internal void InitFromNode(LanguageBindingExtensionNode node)
            Language = node.Id;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.SingleLineCommentTag))
                SingleLineCommentTag = node.SingleLineCommentTag;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.BlockCommentStartTag))
                BlockCommentStartTag = node.BlockCommentStartTag;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.BlockCommentEndTag))
                BlockCommentEndTag = node.BlockCommentEndTag;

            if (node.SupportedExtensions != null && node.SupportedExtensions.Length > 0)
                fileExtensions = node.SupportedExtensions;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.CodeDomType))
                codeDomTypeName = node.CodeDomType;
                addin           = node.Addin;
        //static void AddToAnimatedIconFactory (string stockId, AnimatedIcon aicon)
        //	animationFactory [stockId] = aicon;

#if false
        static string InternalGetStockIdFromResource(RuntimeAddin addin, string id, Gtk.IconSize size)
            if (!id.StartsWith("res:"))

            id = id.Substring(4);
            int addinId = GetAddinId(addin);
            Dictionary <string, string> hash = addinIcons[addinId];
            string stockId = "__asm" + addinId + "__" + id + "__" + size;

            if (!hash.ContainsKey(stockId))
                System.IO.Stream stream = addin.GetResource(id);
                if (stream != null)
                    using (stream) {
                        AddToIconFactory(stockId, new Gdk.Pixbuf(stream), size);
                hash[stockId] = stockId;
        public void RegisterProperty(RuntimeAddin addin, string targetType, string name, string propertyType, bool isExternal, bool skipEmpty)
            TypeRef tr;

            if (!pendingTypesByTypeName.TryGetValue(targetType, out tr))
                tr = new TypeRef(addin, targetType);
                pendingTypesByTypeName [targetType] = tr;
            if (tr.DataType != null)
                RegisterProperty(addin.GetType(targetType, true), name, addin.GetType(propertyType, true), isExternal, skipEmpty);
            PropertyRef prop = new PropertyRef(addin, targetType, name, propertyType, isExternal, skipEmpty);

            if (tr.Properties == null)
                tr.Properties = prop;
                PropertyRef plink = tr.Properties;
                while (plink.Next != null)
                    plink = plink.Next;
                plink.Next = prop;
        public void IncludeType(RuntimeAddin addin, string typeName, string itemName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemName))
                int i = typeName.LastIndexOf('.');
                if (i >= 0)
                    itemName = typeName.Substring(i + 1);
                    itemName = typeName;
            TypeRef tr;

            if (!pendingTypesByTypeName.TryGetValue(typeName, out tr))
                tr = new TypeRef(addin, typeName);
                pendingTypesByTypeName [typeName] = tr;
                tr.Addin = addin;
            pendingTypes [itemName] = tr;
        static string InternalGetStockIdFromAnimation(RuntimeAddin addin, string id, Gtk.IconSize size)
            if (!id.StartsWith("animation:", StringComparison.Ordinal))

            id = id.Substring(10);
            Dictionary <string, string> hash;
            int addinId;

            if (addin != null)
                addinId = GetAddinId(addin);
                hash    = addinIcons[addinId];
                addinId = -1;
                hash    = iconSpecToStockId;

            string stockId = "__asm" + addinId + "__" + id + "__" + size;

            if (!hash.ContainsKey(stockId))
                var aicon = new AnimatedIcon(addin, id, size);
                AddToAnimatedIconFactory(stockId, aicon);
                hash[stockId]   = stockId;
                icons [stockId] = aicon.FirstFrame;
Exemple #6
 public AnimatedIcon(RuntimeAddin addin, string animationSpec, Gtk.IconSize size)
     this.addin         = addin;
     this.size          = size;
     this.animationSpec = animationSpec;
 public IAddinLocalizer CreateLocalizer(RuntimeAddin addin, NodeElement element)
     foreach (NodeElement nloc in element.ChildNodes)
         if (nloc.NodeName != "Locale")
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid element found: '" + nloc.NodeName + "'. Expected: 'Locale'");
         string ln = nloc.GetAttribute("id");
         if (ln.Length == 0)
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Locale id not specified");
         ln = ln.Replace('_', '-');
         Hashtable messages = new Hashtable();
         foreach (NodeElement nmsg in nloc.ChildNodes)
             if (nmsg.NodeName != "Msg")
                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Locale '" + ln + "': Invalid element found: '" + nmsg.NodeName + "'. Expected: 'Msg'");
             string id = nmsg.GetAttribute("id");
             if (id.Length == 0)
                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Locale '" + ln + "': Message id not specified");
             messages [id] = nmsg.GetAttribute("str");
         locales [ln] = messages;
        protected SolutionItemDescriptor(RuntimeAddin addin, XmlElement element)
            this.addin = addin;
            name       = element.GetAttribute("name");
//			relativePath = element.GetAttribute ("directory");
            typeName = element.GetAttribute("type");
            template = element;
        static string PrivGetStockId(RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize size)
            if (addin != null && filename.StartsWith("res:"))
                return(InternalGetStockIdFromResource(addin, filename, size));

Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// The addin may be null if the file template is loaded by a unit test.
        /// </summary>
        static string Localize(RuntimeAddin addin, string s)
            if (addin != null)

 public PropertyRef(RuntimeAddin addin, string targetType, string name, string propertyType, bool isExternal, bool skipEmpty)
     this.Addin        = addin;
     this.TargetType   = targetType;
     this.Name         = name;
     this.PropertyType = propertyType;
     this.IsExternal   = isExternal;
     this.SkipEmpty    = skipEmpty;
Exemple #12
        static Stream GetResource2x(this RuntimeAddin addin, string id)
            var stream = addin.GetResource(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(id) + "@2x" + Path.GetExtension(id));

            if (stream == null)
                stream = addin.GetResource(id + "@2x");
        public static SolutionDescriptor CreateSolutionDescriptor(RuntimeAddin addin, XmlElement xmlElement,
                                                                  FilePath baseDirectory)
            SolutionDescriptor solutionDescriptor = new SolutionDescriptor();

            solutionDescriptor.addin = addin;

            if (xmlElement.Attributes["name"] != null)
       = xmlElement.Attributes["name"].Value;
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Attribute 'name' not found");

            if (xmlElement.Attributes["type"] != null)
                solutionDescriptor.type = xmlElement.Attributes["type"].Value;

            if (xmlElement.Attributes["directory"] != null)
       = xmlElement.Attributes["directory"].Value;

            if (xmlElement["Options"] != null && xmlElement["Options"]["StartupProject"] != null)
                solutionDescriptor.startupProject = xmlElement["Options"]["StartupProject"].InnerText;

            foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlElement.ChildNodes)
                if (xmlNode is XmlElement)
                    XmlElement xmlNodeElement = (XmlElement)xmlNode;
                    switch (xmlNodeElement.Name)
                    case "Project":
                            ProjectDescriptor.CreateProjectDescriptor(xmlNodeElement, baseDirectory));

                    case "CombineEntry":
                    case "SolutionItem":
                            SolutionItemDescriptor.CreateDescriptor(addin, xmlNodeElement));

Exemple #14
        static Xwt.Drawing.Image LoadStockIcon(RuntimeAddin addin, string stockId, string resource, string imageFile, string iconId, Gtk.IconSize iconSize, string animation, bool forceWildcard)
            try {
                AnimatedIcon    animatedIcon = null;
                Func <Stream[]> imageLoader  = null;

                Xwt.Drawing.Image img = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFile))
                    if (resource != null)
                        CustomImageLoader loader;
                        if (!imageLoaders.TryGetValue(addin, out loader))
                            loader = imageLoaders [addin] = new CustomImageLoader(addin);
                        img = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromCustomLoader(loader, resource);
                        img = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromFile(addin.GetFilePath(imageFile));
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconId))
                    var id = GetStockIdForImageSpec(addin, iconId, iconSize);
                    img = GetIcon(id, iconSize);
                    // This may be an animation, get it
                    animationFactory.TryGetValue(id, out animatedIcon);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(animation))
                    string id = GetStockIdForImageSpec(addin, "animation:" + animation, iconSize);
                    img = GetIcon(id, iconSize);
                    // This *should* be an animation
                    animationFactory.TryGetValue(id, out animatedIcon);

                if (animatedIcon != null)
                    AddToAnimatedIconFactory(stockId, animatedIcon);

                if (imageLoader != null)

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LoggingService.LogError(string.Format("Error loading icon '{0}'", stockId), ex);
        static int GetAddinId(RuntimeAddin addin)
            int result = addins.IndexOf(addin);

            if (result == -1)
                result = addins.Count;
                addinIcons.Add(new Dictionary <string, string> ());
Exemple #16
        static string PrivGetStockId(RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize size)
            if (addin != null && filename.StartsWith("res:", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return(InternalGetStockIdFromResource(addin, filename, size));

            if (filename.StartsWith("animation:", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return(InternalGetStockIdFromAnimation(addin, filename, size));

        //static string GetStockIdForImageSpec (string filename, Gtk.IconSize size)
        //		return GetStockIdForImageSpec (null, filename, size);

#if false
        static string GetStockIdForImageSpec(RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize size)
            if (filename.IndexOf('|') == -1)
                return(PrivGetStockId(addin, filename, size));

            string[] parts = filename.Split('|');
            for (int n = 0; n < parts.Length; n++)
                parts[n] = PrivGetStockId(addin, parts[n], size);
            return(GetComposedIcon(parts, size));
        public IAddinLocalizer CreateLocalizer(RuntimeAddin addin, NodeElement element)
            string pkg = element.GetAttribute("catalog");

            if (pkg.Length == 0)
                pkg = addin.Id;
            string dir = element.GetAttribute("location");

            if (dir.Length == 0)
                dir = "locale";
            dir    = addin.GetFilePath(dir);
            domain = new GettextDomain();
            domain.Init(pkg, dir);
Exemple #19
        static string InternalGetStockIdFromResource(RuntimeAddin addin, string id, Gtk.IconSize size)
            if (!id.StartsWith("res:", StringComparison.Ordinal))

            id = id.Substring(4);
            int addinId = GetAddinId(addin);
            Dictionary <string, string> hash = addinIcons[addinId];
            string stockId = "__asm" + addinId + "__" + id + "__" + size;

            if (!hash.ContainsKey(stockId))
                icons[stockId] = LoadStockIcon(addin, stockId, id, null, null, size, null, false);
                hash[stockId]  = stockId;
Exemple #20
 public static Xwt.Drawing.Image GetImageResource(this RuntimeAddin addin, string resource)
     using (var s = addin.GetResource(resource)) {
         var img = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s);
         int i   = resource.LastIndexOf('.');
         if (i != -1)
             var resource2x = resource.Substring(0, i) + "@2x" + resource.Substring(i);
             var s2x        = addin.GetResource(resource2x);
             if (s2x != null)
                 using (s2x) {
                     var img2x = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s2x);
                     return(Xwt.Drawing.Image.CreateMultiSizeIcon(new Xwt.Drawing.Image[] { img, img2x }));
        public void UnregisterProperty(RuntimeAddin addin, string targetType, string name)
            TypeRef tr;

            if (!pendingTypesByTypeName.TryGetValue(targetType, out tr))

            if (tr.DataType != null)
                Type t = addin.GetType(targetType, false);
                if (t != null)
                    UnregisterProperty(t, name);

            PropertyRef prop = tr.Properties;
            PropertyRef prev = null;

            while (prop != null)
                if (prop.Name == name)
                    if (prev != null)
                        prev.Next = prop.Next;
                        tr.Properties = null;
                prev = prop;
                prop = prop.Next;
        static string InternalGetStockIdFromAnimation(RuntimeAddin addin, string id, Gtk.IconSize size)
            if (!id.StartsWith ("animation:"))
                return id;

            id = id.Substring (10);
            Dictionary<string, string> hash;
            int addinId;

            if (addin != null) {
                addinId = GetAddinId (addin);
                hash = addinIcons[addinId];
            } else {
                addinId = -1;
                hash = iconSpecToStockId;

            string stockId = "__asm" + addinId + "__" + id + "__" + size;
            if (!hash.ContainsKey (stockId)) {
                var aicon = new AnimatedIcon (addin, id, size);
                AddToIconFactory (stockId, aicon.FirstFrame, size);
                AddToAnimatedIconFactory (stockId, aicon);
                hash[stockId] = stockId;
            return stockId;
Exemple #23
 public static string GetStockId(RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize iconSize)
     return(GetStockIdForImageSpec(addin, filename, iconSize));
Exemple #24
 public static string GetStockId(RuntimeAddin addin, string filename)
     return(GetStockId(addin, filename, Gtk.IconSize.Invalid));
Exemple #25
        public static Xwt.Drawing.Image GetImageResource(this RuntimeAddin addin, string resource)
            var loader = new CustomImageLoader(addin);

            return(Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromCustomLoader(loader, resource));
Exemple #26
        protected ProjectTemplate(RuntimeAddin addin, string id, ProjectTemplateCodon codon, string overrideLanguage)
            XmlDocument xmlDocument = codon.GetTemplate();

            XmlElement xmlConfiguration = xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["TemplateConfiguration"];

            // Get legacy category.
            if (xmlConfiguration ["_Category"] != null)
                category = xmlConfiguration ["_Category"].InnerText;

            if (xmlConfiguration ["Category"] != null)
                category = xmlConfiguration ["Category"].InnerText;
            else if (category == null)
                LoggingService.LogWarning(string.Format("Category missing in project template {0}", codon.Id));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(overrideLanguage))
                this.languagename = overrideLanguage;
                this.category     = overrideLanguage + "/" + this.category;
            else if (xmlConfiguration ["LanguageName"] != null)
                List <string> listLanguages = new List <string> ();
                foreach (string item in xmlConfiguration["LanguageName"].InnerText.Split(','))


                this.languagename = listLanguages [0];

                if (listLanguages.Count > 1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(languagename) && !category.StartsWith(languagename + "/"))
                    category = languagename + "/" + category;

                for (int i = 1; i < listLanguages.Count; i++)
                    string language = listLanguages[i];
                    try {
                        ProjectTemplates.Add(new ProjectTemplate(addin, id, codon, language));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LoggingService.LogError(GettextCatalog.GetString("Error loading template {0} for language {1}", codon.Id, language), e);

   = id;

            this.originator   = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("originator");
            this.created      = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("created");
            this.lastModified = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("lastModified");

            if (xmlConfiguration ["Wizard"] != null)
                this.wizardPath = xmlConfiguration ["Wizard"].InnerText;

            if (xmlConfiguration ["_Name"] != null)
                this.nonLocalizedName = xmlConfiguration ["_Name"].InnerText;
                   = addin.Localizer.GetString(this.nonLocalizedName);

            if (xmlConfiguration ["_Description"] != null)
                this.description = addin.Localizer.GetString(xmlConfiguration ["_Description"].InnerText);

            if (xmlConfiguration ["Icon"] != null)
                this.icon = ImageService.GetStockId(addin, xmlConfiguration ["Icon"].InnerText, Gtk.IconSize.Dnd);

            if (xmlConfiguration ["GroupId"] != null)
                this.groupId   = xmlConfiguration ["GroupId"].InnerText;
                this.condition = xmlConfiguration ["GroupId"].GetAttribute("condition");

            if (xmlConfiguration ["FileExtension"] != null)
                this.fileExtension = xmlConfiguration ["FileExtension"].InnerText;

            if (xmlConfiguration ["SupportedParameters"] != null)
                this.supportedParameters = xmlConfiguration ["SupportedParameters"].InnerText;

            if (xmlConfiguration ["DefaultParameters"] != null)
                this.defaultParameters = xmlConfiguration ["DefaultParameters"].InnerText;

            if (xmlConfiguration ["Image"] != null)
                XmlElement imageElement = xmlConfiguration ["Image"];
                imageId   = imageElement.GetAttribute("id");
                imageFile = imageElement.GetAttribute("file");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFile))
                    imageFile = Path.Combine(codon.BaseDirectory, imageFile);

            if (xmlConfiguration ["Visibility"] != null)
                visibility = xmlConfiguration ["Visibility"].InnerText;

            if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["Combine"] == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Combine element not found");
                solutionDescriptor = SolutionDescriptor.CreateSolutionDescriptor(addin, xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["Combine"],

            if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["Actions"] != null)
                foreach (XmlNode xmlElement in xmlDocument.DocumentElement["Actions"])
                    if (xmlElement is XmlElement && xmlElement.Attributes ["filename"] != null)
                        actions.Add(xmlElement.Attributes ["filename"].Value);
        //static string GetStockIdForImageSpec (string filename, Gtk.IconSize size)
        //        return GetStockIdForImageSpec (null, filename, size);
        static string GetStockIdForImageSpec(RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize size)
            if (filename.IndexOf ('|') == -1)
                return PrivGetStockId (addin, filename, size);

            string[] parts = filename.Split ('|');
            for (int n = 0; n < parts.Length; n++) {
                parts[n] = PrivGetStockId (addin, parts[n], size);
            return GetComposedIcon (parts, size);
        static string PrivGetStockId(RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize size)
            if (addin != null && filename.StartsWith ("res:"))
                return InternalGetStockIdFromResource (addin, filename, size);

            if (filename.StartsWith ("animation:"))
                return InternalGetStockIdFromAnimation (addin, filename, size);

            return filename;
        internal static FileTemplate LoadFileTemplate(RuntimeAddin addin, XmlDocument xmlDocument, FilePath baseDirectory = new FilePath(), string templateId = "")
            XmlElement xmlNodeConfig = xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["TemplateConfiguration"];

            FileTemplate fileTemplate;

            if (xmlNodeConfig ["Type"] != null)
                Type configType = addin.GetType(xmlNodeConfig ["Type"].InnerText);

                if (typeof(FileTemplate).IsAssignableFrom(configType))
                    fileTemplate = (FileTemplate)Activator.CreateInstance(configType);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The file template class '{0}' must be a subclass of MonoDevelop.Ide.Templates.FileTemplate", xmlNodeConfig ["Type"].InnerText));
                fileTemplate = new FileTemplate();

            fileTemplate.Originator   = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("Originator");
            fileTemplate.Created      = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("Created");
            fileTemplate.LastModified = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("LastModified");

            if (xmlNodeConfig ["_Name"] != null)
                fileTemplate.Name = xmlNodeConfig ["_Name"].InnerText;
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Missing element '_Name' in file template: {0}", templateId));

            if (xmlNodeConfig ["LanguageName"] != null)
                fileTemplate.LanguageName = xmlNodeConfig ["LanguageName"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig ["ProjectType"] != null)
                var projectTypeList = new List <string> ();
                foreach (var item in xmlNodeConfig["ProjectType"].InnerText.Split(','))
                fileTemplate.ProjectTypes = projectTypeList;

            fileTemplate.Categories = new Dictionary <string, string> ();
            if (xmlNodeConfig ["_Category"] != null)
                foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodeConfig.GetElementsByTagName("_Category"))
                    if (xmlNode is XmlElement)
                        string projectType = "";
                        if (xmlNode.Attributes ["projectType"] != null)
                            projectType = xmlNode.Attributes ["projectType"].Value;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectType) && fileTemplate.ProjectTypes.Contains(projectType))
                            fileTemplate.Categories.Add(projectType, xmlNode.InnerText);
                        else if (!fileTemplate.Categories.ContainsKey(DefaultCategoryKey))
                            fileTemplate.Categories.Add(DefaultCategoryKey, xmlNode.InnerText);
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Missing element '_Category' in file template: {0}", templateId));

            if (xmlNodeConfig ["_Description"] != null)
                fileTemplate.Description = xmlNodeConfig ["_Description"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig ["Icon"] != null)
                fileTemplate.Icon = ImageService.GetStockId(addin, xmlNodeConfig ["Icon"].InnerText, IconSize.Dnd);

            if (xmlNodeConfig ["Wizard"] != null)
                fileTemplate.Icon = xmlNodeConfig ["Wizard"].Attributes ["path"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig ["DefaultFilename"] != null)
                fileTemplate.DefaultFilename = xmlNodeConfig ["DefaultFilename"].InnerText;
                string isFixed = xmlNodeConfig ["DefaultFilename"].GetAttribute("IsFixed");
                if (isFixed.Length > 0)
                    bool bFixed;
                    if (bool.TryParse(isFixed, out bFixed))
                        fileTemplate.IsFixedFilename = bFixed;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid value for IsFixed in template.");

            //Template files
            XmlNode xmlNodeTemplates = xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["TemplateFiles"];

            if (xmlNodeTemplates != null)
                foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodeTemplates.ChildNodes)
                    var xmlElement = xmlNode as XmlElement;
                    if (xmlElement != null)
                            FileDescriptionTemplate.CreateTemplate(xmlElement, baseDirectory));

            XmlNode xmlNodeConditions = xmlDocument.DocumentElement ["Conditions"];

            if (xmlNodeConditions != null)
                foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodeConditions.ChildNodes)
                    var xmlElement = xmlNode as XmlElement;
                    if (xmlElement != null)

 static FileTemplate LoadFileTemplate(RuntimeAddin addin, ProjectTemplateCodon codon)
     return(LoadFileTemplate(addin, codon.GetTemplate(), codon.BaseDirectory, codon.Id));
Exemple #31
        private static FileTemplate LoadFileTemplate(RuntimeAddin addin, ProjectTemplateCodon codon)
            XmlDocument xmlDocument   = codon.GetTemplate();
            FilePath    baseDirectory = codon.BaseDirectory;

            XmlElement xmlNodeConfig = xmlDocument.DocumentElement["TemplateConfiguration"];

            FileTemplate fileTemplate = null;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["Type"] != null)
                Type configType = addin.GetType(xmlNodeConfig["Type"].InnerText);

                if (typeof(FileTemplate).IsAssignableFrom(configType))
                    fileTemplate = (FileTemplate)Activator.CreateInstance(configType);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The file template class '{0}' must be a subclass of MonoDevelop.Ide.Templates.FileTemplate", xmlNodeConfig["Type"].InnerText));
                fileTemplate = new FileTemplate();

            fileTemplate.originator   = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("Originator");
            fileTemplate.created      = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("Created");
            fileTemplate.lastModified = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("LastModified");

            if (xmlNodeConfig["_Name"] != null)
       = xmlNodeConfig["_Name"].InnerText;
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Missing element '_Name' in file template: {0}", codon.Id));

            if (xmlNodeConfig["_Category"] != null)
                fileTemplate.category = xmlNodeConfig["_Category"].InnerText;
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Missing element '_Category' in file template: {0}", codon.Id));

            if (xmlNodeConfig["LanguageName"] != null)
                fileTemplate.languageName = xmlNodeConfig["LanguageName"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["ProjectType"] != null)
                fileTemplate.projecttype = xmlNodeConfig["ProjectType"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["_Description"] != null)
                fileTemplate.description = xmlNodeConfig["_Description"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["Icon"] != null)
                fileTemplate.icon = ImageService.GetStockId(addin, xmlNodeConfig["Icon"].InnerText, IconSize.Dnd);  //xmlNodeConfig["_Description"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["Wizard"] != null)
                fileTemplate.icon = xmlNodeConfig["Wizard"].Attributes["path"].InnerText;

            if (xmlNodeConfig["DefaultFilename"] != null)
                fileTemplate.defaultFilename = xmlNodeConfig["DefaultFilename"].InnerText;
                string isFixed = xmlNodeConfig["DefaultFilename"].GetAttribute("IsFixed");
                if (isFixed.Length > 0)
                    bool bFixed;
                    if (bool.TryParse(isFixed, out bFixed))
                        fileTemplate.isFixedFilename = bFixed;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid value for IsFixed in template.");

            //Template files
            XmlNode xmlNodeTemplates = xmlDocument.DocumentElement["TemplateFiles"];

            if (xmlNodeTemplates != null)
                foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodeTemplates.ChildNodes)
                    if (xmlNode is XmlElement)
                            FileDescriptionTemplate.CreateTemplate((XmlElement)xmlNode, baseDirectory));

            XmlNode xmlNodeConditions = xmlDocument.DocumentElement["Conditions"];

            if (xmlNodeConditions != null)
                foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodeConditions.ChildNodes)
                    if (xmlNode is XmlElement)

 static int GetAddinId(RuntimeAddin addin)
     int result = addins.IndexOf (addin);
     if (result == -1) {
         result = addins.Count;
         addinIcons.Add (new Dictionary<string, string> ());
     return result;
Exemple #33
 public CustomImageLoader(RuntimeAddin addin)
     this.addin = addin;
 public static string GetStockId(RuntimeAddin addin, string filename, Gtk.IconSize iconSize)
     return GetStockIdForImageSpec (addin, filename, iconSize);
        //static void AddToAnimatedIconFactory (string stockId, AnimatedIcon aicon)
        //    animationFactory [stockId] = aicon;
        static string InternalGetStockIdFromResource(RuntimeAddin addin, string id, Gtk.IconSize size)
            if (!id.StartsWith ("res:"))
                return id;

            id = id.Substring (4);
            int addinId = GetAddinId (addin);
            Dictionary<string, string> hash = addinIcons[addinId];
            string stockId = "__asm" + addinId + "__" + id + "__" + size;
            if (!hash.ContainsKey (stockId)) {
                System.IO.Stream stream = addin.GetResource (id);
                if (stream != null) {
                    using (stream) {
                        AddToIconFactory (stockId, new Gdk.Pixbuf (stream), size);
                hash[stockId] = stockId;
            return stockId;
Exemple #36
 protected ProjectTemplate(RuntimeAddin addin, string id, ProjectTemplateCodon codon)
     : this(addin, id, codon, null)
 //public static string GetStockId (string filename)
 //    return GetStockId (filename, Gtk.IconSize.Invalid);
 //public static string GetStockId (string filename, Gtk.IconSize iconSize)
 //return GetStockIdForImageSpec (filename, iconSize);
 public static string GetStockId(RuntimeAddin addin, string filename)
     return GetStockId (addin, filename, Gtk.IconSize.Invalid);