public async Task RevertCellThatWasSet(int defaultCols)
            // Setup:
            // ... Generate the parameters for the row create
            Common.TestDbColumnsWithTableMetadata data = new Common.TestDbColumnsWithTableMetadata(false, false, defaultCols, 0);
            ResultSet rs = await Common.GetResultSet(data.DbColumns, false);

            RowCreate rc = new RowCreate(100, rs, data.TableMetadata);

            rc.SetCell(0, "1");

            // If: I attempt to revert a cell that was set
            EditRevertCellResult result = rc.RevertCell(0);

            // Then:
            // ... We should get a result back

            // ... We should get back an edit cell with a value based on the default value
            string expectedDisplayValue = defaultCols > 0 ? Common.DefaultValue : string.Empty;

            Assert.Equal(expectedDisplayValue, result.Cell.DisplayValue);
            Assert.False(result.Cell.IsNull);    // TODO: Modify to support null defaults

            // ... The row should be dirty

            // ... The cell should no longer be set
        [InlineData(100)]       // Way too large value
        public async Task RevertCellOutOfRange(int columnId)
            // Setup: Generate the row create
            RowCreate rc = await GetStandardRowCreate();

            // If: I attempt to revert a cell that is out of range
            // Then: I should get an exception
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => rc.RevertCell(columnId));
        public async Task RevertCellNotSet()
            // Setup: Generate the row create
            RowCreate rc = await GetStandardRowCreate();

            // If: I attempt to revert a cell that has not been set
            EditRevertCellResult result = rc.RevertCell(0);

            // Then:
            // ... We should get a result back

            // ... We should get a null cell back
            // @TODO: Check for a default value when we support it

            // ... The row should be dirty

            // ... The cell should no longer be set