protected void print_offerletter(object sender, EventArgs e) { { try { if (TXTNOKP.Text != "") { System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button button = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button)sender; string buttonId = button.ID; DataTable app_rujno = new DataTable(); app_rujno = DBCon.Ora_Execute_table("select cmn_applcn_no from cmn_ref_no where cmn_applcn_no= '" + TXTNOKP.Text + "' and cmn_ref_no='" + no_rujukan.Text + "'"); DataTable app_icno = new DataTable(); app_icno = DBCon.Ora_Execute_table("select app_new_icno from jpa_application where app_applcn_no= '" + TXTNOKP.Text + "'"); string sqno = string.Empty; if (buttonId == "Button5") { sqno = "1"; } else if (buttonId == "Button6") { sqno = "2"; } else { sqno = "3"; } if (app_rujno.Rows.Count != 0) { //Path DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //if (buttonId == "Button5" || buttonId == "Button6" || buttonId == "Button7") //{ // dt = DBCon.Ora_Execute_table("select * from (select * from jpa_guarantor where gua_applcn_no='" + TXTNOKP.Text + "' and gua_seq_no='" + sqno + "') as a full outer join(select * from cmn_ref_no where cmn_applcn_no='" + TXTNOKP.Text + "' and cmn_crt_dt IN (SELECT max(cmn_crt_dt) FROM cmn_ref_no)) as b on b.cmn_applcn_no=a.gua_applcn_no full outer join(select * from jpa_application where app_applcn_no='" + TXTNOKP.Text + "') as c on c.app_applcn_no=b.cmn_applcn_no"); //} //else //{ dt = DBCon.Ora_Execute_table("select *,mm.mem_member_no,app_new_icno,FORMAT (GETDATE(), 'dd/MM/yyyy', 'en-US') as cdt,FORMAT (jkk.jkk_meeting_dt, 'dd/MM/yyyy', 'en-US') as jkk_mdt,ISNULL(db.pha_pay_amt,'0.00') as jb_amt,ISNULL(app_loan_amt,'')+ISNULL(app_cumm_profit_amt,'') as lon_prfit_tot from (select * from cmn_ref_no where cmn_crt_dt IN (SELECT max(cmn_crt_dt) FROM cmn_ref_no) and cmn_applcn_no='" + TXTNOKP.Text + "') as a full outer join (select * from jpa_application where app_applcn_no='" + TXTNOKP.Text + "') as b on b.app_applcn_no=a.cmn_applcn_no full outer join (select cal_applcn_no,isnull(cal_approve_amt,0)cal_approve_amt,isnull(cal_installment_amt,0)cal_installment_amt,isnull(cal_profit_amt,0)cal_profit_amt,isnull(cal_stamp_duty_amt,0)cal_stamp_duty_amt,isnull(cal_process_fee,0)cal_process_fee,isnull(cal_deposit_amt,0)cal_deposit_amt,isnull(cal_tkh_amt,0)cal_tkh_amt,(isnull(cal_approve_amt,0) + isnull(cal_profit_amt,0)) as ap_amt,isnull(cal_profit_rate,0)cal_profit_rate from jpa_calculate_fee where cal_applcn_no='" + TXTNOKP.Text + "') as c on c.cal_applcn_no=b.app_applcn_no left join jpa_jkkpa_approval jkk on jkk.jkk_applcn_no=b.app_applcn_no left join jpa_disburse db on db.pha_applcn_no=b.app_applcn_no left join mem_member mm on mm.mem_new_icno=b.app_new_icno"); //} Rptviwer_cetak.Reset(); ds.Tables.Add(dt); Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); ReportDataSource rds; DataTable mem_status = new DataTable(); mem_status = DBCon.Ora_Execute_table("select app_loan_type_cd from jpa_application where app_applcn_no='" + TXTNOKP.Text + "'"); if (mem_status.Rows.Count != 0) { if (mem_status.Rows[0]["app_loan_type_cd"].ToString() == "P") { if (buttonId == "Button3") { Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Pelaburan_Anggota/cetak_offer_sahabat.rdlc"; rds = new ReportDataSource("coffer", dt); } //else if (buttonId == "Button4") //{ // Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Pelaburan_Anggota/Kemudahan_staff.rdlc"; // rds = new ReportDataSource("kemudahan", dt); //} //else if (buttonId == "Button8") //{ // Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Pelaburan_Anggota/Tambahan.rdlc"; // rds = new ReportDataSource("tambahan", dt); //} else if (buttonId == "Button4") { Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Pelaburan_Anggota/Penjamin.rdlc"; rds = new ReportDataSource("penjamin", dt); } else { Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = ""; rds = new ReportDataSource("coffer", dt); } } else { if (buttonId == "Button3") { Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Pelaburan_Anggota/cetak_offer_sahabat.rdlc"; rds = new ReportDataSource("coffer", dt); } //else if (buttonId == "Button4") //{ // Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Pelaburan_Anggota/Kemudahan_sahabat.rdlc"; // rds = new ReportDataSource("kemudahan", dt); //} //else if (buttonId == "Button8") //{ // Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Pelaburan_Anggota/Tambahan.rdlc"; // rds = new ReportDataSource("tambahan", dt); //} else if (buttonId == "Button4") { Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Pelaburan_Anggota/Penjamin.rdlc"; rds = new ReportDataSource("penjamin", dt); } else { Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = ""; rds = new ReportDataSource("coffer", dt); } } } else { Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = ""; rds = new ReportDataSource("coffer", dt); } //Parameters // if (buttonId == "Button4") // { // decimal a10 = decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[0][40].ToString()); // string ldu = DecimalToWords(a10); // decimal a4 = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["cal_approve_amt"]; // string cpa = DecimalToWords(a4); // decimal a5 = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["cal_installment_amt"]; // string cima = DecimalToWords(a5); // decimal a6 = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["cal_profit_amt"]; // string cpat = DecimalToWords(a6); // decimal a7 = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["ap_amt"]; // string apa = DecimalToWords(a7); // decimal a8 = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["cal_profit_rate"]; // string cpr = DecimalToWords(a8); // decimal a9 = (decimal)dt.Rows[0]["lon_prfit_tot"]; // string lpt = DecimalToWords(a9); // ReportParameter[] rptParams = new ReportParameter[]{ //new ReportParameter("amt", cpa ), //new ReportParameter("amt1", cima ), //new ReportParameter("amt2", cpat ), //new ReportParameter("amt3", apa ), //new ReportParameter("amt4", cpr ), // new ReportParameter("amt5", lpt ), //new ReportParameter("amt6", ldu ) //}; // Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.SetParameters(rptParams); // } Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds); //Refresh Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.Refresh(); Warning[] warnings; string[] streamids; string mimeType; string encoding; string extension; string fname = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy"); string devinfo = "<DeviceInfo><ColorDepth>32</ColorDepth><DpiX>350</DpiX><DpiY>350</DpiY><OutputFormat>PDF</OutputFormat>" + " <PageWidth>12.20in</PageWidth>" + " <PageHeight>8.27in</PageHeight>" + " <MarginTop>0.1in</MarginTop>" + " <MarginLeft>0.5in</MarginLeft>" + " <MarginRight>0in</MarginRight>" + " <MarginBottom>0in</MarginBottom>" + "</DeviceInfo>"; byte[] bytes = Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.Render("PDF", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamids, out warnings); Response.Buffer = true; Response.Clear(); Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; if (buttonId == "Button3") { Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Surat_Tawaran_" + TXTNOKP.Text + "." + extension); } //else if (buttonId == "Button8") //{ // Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Perjanjian_Tambahan_" + TXTNOKP.Text + "." + extension); //} else if (buttonId == "Button4") { Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Kemudahan_Perjanjian_" + TXTNOKP.Text + "." + extension); } else { Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Kemudahan_Perjanjian_" + TXTNOKP.Text + "." + extension); } Response.BinaryWrite(bytes); //Response.Write("<script>"); //Response.Write("'', '_newtab');"); //Response.Write("</script>"); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); } else { tab1(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertMessage", "$.Zebra_Dialog('Sila Masukkan No Rujukan',{'type': 'warning','title': 'Warning','auto_close': 2000});", true); } } else { tab1(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertMessage", "$.Zebra_Dialog('Medan Input Adalah Mandatori',{'type': 'warning','title': 'Warning','auto_close': 2000});", true); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Applcn_no.Text != "") { string xxx_tname = string.Empty, xxx_fname = string.Empty; DataTable ddt_jbb_ind = new DataTable(); ddt_jbb_ind = DBCon.Ora_Execute_table("select app_current_jbb_ind from jpa_application where app_applcn_no='" + Applcn_no.Text + "'"); if (ddt_jbb_ind.Rows.Count != 0) { string jbbind = ddt_jbb_ind.Rows[0]["app_current_jbb_ind"].ToString(); if (jbbind == "P") { xxx_tname = "pjs"; xxx_fname = "pjs"; } else if (jbbind == "H") { xxx_tname = "holiday"; xxx_fname = "hol"; } else if (jbbind == "E") { xxx_tname = "extension"; xxx_fname = "ext"; } else if (jbbind == "L") { xxx_tname = "writeoff"; xxx_fname = "jwo"; } else { xxx_tname = "normal"; xxx_fname = "jno"; } } //Path DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //dt = DBCon.Ora_Execute_table("select app_name,app_mailing_address,app_mailing_postcode,ISNULL(KA.Area_Name, '') AS Area_Name,app_end_pay_dt,RJP.Description from jpa_application JA Left Join jpa_jkkpa_approval as JJA ON JJA.jkk_applcn_no=JA.app_applcn_no Left Join Ref_Wilayah as RW ON RW.Wilayah_Code=JA.app_region_cd Left join ref_branch AS RB ON RB.branch_cd=JA.app_branch_cd left join Ref_Kawasan as KA ON KA.Area_Code=JA.app_mailing_state_cd left join Ref_Jenis_Pelaburan as RJP ON RJP.Description_Code=JA.app_loan_type_cd where JA.app_applcn_no='" + Applcn_no.Text + "' and JJA.jkk_result_ind='L'"); dt = DBCon.Ora_Execute_table("select * from (select app_new_icno,app_name,app_applcn_no,ISNULL(app_mailing_address,'') app_mailing_address,app_mailing_postcode,ISNULL(KA.Area_Name, '') AS Area_Name,app_end_pay_dt,RJP.Description,jg.gua_name from jpa_application JA Left join jpa_guarantor as jg on jg.gua_applcn_no=ja.app_applcn_no Left Join jpa_jkkpa_approval as JJA ON JJA.jkk_applcn_no=JA.app_applcn_no Left Join Ref_Wilayah as RW ON RW.Wilayah_Code=JA.app_region_cd Left join ref_branch AS RB ON RB.branch_cd=JA.app_branch_cd left join Ref_Kawasan as KA ON KA.Area_Code=JA.app_mailing_state_cd left join Ref_Jenis_Pelaburan as RJP ON RJP.Description_Code=JA.app_loan_type_cd where JA.app_applcn_no='" + Applcn_no.Text + "' and JJA.jkk_result_ind='L') as a full outer join (select cmn_applcn_no,cmn_ref_no from cmn_ref_no where cmn_applcn_no='" + Applcn_no.Text + "' and cmn_crt_dt IN (SELECT max(cmn_crt_dt) FROM cmn_ref_no where cmn_applcn_no='" + Applcn_no.Text + "')) as b on b.cmn_applcn_no='" + Applcn_no.Text + "'"); Rptviwer_cetak.Reset(); ds.Tables.Add(dt); DataTable jbb_lpdt = new DataTable(); jbb_lpdt = DBCon.Ora_Execute_table("select FORMAT(" + xxx_fname + "_pay_date,'dd/MM/yyyy', 'en-us') as pdt from jpa_jbb_" + xxx_tname + " where " + xxx_fname + "_applcn_no='" + Applcn_no.Text + "' and " + xxx_fname + "_actual_pay_date != '1900-01-01' and " + xxx_fname + "_upd_dt = (select top (1) " + xxx_fname + "_upd_dt from jpa_jbb_" + xxx_tname + " where " + xxx_fname + "_applcn_no='" + Applcn_no.Text + "' and " + xxx_fname + "_actual_pay_date != '1900-01-01' order by " + xxx_fname + "_pay_date DESC)"); Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); if (jbb_lpdt.Rows.Count != 0) { Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.ReportPath = "PELABURAN_ANGGOTA/PP_Tunggakan.rdlc"; ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource("PP_CSPT", dt); ReportParameter[] rptParams = new ReportParameter[] { new ReportParameter("lpdt", jbb_lpdt.Rows[0]["pdt"].ToString()) }; Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.SetParameters(rptParams); Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds); //Refresh Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.Refresh(); Warning[] warnings; string[] streamids; string mimeType; string encoding; string extension; string fname = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy"); string devinfo; devinfo = "<DeviceInfo>" + "<OutputFormat>EMF</OutputFormat>" + "<PageWidth>8.5in</PageWidth>" + "<PageHeight>11in</PageHeight>" + "<MarginTop>0.25in</MarginTop>" + "<MarginLeft>0.25in</MarginLeft>" + "<MarginRight>0.25in</MarginRight>" + "<MarginBottom>0.25in</MarginBottom>" + "</DeviceInfo>"; byte[] bytes = Rptviwer_cetak.LocalReport.Render("PDF", devinfo, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamids, out warnings); Response.Buffer = true; Response.Clear(); Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Pelepasan_Tunggakan_" + Applcn_no.Text + "." + extension); Response.BinaryWrite(bytes); //Response.Write("<script>"); //Response.Write("'', '_newtab');"); //Response.Write("</script>"); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); //Response.Redirect(default.aspx, false); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertMessage", "$.Zebra_Dialog('Rekod Tidak Dijumpai.',{'type': 'warning','title': 'Warning','auto_close': 2000});", true); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alertMessage", "$.Zebra_Dialog('Medan Input Adalah Mandatori.',{'type': 'warning','title': 'Warning','auto_close': 2000});", true); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; //Request.Redirect(url, false); } }