Exemple #1
        public override byte[] GetBytes()
            int index = 0;
            var bytes = new byte[MaslAu2Frame.FrameLength];

            // ETY + MTI + DF
            bytes[index++] = this.GetHeaderByte();

            // 消息发起方ID
            var tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.ServerID);

            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 1, bytes, index, 3);
            index += 3;

            // 安全特征
            bytes[index++] = (byte)this.EncryAlgorithm;

            // 随机数
            Array.Copy(this.RandomA, 0, bytes, index, 8);
            index += 8;

            // MAC
            Array.Copy(this.MAC, 0, bytes, index, 8);
            index += 8;

        public override byte[] GetBytes()
            var bytes      = new byte[this.Length];
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 主叫编号
            var tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.InitiatorID);

            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // 被叫编号
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.ResponderID);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // 服务类型
            bytes[startIndex++] = (byte)this.ServiceType;

            // 用户数据
            if (this.UserData != null)
                Array.Copy(this.UserData, 0, bytes, startIndex, this.UserData.Length);

Exemple #3
        public override void ParseBytes(byte[] bytes, int startIndex, int endIndex)
            if ((endIndex - startIndex + 1) < MaslAu2Frame.FrameLength)
                throw new Au2LengthException();

            var orgStartIndex = startIndex;

            // ETY + MTI + DF

            // 消息发起方ID
            this.ServerID = (RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, orgStartIndex) & 0xFFFFFF);
            startIndex   += 3;

            // 安全特征
            this.EncryAlgorithm = (EncryptionAlgorithm)bytes[startIndex++];

            // 随机数
            Array.Copy(bytes, startIndex, this.RandomA, 0, 8);
            startIndex += 8;

            // MAC
            Array.Copy(bytes, startIndex, this.MAC, 0, 8);
            startIndex += 8;
Exemple #4
        public override byte[] GetBytes()
            var bytes      = new byte[25];
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 消息类型
            bytes[startIndex++] = (byte)this.FrameType;

            // 序列号
            var tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt16(this.SequenceNo);

            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 2;

            // Padding
            startIndex += SaiFrame.TtsPaddingLength;

            // 初始值
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.InitialValue);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // 版本
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.Version);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // EC周期
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt16(this.Interval);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);

        public override byte[] GetBytes()
            var bytes      = new byte[15];
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 消息类型
            bytes[startIndex++] = (byte)this.FrameType;

            // 序列号
            var tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt16(this.SequenceNo);

            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 2;

            // sender timestamp
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.SenderTimestamp);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // Responsor last timestamp
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.ReceiverLastSendTimestamp);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // sender last timestamp
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.SenderLastRecvTimestamp);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

        public override void ParseBytes(byte[] bytes)
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 消息类型
            this.FrameType = (SaiFrameType)bytes[startIndex++];

            // 序列号
            this.SequenceNo = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt16(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex     += 2;

            // sender timestamp
            this.SenderTimestamp = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex          += 4;

            // Responsor last timestamp
            this.ReceiverLastSendTimestamp = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex += 4;

            // sender last timestamp
            this.SenderLastRecvTimestamp = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex += 4;

            // valid
            this.Valid = (bytes[startIndex++] == 1);
Exemple #7
        public override void ParseBytes(byte[] bytes)
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 消息类型
            this.FrameType = (SaiFrameType)bytes[startIndex++];

            // 序列号
            this.SequenceNo = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt16(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex     += 2;

            // Padding
            startIndex += SaiFrame.TtsPaddingLength;

            // 初始值
            this.InitialValue = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex       += 4;

            // 版本
            this.Version = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex  += 4;

            // EC周期
            this.Interval = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt16(bytes, startIndex);
        public override void ParseBytes(byte[] bytes)
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 消息类型
            this.FrameType = (SaiFrameType)bytes[startIndex++];

            // 序列号
            this.SequenceNo = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt16(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex     += 2;

            // sender timestamp
            this.SenderTimestamp = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex          += 4;

            // Responsor last timestamp
            this.ReceiverLastSendTimestamp = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex += 4;

            // sender last timestamp
            this.SenderLastRecvTimestamp = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex += 4;

            // user data
            var len = bytes.Length - startIndex;

            if (len > 0)
                this.UserData = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(bytes, startIndex, this.UserData, 0, len);
Exemple #9
        public override byte[] GetBytes()
            if (this.UserDataLength > SaiFrame.MaxUserDataLength)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("SAI层用户数据长度不能超过{0}。", SaiFrame.MaxUserDataLength));

            var bytes      = new byte[19 + this.UserDataLength];
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 消息类型
            bytes[startIndex++] = (byte)this.FrameType;

            // 序列号
            var tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt16(this.SequenceNo);

            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 2;

            // Padding
            startIndex += SaiFrame.TtsPaddingLength;

            // EC计数
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.EcValue);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // user data
            if (this.UserData != null)
                Array.Copy(this.UserData, 0, bytes, startIndex, this.UserData.Length);

Exemple #10
        public override void ParseBytes(byte[] bytes)
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 消息类型
            this.FrameType = (SaiFrameType)bytes[startIndex++];

            // 序列号
            this.SequenceNo = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt16(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex     += 2;

            // Padding
            startIndex += SaiFrame.TtsPaddingLength;

            // EC计数
            this.EcValue = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex  += 4;

            // user data
            var len = bytes.Length - startIndex;

            if (len > 0)
                this.UserData = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(bytes, startIndex, this.UserData, 0, len);
Exemple #11
        public static bool ContainsFileStartFlag(byte[] data, int dataCount)
            // 20:一个估算值,用于防止传输的用户数据中包含文件起始标志。

            return(dataCount >= CustomFile.StartFlagLen &&
                   dataCount < (CustomFile.StartFlagLen + 20) &&
                   CustomFile.StartFlag == RsspEncoding.ToHostString(data, 0, CustomFile.StartFlagLen));
Exemple #12
        private ushort GetPacketLength(byte[] buffer, int startIndex)
            if ((buffer == null) || (buffer.Length - startIndex < 2))

            return(RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt16(buffer, startIndex));
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 解析指定的字节流。
        /// </summary>
        public void ParseBytes(byte[] bytes)
            if (bytes == null || bytes.Length < AleFrame.HeadLength)
                throw new AleFrameParsingException("无法将指定的字节流解析为AleFrame,长度不够。");

            int startIndex = 0;

            // 包长度
            var pktLen = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt16(bytes, startIndex);

            startIndex += AleFrame.SizeofHeadLen;

            // 版本
            this.Version = bytes[startIndex++];

            // 应用类型
            this.ApplicationType = bytes[startIndex++];

            // 传输序列号
            this.SequenceNo = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt16(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex     += 2;

            // N/R标志
            this.IsNormal = (bytes[startIndex++] == 1);

            // 包类型
            this.FrameType = (AleFrameType)bytes[startIndex++];

            // 校验和
            if (this.FrameType != AleFrameType.KAA && this.FrameType != AleFrameType.KANA) // 生命信息不需要校验
                //var actualCrcValue = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, startIndex);
                var actualCrcValue   = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt16(bytes, startIndex);
                var expectedCrcValue = CrcTool.CaculateCCITT16(bytes, 0, 8);
                if (actualCrcValue != expectedCrcValue)
                    throw new AleFrameParsingException(string.Format("解析Ale协议帧时发生异常,CRC检验不一致,期望值是{0},实际值是{1}。",
                                                                     expectedCrcValue, actualCrcValue));
            startIndex += 2;

            // 用户数据
            var userDataLen = pktLen - (AleFrame.HeadLength - AleFrame.SizeofHeadLen);

            if (userDataLen < 0)
                throw new AleFrameParsingException(string.Format("将字节流解析为ALE帧时发生异常,用户数据长度为负值{0}。", userDataLen));
            this.UserData = AleUserData.Parse(this.FrameType, bytes, startIndex, startIndex + userDataLen - 1);
        public override void ParseBytes(byte[] bytes, int startIndex, int endIndex)
            // 应答方编号
            this.ServerID = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex   += 4;

            // 用户数据
            var len = endIndex - startIndex + 1;

            if (len > 0)
                this.UserData = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(bytes, startIndex, this.UserData, 0, len);
        public override void ParseBytes(byte[] bytes)
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 消息类型
            this.FrameType = (SaiFrameType)bytes[startIndex++];

            // 序列号
            this.SequenceNo = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt16(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex     += 2;

            // sender timestamp
            this.SenderTimestamp = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex          += 4;

            // Responsor last timestamp
            this.ReceiverLastSendTimestamp = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex += 4;

            // sender last timestamp
            this.SenderLastRecvTimestamp = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex += 4;

            // 偏移标志
            bool negative = (bytes[startIndex] == 1);


            // |最小偏移值|
            this.OffsetMin = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            if (negative)
                this.OffsetMin = -this.OffsetMin;
            startIndex += 4;

            // 偏移标志
            negative = (bytes[startIndex] == 1);

            // |最大偏移值|
            this.OffsetMax = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            if (negative)
                this.OffsetMax = -this.OffsetMax;
            startIndex += 4;
        public override byte[] GetBytes()
            var bytes      = new byte[25];
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 消息类型
            bytes[startIndex++] = (byte)this.FrameType;

            // 序列号
            var tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt16(this.SequenceNo);

            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 2;

            // sender timestamp
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.SenderTimestamp);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // Responsor last timestamp
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.ReceiverLastSendTimestamp);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // sender last timestamp
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.SenderLastRecvTimestamp);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // 偏移标志
            bytes[startIndex++] = (this.OffsetMin >= 0) ? (byte)0 : (byte)1;

            // |最小偏移值|
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32((uint)Math.Abs(this.OffsetMin));
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, 4);
            startIndex += 4;

            // 偏移标志
            bytes[startIndex++] = (this.OffsetMax >= 0) ? (byte)0 : (byte)1;

            // |最大偏移值|
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32((uint)Math.Abs(this.OffsetMax));
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, 4);
            startIndex += 4;

Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取序列化后的字节流。
        /// </summary>
        public byte[] GetBytes()
            var bytes      = new byte[AleFrame.HeadLength + this.UserDataLength];
            var startIndex = 0;

            // 包长度
            var tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt16(this.PacketLength);

            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += AleFrame.SizeofHeadLen;

            // 版本
            bytes[startIndex++] = this.Version;

            // 应用类型
            bytes[startIndex++] = this.ApplicationType;

            // 传输序列号
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt16(this.SequenceNo);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 2;

            // N/R标志
            bytes[startIndex++] = (byte)(this.IsNormal ? 1 : 0);

            // 包类型
            bytes[startIndex++] = (byte)this.FrameType;

            // 校验和
            var crcValue = CrcTool.CaculateCCITT16(bytes, 0, 8);

            //tempBuf = BitConverter.GetBytes(crcValue);
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt16(crcValue);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 2;

            // 用户数据
            var userData = this.UserData.GetBytes();

            if (userData != null)
                Array.Copy(userData, 0, bytes, startIndex, this.UserDataLength);

        public override byte[] GetBytes()
            var bytes      = new byte[this.Length];
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 应答方编号
            var tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.ServerID);

            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // 用户数据
            if (this.UserData != null)
                Array.Copy(this.UserData, 0, bytes, startIndex, this.UserData.Length);

        public override byte[] GetBytes()
            if (this.UserDataLength > SaiFrame.MaxUserDataLength)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("SAI层用户数据长度不能超过{0}。", SaiFrame.MaxUserDataLength));

            var bytes      = new byte[15 + this.UserDataLength];
            int startIndex = 0;

            // 消息类型
            bytes[startIndex++] = (byte)this.FrameType;

            // 序列号
            var tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt16(this.SequenceNo);

            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 2;

            // sender timestamp
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.SenderTimestamp);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // Responsor last timestamp
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.ReceiverLastSendTimestamp);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // sender last timestamp
            tempBuf = RsspEncoding.ToNetUInt32(this.SenderLastRecvTimestamp);
            Array.Copy(tempBuf, 0, bytes, startIndex, tempBuf.Length);
            startIndex += 4;

            // user data
            if (this.UserData != null)
                Array.Copy(this.UserData, 0, bytes, startIndex, this.UserData.Length);

        public override void ParseBytes(byte[] bytes, int startIndex, int endIndex)
            // 主叫编号
            this.InitiatorID = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex      += 4;

            // 被叫编号
            this.ResponderID = RsspEncoding.ToHostUInt32(bytes, startIndex);
            startIndex      += 4;

            // 服务类型
            this.ServiceType = (ServiceType)bytes[startIndex++];

            // 用户数据
            var len = endIndex - startIndex + 1;

            if (len > 0)
                this.UserData = new byte[len];
                Array.Copy(bytes, startIndex, this.UserData, 0, len);
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存收到的用户数据
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveUserData(uint remoteID, byte[] userData)
                var dataLength = userData.Length;

                if (CustomFile.ContainsFileStartFlag(userData, dataLength))
                    // 先关闭旧的文件

                    // 创建新的业务文件
                    var ext    = RsspEncoding.ToHostString(userData, CustomFile.StartFlagLen, dataLength - CustomFile.StartFlagLen);
                    var bdfile = new CustomFile(remoteID.ToString(), ext);

                    this.AddFile(remoteID, bdfile);
                else if (CustomFile.ContainsFileEndFlag(userData, dataLength))
                    // 关闭业务文件
                    // 保存收到的数据
                    var theFile = this.GetFile(remoteID);
                    if (theFile != null)
            catch (System.Exception ex)
        private void SendCustomFile()
            FileStream   fs = null;
            BinaryReader br = null;

            Byte[] userData = null;
            var    dest     = this.GetDest();

                // Create the reader for data.
                fs = new FileStream(_fileNameToSend, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                br = new BinaryReader(fs);

                for (int n = 0; n < _sendTimes; n++)
                        // 发送文件起始标志与扩展名
                        if (_fileBeginFlagEnabled)
                            userData = RsspEncoding.ToNetString(CustomFile.StartFlag + Path.GetExtension(_fileNameToSend));

                            var outPkg = new OutgoingPackage(dest, userData);

                        // Read and send data
                        fs.Position = 0;
                            userData = br.ReadBytes(_packetSize);

                            var outPkg = new OutgoingPackage(dest, userData);

                            // 如果文件发送完成,则立即结束
                            if (userData.Length < _packetSize)

                            // 发送间隔
                            if (_sendExitEvent.WaitOne(_sendInterval, false))
                        } while (fs.Length != fs.Position);
                        userData = RsspEncoding.ToNetString(CustomFile.EndFlag);

                        // 发送文件传送结束标志
                        if (_fileBeginFlagEnabled)
                            var outPkg = new OutgoingPackage(dest, userData);
            catch (Exception /*ex*/)
                if (fs != null)

                _sendThread = null;
Exemple #23
 public static bool ContainsFileEndFlag(byte[] data, int dataCount)
     return(dataCount == CustomFile.EndFlagLen &&
            CustomFile.EndFlag == RsspEncoding.ToHostString(data, 0, CustomFile.EndFlagLen));