Exemple #1
        public void RunWorkflow()
            WorkflowResult finalResult     = new WorkflowResult();
            String         LastItemRun     = "";
            int            LastRunResultID = 0;

                RunWorkflow run = db.RunWorkflows.Where(r => r.RunID == RunID).FirstOrDefault();

                run.StartTime = DateTime.Now;

                List <vwRunItem> items = db.vwRunItems.Where(i => i.RunID == RunID).OrderBy(i => i.RunOrder).ToList();
                RunPayload       pl    = run.RunPayloads.FirstOrDefault();

                foreach (vwRunItem item in items)
                    DateTime    StartTime = DateTime.Now;
                    LibraryItem li        = db.LibraryItems.Where(l => l.ItemID == item.ItemID).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.HtmlAnswers))
                        pl = util.SetPayload(RunID, li.ItemID, item.HtmlAnswers);

                    LastItemRun = li.ItemName;

                    WorkflowItem wfi = db.WorkflowItems.Where(w => w.ItemID == item.ItemID).FirstOrDefault();

                    RunResult rr = new RunResult
                        ResultString = "",
                        RunID        = RunID,
                        ResultID     = 1,
                        TimeStarted  = DateTime.Now,
                        WFItemID     = wfi.WFItemID


                    LastRunResultID = rr.RunResultID;

                    Assembly assembly         = Assembly.LoadFrom(li.LibraryPath);
                    Type     type             = assembly.GetType("ItemToRun.RunWorkflowItem");
                    object   instanceOfMyType = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

                    var result = type.InvokeMember("RunItem",
                                                   BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
                                                   new Object[] { run.EmpID, pl == null ? new RunPayload() : pl });

                    IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> props = result.GetType().GetRuntimeProperties();

                    int      ResultID   = Convert.ToInt32(props.ElementAt(0).GetValue(result, null));
                    String   ResultText = props.ElementAt(1).GetValue(result, null).ToString();
                    DateTime TimeDone   = Convert.ToDateTime(props.ElementAt(2).GetValue(result, null));

                    RunResult rrDone = db.RunResults.Where(r => r.RunResultID == rr.RunResultID).FirstOrDefault();

                    rrDone.TimeCompleted = DateTime.Now;
                    rrDone.ResultID      = ResultID;
                    rrDone.ResultString  = ResultText;

                    finalResult = new WorkflowResult {
                        Success = true, ResultString = ""
            catch (Exception ex)
                finalResult = new WorkflowResult {
                    Success = false, ResultString = String.Format("There was an error during the run in the {0} item.", LastItemRun), FullError = ex

                RunResult rrError = db.RunResults.Where(r => r.RunResultID == LastRunResultID).FirstOrDefault();
                rrError.ResultID      = 4;
                rrError.ResultString  = String.Format("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
                rrError.TimeCompleted = DateTime.Now;
Exemple #2
        public Utilities.ItemRunResult RunItem(int EmpID, RunPayload RunPayload)
            DataLayer.EPSEntities db   = new DataLayer.EPSEntities();
            Utilities             util = new Utilities();

                Employee emp       = db.Employees.Where(e => e.EmpID == EmpID).FirstOrDefault();
                String   domain    = util.GetParam("ADDomain", "Active Directory domain");
                String   adminName = util.GetParam("ADUsername", "Active Directory admin user");
                String   password  = util.GetParam("ADPassword", "Active Directory admin user password");
                String   ou        = util.GetParam("DisabledUsersOU", "Active Directory Disabled Users OU path");
                String   defCN     = "";

                RunWorkflow wf = db.RunWorkflows.Where(r => r.EmpID == EmpID && r.RunPayloads.Count() > 0).OrderByDescending(r => r.StartTime).FirstOrDefault();
                if (wf != null)
                    RunPayloadItem i = (from rpl in wf.RunPayloads select rpl.RunPayloadItems.Where(pli => pli.ElementID == "UserOUPath").FirstOrDefault()).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (i != null)
                        defCN = i.ElementValue;

                if (defCN == "")
                    return(new Utilities.ItemRunResult {
                        ResultID = 4, ResultText = String.Format("Error: {0}", "The user's original OU could not be found. Please move them manually from the disabled OU."), TimeDone = DateTime.Now

                PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain, adminName, password);
                UserPrincipal    user    = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, emp.Username);

                if (user == null)
                    return(new Utilities.ItemRunResult {
                        ResultID = 4, ResultText = String.Format("{0} could not be found in Active Directory.", emp.Username), TimeDone = DateTime.Now

                Boolean isInOUAlready = false;

                DirectoryEntry userOU    = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + user.DistinguishedName, adminName, password);
                DirectoryEntry defaultCN = new DirectoryEntry(defCN, adminName, password);

                String OUCheckUser = userOU.Path.ToString();

                if (OUCheckUser.EndsWith(defCN.Replace("LDAP://", "")))
                    isInOUAlready = true;

                if (isInOUAlready == true)
                    return(new Utilities.ItemRunResult {
                        ResultID = 5, ResultText = String.Format("{0} is already in the default Users container.", emp.Username), TimeDone = DateTime.Now


                return(new Utilities.ItemRunResult {
                    ResultID = 2, ResultText = String.Format("{0} {1} was moved to the default Users container in Active Directory.", emp.FirstName, emp.LastName), TimeDone = DateTime.Now
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new Utilities.ItemRunResult {
                    ResultID = 4, ResultText = String.Format("Error: {0}", ex.Message), TimeDone = DateTime.Now
Exemple #3
        public Utilities.ItemRunResult RunItem(int EmpID, RunPayload RunPayload)
            DataLayer.EPSEntities db   = new DataLayer.EPSEntities();
            Utilities             util = new Utilities();

                Employee    emp       = db.Employees.Where(e => e.EmpID == EmpID).FirstOrDefault();
                String      domain    = util.GetParam("ADDomain", "Active Directory domain");
                String      adminName = util.GetParam("ADUsername", "Active Directory admin user");
                String      password  = util.GetParam("ADPassword", "Active Directory admin user password");
                String      ou        = util.GetParam("DisabledUsersOU", "Active Directory Disabled Users OU path");
                String      myName    = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;
                LibraryItem li        = db.LibraryItems.Where(l => l.LibraryPath.EndsWith(myName + ".dll")).FirstOrDefault();

                PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain, adminName, password);
                UserPrincipal    user    = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, emp.Username);

                if (user == null)
                    return(new Utilities.ItemRunResult {
                        ResultID = 4, ResultText = String.Format("{0} could not be found in Active Directory.", emp.Username), TimeDone = DateTime.Now

                Boolean isInOUAlready = false;

                DirectoryEntry userOU     = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + user.DistinguishedName, adminName, password);
                DirectoryEntry disabledOU = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + ou, adminName, password);

                String OUCheckUser = userOU.Path.ToString();

                if (OUCheckUser.EndsWith(disabledOU.Path.Replace("LDAP://", "")))
                    isInOUAlready = true;

                if (isInOUAlready == true)
                    return(new Utilities.ItemRunResult {
                        ResultID = 5, ResultText = String.Format("{0} is already in the Disabled Users OU.", emp.Username), TimeDone = DateTime.Now

                String plPath = userOU.Path.Replace(String.Format("CN={0} {1},", emp.FirstName, emp.LastName), "");


                String htmlAnswers = String.Format("{1}:UserOUPath={0}", plPath, li.ItemID);

                RunWorkflow run = db.RunWorkflows.Where(r => r.EmpID == EmpID).OrderByDescending(r => r.StartTime).FirstOrDefault();
                util.SetPayload(run.RunID, li.ItemID, htmlAnswers);

                return(new Utilities.ItemRunResult {
                    ResultID = 2, ResultText = String.Format("{0} {1} was moved to the Disabled Users OU in Active Directory.", emp.FirstName, emp.LastName), TimeDone = DateTime.Now
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new Utilities.ItemRunResult {
                    ResultID = 4, ResultText = String.Format("Error: {0}", ex.Message), TimeDone = DateTime.Now