Exemple #1
        private void SetAuth(string rid)
            string        connStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConStr"].ToString();
            SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connStr);

            IList <string> entStrList_Dept = RequestData.GetList <string>("DeptData");

            if (entStrList_Dept.Count > 0)
                DataTable deptDt = GetTableSchema("dept");
                IList <Rule_Regulation_BrowseDept> ents_Dept = entStrList_Dept.Select(tent => Aim.JsonHelper.GetObject <Rule_Regulation_BrowseDept>(tent) as Rule_Regulation_BrowseDept).ToList();
                foreach (Rule_Regulation_BrowseDept item in ents_Dept)
                    DataRow dr = deptDt.NewRow();
                    dr[0] = Guid.NewGuid();
                    dr[1] = rid;
                    dr[2] = item.DeptId;
                    dr[3] = item.DeptName;
                Rule_Regulation_BrowseDept.DeleteAll("Rule_Regulation='" + rid + "'");
                DataHelper.CopyDataToDatabase(deptDt, sqlConn, "BJKY_IntegratedManage..Rule_Regulation_BrowseDept");

            IList <string> entStrList_User = RequestData.GetList <string>("UserData");

            if (entStrList_User.Count > 0)
                DataTable deptDt = GetTableSchema("user");
                IList <Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth> ents_Dept = entStrList_User.Select(tent => Aim.JsonHelper.GetObject <Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth>(tent) as Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth).ToList();
                foreach (Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth item in ents_Dept)
                    DataRow dr = deptDt.NewRow();
                    dr[0] = Guid.NewGuid();
                    dr[1] = rid;
                    dr[2] = item.UserId;
                    dr[3] = item.UserName;
                Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth.DeleteAll("Rule_Regulation='" + rid + "'");
                DataHelper.CopyDataToDatabase(deptDt, sqlConn, "BJKY_IntegratedManage..Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth");
Exemple #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            id          = RequestData.Get <string>("id", String.Empty);
            ids         = RequestData.GetList <string>("ids");
            pids        = RequestData.GetList <string>("pids");
            did         = RequestData.Get <string>("did");
            ruleId      = RequestData.Get <string>("ruleid");
            type        = RequestData.Get <string>("type");
            carryadmin  = RequestData.Get <string>("carryadmin");
            carrybrowse = RequestData.Get <string>("carryadmin");

            SysGroup ent = null;

            //if (IsAsyncRequest)

            //    ents = SysGroup.FindAll(Expression.Eq("PathLevel", 1));
            //    //ents = ents.OrderByDescending(ment => ment.Type).ToArray();
            //    this.PageState.Add("DtList", ents);

            switch (this.RequestAction)
            case RequestActionEnum.Custom:
                if (RequestActionString == "querychildren")
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        ents = SysGroup.FindAll("FROM SysGroup as ent WHERE ParentId is null and Type = 2 Order By SortIndex asc");
                        ents = SysGroup.FindAll("FROM SysGroup as ent WHERE ParentId = '" + id + "' and Type = 2 Order By SortIndex asc");

                    this.PageState.Add("DtList", ents);
                else if (RequestActionString == "batchdelete")
                    IList <object> idList = RequestData.GetList <object>("IdList");
                    if (idList != null && idList.Count > 0)
                else if (RequestActionString == "submitopt")
                    Rule_Regulation rrEnt = Rule_Regulation.Find(ruleId);
                    SysGroup        sg    = SysGroup.Find(did);

                    if (type == "copy")
                        Rule_Regulation newRr = new Rule_Regulation();
                        newRr.Code           = rrEnt.Code;
                        newRr.Name           = rrEnt.Name;
                        newRr.KeyWord        = rrEnt.KeyWord;
                        newRr.Summary        = rrEnt.Summary;
                        newRr.Files          = rrEnt.Files;
                        newRr.ReleaseState   = "未发布";
                        newRr.DeptId         = sg.GroupID;
                        newRr.DeptName       = sg.Name;
                        newRr.CreateId       = UserInfo.UserID;
                        newRr.CreateName     = UserInfo.Name;
                        newRr.CreateTime     = System.DateTime.Now;
                        newRr.LastModifyId   = UserInfo.UserID;
                        newRr.LastModifyName = UserInfo.Name;
                        newRr.LastModifyTime = DateTime.Now;

                        if (carryadmin == "y")
                            Rule_Regulation_AdminAuth[] rraas = Rule_Regulation_AdminAuth.FindAllByProperty("Rule_Regulation", ruleId);
                            if (rraas.Length > 0)
                                DataTable dt = GetTableSchema();
                                foreach (Rule_Regulation_AdminAuth item in rraas)
                                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                                    dr[0] = Guid.NewGuid();
                                    dr[1] = newRr.Id;
                                    dr[2] = item.UserId;
                                    dr[3] = item.UserName;
                                string connStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConStr"].ToString();
                                BulkCopy(connStr, "Rule_Regulation_AdminAuth", dt);
                        if (carrybrowse == "y")
                            Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth[] rraas = Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth.FindAllByProperty("Rule_Regulation", ruleId);
                            if (rraas.Length > 0)
                                DataTable dt = GetTableSchema();
                                foreach (Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth item in rraas)
                                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                                    dr[0] = Guid.NewGuid();
                                    dr[1] = newRr.Id;
                                    dr[2] = item.UserId;
                                    dr[3] = item.UserName;
                                string connStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConStr"].ToString();
                                BulkCopy(connStr, "Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth", dt);
                    else if (type == "cut")
                        rrEnt.DeptId         = sg.GroupID;
                        rrEnt.DeptName       = sg.Name;
                        rrEnt.CreateId       = UserInfo.UserID;
                        rrEnt.CreateName     = UserInfo.Name;
                        rrEnt.CreateTime     = System.DateTime.Now;
                        rrEnt.LastModifyId   = UserInfo.UserID;
                        rrEnt.LastModifyName = UserInfo.Name;
                        rrEnt.LastModifyTime = DateTime.Now;

                        if (carryadmin == "n")
                            Rule_Regulation_AdminAuth.DeleteAll(" Rule_Regulation='" + ruleId + "'");
                        if (carrybrowse == "n")
                            Rule_Regulation_BrowseAuth.DeleteAll(" Rule_Regulation='" + ruleId + "'");
                else if (RequestActionString == "c")

                SysGroup[] grpList = SysGroup.FindAll("From SysGroup as ent where ParentId is null and Type = 2Order By SortIndex, CreateDate Desc");

                this.PageState.Add("DtList", grpList);