public async Task DesktopApp_WithKestrel_WorksWhenRun(string project, string url, string framework) { // Disabled due to if (RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.X86) { return; } var testInstance = GetTestInstance() .WithLockFiles() .WithBuildArtifacts(); Task exec = null; var command = new RunCommand(Path.Combine(testInstance.TestRoot, project), framework); try { exec = command.ExecuteAsync(url); NetworkHelper.IsServerUp(url).Should().BeTrue($"Unable to connect to kestrel server - {project} @ {url}"); NetworkHelper.TestGetRequest(url, url); } finally { command.KillTree(); } if (exec != null) { await exec; } }
public void ItRunsKestrelStandaloneApp() { TestInstance instance = TestAssetsManager.CreateTestInstance(KestrelSampleBase) .WithLockFiles(); var url = NetworkHelper.GetLocalhostUrlWithFreePort(); var args = $"{url} {Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}"; var runCommand = new RunCommand(Path.Combine(instance.TestRoot, KestrelStandalone)); try { runCommand.ExecuteAsync(args); NetworkHelper.IsServerUp(url).Should().BeTrue($"Unable to connect to kestrel server - {KestrelStandalone} @ {url}"); NetworkHelper.TestGetRequest(url, args); } finally { runCommand.KillTree(); } }