public void Can_deploy_to_directory()
            // setup
            var deployDirectory = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "DeploymentDirectory");
            if (Directory.Exists(deployDirectory))
                Directory.Delete(deployDirectory, true);
            var writer = new ConsoleWriter();
            var runContext = new RunContext();
            var runner = new CommandLineRunner(writer,
                new PackageProcessor(new ActionExecutor(writer, runContext), writer, new NuGetProcess(writer), runContext),
                new NullActionExecutor(),
            SetDefinitions(new Packages
                Items = new object[]
                    new Package
                        BasePath = _baseDirectory,
                        name = "package 1",
                        NuSpecPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "TestData/TestNuSpec.nuspec"),
                        OutputDirectory = _outputDirectory,
                        Version = "",
                        Deployments = new PackageDeployments
                            Deployment = new[]
                                new Deployment
                                    name = "test deployment",
                                    path = deployDirectory

            // act
            runner.Run(_rootDirectory, _nugetLocation, _defintionsFileLocation, "", new Dictionary<string, string>());

            // assert
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Path.Combine(deployDirectory, "package1.1.2.3.nupkg")));
Exemple #2
        public CustomConvention(RunContext runContext)
                .Where(type => type.IsInNamespace(GetType().Namespace))

                .Where(method => method.IsVoid())
                .Where(method =>
                    var isMarkedExplicit = method.Has<ExplicitAttribute>();

                    return !isMarkedExplicit || runContext.TargetMember == method;

Exemple #3
        public CustomConvention(RunContext runContext)
            var customSeed = runContext.Options["seed"].LastOrDefault();
            int seed = Environment.TickCount;
            if (customSeed != null)
                seed = Int32.Parse(customSeed);
            Console.WriteLine("Running shuffled tests using seed: {0}", seed);

                .Where(type => type.IsInNamespace(GetType().Namespace))

                .Where(method => method.IsVoid());

            ClassExecution.ShuffleCases(new Random(seed));
Exemple #4
        public CustomConvention(RunContext runContext)
            var desiredCategories = runContext.Options["include"].ToArray();
            var shouldRunAll = !desiredCategories.Any();

                .Where(type => type.IsInNamespace(GetType().Namespace))

                .Where(method => method.IsVoid())
                .Where(method => shouldRunAll || MethodHasAnyDesiredCategory(method, desiredCategories));

            if (!shouldRunAll)
                Console.WriteLine("Categories: " + string.Join(", ", desiredCategories));
 public ScopeRunner(RunContext ctx)
     this.context = ctx;
 public ListedTests(RunContext context) : base(context) { }
 public RangeQueryTests(RunContext context) : base(context) { }
 public StoredFieldsListTests(RunContext context) : base(context) { }
        public void Error_when_proccessing_nuspec_without_global_or_package_version()
            // setup
            var writer = new Mock<IConsoleWriter>();
            writer.Setup(x => x.WriteMessage(It.IsAny<string>()));
            writer.Setup(x => x.WriteError(It.IsAny<string>()));
            var runContext = new RunContext();
            var runner = new CommandLineRunner(writer.Object,
                new PackageProcessor(new ActionExecutor(writer.Object, runContext), writer.Object, new NuGetProcess(writer.Object), runContext),
                new NullActionExecutor(),
            SetDefinitions(new Packages
                Items = new object[]
                    new Package
                        BasePath = _baseDirectory,
                        name = "package 1",
                        NuSpecPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "TestData/TestNuSpecWithoutVersion.nuspec"),
                        OutputDirectory = _outputDirectory,
                        Version = ""

            // act
            runner.Run(_rootDirectory, _nugetLocation, _defintionsFileLocation, "", new Dictionary<string, string>());

            // assert
                x =>
                x.WriteError("The nuspec for package \"package 1\" expects a version to be supplied but the package didn't define one and also there wasn't a version inputed via the parameter -v."));
 protected override Task <T> ExecuteInner(RunContext runContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
 => runContext.Scheduler.PollForCondition(
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the predictor with given args and check if it adds up
        /// </summary>
        protected void Run(RunContext ctx, int digitsOfPrecision = DigitsOfPrecision)
            List <string> args = new List <string>();

            if (ctx.Command != Cmd.Test)
                AddIfNotEmpty(args, ctx.Predictor.Trainer, "tr");
            string dataName = ctx.Command == Cmd.Test ? ctx.Dataset.testFilename : ctx.Dataset.trainFilename;

            AddIfNotEmpty(args, GetDataPath(dataName), "data");
            AddIfNotEmpty(args, 1, "seed");
            //AddIfNotEmpty(args, false, "threads");

            Log("Running '{0}' on '{1}'", ctx.Predictor.Trainer.Kind,;

            string dir = ctx.BaselineDir;

            if (ctx.Command == Cmd.TrainTest)
                AddIfNotEmpty(args, GetDataPath(ctx.Dataset.testFilename), "test");
            if (ctx.Command == Cmd.TrainTest || ctx.Command == Cmd.Train)
                AddIfNotEmpty(args, GetDataPath(ctx.Dataset.validFilename), "valid");

            // Add in the loader args, and keep a location so we can backtrack and remove it later.
            int    loaderArgIndex = -1;
            string loaderArgs     = GetLoaderTransformSettings(ctx.Dataset);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loaderArgs))
                loaderArgIndex = args.Count;
            // Add in the dataset transforms. These need to come before the predictor imposed transforms.
            if (ctx.Dataset.mamlExtraSettings != null)

            // Model file output, used only for train/traintest.
            var modelPath = ctx.Command == Cmd.Train || ctx.Command == Cmd.TrainTest ? ctx.ModelPath() : null;

            AddIfNotEmpty(args, modelPath, "out");

            string basePrefix = ctx.BaselineNamePrefix;

            // Predictions output, for all types of commands except train.
            OutputPath predOutPath = ctx.Command == Cmd.Train ? null : ctx.InitPath(".txt");

            AddIfNotEmpty(args, predOutPath, "dout");

            if (ctx.Predictor.MamlArgs != null)

            // If CV, do not run the CV in multiple threads.
            if (ctx.Command == Cmd.CV)

            if (ctx.ExtraArgs != null)
                foreach (string arg in ctx.ExtraArgs)

            AddIfNotEmpty(args, ctx.Predictor.Scorer, "scorer");
            if (ctx.Command != Cmd.Test)
                AddIfNotEmpty(args, ctx.Predictor.Tester, "eval");
                AddIfNotEmpty(args, ctx.ModelOverride.Path, "in");

            string runcmd = string.Join(" ", args.Where(a => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(a)));

            Log("  Running as: {0} {1}", ctx.Command, runcmd);

            int res;

            if (basePrefix == null)
                // Not capturing into a specific log.
                Log("*** Start raw predictor output");
                res = MainForTest(_env, LogWriter, string.Join(" ", ctx.Command, runcmd), ctx.BaselineProgress);
                Log("*** End raw predictor output, return={0}", res);
            var consOutPath = ctx.StdoutPath();

            TestCore(ctx, ctx.Command.ToString(), runcmd, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision);
            bool matched = consOutPath.CheckEqualityNormalized(digitsOfPrecision);

            if (modelPath != null && (ctx.Summary || ctx.SaveAsIni))
                // Save the predictor summary and compare it to baseline.
                string        str   = string.Format("SavePredictorAs in={{{0}}}", modelPath.Path);
                List <string> files = new List <string>();
                if (ctx.Summary)
                    var summaryName = basePrefix + "-summary.txt";
                    var summaryPath = DeleteOutputPath(dir, summaryName);
                    str += string.Format(" sum={{{0}}}", summaryPath);
                    Log("  Saving summary with: {0}", str);

                if (ctx.SaveAsIni)
                    var iniName = basePrefix + ".ini";
                    var iniPath = DeleteOutputPath(dir, iniName);
                    str += string.Format(" ini={{{0}}}", iniPath);
                    Log("  Saving ini file: {0}", str);

                MainForTest(_env, LogWriter, str);
                files.ForEach(file => CheckEqualityNormalized(dir, file, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision));

            if (ctx.Command == Cmd.Train || ctx.Command == Cmd.Test || ctx.ExpectedToFail)

            // ResultProcessor output
            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) // -rp.txt files are not getting generated for Non-Windows Os
                string rpName    = basePrefix + "-rp.txt";
                string rpOutPath = DeleteOutputPath(dir, rpName);

                string[] rpArgs = null;
                if (ctx.Command == Cmd.CV && ctx.ExtraArgs != null && ctx.ExtraArgs.Any(arg => arg.Contains("opf+")))
                    rpArgs = new string[] { "opf+" }

                // Run result processor on the console output.
                RunResultProcessorTest(new string[] { consOutPath.Path }, rpOutPath, rpArgs);
                CheckEqualityNormalized(dir, rpName, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision);

            // Check the prediction output against its baseline.
            Contracts.Assert(predOutPath != null);
            predOutPath.CheckEquality(digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision);

            if (ctx.Command == Cmd.TrainTest)
                // Adjust the args so that we no longer have the loader and transform
                // arguments in there.
                if (loaderArgIndex >= 0)
                bool             foundOut   = false;
                List <int>       toRemove   = new List <int>();
                HashSet <string> removeArgs = new HashSet <string>();

                for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; ++i)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[i]))
                    if (removeArgs.Any(x => args[i].StartsWith(x)))
                    if (args[i].StartsWith("out="))
                        args[i] = string.Format("in={0}", args[i].Substring(4));
                    if (args[i].StartsWith("test="))
                        args[i] = string.Format("data={0}", args[i].Substring(5));
                    foundOut = true;
                foreach (int i in toRemove)
                runcmd = string.Join(" ", args.Where(a => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(a)));

                // Redirect output to the individual log and run the test.
                var        ctx2         = ctx.TestCtx();
                OutputPath consOutPath2 = ctx2.StdoutPath();
                TestCore(ctx2, "Test", runcmd, digitsOfPrecision: digitsOfPrecision);

                if (CheckTestOutputMatchesTrainTest(consOutPath.Path, consOutPath2.Path, 1))
                else if (matched)
                    // The TrainTest output matched the baseline, but the SaveLoadTest output did not, so
                    // append some stuff to the .txt output so comparing output to baselines in BeyondCompare
                    // will show the issue.
                    using (var writer = OpenWriter(consOutPath.Path, true))
                        writer.WriteLine("*** Unit Test Failure! ***");
                        writer.WriteLine("Loaded predictor test results differ! Compare baseline with {0}", consOutPath2.Path);
                        writer.WriteLine("*** Unit Test Failure! ***");
                // REVIEW: There is nothing analogous to the old predictor output comparison here.
                // The MAML command does not "export" the result of its training programmatically, that would
                // allow us to compare it to the loaded model. To verify that the result of the trained model
                // is the same as its programmatic
 public SegmentsTests(RunContext context) : base(context)
 protected override void InvokeExecutor(LazyExtension <ITestExecutor, ITestExecutorCapabilities> executor, Tuple <Uri, string> executorUriExtensionTuple, RunContext runContext, IFrameworkHandle frameworkHandle)
     this.InvokeExecutorCallback?.Invoke(executor, executorUriExtensionTuple, runContext, frameworkHandle);
 protected override IEnumerable <Tuple <Uri, string> > GetExecutorUriExtensionMap(IFrameworkHandle testExecutorFrameworkHandle, RunContext runContext)
     return(this.GetExecutorUriExtensionMapCallback?.Invoke(testExecutorFrameworkHandle, runContext));
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Asks the adapter about attaching the debugger to the default test host.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="executor">The executor used to run the tests.</param>
 /// <param name="executorUriExtensionTuple">The executor URI.</param>
 /// <param name="runContext">The run context.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// <see cref="true"/> if must attach the debugger to the default test host,
 /// <see cref="false"/> otherwise.
 /// </returns>
 protected abstract bool ShouldAttachDebuggerToTestHost(
     LazyExtension <ITestExecutor, ITestExecutorCapabilities> executor,
     Tuple <Uri, string> executorUriExtensionTuple,
     RunContext runContext);
Exemple #16
        private static Var <PredictorModel> ProcessClass(IHostEnvironment env, List <EntryPointNode> macroNodes, int k, string label, Arguments input, EntryPointNode node)

            // Convert label into T,F based on k.
            var labelIndicatorArgs = new LabelIndicatorTransform.Arguments();

            labelIndicatorArgs.ClassIndex = k;
            labelIndicatorArgs.Column     = new[] { new LabelIndicatorTransform.Column()
                                                        Name = label, Source = label
                                                    } };

            var inputBindingMap = new Dictionary <string, List <ParameterBinding> >();
            var inputMap        = new Dictionary <ParameterBinding, VariableBinding>();
            var paramBinding    = new SimpleParameterBinding(nameof(labelIndicatorArgs.Data));

            inputBindingMap.Add(nameof(labelIndicatorArgs.Data), new List <ParameterBinding>()
            inputMap.Add(paramBinding, node.GetInputVariable(nameof(input.TrainingData)));

            var outputMap        = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var remappedLabelVar = new Var <IDataView>();

            outputMap.Add(nameof(CommonOutputs.TransformOutput.OutputData), remappedLabelVar.VarName);
            var labelIndicatorNode = EntryPointNode.Create(env, "Transforms.LabelIndicator", labelIndicatorArgs, node.Context,
                                                           inputBindingMap, inputMap, outputMap);


            // Parse the nodes in input.Nodes into a temporary run context.
            var subGraphRunContext = new RunContext(env);
            var subGraphNodes      = EntryPointNode.ValidateNodes(env, subGraphRunContext, input.Nodes);

            // Rename all the variables such that they don't conflict with the ones in the outer run context.
            var  mapping     = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            bool foundOutput = false;
            Var <PredictorModel> predModelVar = null;

            foreach (var entryPointNode in subGraphNodes)
                // Rename variables in input/output maps, and in subgraph context.
                foreach (var kvp in mapping)
                    subGraphRunContext.RenameContextVariable(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                // Grab a hold of output model from this subgraph.
                if (entryPointNode.GetOutputVariableName("PredictorModel") is string mvn)
                    predModelVar = new Var <PredictorModel> {
                        VarName = mvn
                    foundOutput = true;

                // Connect label remapper output to wherever training data was expected within the input graph.
                if (entryPointNode.GetInputVariable(nameof(input.TrainingData)) is VariableBinding vb)

                // Change node to use the main context.

            // Move the variables from the subcontext to the main context.

            // Make sure we found the output variable for this model.
            if (!foundOutput)
                throw new Exception("Invalid input graph. Does not output predictor model.");

            // Add training subgraph to our context.
        protected override void Prepare_Impl(RunContext ctx)
            var actions = ctx.Event.Actions.Where(c => c.Kind == Constants.PushActionName).ToList();

Exemple #18
 protected abstract IEnumerable <Tuple <Uri, string> > GetExecutorUriExtensionMap(IFrameworkHandle testExecutorFrameworkHandle, RunContext runContext);
        public void Nuspec_overrides_package_and_global_level_versions()
            // setup
            var writer = new ConsoleWriter();
            var runContext = new RunContext();
            var runner = new CommandLineRunner(writer,
                new PackageProcessor(new ActionExecutor(writer, runContext), writer, new NuGetProcess(writer), runContext),
                new NullActionExecutor(),
            SetDefinitions(new Packages
                Items = new object[]
                    new Package
                        BasePath = _baseDirectory,
                        name = "package 1",
                        NuSpecPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "TestData/TestNuSpec.nuspec"),
                        OutputDirectory = _outputDirectory,
                        Version = "4.0.1"

            // act
            runner.Run(_rootDirectory, _nugetLocation, _defintionsFileLocation, "5.0.1", new Dictionary<string, string>());

            // assert
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Path.Combine(_outputDirectory, "package1.1.2.3.nupkg")));
Exemple #20
 protected abstract void InvokeExecutor(LazyExtension <ITestExecutor, ITestExecutorCapabilities> executor, Tuple <Uri, string> executorUriExtensionTuple, RunContext runContext, IFrameworkHandle frameworkHandle);
Exemple #21
 static int RunStressTestAndGetLostMessageCount( RunContextParam p )
     TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor.Info().Send( "Prob to sleep: {0}", p.SendingThreadProbToSleep );
     int nbThreads = p.PoolThreadCount + p.NewThreadCount;
     int criticalErrorCount = 0;
     EventHandler<SystemActivityMonitor.LowLevelErrorEventArgs> h = ( sender, e ) => ++criticalErrorCount;
     SystemActivityMonitor.OnError += h;
     int nbLost = 0;
     int maxQueuedCount = 0;
         int nbCalls = 0;
         using( RunContext c = new RunContext( p ) )
             c.RunAndGetPerfTraceCount( ( context, monitor, random ) =>
                 Interlocked.Increment( ref nbCalls );
                 using( monitor.OpenTrace().Send( "A group..." ) )
                     monitor.Trace().Send( "PerfTrace: {0}", context.IncrementPerfTrace() );
                     if( p.SendingThreadProbToSleep > random.NextDouble() )
                         int ms = random.Next( 10 );
                         Thread.Sleep( ms );
             } );
             Assert.That( nbCalls, Is.EqualTo( nbThreads * p.LoopCount ) );
             nbLost = c.GrandOutput.LostEventCount;
             maxQueuedCount = c.GrandOutput.MaxQueuedCount;
         SystemActivityMonitor.OnError -= h;
     int theoricalTotal = nbThreads * p.LoopCount * 3;
     int receivedTotal = CK.Monitoring.GrandOutputHandlers.FakeHandler.TotalHandleCount;
     TestHelper.ConsoleMonitor.Info().Send( "Local Test Strategy:{6} - Total should be {0}, Total received = {1}, Binary size = {2},  MaxQueuedCount={3}, Number of lost messages={4}, Number of Critical Errors={5}.",
         p.UseLocalTestStrategy );
     if( receivedTotal == theoricalTotal )
         Assert.That( CK.Monitoring.GrandOutputHandlers.FakeHandler.HandlePerfTraceCount, Is.EqualTo( nbThreads * p.LoopCount ) );
         Assert.That( criticalErrorCount > 0 );
         Assert.That( receivedTotal, Is.EqualTo( theoricalTotal - nbLost ) );
     return nbLost;
 public IEnumerable <Tuple <Uri, string> > CallGetExecutorUriExtensionMap(
     IFrameworkHandle testExecutorFrameworkHandle, RunContext runContext)
     return(this.GetExecutorUriExtensionMap(testExecutorFrameworkHandle, runContext));
 public SanityTests(RunContext context) : base(context) { }
 public void CallInvokeExecutor(LazyExtension <ITestExecutor, ITestExecutorCapabilities> executor,
                                Tuple <Uri, string> executorUriExtensionTuple, RunContext runContext, IFrameworkHandle frameworkHandle)
     this.InvokeExecutor(executor, executorUriExtensionTuple, runContext, frameworkHandle);
 public QuerySyntaxTests(RunContext context) : base(context) { }
        public static CommonOutputs.MacroOutput <Output> CrossValidate(
            IHostEnvironment env,
            Arguments input,
            EntryPointNode node)
            env.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));

            // This will be the final resulting list of nodes that is returned from the macro.
            var subGraphNodes = new List <EntryPointNode>();

            //the input transform model
            VariableBinding transformModelVarName = null;

            if (input.TransformModel != null)
                transformModelVarName = node.GetInputVariable(nameof(input.TransformModel));

            // Split the input data into folds.
            var splitArgs = new CVSplit.Input();

            splitArgs.NumFolds             = input.NumFolds;
            splitArgs.StratificationColumn = input.StratificationColumn;
            var inputBindingMap           = new Dictionary <string, List <ParameterBinding> >();
            var inputMap                  = new Dictionary <ParameterBinding, VariableBinding>();
            var inputData                 = node.GetInputVariable(nameof(splitArgs.Data));
            ParameterBinding paramBinding = new SimpleParameterBinding(nameof(splitArgs.Data));

            inputBindingMap.Add(nameof(splitArgs.Data), new List <ParameterBinding>()
            inputMap.Add(paramBinding, inputData);
            var outputMap            = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var splitOutputTrainData = new ArrayVar <IDataView>();
            var splitOutputTestData  = new ArrayVar <IDataView>();

            outputMap.Add(nameof(CVSplit.Output.TrainData), splitOutputTrainData.VarName);
            outputMap.Add(nameof(CVSplit.Output.TestData), splitOutputTestData.VarName);
            var splitNode = EntryPointNode.Create(env, "Models.CrossValidatorDatasetSplitter", splitArgs,
                                                  node.Context, inputBindingMap, inputMap, outputMap);


            var predModelVars           = new Var <PredictorModel> [input.NumFolds];
            var inputTransformModelVars = new Var <PredictorModel> [input.NumFolds];
            var warningsVars            = new Var <IDataView> [input.NumFolds];
            var overallMetricsVars      = new Var <IDataView> [input.NumFolds];
            var instanceMetricsVars     = new Var <IDataView> [input.NumFolds];
            var confusionMatrixVars     = new Var <IDataView> [input.NumFolds];

            // Instantiate the subgraph for each fold.
            for (int k = 0; k < input.NumFolds; k++)
                // Parse the nodes in input.Nodes into a temporary run context.
                var context = new RunContext(env);
                var graph   = EntryPointNode.ValidateNodes(env, context, input.Nodes);

                // Rename all the variables such that they don't conflict with the ones in the outer run context.
                var mapping = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (var entryPointNode in graph)

                // Instantiate a TrainTest entry point for this fold.
                var args = new TrainTestMacro.Arguments
                    Nodes          = new JArray(graph.Select(n => n.ToJson()).ToArray()),
                    TransformModel = null,
                    LabelColumn    = input.LabelColumn,
                    GroupColumn    = input.GroupColumn,
                    WeightColumn   = input.WeightColumn,
                    NameColumn     = input.NameColumn

                if (transformModelVarName != null)
                    args.TransformModel = new Var <TransformModel> {
                        VarName = transformModelVarName.VariableName

                args.Inputs.Data = new Var <IDataView>
                    VarName = mapping[input.Inputs.Data.VarName]
                args.Outputs.PredictorModel = new Var <PredictorModel>
                    VarName = mapping[input.Outputs.PredictorModel.VarName]

                // Set train/test trainer kind to match.
                args.Kind = input.Kind;

                // Set the input bindings for the TrainTest entry point.
                inputBindingMap = new Dictionary <string, List <ParameterBinding> >();
                inputMap        = new Dictionary <ParameterBinding, VariableBinding>();
                var trainingData = new SimpleParameterBinding(nameof(args.TrainingData));
                inputBindingMap.Add(nameof(args.TrainingData), new List <ParameterBinding> {
                inputMap.Add(trainingData, new ArrayIndexVariableBinding(splitOutputTrainData.VarName, k));
                var testingData = new SimpleParameterBinding(nameof(args.TestingData));
                inputBindingMap.Add(nameof(args.TestingData), new List <ParameterBinding> {
                inputMap.Add(testingData, new ArrayIndexVariableBinding(splitOutputTestData.VarName, k));
                outputMap = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                var transformModelVar = new Var <TransformModel>();
                var predModelVar      = new Var <PredictorModel>();
                outputMap.Add(nameof(TrainTestMacro.Output.PredictorModel), predModelVar.VarName);
                predModelVars[k] = predModelVar;
                if (transformModelVarName != null && transformModelVarName.VariableName != null)
                    var combineModelsArgs = new ModelOperations.SimplePredictorModelInput();
                    inputBindingMap = new Dictionary <string, List <ParameterBinding> >();
                    inputMap        = new Dictionary <ParameterBinding, VariableBinding>();

                    var inputTransformModel = new SimpleVariableBinding(transformModelVarName.VariableName);
                    var inputPredictorModel = new SimpleVariableBinding(predModelVar.VarName);
                    paramBinding = new SimpleParameterBinding(nameof(combineModelsArgs.TransformModel));
                    inputBindingMap.Add(nameof(combineModelsArgs.TransformModel), new List <ParameterBinding>()
                    inputMap.Add(paramBinding, inputTransformModel);
                    paramBinding = new SimpleParameterBinding(nameof(combineModelsArgs.PredictorModel));
                    inputBindingMap.Add(nameof(combineModelsArgs.PredictorModel), new List <ParameterBinding>()
                    inputMap.Add(paramBinding, inputPredictorModel);
                    outputMap = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    var combineNodeOutputPredictorModel = new Var <PredictorModel>();
                    predModelVars[k] = combineNodeOutputPredictorModel;
                    outputMap.Add(nameof(ModelOperations.PredictorModelOutput.PredictorModel), combineNodeOutputPredictorModel.VarName);
                    EntryPointNode combineNode = EntryPointNode.Create(env, "Transforms.TwoHeterogeneousModelCombiner", combineModelsArgs,
                                                                       node.Context, inputBindingMap, inputMap, outputMap);

                var warningVar = new Var <IDataView>();
                outputMap.Add(nameof(TrainTestMacro.Output.Warnings), warningVar.VarName);
                warningsVars[k] = warningVar;
                var overallMetric = new Var <IDataView>();
                outputMap.Add(nameof(TrainTestMacro.Output.OverallMetrics), overallMetric.VarName);
                overallMetricsVars[k] = overallMetric;
                var instanceMetric = new Var <IDataView>();
                outputMap.Add(nameof(TrainTestMacro.Output.PerInstanceMetrics), instanceMetric.VarName);
                instanceMetricsVars[k] = instanceMetric;
                var confusionMatrix = new Var <IDataView>();
                outputMap.Add(nameof(TrainTestMacro.Output.ConfusionMatrix), confusionMatrix.VarName);
                confusionMatrixVars[k] = confusionMatrix;
                const string trainTestEvaluatorMacroEntryPoint = "Models.TrainTestEvaluator";
                subGraphNodes.Add(EntryPointNode.Create(env, trainTestEvaluatorMacroEntryPoint, args, node.Context, inputBindingMap, inputMap, outputMap));

            // Convert the predictor models to an array of predictor models.
            MacroUtils.ConvertIPredictorModelsToArray(env, node.Context, subGraphNodes, predModelVars, node.GetOutputVariableName(nameof(Output.PredictorModel)));

            // Convert the warnings, overall, per instance and confusion matrix data views into an array.
            var warningsArrayVar = new ArrayVar <IDataView>();
            var overallArrayVar  = new ArrayVar <IDataView>();
            var instanceArrayVar = new ArrayVar <IDataView>();
            ArrayVar <IDataView> confusionMatrixArrayVar = null;

            MacroUtils.ConvertIdataViewsToArray(env, node.Context, subGraphNodes, warningsVars, warningsArrayVar.VarName);
            MacroUtils.ConvertIdataViewsToArray(env, node.Context, subGraphNodes, overallMetricsVars, overallArrayVar.VarName);
            MacroUtils.ConvertIdataViewsToArray(env, node.Context, subGraphNodes, instanceMetricsVars, instanceArrayVar.VarName);
            if (input.Kind == MacroUtils.TrainerKinds.SignatureBinaryClassifierTrainer ||
                input.Kind == MacroUtils.TrainerKinds.SignatureMulticlassClassificationTrainer)
                confusionMatrixArrayVar = new ArrayVar <IDataView>();
                MacroUtils.ConvertIdataViewsToArray(env, node.Context, subGraphNodes, confusionMatrixVars, confusionMatrixArrayVar.VarName);

            var combineArgs = new CombineMetricsInput();

            combineArgs.Kind         = input.Kind;
            combineArgs.LabelColumn  = input.LabelColumn;
            combineArgs.WeightColumn = input.WeightColumn;
            combineArgs.GroupColumn  = input.GroupColumn;
            combineArgs.NameColumn   = input.NameColumn;

            // Set the input bindings for the CombineMetrics entry point.
            var combineInputBindingMap = new Dictionary <string, List <ParameterBinding> >();
            var combineInputMap        = new Dictionary <ParameterBinding, VariableBinding>();

            var warningsArray = new SimpleParameterBinding(nameof(combineArgs.Warnings));

            combineInputBindingMap.Add(nameof(combineArgs.Warnings), new List <ParameterBinding> {
            combineInputMap.Add(warningsArray, new SimpleVariableBinding(warningsArrayVar.VarName));
            var overallArray = new SimpleParameterBinding(nameof(combineArgs.OverallMetrics));

            combineInputBindingMap.Add(nameof(combineArgs.OverallMetrics), new List <ParameterBinding> {
            combineInputMap.Add(overallArray, new SimpleVariableBinding(overallArrayVar.VarName));
            var combinePerInstArray = new SimpleParameterBinding(nameof(combineArgs.PerInstanceMetrics));

            combineInputBindingMap.Add(nameof(combineArgs.PerInstanceMetrics), new List <ParameterBinding> {
            combineInputMap.Add(combinePerInstArray, new SimpleVariableBinding(instanceArrayVar.VarName));
            if (confusionMatrixArrayVar != null)
                var combineConfArray = new SimpleParameterBinding(nameof(combineArgs.ConfusionMatrix));
                combineInputBindingMap.Add(nameof(combineArgs.ConfusionMatrix), new List <ParameterBinding> {
                combineInputMap.Add(combineConfArray, new SimpleVariableBinding(confusionMatrixArrayVar.VarName));

            var combineOutputMap  = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var combineWarningVar = new Var <IDataView>();

            combineWarningVar.VarName = node.GetOutputVariableName(nameof(Output.Warnings));
            combineOutputMap.Add(nameof(Output.Warnings), combineWarningVar.VarName);
            var combineOverallMetric = new Var <IDataView>();

            combineOverallMetric.VarName = node.GetOutputVariableName(nameof(Output.OverallMetrics));
            combineOutputMap.Add(nameof(Output.OverallMetrics), combineOverallMetric.VarName);
            var combineInstanceMetric = new Var <IDataView>();

            combineInstanceMetric.VarName = node.GetOutputVariableName(nameof(Output.PerInstanceMetrics));
            combineOutputMap.Add(nameof(Output.PerInstanceMetrics), combineInstanceMetric.VarName);
            if (confusionMatrixArrayVar != null)
                var combineConfusionMatrix = new Var <IDataView>();
                combineConfusionMatrix.VarName = node.GetOutputVariableName(nameof(Output.ConfusionMatrix));
                combineOutputMap.Add(nameof(TrainTestMacro.Output.ConfusionMatrix), combineConfusionMatrix.VarName);
            var combineMetricsNode = EntryPointNode.Create(env, "Models.CrossValidationResultsCombiner",
                                                           combineArgs, node.Context, combineInputBindingMap, combineInputMap, combineOutputMap);

            return(new CommonOutputs.MacroOutput <Output>()
                Nodes = subGraphNodes
 public SupportedFrameworkTests(RunContext context) : base(context) { }
Exemple #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Run the action on the publisher
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="publisher"></param>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 protected abstract void OnRun(Publisher publisher, RunContext context);
 public DiagnosticsTests(RunContext context) : base(context) { }
Exemple #30
        public void Run(RunContext context)
            logger.Trace("Run({0}): {1}", name, GetType().Name);

            // Setup scope for any scripting expressions
            scope["context"]    = context;
            scope["Context"]    = context;
            scope["action"]     = this;
            scope["Action"]     = this;
            scope["state"]      = parent;
            scope["State"]      = parent;
            scope["StateModel"] = parent.parent;
            scope["stateModel"] = parent.parent;
            scope["Test"]       = parent.parent.parent;
            scope["test"]       = parent.parent.parent;
            scope["self"]       = this;

            if (when != null)
                object value = Scripting.EvalExpression(when, scope);
                if (!(value is bool))
                    logger.Debug("Run: action '{0}' when return is not boolean, returned: {1}", name, value);

                if (!(bool)value)
                    logger.Debug("Run: action '{0}' when returned false", name);

                Publisher publisher = null;
                if (this.publisher != null && this.publisher != "Peach.Agent")
                    if (!context.test.publishers.ContainsKey(this.publisher))
                        logger.Debug("Run: Publisher '" + this.publisher + "' not found!");
                        throw new PeachException("Error, Action '" + name + "' couldn't find publisher named '" + this.publisher + "'.");

                    publisher = context.test.publishers[this.publisher];
                    publisher = context.test.publishers[0];

                if (context.controlIteration && context.controlRecordingIteration)
                    logger.Debug("Run: Adding action to controlRecordingActionsExecuted");
                else if (context.controlIteration)
                    logger.Debug("Run: Adding action to controlActionsExecuted");

                started  = true;
                finished = false;
                error    = false;


                logger.Debug("ActionType.{0}", GetType().Name.ToString());


                // Save output data
                foreach (var item in outputData)
                    parent.parent.SaveData(item.outputName, item.dataModel.Value);

                OnRun(publisher, context);

                // Save input data
                foreach (var item in inputData)
                    parent.parent.SaveData(item.inputName, item.dataModel.Value);


                finished = true;
            catch (ActionChangeStateException)
                // this is not an error
                error = true;
                finished = true;
 public RelevanceTests(RunContext context) : base(context) { }
 protected override void Prepare_Impl(RunContext ctx)
     this._workflow = ctx.Workflow;
 public SegmentsTests(RunContext context) : base(context) { }
Exemple #34
 public ResetDb(RunContext context)
     _context = context;