public void TestThatApplyingConfigThrowsOnNonWriteableSetting()
            var rules = new Rules(typeof (ATestRule).Assembly);

            _configurator.ApplyConfiguration(rules); // should throw
        internal static async Task<Character> LoadFromFileAsync (string filename, Rules rules) {
            Character character = null;
            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            try {
                string xmlString;
                using (var file = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 0x1000, useAsync: true)) {
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(file)) {
                        xmlString = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

                // cleanup campaign settings
                // CBuilder sometimes seems to insert invalid XML values?
                var endStr = "</D20CampaignSetting>";
                int start = xmlString.IndexOf("<D20CampaignSetting");
                int end = xmlString.IndexOf(endStr) + endStr.Length;
                if (start != -1 && end != -1 && start < end) {
                    xmlString = xmlString.Remove(start, end - start + 1);

                ImportCharacter import = await xmlString.DeserializeXmlAsync<ImportCharacter>();
                character = import.ToCharacter(rules);
            finally {
                Trace.TraceInformation("Deserializing Character [{0}] from CB took {1}ms", Path.GetFileName(filename), timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            return character;
Exemple #3
        public DocumentMngr()
            //Factory = new DaoFactory();
            WType = new WmsTypes(Factory);
            Rules = new Rules(Factory);

Exemple #4
 public Setting(Config.Config config)
     this.config = config;
     stores = new Stores(this);
     hosts = new Hosts(this);
     rules = new Rules(this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate SonarQube specifc rules based on Roslyn based diagnostics
        /// </summary>
        public Rules GenerateRules(IEnumerable<DiagnosticAnalyzer> analyzers)
            if (analyzers == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("analyzers");

            Rules rules = new Rules();

            foreach (DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer in analyzers)
                Rules analyzerRules = GetAnalyzerRules(analyzer);
                foreach (Rule analyzerRule in analyzerRules)
                    if (rules.Any(r => String.Equals(r.Key, analyzerRule.Key, Rule.RuleKeyComparer)))
                        logger.LogWarning(UIResources.RuleGen_DuplicateKey, analyzerRule.Key);

            return rules;
 public static void SetDefaultSettings()
     startState = new GameState();
     boardType = BoardType.square;
     rules = Rules.INVISIBLE_TOWERS;
Exemple #7
 public DnsAgent(Options options, Rules rules, string listenOn, DnsMessageCache cache)
     Options = options ?? new Options();
     Rules = rules ?? new Rules();
     _listenOn = listenOn;
     Cache = cache ?? new DnsMessageCache();
 public void Initialize()
     var puzzle = new Puzzle(6, 5, new List<byte> {0, 1, 3}, new List<byte> {1, 2}, new List<byte> {3, 4}, false);
     var rules = new Rules
         ProhibitedFields = {{0, 2}, {0, 4}, {5, 2}, {5, 4}}
 public void setRules(Rules[] nrule, int size)
     int[] rule = new int[size];
     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
         rule [i] = (int)nrule [i];
     jo.Call ("setRules", rule);
Exemple #10
        public void TestFindRuleByNameWithoutRuleSuffix()
            var rules = new Rules(typeof(IRule).Assembly);

            var soughtRule = rules.RuleByName("LimitAssertsPerTestCase");

Exemple #11
 public static void SetDefaultSettings()
     fieldSize = 9;
     startState = new GameState();
     rules = Rules.INVISIBLE_TOWERS;
        //private TransactionMngr TranMngr { get; set; }

        public ErpDataMngr()
            //Factory = new DaoFactory();
            WType = new WmsTypes(Factory);
            DocMngr = new DocumentMngr();
            //TranMngr = new TransactionMngr();
            Rules = new Rules(Factory);
        public void Execute(Rules.ExecutionStatus executionStatus,
			YellowstonePathology.Business.Test.AccessionOrder accessionOrder,
			YellowstonePathology.Business.Test.PanelSetOrder panelSetOrder)
            this.m_AccessionOrder = accessionOrder;
            this.m_PanelSetOrder = panelSetOrder;
            this.m_ExecutionStatus = executionStatus;
 public void MyOwnScoreShouldBe0()
     var assemblyFile = new Uri(GetType().Assembly.CodeBase).LocalPath;
     var repo = TestCases.LoadFromFile(assemblyFile);
     var rules = new Rules(typeof(IRule).Assembly);
     var results = AnalysisResults.Create(repo, rules, new ViolationScorer());
     var score = results.Applications.Sum(a => a.Score);
     Assert.AreEqual(0m, score);
        public TransactionMngr()
            Factory = new DaoFactory();

            WType = new WmsTypes(Factory);
            LblMngr = new LabelMngr();
            DocMngr = new DocumentMngr();
            ErpMngr = new ErpDataMngr();
            Rules = new Rules(Factory);
Exemple #16
        public void TestFindRulesInSuppliedAssembly()
            var rules = new Rules(typeof(IRule).Assembly);

            var foundRules = rules; //.AllRules;

            // Rules are not singleton, so find by type...
            var soughtRule = foundRules.Where(r => r.GetType() == typeof(LimitAssertsPerTestCaseRule));
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>Assigns all needed attributes to the tag</summary>
        /// <returns>This instance downcasted to base class</returns>
        public virtual IndexedTag attr(
            string summary = null,
            Length width = null,
            int? border = null,
            Frame? frame = null,
            Rules? rules = null,
            Length cellspacing = null,
            Length cellpadding = null,
            string id = null,
            string @class = null,
            string style = null,
            string title = null,
            LangCode lang = null,
            string xmllang = null,
            Dir? dir = null,
            string onclick = null,
            string ondblclick = null,
            string onmousedown = null,
            string onmouseup = null,
            string onmouseover = null,
            string onmousemove = null,
            string onmouseout = null,
            string onkeypress = null,
            string onkeydown = null,
            string onkeyup = null
            Summary = summary;
            Width = width;
            Border = border;
            Frame = frame;
            Rules = rules;
            CellSpacing = cellspacing;
            CellPadding = cellpadding;
            Id = id;
            Class = @class;
            Style = style;
            Title = title;
            Lang = lang;
            XmlLang = xmllang;
            Dir = dir;
            OnClick = onclick;
            OnDblClick = ondblclick;
            OnMouseDown = onmousedown;
            OnMouseUp = onmouseup;
            OnMouseOver = onmouseover;
            OnMouseMove = onmousemove;
            OnMouseOut = onmouseout;
            OnKeyPress = onkeypress;
            OnKeyDown = onkeydown;
            OnKeyUp = onkeyup;

            return this;
Exemple #18
    public LevelGrammar generateNew(Rules[] pRules)
        ruleset = pRules;

        roomList = new List<Room> ();

        roomList.Add (specialRoomList [0]);
        nph = 4;

        return null;
Exemple #19
 private string GetRuleName(Rules rule)
     switch (rule) {
     case Rules.ShortAboutGame:
         return "ShortAboutGame";
     case Rules.HowToPlay:
         return "HowToPlay";
     case Rules.Bear:
         return "AndSuddenly";
     default: throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #20
 private string GetRuleIdentifier(Rules rule)
     switch (rule) {
     case Rules.ShortAboutGame:
         return "one";
     case Rules.HowToPlay:
         return "two";
     case Rules.Bear:
         return "three";
     default: throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #21
        public void tryMoveTestEmptyPit()
            Rules daRules = new Rules(1);


            //move player 1 location 0

            if (daRules.gamestate.currentPlayer != 2)
                Assert.Fail("should be player twos turn");


            //move player 2 location 0

            if (daRules.gamestate.currentPlayer != 1)
                Assert.Fail("should be player one's turn");

            //try to move player 1 location 0 again, this should return false(can't move an empty space)
            if (daRules.tryMove(0) == true)
                Assert.Fail("was allowed to move when not allowed");

            if (daRules.gamestate.currentPlayer != 1)
                Assert.Fail("should stay player one's turn");


            //try to move player 2 location 5 again, this should return false(can't move an empty space)
            if (daRules.tryMove(5) == true)
                Assert.Fail("was allowed to move when not allowed");

            if (daRules.gamestate.currentPlayer != 2)
                Assert.Fail("should stay player one's turn");
Exemple #22
 public static bool ReadNetworkPackage(string s)
     string[] split = s.Split('.');
     if(split.Length == 2){
         int rulesReceived = System.Convert.ToInt32(split[0]);
         Debug.Log("String: "+s+". Rules found: "+rulesReceived+".");
         rules = (Rules)rulesReceived;
         return skillEnabled.ReadFromString(split[1]);
     Debug.Log("string: "+s+". discarded.");
     return false;
Exemple #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Parse warrior files in project parameter considering parser options and rules
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aProject">files, rules, options</param>
 /// <param name="aConsole">output console, could be null</param>
 /// <returns>list of errors</returns>
 public override ParseResult Parse(IProject aProject, ISimpleOutput aConsole)
     //cache and ceck rules
     if (cachedRules==null)
         cachedRules = aProject.Rules;
     else if (!cachedRules.Equals(aProject.Rules))
         throw new ParserException("Caching parser can cache only warriors compiled under same rules");
     return base.Parse(aProject, aConsole);
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance.
        /// </summary>
        internal CustomRule(
			Rules rule,
			string code,
			string settingName,
			string description,
			Image exampleImage)
            Rule = rule;
            Code = code;
            SettingName = settingName;
            Description = description;
            ExampleImage = exampleImage;
    private void ReloadMagnets()
      // only one item at a time.
      ListMagnets.MultiSelect = false;

      // remove everything

      // the current list of magnets.
      var magnets = _engine.GetMagnets();

      // the rules.
      var rules = new Rules();

      // get the categories.
      foreach (var magnet in magnets )
        // look for the category
        var category =_categories.FindCategoryById(magnet.Category);

        // look for the rule.
        var rule = rules.Find(magnet.Rule);

        var item = new ListViewItem()
          Text = magnet.Name,
          ToolTipText = magnet.Name,
          Tag = magnet,
          SubItems = { rule, (category == null ? "n/a" : category.Name)  }

      // do we have anything at all?
      if (0 == magnets.Count)
        // just select the first item in the list.
        ListMagnets.Items[0].Selected = true;

        // enable the buttons.
        private Rules GetAnalyzerRules(DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer)
            // For info on SonarQube rules see

            Rules rules = new Rules();

            foreach (DiagnosticDescriptor diagnostic in analyzer.SupportedDiagnostics)
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(diagnostic.Id))
                    logger.LogWarning(UIResources.RuleGen_EmptyKey, analyzer.ToString());

                Rule newRule = new Rule();
                newRule.Key = diagnostic.Id;
                newRule.InternalKey = diagnostic.Id;

                newRule.Description = GetDescriptionAsRawHtml(diagnostic);

                newRule.Name = diagnostic.Title.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                newRule.Severity = GetSonarQubeSeverity(diagnostic.DefaultSeverity);

                // Rule XML properties that don't have an obvious Diagnostic equivalent:
                newRule.Cardinality = Cardinality;
                newRule.Status = Status;

                // Diagnostic properties that don't have an obvious Rule xml equivalent:
                //  diagnostic.Category
                //  diagnostic.IsEnabledByDefault
                //  diagnostic.MessageFormat

                /* Remark: Custom tags are used so that Visual Studio handles diagnostics and are not equivalent to SonarQube's tags
                * customTags is a general way to mark that a diagnostic should be treated or displayed somewhat 
                * different than normal diagnostics. The "unnecessary" tag means that in the IDE we fade out the span 
                * that the diagnostic applies to: this is how we fade out unnecessary usings or casts or such in the IDE. 
                * In some fancy scenarios you might want to define your own, but for the most part you'll either leave that empty 
                * or pass Unnecessary if you want the different UI handling. 
                * The EditAndContinue tag is for errors that are created if an edit-and-continue edit can't be applied 
                * (which are also displayed somewhat differently)...that's just for us (n.b. Roslyn) to use.

            return rules;
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the configuration to the rules found in the given repository.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rules">A repository of rules.</param>
 /// <exception cref="NoSuchRuleException">Thrown if a rule in the configuration cannot be found.
 /// </exception>
 /// <exception cref="MalformedRuleConfiguration">Thrown if a public, writeable setting cannot be 
 /// found on a rule, or if the value of the setting has the wrong type.</exception>
 public void ApplyConfiguration(Rules rules)
     foreach (var entry in _rulesSettings)
         var rule = rules.RuleByName(entry.Key);
         foreach (var setting in entry.Value)
             var prop = FindProperty(rule, setting.Name);
             if (prop == null)
                 throw new MalformedRuleConfiguration("Missing or non-writeable setting: " + setting.Name);
                 var typedValue = Convert.ChangeType(setting.Value, prop.PropertyType);
                 prop.SetValue(rule, typedValue, BindingFlags.Default, null, null, null);
             catch (FormatException)
                 throw new MalformedRuleConfiguration(string.Format("Value for setting {0} does not match the setting type: {1}", setting.Name, setting.Value));
        public static List<ExportItem> ToItems(this List<Character.Item> import, Rules d20Rules)
            List<ExportItem> output = new List<ExportItem>();
            foreach (var item in import) {
                Rule baseRule = CompleteRule(item.Rules[0], d20Rules);
                Rule magicRule = item.Rules.Count > 1 ? CompleteRule(item.Rules[1], d20Rules) : null;
                var export = new ExportItem() {
                    Name = item.Name,
                    Count = item.Count,
                    EquippedCount = item.EquippedCount,
                    ArmorCategory = baseRule.Specifics.SafeGetValue("Armor Category"),
                    ArmorType = baseRule.Specifics.SafeGetValue("Armor Type"),
                    Category = baseRule.Specifics.SafeGetValue("Category"),
                    Flavor = baseRule.Flavor.FixWhitespace(),
                    ItemSlot = baseRule.Specifics.SafeGetValue("Item Slot"),
                    Text = baseRule.Text.FixWhitespace(),
                    Type = baseRule.Type,
                    Weight = baseRule.Specifics.SafeGetValue("Weight"),

            return output;
Exemple #29
        public Game(IPlayer creator, Rules rules, TradeRules tradeRules, Action<Game> endCallback)
            GameId = IdGenerator.GenerateId();
            InProgress = true;
            CurrentPlayer = FirstPlayer = creator;
            Rules = rules;
            TradeRule = tradeRules;
            GameEnded = endCallback;

            ReconnectTimer = new Timer();
            ReconnectTimer.Enabled = false;
            ReconnectTimer.Elapsed += (s, ea) =>
                if (FirstPlayer == null)
                    SecondPlayerScore = 0;
                    Winner = SecondPlayer;
                else if (SecondPlayer == null)
                    FirstPlayerScore = 0;
                    Winner = FirstPlayer;

                InProgress = false;

            Season = DbRepository.Current.Single<DbSeason>(s => true);

            if (Season == null)
                DbRepository.Current.Add(new DbSeason() { Name = "Season 1", CreatedBy = "SYSTEM", ModifiedBy = "SYSTEM" });
                Season = DbRepository.Current.Single<DbSeason>(s => true);
        public static ExportCharacter ToCharacter(this ImportCharacter import, Rules d20Rules)
            Rules rules = d20Rules ?? import.Sheet.Rules;

            var export = new ExportCharacter();
            export.AbilityScores = import.AbilityScores.ToDictionary();
            export.ActionPoints = import.Sheet.Stats["_BaseActionPoints"];
            export.Alignment = import.SafeGetRuleNameByType("Alignment").ToAlignment();
            export.Class = import.SafeGetRuleNameByType("Class");
            export.ClassFeatures = import.Sheet.Rules.ByType()["Class Feature"].ToFeats(rules);
            export.Defenses = import.Defenses.ToDictionary();
            export.Experience = import.Sheet.Details.Experience.SafeToInt();
            export.Feats = import.Sheet.Rules.ByType()["Feat"].ToFeats(rules);
            export.Gender = import.SafeGetRuleNameByType("Gender");
            export.Handle = import.ToHandle();
            export.HealingSurges = import.HealingSurges;
            export.HitPoints = import.HitPoints;
            export.Initiative = import.Initiative;
            export.Items = import.Items.ToItems(rules);
            export.Languages = import.ToRuleNamesList("Language");
            export.Level = import.Level;
            export.Name = import.Name;
            export.PassiveInsight = import.PassiveInsight;
            export.PassivePerception = import.PassivePerception;
            export.Powers = import.Powers.ToPowers(import.Sheet.Rules, rules);
            export.PowerSource = import.SafeGetRuleNameByType("Power Source");
            export.Race = import.SafeGetRuleNameByType("Race");
            export.RacialTraits = import.Sheet.Rules.ByType()["Racial Trait"].ToFeats(rules);
            export.Role = import.SafeGetRuleNameByType("Role");
            export.Skills = import.ToSkills();
            export.Size = import.SafeGetRuleNameByType("Size");
            export.Speed = import.Sheet.Stats["Speed"].Value;
            export.Vision = import.SafeGetRuleNameByType("Vision");

            return export;
 public Derivated1(Rules rules)
Exemple #32
        public override void LoadFromRules()

            if (IsVoxel)
                var vxl = new VoxelDrawable(Rules, Art);
                vxl.OwnerCollection = OwnerCollection;
                vxl.Props           = Props;
                vxl.Vxl = VFS.Open <VxlFile>(vxl.Image + ".vxl");
                vxl.Hva = VFS.Open <HvaFile>(vxl.Image + ".hva");
                var shp = new ShpDrawable(Rules, Art);
                shp.Props           = Props;
                shp.OwnerCollection = OwnerCollection;
                shp.Shp = VFS.Open <ShpFile>(shp.GetFilename());
                shp.Props.FrameDecider = FrameDeciders.SHPVehicleFrameDecider(shp.StartStandFrame, shp.StandingFrames, shp.Facings);

            if (Rules.ReadBool("Turret") && IsVoxel)
                var turretVxl = VFS.Open <VxlFile>(Image + "TUR.vxl");
                var turretHva = VFS.Open <HvaFile>(Image + "TUR.hva");
                var turret    = new VoxelDrawable(turretVxl, turretHva);
                turret.Props.Offset            = Props.Offset;
                turret.Props.Offset           += new Size(Rules.ReadInt("TurretAnimX"), Rules.ReadInt("TurretAnimY"));
                turret.Props.TurretVoxelOffset = Art.ReadFloat("TurretOffset");

                var barrelVxl = VFS.Open <VxlFile>(Image + "BARL.vxl");
                var barrelHva = VFS.Open <HvaFile>(Image + "BARL.hva");
                if (barrelVxl != null && barrelHva != null)
                    var barrel = new VoxelDrawable(barrelVxl, barrelHva);
                    barrel.Props = turret.Props;
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the rule sets to see which ones match the from connection and send on to the toConnections.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item"></param>
        /// <param name="routedItem"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <ConnectionSet> Eval(Rules Item, RoutedItem routedItem)
            var taskInfo = $"task: {routedItem.TaskID} id: {}";

            var connList = new List <ConnectionSet>();

            if (routedItem.toConnections.Count > 0)
                //we've already been told where to send the request, just return it
                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} toConnections already populated, skipping eval.");

                foreach (var destRule in Item.destRules.FindAll(e => e.fromConnectionName == routedItem.fromConnection && e.enabled == true))
                    //2018-08-07 shb BOUR-630 check the destination connections to see if they are enabled.  If there is no enabled destination then don't add the connection set
                    int enabledDest = 0;
                    foreach (var dest in destRule.toConnections)
                        enabledDest += _profileStorage.Current.connections.FindAll(e => == dest.connectionName && e.enabled == true).Count;
                    if (enabledDest > 0)
                        if (_doesRuleMatchService.DoesRuleMatch(routedItem, destRule))
                            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} evaluates to {destRule.toConnections.Count} connections.");

                            if (destRule.Type == DestRule.RuleType.AddressableRoute)
                                foreach (var con in connList)
                                    //amend the connlist sharing destintations with matches
                                    foreach (var match in destRule.matches)
                                        ShareDestinations sd = new ShareDestinations
                                            boxUuid = match.ToString()

                if (connList.Count == 0)
                    _logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"{taskInfo} There are no routes for {routedItem.fromConnection}.");

            //do we need to flatten in case of duplicates?

            // foreach (var conn in profile.connections.FindAll(e => e.enabled == true))
            // {
            //     if (conn.enabled == true)
            //     {
            //         foreach (var connectionSet in connListNames)
            //         {
            //             if (
            //             {
            //                 if(Logger.logger.FileTraceLevel == "Verbose") _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"conn {} succeeds because == {connectionSet.connectionName}");
            //                 connList.Add(connectionSet);
            //             }
            //             else
            //             {

            //                 if(Logger.logger.FileTraceLevel == "Verbose") _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"conn {} fails because != {connectionSet.connectionName}");

            //             }
            //         }
            //     }
            // }

            //for request/response mechanism route to connections that can provide this functionality
            //trim the connList to only those connections that  support request/response
            if (routedItem.type == RoutedItem.Type.RPC)
                foreach (var conn in connList.ToArray())
                    if (_profileStorage.Current.connections.FindAll(e => == conn.connectionName && e.enabled && e.requestResponseEnabled).Count == 0)
                        _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{conn.connectionName} is being removed from destinations because requestResponseEnabled: false");

Exemple #34
 private void TextBoxPreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
     e.Handled = !Rules.IsTextAllowed(e.Text);
Exemple #35
 public void On(RuleDeleted @event, EnvelopeHeaders headers)
Exemple #36
        private void UpdateRule(RuleEvent @event, EnvelopeHeaders headers, Action <JsonRuleEntity> updater = null)
            var id = @event.RuleId;

            Rules = Rules.SetItem(id, x => x.Clone().Update(@event, headers, updater));
 private void InitializeValidation( )
     Rules.Add(new ValidationRule(nameof(OutputFolder), "Output Folder can not be empty!", () => string.IsNullOrEmpty(OutputFolder)));
     Rules.Add(new ValidationRule(nameof(OutputFolder), "Output Folder is not a valid Folder!", () => !Directory.Exists(OutputFolder)));
     Rules.Add(new ValidationRule(nameof(SelectedMmDeviceId), "Recording Device must be selected!", () => string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedMmDeviceId)));
Exemple #38
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RuleSet" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// Element created at 07/11/2014,6:13 AM by Charles
 public RuleSet()
     Actions = new Actions();
     Rules   = new Rules();
     Rules.CollectionChanged += RulesCollectionChanged;