private void grdSearch_CellChecked(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (!grdSearch.Redraw) { return; } if (grdSearch.DataSource == null) { return; } if (grdSearch.RowSel < grdSearch.Rows.Fixed) { return; } bool _ischecked = (grdSearch.GetCellCheck(grdSearch.RowSel, e.Col) == CheckEnum.Checked); if (_ischecked) { grdSearch[grdSearch.RowSel, "Select"] = 1; } else { grdSearch[grdSearch.RowSel, "Select"] = 0; } }
protected override void OnAfterEdit(RowColEventArgs e) { if (this.Cols[e.Col].UserData != null) { ColumnInfo info = this.Cols[e.Col].UserData as ColumnInfo; if (!info.ViewName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { if (info.ViewName != info.ColumnName) { G.Controls.Input.DropDown control = this.Cols[e.Col].Editor as G.Controls.Input.DropDown; DbObjectSmartUpdate obj = this.GetCurSelect <DbObjectSmartUpdate>(); obj.setValue(info.ColumnName, control.GetValue()); obj.setValue(info.ViewName, control.Text); } else { G.Controls.Input.DropDown control = this.Cols[e.Col].Editor as G.Controls.Input.DropDown; if (control != null) { DbObjectSmartUpdate obj = this.GetCurSelect <DbObjectSmartUpdate>(); obj.setValue(info.ColumnName, control.GetValue()); } } } } base.OnAfterEdit(e); }
private void FgPro_CellButtonClick(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (FgPro.Col == 1) { DataTable dtResult = new DataTable(); string c_dato = ""; objIte.mysConec = mysConec; dtResult = objIte.BuscarItem("", "n_id", dtPro, 0); if (dtResult != null) { if (dtResult.Rows.Count != 0) { c_dato = dtResult.Rows[0]["c_despro"].ToString(); FgPro.SetData(FgPro.Row, 1, c_dato); c_dato = dtResult.Rows[0]["n_id"].ToString(); FgPro.SetData(FgPro.Row, 2, c_dato); if (funFunciones.NulosC(FgPro.GetData(FgPro.Rows.Count - 1, 1)) != "") { FgPro.Rows.Count = FgPro.Rows.Count + 1; } } } } }
// prevent editing group headers // <<B5>> private void _flex_BeforeEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (_flex.Rows[e.Row].IsNode) { e.Cancel = true; } }
private void fg_MouseEnterCell(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (e.Row < RowBegin || e.Col < ColBegin) { return; } CellRange rg = fg.GetCellRange(e.Row, e.Col); if (rg.Data.ToString() != "") { if (rg.UserData != null) { CellData ud = (CellData)rg.UserData; string strToolTip = ""; if (ud.BuoiHoc != (int)BUOIHOC.ChuaXacDinh) { strToolTip = "Ca học: <color=Blue>" + (ud.BuoiHoc == 0 ? "Sáng" : (ud.BuoiHoc == 1 ? "Chiều" : "Tối")); } if (ud.TenPhongHoc != "") { strToolTip += (strToolTip == "" ? "" : "<color=Black>, Phòng học: <color=Blue>") + ud.TenPhongHoc; } if (ud.TenKeHoachKhac != "" && "" + ud.NgayNghi != "") { strToolTip += (strToolTip == "" ? "" : "<br><color=Black>Kế hoạch khác: <color=Blue>" + ud.TenKeHoachKhac + "<br><color=Black>Ngày thực hiện: <color=Blue>" + NgayNghiToString(ud.NgayNghi)); } toolTipController.ShowHint(strToolTip, "Kế hoạch lớp"); } } }
// update the filter after any edits to the filter row private void _flex_AfterEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (e.Row == _row) { UpdateFilter(); } }
private void fg_MouseEnterCell(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (e.Row < RowBegin || e.Col < ColBegin) { return; } if ("" + fg[e.Row, 0] == "") { CellRange rg = fg.GetCellRange(e.Row, e.Col); if (rg.UserData != null) { CellData ud = (CellData)rg.UserData; string strToolTip = ""; if (ud.BuoiHoc != "") { strToolTip = "Ca học: <color=Blue>" + ud.BuoiHoc; } if (ud.TenPhongHoc != "") { strToolTip += (strToolTip == "" ? "" : "<color=Black>, Phòng học: <color=Blue>") + ud.TenPhongHoc; } if (ud.TenKeHoachKhac != "") { strToolTip += (strToolTip == "" ? "" : "<br><color=Black>Kế hoạch khác: <color=Blue>" + ud.TenKeHoachKhac + "<br><color=Black>Ngày thực hiện: <color=Blue>" + ud.NgayNghi); } toolTipController.ShowHint(strToolTip, "Kế hoạch lớp"); } } }
private void vs_BeforeEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (vs.Rows[e.Row].UserData + "" != "2") { e.Cancel = true; } }
public static void Motif_After_Edit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { C1FlexGrid grid = (C1FlexGrid)sender; string nom = grid[e.Row, "nom"].ToString(); string colname = grid.Cols[e.Col].Name; string userdata = grid.Cols[e.Col].UserData.ToString(); string newvalue = grid[e.Row, e.Col].ToString(); bool is_attribute = false; XmlNode originnod = (XmlNode)grid.Tag; if (userdata == string.Empty) { return; } XmlNode node; node = originnod.SelectSingleNode(string.Concat("motif[@nom='" + nom + "']")); if (userdata == "val") { is_attribute = false; } else if (userdata == "att") { is_attribute = true; } mod_save.Save_Param_Field(mod_accueil.Motif_Xml, node, newvalue, is_attribute, colname, mod_global.MF.XmlMotifStripLabel.Text); }
// sort list items if that was requested private void _flex_SetupEditor(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (_flex.Editor is ComboBox) { ((ComboBox)_flex.Editor).Sorted = _chkSortLists.Checked; } }
private void c1FlexGrid1_AfterEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { try { c1FlexGrid1.AutoSizeRow(e.Row); c1FlexGrid1.AutoSizeCol(e.Col); int hang = c1FlexGrid1.Row; int cot = c1FlexGrid1.Cols.Count - 1; if (Convert.ToInt32(c1FlexGrid1[hang, cot]) == 0) { c1FlexGrid1[c1FlexGrid1.RowSel, c1FlexGrid1.Cols.Count - 1] = 2; } if (c1FlexGrid1.Cols[c1FlexGrid1.ColSel].Name.ToUpper().Equals("GHICHU") == true && c1FlexGrid1.RowSel == c1FlexGrid1.Rows.Count - 1) { if (c1FlexGrid1.RowSel == c1FlexGrid1.Rows.Count - 1) { Add(); c1FlexGrid1.StartEditing(c1FlexGrid1.Rows.Count - 1, 1); } else { c1FlexGrid1.StartEditing(c1FlexGrid1.RowSel + 1, 2); } //Add(); c1FlexGrid1.StartEditing(c1FlexGrid1.Rows.Count - 1, 1); } } catch { } }
/* * * Editer le fichier XML apres avoir changer la valeur du grid Code Lié */ public static void Obs_Codelie_After_Edit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { XmlDocument doc = (XmlDocument)mod_global.MF.XmlObsCodesGrid.Tag; string position = mod_global.MF.XmlObsCodeLieGrid[e.Row, "position"].ToString(); string colname = mod_global.MF.XmlObsCodeLieGrid.Cols[e.Col].Name; string userdata = mod_global.MF.XmlObsCodeLieGrid.Cols[e.Col].UserData.ToString(); string newvalue = mod_global.MF.XmlObsCodeLieGrid[e.Row, e.Col].ToString(); bool is_attribute = false; if (userdata == string.Empty) { return; } XmlNode node; node = Selected_Obs_Code.SelectSingleNode(string.Concat("lien/codelie[@position='" + position + "']")); if (userdata == "val") { is_attribute = false; } else if (userdata == "att") { is_attribute = true; } mod_save.Save_Param_Field(doc, node, newvalue, is_attribute, colname, mod_global.MF.XmlObsStripLabel.Text); }
private void flxMatHang_AfterEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { try { int hang = flxMatHang.Row; if (Convert.ToInt32(flxMatHang[hang, "tt"]) == 0) { flxMatHang[flxMatHang.RowSel, flxMatHang.Cols.Count - 1] = 2; } if (flxMatHang.Cols[flxMatHang.ColSel].Name.ToUpper().Equals("GHICHU") == true && flxMatHang.RowSel == flxMatHang.Rows.Count - 1) { AddMatHang(); flxMatHang.StartEditing(flxMatHang.Rows.Count - 1, 3); } flxMatHang[flxMatHang.RowSel, "thanhtien"] = (Convert.ToDouble(flxMatHang[flxMatHang.RowSel, "soluong"].ToString().Trim()) * Convert.ToDouble(flxMatHang[flxMatHang.RowSel, "gianhap"].ToString().Trim())).ToString(); flxMatHang.AutoSizeCols(); flxMatHang.AutoSizeRows(); double tongtien = 0; for (int i = 1; i < flxMatHang.Rows.Count; i++) { double thanhtienofrow = 0; try { thanhtienofrow = Convert.ToDouble(flxMatHang[i, "thanhtien"].ToString()); } catch { } tongtien = tongtien + thanhtienofrow; } txtTongTien.Text = tongtien.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); TinhToan(); } catch { } }
// show menu when user clicks the button void _flex_CellButtonClick(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { Rectangle rc = _flex.GetCellRect(e.Row, e.Col); rc.Offset(0, rc.Height); _menu.Show(_flex, rc.Location); }
private void FlexGrid_CellChanged(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (e.Row == _footerRowIndex) { flexGrid.AutoSizeCol(e.Col); } }
private void GrfMatr_ComboCloseUp(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); if (e.Col == colName) { } }
private void GrfExpnD_CellChanged(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); if (e.Row <= 0) { return; } if ((grfExpnD.Col == colDQty)) { //grfExpnD. = colDdesc2; calAmt(); calAmount(); } else if ((grfExpnD.Col == colDUnitNameT)) { } else if ((grfExpnD.Col == colDPrice)) { calAmt(); calAmount(); //grfExpnD[e.Row, colDedit] = "1"; //grfExpnD.Rows[e.Row].StyleNew.BackColor = Color.Gray; } if ((grfExpnD.Col == colDPrice) && (grfExpnD.Rows.Count == (grfExpnD.Row + 1))) { grfExpnD.Rows.Count++; } }
private void vs_CellButtonClick(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (color.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { vs.Rows[vs.Row]["COL_NO"] = color.Color.R + "." + color.Color.G + "." + color.Color.B; } }
private void grdShift_CellChecked(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { try { if (grdShift.GetCellCheck(e.Row, e.Col) == C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.CheckEnum.Checked) { btnSave.Enabled = true; grdShift.AllowEditing = true; for (int rowindex = 1; rowindex < grdShift.Rows.Count; rowindex++) { if (rowindex == e.Row) { grdShift.Rows[rowindex].AllowEditing = true; grdShift.Cols[1].AllowEditing = true; grdShift.Cols[3].AllowEditing = true; } else { grdShift.Rows[rowindex].AllowEditing = false; } } grdShift.Cols[2].AllowEditing = false; } else { for (int rowindex = 1; rowindex < grdShift.Rows.Count; rowindex++) { grdShift.Rows[rowindex].AllowEditing = true; } ColumnVisibility(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
void _flexRowValidation_RowValidated(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (_flexRowValidation.ContainsFocus) { _lstRowValidationEventLog.Items.Add(string.Format("RowValidated: index {0}", e.Row)); } }
private void _grid_AfterAddRow(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (dsCore1.Orders.Rows.Count > 0) { _grid.SetData(e.Row, "OrderID", (int)dsCore1.Orders[0].ID); } }
private void c1FlexGrid1_SetupEditor(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (e.Col == _largeTextCol) { //Set size of large text box editor c1FlexGrid1.Cols[e.Col].Editor.Size = new Size(250, 100); } }
private void GrfFooM_CellChanged(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); if (e.Col == colFmWeight) { calTotal(); } }
private void GrfExpnD_ComboCloseUp(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); if (e.Col == colDItemNamet) { //MessageBox.Show("aaaa", ""); } }
private void GrfRemark_CellChanged(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); if (grfRemark.Row == grfRemark.Rows.Count - 1) { grfRemark.Rows.Count = grfRemark.Rows.Count + 1; } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #region ** Spell-check a C1FlexGrid // provide as-you-type spelling in the grid editor void _flex_StartEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { TextBoxBase tb = _flex.Editor as TextBoxBase; if (tb != null) { _spell.SetSpellChecking(tb, true); } }
private void c1FlexGrid1_SetupEditor(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { var tb = this.c1FlexGrid1.Editor as TextBox; if (tb != null) { this.c1SpellChecker1.SetActiveSpellChecking(tb, true); } }
// provide as-you-type spelling in the grid editor void _flex_StartEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { TextBoxBase tb = c1FlexGrid1.Editor as TextBoxBase; if (tb != null) { c1SpellChecker1.SetSpellChecking(tb, true); } }
void c1FlexGrid1_AfterEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (e.Col == c1FlexGrid1.Cols["AllowRead"].SafeIndex) { c1FlexGrid1.SetData(e.Row, "AllowCreate", c1FlexGrid1.GetData(e.Row, e.Col)); c1FlexGrid1.SetData(e.Row, "AllowUpdate", c1FlexGrid1.GetData(e.Row, e.Col)); c1FlexGrid1.SetData(e.Row, "AllowDelete", c1FlexGrid1.GetData(e.Row, e.Col)); } }
private void c1FlexGrid_Items_CellChecked(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { _allPacked = Helper.AllItemsPacked(c1FlexGrid_Items); if (_allPacked) { Helper.ShippingLabelPrint(_orderGrid, _countries, label_Address.Text, _upsDK, _sign); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } }
private void _grid_AfterAddRow(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (dsCore1.Orders.Rows.Count > 0) _grid.SetData(e.Row, "OrderID", (int)dsCore1.Orders[0].ID); }
private void m_grv_de_xuat_CellButtonClick(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { // Create color picker dialog. ColorDialog clrDlg = new ColorDialog(); // Initialize the dialog. if (m_grv_de_xuat[e.Row, e.Col] == typeof(Color)) { clrDlg.Color = (Color)m_grv_de_xuat[e.Row, e.Col]; } // Get new color from dialog and assign it to the cell. if (clrDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { m_grv_de_xuat[e.Row, e.Col] = clrDlg.Color; } }
// update the filter after any edits to the filter row private void _flex_AfterEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (e.Row == _row) UpdateFilter(); }
void _grid_BeforeAddRow(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { Cursor = Cursors.AppStarting; if (c1Combo1.SelectedValue == null || c1Combo3.SelectedValue == null) { RibbonMessageBox.Show("Please select customer and set currency type before adding payment details", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); e.Cancel = true; } Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void c1FlexGrid_Conditions_BeforeEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { C1FlexGrid grid = sender as C1FlexGrid; if (ribbonCheckBox_CheckCondition.Checked) { e.Cancel = true; } else { if (e.Row >= 1 && e.Row == grid.RowSel) { int nCondition = -1; if (ConditionTable != null) { try { nCondition = Int32.Parse(grid.GetData(e.Row, 1).ToString()); } catch { e.Cancel = true; return; } } else { return; } if (nCondition > 0) { if ((nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.PRETIME || nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.TIME) && (e.Col == 2 || e.Col == 5 || e.Col == 4)) //|| e.Col == 3 { e.Cancel = true; return; } if ((nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.MACHINESAMPLEFREE)) // machine sample free { if (e.Col == 2) { e.Cancel = true; } if (e.Col == 4) { grid[e.Row, e.Col] = 1; e.Cancel = true; } if (e.Col == 5) { grid[e.Row, e.Col] = "sample free"; e.Cancel = true; } } else if ((nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.GLOBALTAG)) // global tags { if (e.Col == 2) { e.Cancel = true; } } if ((nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.MACHINETAG)) // machine tags { if (e.Col == 2) { e.Cancel = true; } } if ((nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.WORKSHEETENTRY)) // WS entry { if (e.Col == 2) { e.Cancel = true; } } if (nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.SAMPLEONPOS) // Sample on pos { if (e.Col == 4) { grid[e.Row, e.Col] = 1; e.Cancel = true; } if (e.Col == 2 || e.Col == 3) { e.Cancel = true; } } if ((nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.SAMPLETYPE || nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.SAMPLEPRIORITY)) // sample on pos ,sample type , sample priority { if (e.Col == 2 || e.Col == 3) { e.Cancel = true; } } if (nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.STATUSBITS) { // status bit if (e.Col == 2) { e.Cancel = true; } if (e.Col == 4) { grid[e.Row, e.Col] = 1; e.Cancel = true; } } if ((nCondition == (int)Definition.RoutingConditions.CHECKOWNMAGPOS)) // check own magazine oposition { /* if (e.Col == 4) { grid[e.Row, e.Col] = 1; e.Cancel = true; } if (e.Col == 5) { grid[e.Row, e.Col] = "free"; e.Cancel = true; }*/ if (e.Col == 2 || e.Col == 3 || e.Col == 4 || e.Col == 5) { e.Cancel = true; } } } } } }
private void m_fg_AfterEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { try { hien_thi_tong_tien(); } catch (Exception v_e) { CSystemLog_301.ExceptionHandle(v_e); } }
void _grid_AfterAddRow(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { UpdateScrollbar(); }
private void c1FlexGrid_Commands_MouseEnterCell(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { C1FlexGrid grid = sender as C1FlexGrid; TextBox tb = grid.Editor as TextBox; if (tb != null) { nCoursorPositionCommands = tb.SelectionStart; } }
private void c1FlexGrid_Conditions_AfterEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { bConditionTableChanged = true; // c1FlexGrid_ConditionsUpdate(); c1FlexGrid_Conditions.AutoSizeRow(e.Row); CheckForErrorText("Condition"); }
private void c1FlexGrid_Commands_CellChanged(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { C1FlexGrid grid = sender as C1FlexGrid; if (e.Row > 0 && e.Col == 1) { { grid.SetData(e.Row, 2, ""); grid.SetData(e.Row, 3, ""); grid.SetData(e.Row, 4, ""); grid.SetData(e.Row, 5, ""); grid.SetData(e.Row, 6, ""); } } grid.Update(); }
public void handle_StartEdit(C1FlexGrid i_c1fg, RowColEventArgs e) { if (m_isRowEditing) { return; } if (GridRow2Me_4_IsUpdatableEvent != null) GridRow2Me_4_IsUpdatableEvent(i_c1fg, e.Row, m_usObject); m_fg = i_c1fg; m_current_row = e.Row; BeginTran(); bool v_isUpdatable = default(bool); if (CheckIsUpdatableEvent != null) CheckIsUpdatableEvent(m_trans, m_usObject, ref v_isUpdatable); if (v_isUpdatable) { m_isRowEditing = true; m_oCSaveTrangThai1DongCuaGrid = new CSaveTrangThai1DongCuaGrid(i_c1fg, e.Row); } else { BaseMessages.MsgBox_Warning(15); Rollback(); e.Cancel = true; } }
private void c1FlexGrid_Commands_AfterEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { c1FlexGrid_CommandsUpdate(); CheckForErrorText("Command"); }
private void c1FlexGrid_Commands_BeforeEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { C1FlexGrid grid = sender as C1FlexGrid; // grid.ShowButtons = ShowButtonsEnum.Always; // "e.Cancel" blocks the direkt input possibility. // we want to edit some of the fields by an extra grid if (e.Row > 0 && e.Row == grid.RowSel) { if (ribbonCheckBox_CheckCondition.Checked) { e.Cancel = true; return; } int nCommandType = -1; try { nCommandType = Int32.Parse(grid.GetData(e.Row, 1).ToString()); } catch { } if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.SHIFTSAMPLE) // shift sample { if (e.Col == 2 || e.Col == 3 || e.Col == 4 || e.Col == 5) { e.Cancel = true; } } if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.CREATESAMPLE) // create sample { if (e.Col == 2 || e.Col == 3) { e.Cancel = true; } // e.Coll == 4 => SampleID free typing; so no "Cancel" if (e.Col == 5) { CellRange rg = grid.GetCellRange(grid.Row, 5, grid.Row, 5); CellStyle cs = grid.Styles.Add("SamplePriority"); cs.Editor = numericUpDown_Commands; rg.Style = grid.Styles["SamplePriority"]; } } if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.DELETESAMPLE) // delete sample { if (e.Col == 2 || e.Col == 3 || e.Col == 4 || e.Col == 5) { e.Cancel = true; } } if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.CHANGESAMPLETYPE) // change sample type { if ( e.Col == 3 || e.Col == 4 || e.Col == 5) { e.Cancel = true; } if (e.Col == 2) { } } if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.CHANGEPRIORITY) // change sample priority { if (e.Col == 3 || e.Col == 4 || e.Col == 5 ) { e.Cancel = true; } if (e.Col == 2) { CellRange rg = grid.GetCellRange(grid.Row,2, grid.Row, 2); CellStyle cs = grid.Styles.Add("ChangeSamplePriority"); cs.Editor = numericUpDown_Commands; rg.Style = grid.Styles["ChangeSamplePriority"]; } } if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.WRITEGLOBALTAG ) // write WinCC global tag { if (e.Col == 2) // Name select by grid { e.Cancel = true; } if (e.Col == 3 || e.Col == 4) { e.Cancel = true; } } if ( nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.WRITEMACHINETAG) // write WinCC machine tag { if (e.Col == 2) // Name select by grid { e.Cancel = true; } if (e.Col == 4) // e.Col == 4 => Input field Tagname { e.Cancel = true; } } if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.INSERTWSENTRY) // write WS entry { // e.Col == 2 || if ( e.Col == 3) { e.Cancel = true; } int nSampleLocation = -1; Int32.TryParse(grid.GetData(e.Row, 2).ToString(), out nSampleLocation); if (e.Col == 2) { if (nSampleLocation != (int)Definition.WSInsertLocation.SAMPLEONPOS) { if ((string)grid.GetData(e.Row, 3).ToString() != "") { grid.SetData(e.Row, 3, ""); } } } // e.Col == 4 & e.Col == 5 Name and Value must be free for enter } if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.DELETEWSENTRY) // delete WS entry { if (e.Col == 2 || e.Col == 3 || e.Col == 5) { e.Cancel = true; } // e.Col == 4 Name and Value must be free for enter } if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.SENDINGCOMMANDTOMACHINE) //sending command to machine { if (e.Col == 2 || e.Col == 3 || e.Col == 5) { e.Cancel = true; } if (e.Col == 4 && grid.GetData(e.Row, 2).ToString().Length>0) // { int nConnectionType = myHC.GetConnectionTypeFromConnectionListByMachineList_ID(myHC.GetMachineList_IDFromMachinesByMachine_ID(Int32.Parse(grid.GetData(e.Row, 2).ToString()))); if (nConnectionType == (int)Definition.ConnectionTypes.MAGAZINE || nConnectionType == (int)Definition.ConnectionTypes.TCPIP) { e.Cancel = false; } else{ // grid.SetData(e.Row, 4, ""); e.Cancel = true; } } } if (nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.CREATERESERVATION || nCommandType == (int)Definition.RoutingCommands.DELETERESERVATION) // create/delete reservation point { if (e.Col == 2 || e.Col == 3 || e.Col == 4 || e.Col == 5) { e.Cancel = true; } } } }
private void m_fg_CellChanged(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { try { if (flag == true) { int i_row = e.Row; int i_col = e.Col; US_V_HT_NGUOI_SU_DUNG v_us = new US_V_HT_NGUOI_SU_DUNG(); DS_V_HT_NGUOI_SU_DUNG v_ds = new DS_V_HT_NGUOI_SU_DUNG(); v_us.FillDataset(v_ds, "where TEN_TRUY_CAP=" + "'"+m_fg.Rows[i_row][(int)e_col_Number.TEN_TRUY_CAP].ToString()+"'"); string message = "Bạn vừa có thay đổi tên mail! Bạn có muốn lưu lại không?"; MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; DialogResult result; result = MessageBox.Show(message, "Thông báo", buttons); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { v_us = new US_V_HT_NGUOI_SU_DUNG(); decimal v_dc_ID= CIPConvert.ToDecimal(v_ds.V_HT_NGUOI_SU_DUNG.Rows[0]["ID"]); string v_mail = m_fg.Rows[i_row][i_col].ToString(); v_us.Update_mail(v_mail, v_dc_ID); MessageBox.Show("Đã lưu thay đổi", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } load_data_2_grid(); } } catch (Exception v_e) { CSystemLog_301.ExceptionHandle(v_e); } }
private void GrillaC1FlexGrid_StartEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { var estiloFila = grillaC1FlexGrid.Rows[e.Row].Style; if (estiloFila == null) { return; } var estiloSubtotal0 = grillaC1FlexGrid.Styles[CellStyleEnum.Subtotal0]; var estiloSubtotal1 = grillaC1FlexGrid.Styles[CellStyleEnum.Subtotal1]; if (estiloFila.Name == estiloSubtotal0.Name || estiloFila.Name == estiloSubtotal1.Name) { e.Cancel = true; } }
private void _grid_CellButtonClick(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { Cursor = Cursors.AppStarting; try { // open item list form if (e.Col == _grid.Cols["ItemCode"].SafeIndex) { frmItemSearch fx; if (_grid[e.Row, "ItemCode"] == DBNull.Value) fx = new frmItemSearch(); else fx = new frmItemSearch((int)_grid[e.Row, "ItemID"]); fx.ShowDialog(); if (fx.SelectedOK) { dsCore.ItemsDataTable data = daItems1.GetDataByID(fx.SelectedID); // item info if (data.Rows.Count > 0) { _grid.SetData(e.Row, "ItemID", data[0].ID); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "ItemCode", data[0].Code); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "ItemName", data[0].Name); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "MeasureCode", data[0].IsMeasureCodeNull() ? "" : data[0].MeasureCode); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "UnitPrice", data[0].IsSellingPriceNull() ? 0 : data[0].SellingPrice); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "TaxPct", 0); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "TrxType", 0); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "Quantity", 1); // display default remark _grid.SetData(e.Row, "Remarks", c1TextBox2.Text); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorRoutine(ex); RibbonMessageBox.Show("ERROR Adding Detail Items: " + ex.Message, Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void c1FlexGrid_TCPIPConfiguration_BeforeEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { C1FlexGrid grid = sender as C1FlexGrid; if (e.Row >= 1 && e.Row == grid.RowSel) { int nType = -1; try { nType = Int32.Parse(grid.GetData(e.Row, "Type").ToString()); if (e.Col == 5) { if (nType == 0) { e.Cancel = true; } } } catch { } } }
private void _grid_AfterEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { NumberFormatInfo nfi = Application.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat; if (e.Col == _grid.Cols["ItemID"].SafeIndex || e.Col == _grid.Cols["ItemCode"].SafeIndex) { if (_grid.GetData(e.Row, "ItemCode") != DBNull.Value && _grid.GetData(e.Row, "ItemCode").ToString().Trim() != "") { // read data string code = _grid.GetData(e.Row, "ItemCode").ToString().Trim(); dsCore.ItemsDataTable data = daItems1.GetDataByCode(code); if (data.Rows.Count > 0) { // display data _grid.SetData(e.Row, "ItemID", data[0].ID); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "ItemCode", data[0].Code); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "ItemName", data[0].Name); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "MeasureCode", data[0].IsMeasureCodeNull() ? "" : data[0].MeasureCode); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "UnitPrice", data[0].IsSellingPriceNull() ? 0 : data[0].SellingPrice); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "TaxPct", 0); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "TrxType", 0); _grid.SetData(e.Row, "Quantity", 1); // display default remark _grid.SetData(e.Row, "Remarks", c1TextBox2.Text); } } } // update converted credit column value if (e.Col == _grid.Cols["Quantity"].SafeIndex) { if (_grid.GetData(e.Row, "Quantity") != DBNull.Value && _grid.GetData(e.Row, "Quantity").ToString() != "") { //_grid.SetData(e.Row, "ExtendedPrice", (double)_grid.GetData(e.Row, "Quantity") * (double)_grid.GetData(e.Row, "UnitPrice")); } } }
private void GrillaC1FlexGrid_AfterEdit(object sender, RowColEventArgs e) { if (e.Col == _columnaPorcentajeRendimiento.Index) { var valorTexto = grillaC1FlexGrid.GetData(e.Row, e.Col).ToString(); decimal valor; if (Decimal.TryParse(valorTexto, out valor)) { var nuevoValor = valor / 100; grillaC1FlexGrid.SetData(e.Row, e.Col, nuevoValor); } } }