == null) // Reference type/Nullable
                // If T is a Nullable<U> where U implements IEquatable<U> return a NullableEqualityComparer<U>
                if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>))
                    RuntimeType u = (RuntimeType)t.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                    if (typeof(IEquatable <>).MakeGenericType(u).IsAssignableFrom(u))
                        result = RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter((RuntimeType)typeof(NullableEqualityComparer <int>), u);
            // See the METHOD__JIT_HELPERS__UNSAFE_ENUM_CAST and METHOD__JIT_HELPERS__UNSAFE_ENUM_CAST_LONG cases in getILIntrinsicImplementation
            else if (t.IsEnum)
                TypeCode underlyingTypeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(t));

                // Depending on the enum type, we need to special case the comparers so that we avoid boxing
                // Note: We have different comparers for Short and SByte because for those types we need to make sure we call GetHashCode on the actual underlying type as the
                // implementation of GetHashCode is more complex than for the other types.
                switch (underlyingTypeCode)
                case TypeCode.Int16:     // short
                    result = RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter((RuntimeType)typeof(ShortEnumEqualityComparer <short>), t);

                case TypeCode.SByte:
                    result = RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter((RuntimeType)typeof(SByteEnumEqualityComparer <sbyte>), t);

                case TypeCode.Int32:
                case TypeCode.UInt32:
                case TypeCode.Byte:
                case TypeCode.UInt16:     //ushort
                    result = RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter((RuntimeType)typeof(EnumEqualityComparer <int>), t);

                case TypeCode.Int64:
                case TypeCode.UInt64:
                    result = RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter((RuntimeType)typeof(LongEnumEqualityComparer <long>), t);

            return(result != null ?
                   (EqualityComparer <T>)result :
                   new ObjectEqualityComparer <T>()); // Fallback to ObjectEqualityComparer, which uses boxing
Exemple #32
 private static Object nativeGetSafeUninitializedObject(RuntimeType type)
Exemple #33
        private unsafe void Init(String name,
                                 MethodAttributes attributes,
                                 CallingConventions callingConvention,
                                 Type returnType,
                                 Type[] signature,
                                 Type owner,
                                 Module m,
                                 bool skipVisibility,
                                 bool transparentMethod,
                                 ref StackCrawlMark stackMark)
            DynamicMethod.CheckConsistency(attributes, callingConvention);

            // check and store the signature
            if (signature != null)
                m_parameterTypes = new RuntimeType[signature.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < signature.Length; i++)
                    if (signature[i] == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidTypeInSignature"));
                    m_parameterTypes[i] = signature[i].UnderlyingSystemType as RuntimeType;
                    if (m_parameterTypes[i] == null || !(m_parameterTypes[i] is RuntimeType) || m_parameterTypes[i] == (RuntimeType)typeof(void))
                        throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidTypeInSignature"));
                m_parameterTypes = Array.Empty <RuntimeType>();

            // check and store the return value
            m_returnType = (returnType == null) ? (RuntimeType)typeof(void) : returnType.UnderlyingSystemType as RuntimeType;
            if ((m_returnType == null) || !(m_returnType is RuntimeType) || m_returnType.IsByRef)
                throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidTypeInRetType"));

            if (transparentMethod)
                Debug.Assert(owner == null && m == null, "owner and m cannot be set for transparent methods");
                m_module = GetDynamicMethodsModule();
                if (skipVisibility)
                    m_restrictedSkipVisibility = true;
                Debug.Assert(m != null || owner != null, "PerformSecurityCheck should ensure that either m or owner is set");
                Debug.Assert(m == null || !m.Equals(s_anonymouslyHostedDynamicMethodsModule), "The user cannot explicitly use this assembly");
                Debug.Assert(m == null || owner == null, "m and owner cannot both be set");

                if (m != null)
                    m_module = m.ModuleHandle.GetRuntimeModule(); // this returns the underlying module for all RuntimeModule and ModuleBuilder objects.
                    RuntimeType rtOwner = null;
                    if (owner != null)
                        rtOwner = owner.UnderlyingSystemType as RuntimeType;

                    if (rtOwner != null)
                        if (rtOwner.HasElementType || rtOwner.ContainsGenericParameters ||
                            rtOwner.IsGenericParameter || rtOwner.IsInterface)
                            throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidTypeForDynamicMethod"));

                        m_typeOwner = rtOwner;
                        m_module    = rtOwner.GetRuntimeModule();

                m_skipVisibility = skipVisibility;

            // initialize remaining fields
            m_ilGenerator  = null;
            m_fInitLocals  = true;
            m_methodHandle = null;

            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            if (AppDomain.ProfileAPICheck)
                if (m_creatorAssembly == null)
                    m_creatorAssembly = RuntimeAssembly.GetExecutingAssembly(ref stackMark);

                if (m_creatorAssembly != null && !m_creatorAssembly.IsFrameworkAssembly())
                    m_profileAPICheck = true;
#endif // FEATURE_APPX

            m_dynMethod = new RTDynamicMethod(this, name, attributes, callingConvention);
Exemple #34
 // This method is identical to Type.GetTypeFromCLSID. Since it's interop specific, we expose it
 // on Marshal for more consistent API surface.
 public static Type GetTypeFromCLSID(Guid clsid) => RuntimeType.GetTypeFromCLSIDImpl(clsid, null, throwOnError: false);
Exemple #35
 private RuntimeBlockedTypeInfo(RuntimeType runtimeType)
     _asType = runtimeType;
Exemple #36
 public MetaMethod GetMethod(string name) => RuntimeType.GetAnyMethod(name);
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct from a runtime type and version. If the version has
 /// two parts, it is taken as a framework version. If it has three
 /// or more, it is taken as a CLR version. In either case, the other
 /// version is deduced based on the runtime type and provided version.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="runtime">The runtime type of the framework</param>
 /// <param name="version">The version of the framework</param>
 public RuntimeFramework(RuntimeType runtime, Version version)
     : this(runtime, version, null)
Exemple #38
 internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeType type)
     return((type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Import) != 0);
Exemple #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Get all custom attributes of type <typeparamref name="TAttribute"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inherit">True to find inherited attribute.</param>
 /// <param name="condition">Optional predicate to check attribute properties.</param>
 /// <returns>All attributes associated with type <typeparamref name="T"/>.</returns>
 public static IEnumerable <TAttribute> GetAll(bool inherit = false, Predicate <TAttribute>?condition = null)
 => from attr in RuntimeType.GetCustomAttributes <TAttribute>(inherit)
     where condition is null || condition(attr)
 select attr;
Exemple #40
        private Exception UncachedTryResolveCaseSensitive(ReflectionDomain reflectionDomain, RuntimeAssembly currentAssembly, out RuntimeType result)
            result = null;

            foreach (QScopeDefinition scopeDefinition in currentAssembly.AllScopes)
                MetadataReader        reader = scopeDefinition.Reader;
                ScopeDefinitionHandle scopeDefinitionHandle = scopeDefinition.Handle;

                NamespaceDefinition namespaceDefinition;
                if (!TryResolveNamespaceDefinitionCaseSensitive(reader, scopeDefinitionHandle, out namespaceDefinition))

                // We've successfully drilled down the namespace chain. Now look for a top-level type matching the type name.
                IEnumerable <TypeDefinitionHandle> candidateTypes = namespaceDefinition.TypeDefinitions;
                foreach (TypeDefinitionHandle candidateType in candidateTypes)
                    TypeDefinition typeDefinition = candidateType.GetTypeDefinition(reader);
                    if (typeDefinition.Name.StringEquals(_name, reader))
                        result = reflectionDomain.ResolveTypeDefinition(reader, candidateType);

                // No match found in this assembly - see if there's a matching type forwarder.
                IEnumerable <TypeForwarderHandle> candidateTypeForwarders = namespaceDefinition.TypeForwarders;
                foreach (TypeForwarderHandle typeForwarderHandle in candidateTypeForwarders)
                    TypeForwarder typeForwarder = typeForwarderHandle.GetTypeForwarder(reader);
                    if (typeForwarder.Name.StringEquals(_name, reader))
                        RuntimeAssemblyName       redirectedAssemblyName = typeForwarder.Scope.ToRuntimeAssemblyName(reader);
                        AssemblyQualifiedTypeName redirectedTypeName     = new AssemblyQualifiedTypeName(this, redirectedAssemblyName);
                        return(redirectedTypeName.TryResolve(reflectionDomain, null, /*ignoreCase: */ false, out result));

                String typeName = this.ToString();
                String message  = SR.Format(SR.TypeLoad_TypeNotFound, typeName, currentAssembly.FullName);
                return(ReflectionCoreNonPortable.CreateTypeLoadException(message, typeName));
Exemple #41
 public override int GetHashCode()
     unchecked {
         return((base.GetHashCode() * 397) ^ RuntimeType.GetHashCode());
 private RuntimeNoMetadataNamedTypeInfo(RuntimeType runtimeType)
     _asType = runtimeType;
        private String _simpleAssemblyName; // (no strong name, version, etc.)

        internal RemotingTypeCachedData(RuntimeType ri)
            RI = ri;
Exemple #44
 public MetaField GetField(string name) => RuntimeType.GetAnyField(name);
Exemple #45
        public sealed override Exception TryResolve(ReflectionDomain reflectionDomain, RuntimeAssembly currentAssembly, bool ignoreCase, out RuntimeType result)
            result = null;
            RuntimeType elementType;
            Exception   typeLoadException = ElementTypeName.TryResolve(reflectionDomain, currentAssembly, ignoreCase, out elementType);

            if (typeLoadException != null)
            result = ReflectionCoreNonPortable.GetPointerType(elementType);
Exemple #46
        public sealed override Exception TryResolve(ReflectionDomain reflectionDomain, RuntimeAssembly currentAssembly, bool ignoreCase, out RuntimeType result)
            result = null;
            RuntimeType genericType;
            Exception   typeLoadException = GenericType.TryResolve(reflectionDomain, currentAssembly, ignoreCase, out genericType);

            if (typeLoadException != null)
            LowLevelList <RuntimeType> genericTypeArguments = new LowLevelList <RuntimeType>();

            foreach (TypeName genericTypeArgumentName in GenericArguments)
                RuntimeType genericTypeArgument;
                typeLoadException = genericTypeArgumentName.TryResolve(reflectionDomain, currentAssembly, ignoreCase, out genericTypeArgument);
                if (typeLoadException != null)
            result = ReflectionCoreNonPortable.GetConstructedGenericType(genericType, genericTypeArguments.ToArray());
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CilRuntimeMethod"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module">The module.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="signature">The signature.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
        /// <param name="declaringType">Type of the declaring.</param>
        /// <param name="methodAttributes">The method attributes.</param>
        /// <param name="methodImplAttributes">The method impl attributes.</param>
        /// <param name="rva">The rva.</param>
        public CilRuntimeMethod(ITypeModule module, string name, MethodSignature signature, Token token, RuntimeType declaringType, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, MethodImplAttributes methodImplAttributes, uint rva) :
            base(module, token, declaringType)
            base.Attributes     = methodAttributes;
            base.ImplAttributes = methodImplAttributes;
            base.Rva            = rva;
            this.Name           = name;
            this.Signature      = signature;

            this.Parameters = new List <RuntimeParameter>();
Exemple #48
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns attribute associated with the type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="inherit">True to find inherited attribute.</param>
            /// <param name="condition">Optional predicate to check attribute properties.</param>
            /// <returns>Attribute associated with type <typeparamref name="T"/>; or null, if attribute doesn't exist.</returns>
            public static TAttribute?Get(bool inherit = false, Predicate <TAttribute>?condition = null)
                var attr = RuntimeType.GetCustomAttribute <TAttribute>(inherit);

                return(attr is null || condition is null || condition(attr) ? attr : null);
Exemple #49
        void CheckTypeFound <T>(string typeName)
            RuntimeType sample = GetType(typeName);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(T), sample.Type);
Exemple #50
        private static int SizeOfHelper(Type t, bool throwIfNotMarshalable)
            RuntimeType rttype = (RuntimeType)t;

            return(SizeOfHelper(new QCallTypeHandle(ref rttype), throwIfNotMarshalable));
Exemple #51
 internal static extern void InitializeManagedWinRTFactoryObject(object o, RuntimeType runtimeClassType);
Exemple #52
 public abstract Exception TryResolve(ReflectionDomain reflectionDomain, RuntimeAssembly currentAssembly, bool ignoreCase, out RuntimeType result);
Exemple #53
        public sealed override Exception TryResolve(ReflectionDomain reflectionDomain, RuntimeAssembly currentAssembly, bool ignoreCase, out RuntimeType result)
            result = null;
            RuntimeType declaringType;
            Exception   typeLoadException = DeclaringType.TryResolve(reflectionDomain, currentAssembly, ignoreCase, out declaringType);

            if (typeLoadException != null)
            TypeInfo nestedTypeInfo = FindDeclaredNestedType(declaringType.GetTypeInfo(), Name, ignoreCase);

            if (nestedTypeInfo == null)
                return(new TypeLoadException(SR.Format(SR.TypeLoad_TypeNotFound, declaringType.FullName + "+" + Name, currentAssembly.FullName)));
            result = (RuntimeType)(nestedTypeInfo.AsType());
Exemple #54
        private void Init(string name,
                          MethodAttributes attributes,
                          CallingConventions callingConvention,
                          Type returnType,
                          Type[] signature,
                          Type owner,
                          Module m,
                          bool skipVisibility,
                          bool transparentMethod)
            DynamicMethod.CheckConsistency(attributes, callingConvention);

            // check and store the signature
            if (signature != null)
                m_parameterTypes = new RuntimeType[signature.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < signature.Length; i++)
                    if (signature[i] == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_InvalidTypeInSignature);
                    m_parameterTypes[i] = signature[i].UnderlyingSystemType as RuntimeType;
                    if (m_parameterTypes[i] == null || m_parameterTypes[i] == typeof(void))
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_InvalidTypeInSignature);
                m_parameterTypes = Array.Empty <RuntimeType>();

            // check and store the return value
            m_returnType = (returnType == null) ? (RuntimeType)typeof(void) : returnType.UnderlyingSystemType as RuntimeType;
            if (m_returnType == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Arg_InvalidTypeInRetType);

            if (transparentMethod)
                Debug.Assert(owner == null && m == null, "owner and m cannot be set for transparent methods");
                m_module = GetDynamicMethodsModule();
                if (skipVisibility)
                    m_restrictedSkipVisibility = true;
                Debug.Assert(m != null || owner != null, "Constructor should ensure that either m or owner is set");
                Debug.Assert(m == null || !m.Equals(s_anonymouslyHostedDynamicMethodsModule), "The user cannot explicitly use this assembly");
                Debug.Assert(m == null || owner == null, "m and owner cannot both be set");

                if (m != null)
                    m_module = m.ModuleHandle.GetRuntimeModule(); // this returns the underlying module for all RuntimeModule and ModuleBuilder objects.
                    RuntimeType rtOwner = null;
                    if (owner != null)
                        rtOwner = owner.UnderlyingSystemType as RuntimeType;

                    if (rtOwner != null)
                        if (rtOwner.HasElementType || rtOwner.ContainsGenericParameters ||
                            rtOwner.IsGenericParameter || rtOwner.IsInterface)
                            throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_InvalidTypeForDynamicMethod);

                        m_typeOwner = rtOwner;
                        m_module    = rtOwner.GetRuntimeModule();

                m_skipVisibility = skipVisibility;

            // initialize remaining fields
            m_ilGenerator  = null;
            m_fInitLocals  = true;
            m_methodHandle = null;

            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            m_dynMethod = new RTDynamicMethod(this, name, attributes, callingConvention);
Exemple #55
 private static extern Object nativeGetUninitializedObject(RuntimeType type);
Exemple #56
        object IObjectReference.GetRealObject(StreamingContext context)
            // If we've already deserialized the real object, use that rather than deserializing it again
            if (m_realObject != null)

            // If we don't have a real type to deserialize, then this is really a SafeSerializationManager
            // and we don't need to rebuild the object that we're standing in for.
            if (m_realType == null)

            // Look for the last type in GetRealType's inheritance hierarchy which implements a critical
            // deserialization constructor.  This will be the object that we use as the deserialization
            // construction type to initialize via standard ISerializable semantics

            // First build up the chain starting at the type below Object and working to the real type we
            // serialized.
            Stack       inheritanceChain = new Stack();
            RuntimeType currentType      = m_realType;

                currentType = currentType.BaseType as RuntimeType;
            }while (currentType != typeof(object));

            // Now look for the first type that does not implement the ISerializable .ctor.  When we find
            // that, previousType will point at the last type that did implement the .ctor.  We require that
            // the .ctor we invoke also be non-transparent
            RuntimeConstructorInfo serializationCtor = null;
            RuntimeType            previousType      = null;

                previousType      = currentType;
                currentType       = inheritanceChain.Pop() as RuntimeType;
                serializationCtor = currentType.GetSerializationCtor();
            }while (serializationCtor != null && serializationCtor.IsSecurityCritical);

            // previousType is the last type that did implement the deserialization .ctor before the first
            // type that did not, so we'll grab it's .ctor to use for deserialization.
            BCLDebug.Assert(previousType != null, "We should have at least one inheritance from the base type");
            serializationCtor = ObjectManager.GetConstructor(previousType);

            // Allocate an instance of the final type and run the selected .ctor on that instance to get the
            // standard ISerializable initialization done.
            object deserialized = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(m_realType);

            serializationCtor.SerializationInvoke(deserialized, m_savedSerializationInfo, context);
            m_savedSerializationInfo = null;
            m_realType = null;

            // Save away the real object that was deserialized so that we can fill it in later, and return
            // it back as the object that should result from the final deserialization.
            m_realObject = deserialized;
Exemple #57
        private Exception TryResolveCaseInsensitive(ReflectionDomain reflectionDomain, RuntimeAssembly currentAssembly, out RuntimeType result)
            String fullName = this.ToString().ToLower();

            LowLevelDictionary <String, QHandle> dict = GetCaseInsensitiveTypeDictionary(currentAssembly);
            QHandle qualifiedHandle;

            if (!dict.TryGetValue(fullName, out qualifiedHandle))
                result = null;
                return(new TypeLoadException(SR.Format(SR.TypeLoad_TypeNotFound, this.ToString(), currentAssembly.FullName)));

            MetadataReader reader = qualifiedHandle.Reader;
            Handle         typeDefOrForwarderHandle = qualifiedHandle.Handle;

            HandleType handleType = typeDefOrForwarderHandle.HandleType;

            switch (handleType)
            case HandleType.TypeDefinition:
                TypeDefinitionHandle typeDefinitionHandle = typeDefOrForwarderHandle.ToTypeDefinitionHandle(reader);
                result = reflectionDomain.ResolveTypeDefinition(reader, typeDefinitionHandle);

            case HandleType.TypeForwarder:
                TypeForwarder        typeForwarder           = typeDefOrForwarderHandle.ToTypeForwarderHandle(reader).GetTypeForwarder(reader);
                ScopeReferenceHandle destinationScope        = typeForwarder.Scope;
                RuntimeAssemblyName  destinationAssemblyName = destinationScope.ToRuntimeAssemblyName(reader);
                RuntimeAssembly      destinationAssembly;
                Exception            exception = RuntimeAssembly.TryGetRuntimeAssembly(reflectionDomain, destinationAssemblyName, out destinationAssembly);
                if (exception != null)
                    result = null;
                return(TryResolveCaseInsensitive(reflectionDomain, destinationAssembly, out result));

                throw new InvalidOperationException();
Exemple #58
 public sealed override Exception TryResolve(ReflectionDomain reflectionDomain, RuntimeAssembly currentAssembly, bool ignoreCase, out RuntimeType result)
     result = null;
     if (AssemblyName == null)
         return(TypeName.TryResolve(reflectionDomain, currentAssembly, ignoreCase, out result));
         RuntimeAssembly newAssembly;
         Exception       assemblyLoadException = RuntimeAssembly.TryGetRuntimeAssembly(reflectionDomain, AssemblyName, out newAssembly);
         if (assemblyLoadException != null)
         return(TypeName.TryResolve(reflectionDomain, newAssembly, ignoreCase, out result));
Exemple #59
 private static extern void _RunClassConstructor(RuntimeType type);
Exemple #60
 internal MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType val, VarEnum safeArraySubType, RuntimeType safeArrayUserDefinedSubType, UnmanagedType arraySubType,
                             short sizeParamIndex, int sizeConst, string marshalType, RuntimeType marshalTypeRef, string marshalCookie, int iidParamIndex)
     _val                        = val;
     SafeArraySubType            = safeArraySubType;
     SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType = safeArrayUserDefinedSubType;
     IidParameterIndex           = iidParamIndex;
     ArraySubType                = arraySubType;
     SizeParamIndex              = sizeParamIndex;
     SizeConst                   = sizeConst;
     MarshalType                 = marshalType;
     MarshalTypeRef              = marshalTypeRef;
     MarshalCookie               = marshalCookie;