Exemple #1
 private void TDataGridView_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (e is MouseEventArgs me)
         var hit = this.HitTest(me.X, me.Y);
         if (hit.RowIndex > -1)
             if (this.type != null)
                 var property = type.Property(Columns[hit.ColumnIndex].Name);
                 if (property?.IButton(out _) == true)
             RowDoubleClick?.Invoke(this, hit.RowIndex);
Exemple #2
        private void ListView_DoubleTapped(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.DoubleTappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            //var aa = VenturaVisualTreeHelper.FindParent<HyperGridPanel>(e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject);

            ListViewItem pressed_row = VenturaVisualTreeHelper.FindParent <ListViewItem>(e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject);

            if (pressed_row == null)

            //var event_args = new RowDoubleClickedEventArgs
            //    ItemIndex = -1, // pressed_row.GetIndex();
            //    Item = pressed_row.Content // pressed_row.DataContext;

            //RowDoubleClicked?.Invoke(this, event_args);
            RowDoubleClick?.Invoke(this, new RoutedEventArgs());
Exemple #3
        private void doubleClickTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            milliseconds += 100;

            //The timer has reached the double click time limit.
            if (milliseconds >= SystemInformation.DoubleClickTime)

                Row       clickedRow       = null;
                Row       relatedRow       = null;
                TimeBlock clickedTimeBlock = null;
                foreach (Row row in Rows.Where(p => p.IsVisible))
                    if (row.Rect.Contains(doubleClickLocation))
                        clickedRow = row;
                    else if (row.TimeBlocks.Find(p => p.Rect.Contains(doubleClickLocation)) != null)
                        relatedRow       = row;
                        clickedTimeBlock = row.TimeBlocks.Find(p => p.Rect.Contains(doubleClickLocation));

                Point eventGlobalLocation = new Point(doubleClickLocation.X + this.Left,
                                                      doubleClickLocation.Y + this.Top);

                if (isDoubleClick)
                    if (clickedRow != null)
                        if (clickedRow.IconRect.Contains(doubleClickLocation))
                            RowIconDoubleClick?.Invoke(new RowClickedEventArgs()
                                ClickedRow = clickedRow, CursorLocation = eventGlobalLocation
                            RowDoubleClick?.Invoke(new RowClickedEventArgs()
                                ClickedRow = clickedRow, CursorLocation = eventGlobalLocation
                    else if (clickedTimeBlock != null && clickedTimeBlock.Clickable)
                        TimeBlockDoubleClick?.Invoke(new TimeBlockClickedEventArgs()
                            ClickedTimeBlock = clickedTimeBlock, RelatedRow = relatedRow, CursorLocation = eventGlobalLocation
                    else if (renderer.MainCanvas.Contains(doubleClickLocation))
                        Row horizontalRow = Rows.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Rect.Contains(1, doubleClickLocation.Y));

                        DateTime?clickedTime = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < renderer.TimeXLocations.Count - 1; i++) //Loop to 1 less than the end so we don't get index exceptions
                            Tuple <DateTime, int, StringFormat> time = renderer.TimeXLocations[i];
                            Rectangle rowRect = horizontalRow.Rect;
                            rowRect.X     = time.Item2;
                            rowRect.Width = renderer.TimeXLocations[i + 1].Item2 - rowRect.X;

                            if (rowRect.Contains(doubleClickLocation))
                                clickedTime = time.Item1;

                        MainCanvasDoubleClick?.Invoke(new CanvasClickedEventArgs()
                            RelatedRow = horizontalRow, ClickedLocation = clickedTime, CursorLocation = eventGlobalLocation
                    if (clickedRow != null)
                        if (clickedRow.IconRect.Contains(doubleClickLocation))
                            RowIconSingleClick?.Invoke(new RowClickedEventArgs()
                                ClickedRow = clickedRow, CursorLocation = eventGlobalLocation
                            RowSingleClick?.Invoke(new RowClickedEventArgs()
                                ClickedRow = clickedRow, CursorLocation = eventGlobalLocation
                    else if (clickedTimeBlock != null && clickedTimeBlock.Clickable)
                        TimeBlockSingleClick?.Invoke(new TimeBlockClickedEventArgs()
                            ClickedTimeBlock = clickedTimeBlock, RelatedRow = relatedRow, CursorLocation = eventGlobalLocation
                    else if (renderer.MainCanvas.Contains(doubleClickLocation))
                        Row horizontalRow = Rows.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Rect.Contains(1, doubleClickLocation.Y));

                        DateTime?clickedTime = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < renderer.TimeXLocations.Count - 1; i++) //Loop to 1 less than the end so we don't get index exceptions
                            Tuple <DateTime, int, StringFormat> time = renderer.TimeXLocations[i];
                            Rectangle rowRect = horizontalRow.Rect;
                            rowRect.X     = time.Item2;
                            rowRect.Width = renderer.TimeXLocations[i + 1].Item2 - rowRect.X;

                            if (rowRect.Contains(doubleClickLocation))
                                clickedTime = time.Item1;

                        MainCanvasSingleClick?.Invoke(new CanvasClickedEventArgs()
                            RelatedRow = horizontalRow, ClickedLocation = clickedTime, CursorLocation = eventGlobalLocation

                //Allow the MouseDown event handler to process clicks again.
                isFirstClick  = true;
                isDoubleClick = false;
                milliseconds  = 0;
Exemple #4
        private void TableRow_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int row_num = ColumnRows.GetRow((TableLayoutPanel)sender);

            RowDoubleClick?.Invoke(row_num, rows[row_num]);