Exemple #1
        protected void OnBtnSwapRolesClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreePath[] r = treeDebaters.Selection.GetSelectedRows();
            if (r.Length != 2)
                MiscHelpers.ShowMessage(this, "Select exactly two Debaters to swap.",

            TreeIter iter1;
            TreeIter iter2;

            if (!treeDebaters.Model.GetIter(out iter1, r[0]) ||
                !treeDebaters.Model.GetIter(out iter2, r[1]))
                // this should never happen
            // get the references in the store
            TreeIter        storeIter1 = ConvertModelIterToStoreIter(iter1);
            TreeIter        storeIter2 = ConvertModelIterToStoreIter(iter2);
            EditableDebater d1         = (EditableDebater)
                                         store.GetValue(storeIter1, 0);
            EditableDebater d2 = (EditableDebater)
                                 store.GetValue(storeIter2, 0);

            // swapping it in the store
            Role tmp = d2.Role;

            d2.Role = d1.Role;
            d1.Role = tmp;

            // update in existing rounds (this is ugly due to our data model)
            // this resets the info about available judges...
            // any other approach wouldn't be future-proof

            foreach (RoundData round in Tournament.I.Rounds)
                // clear all round results of the debaters in the store!
                d1.SetRoom(round.RoundName, null);
                d2.SetRoom(round.RoundName, null);

                // always create new instance for each round
                RoundDebater rd1 = new RoundDebater(d1);
                RoundDebater rd2 = new RoundDebater(d2);

                // search for d1, replace by d2 and vice versa
                // this should work since d1 and d2 have already swapped roles
                foreach (RoomData room in round.Rooms)
                    room.ReplaceRoomMember(rd1, RoundDebater.Dummy());
                foreach (RoomData room in round.Rooms)
                    room.ReplaceRoomMember(rd2, rd1);
                foreach (RoomData room in round.Rooms)
                    room.ReplaceRoomMember(RoundDebater.Dummy(), rd2);

                // update also allArrays, the following UpdateAllArrays
                // relies on at least consistent arrays
                round.ReplaceInAllArrays(rd1, RoundDebater.Dummy());
                round.ReplaceInAllArrays(rd2, new RoundDebater(rd1));
                round.ReplaceInAllArrays(RoundDebater.Dummy(), new RoundDebater(rd2));

                // since complicated things can happen above
                // we make the arrays consistent by brute force
                // this creates many warnings that round results are cleared,
                // but the debaters are backed up in store here...complicated, as said

            // overwrite the changes with the changes from the store
            // and reflect the possible reset of RoundResults

            // tell the treeview to update, don't know why path and iter is necessary
            store.EmitRowChanged(store.GetPath(storeIter1), storeIter1);
            store.EmitRowChanged(store.GetPath(storeIter2), storeIter2);