public async Task CanDiscoverCurrentLeaderNode()
            var target = new RqliteRaftClient(connectionString);
            var nodes  = await target.ConnectAsync();

            Assert.Equal("localhost:4001", target.LastKnownLeaderNode);
        public async void CanConnectToCluster()
            var target = new RqliteRaftClient(connectionString);
            var nodes  = await target.ConnectAsync();

            Assert.Equal(3, nodes.Count());
            Assert.Equal(1, nodes.Count());
        public async Task CanConnectToClusterWithFailingNode()
            // Arrange, add a failing node.
            var target = new RqliteRaftClient($"{connectionString},");
            var nodes  = await target.ConnectAsync();

            Assert.Equal(4, nodes.Count());
            Assert.Equal(2, nodes.Count());
            // Expect exactly one failing node with an exception.
            Assert.Single(nodes.Where(p => p.Value.Exceptions != null && p.Value.Exceptions.Count() == 1));
            // Expect it to be a HTTPRequestException
            Assert.Single(from p in nodes where
                          p.Value.Exceptions != null &&
                          p.Value.Exceptions.Count() != 0 &&
                          p.Value.Exceptions[0].InnerException.GetType() == typeof(HttpRequestException)
                          select p.Value.Exceptions[0].InnerException);