Exemple #1
    // V 1.0.0
    public List <RoundPaidData> getNotExpireRoundPaid(string academic_year, string semester, string faculty_code, string degree_char)
        List <RoundPaidData> RoundData = new List <RoundPaidData>();

        ConnectDB     db        = new ConnectDB();
        SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();

        oracleObj.SelectCommand = "Select * From Round_Paid Where ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + academic_year + "' AND SEMESTER='" + semester + "' AND Faculty_Code='" + faculty_code + "' AND DEGREE_CHAR='" + degree_char + "' Order By ROUND";

        DataView allData = (DataView)oracleObj.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);

        foreach (DataRowView rowData in allData)
            utility utlObj    = new utility();
            string  due_date  = rowData["DUE_DATE"].ToString();
            int     diff_date = utlObj.getDiffDate(due_date, utlObj.getToday());

            if (diff_date >= 0)
                RoundPaidData round_data = new RoundPaidData();
                round_data.Academic_Year = rowData["ACADEMIC_YEAR"].ToString();
                round_data.Semester      = rowData["SEMESTER"].ToString();
                round_data.Faculty_Code  = rowData["FACULTY_CODE"].ToString();
                round_data.Degree_Char   = rowData["DEGREE_CHAR"].ToString();
                round_data.RoundPaid     = Convert.ToInt16(rowData["ROUND"].ToString());
                round_data.Start_Date    = rowData["START_DATE"].ToString();
                round_data.Due_Date      = rowData["DUE_DATE"].ToString();

Exemple #2
    // V 1.0.0
    public string delRoundPaid(RoundPaidData delData)
        string            response          = "";
        Qualified_Student qualified_student = new Qualified_Student();

        ConnectDB     db        = new ConnectDB();
        SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();

        //string qualified_std_table = new Qualified_Student().getTableName(delData.Degree_Char);

        //string sql_chk = "Select * From " + qualified_std_table + " Where YEAR_ADMISSION = '" + new SystemConfig().getConfig().AcademicYear + "' AND SEMESTER_ADMISSION = '" + new SystemConfig().getConfig().Semester + "' AND FACULTY_CODE='" + delData.Faculty_Code + "' AND ROUND_PAID=" + delData.RoundPaid;
        //qualified_student = new Qualified_Student().getManualOneQualifiedStudent(sql_chk);

        //if (qualified_student.Faculty_Code == null)
        string sql = "Delete From Round_Paid Where ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + delData.Academic_Year + "' And SEMESTER='" + delData.Semester + "' And FACULTY_CODE='" + delData.Faculty_Code + "' And DEGREE_CHAR='" + delData.Degree_Char + "' And ROUND=" + delData.RoundPaid;

        oracleObj.DeleteCommand = sql;

            if (oracleObj.Delete() > 0)
                response = "OK";
        catch (Exception e)
            response = e.Message.ToString();
        //  response = "ไม่สามารถลบรอบการชำระเงินได้";
        // }

Exemple #3
    // V 1.0.0
    public string editRoundPaid(RoundPaidData editData)
        string response = "";

        ConnectDB     db        = new ConnectDB();
        SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();
        string        sql       = "Update Round_Paid SET DUE_DATE='" + editData.Due_Date + "', START_DATE='" + editData.Start_Date + "' Where ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + editData.Academic_Year + "' And SEMESTER='" + editData.Semester + "' And FACULTY_CODE='" + editData.Faculty_Code + "' And DEGREE_CHAR='" + editData.Degree_Char + "' And  ROUND=" + editData.RoundPaid;

        oracleObj.UpdateCommand = sql;
            if (oracleObj.Update() == 1)
                response = "OK";
        catch (Exception e)
            response = e.Message.ToString();

Exemple #4
    // V 1.0.0
    public string insertRoundPaid(RoundPaidData insertData)
        string response = "";

        ConnectDB     db        = new ConnectDB();
        SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();
        string        sql       = "Insert Into Round_Paid(DEGREE_CHAR,ACADEMIC_YEAR,SEMESTER,FACULTY_CODE,ROUND,DUE_DATE,START_DATE) Values('" + insertData.Degree_Char + "','" + insertData.Academic_Year + "','" + insertData.Semester + "','" + insertData.Faculty_Code + "'," + insertData.RoundPaid + ",'" + insertData.Due_Date + "','" + insertData.Start_Date + "')";

        oracleObj.InsertCommand = sql;

            if (oracleObj.Insert() == 1)
                response = "OK";
        catch (Exception e)
            response = e.Message.ToString();
