private Rectangle _GetNearbyTiles(float x, float y, float width, float height, float pad)
            // use offset from tile map center.
            x -= _position.X;
            y -= _position.Y;

            if (Rotation != 0.0f)
                // need to transform world-space box to tile map aligned box which includes
                // original box.
                Rotation2D rotation = new Rotation2D(MathHelper.ToRadians(Rotation));

                // figure tile space position
                Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(x, y);
                newPos = rotation.Unrotate(newPos);
                x = newPos.X;
                y = newPos.Y;

                // compute tile space width/height, expanded to include all
                // of original box in tile aligned box
                Vector2 xvec = rotation.X;
                Vector2 yvec = rotation.Y;
                float newWidth = width * Math.Abs(xvec.X) + height * Math.Abs(xvec.Y);
                float newHeight = width * Math.Abs(yvec.X) + height * Math.Abs(yvec.Y);
                width = newWidth;
                height = newHeight;

            float minX, minY, maxX, maxY;

            minX = ((x - (width * 0.5f)) / _tileSize.X) + (_mapSize.X * 0.5f);
            maxX = ((x + (width * 0.5f)) / _tileSize.X) + (_mapSize.X * 0.5f);
            minY = ((y - (height * 0.5f)) / _tileSize.Y) + (_mapSize.Y * 0.5f);
            maxY = ((y + (height * 0.5f)) / _tileSize.Y) + (_mapSize.Y * 0.5f);

            minX -= pad;
            minY -= pad;
            maxX += pad;
            maxY += pad;

            // make sure that returned rectangle only contains valid tile boundaries
            minX = MathHelper.Clamp(minX, 0.0f, _mapSize.X - 1);
            maxX = MathHelper.Clamp(maxX + 1, 0.0f, _mapSize.X - 1);
            minY = MathHelper.Clamp(minY, 0.0f, _mapSize.Y - 1);
            maxY = MathHelper.Clamp(maxY + 1, 0.0f, _mapSize.Y - 1);

            return new Rectangle((int)minX, (int)minY, (int)(maxX), (int)(maxY));
        public static bool IntersectMovingPolyPoly(
            float elapsedTime, Vector2[] srcVertexList, Vector2[] dstVertexList,
            Vector2 srcPosition, Vector2 dstPosition,
            float srcRotation, float dstRotation,
            Vector2 srcVelocity, Vector2 dstVelocity,
            ref Vector2 collisionPosition, ref Vector2 collisionNormal, ref Vector2 collisionPenetration, ref float time)
            if (srcVertexList == null || dstVertexList == null)
                return false;

            int srcVertexCount = srcVertexList.Length;
            int dstVertexCount = dstVertexList.Length;

            Rotation2D srcRot = new Rotation2D(MathHelper.ToRadians(srcRotation));

            Rotation2D dstInverseRot = new Rotation2D(MathHelper.ToRadians(-dstRotation));
            Rotation2D refLocalRot = srcRot * dstInverseRot;

            Vector2 offset = srcPosition - dstPosition;
            Vector2 refLocalOffset = dstInverseRot.Rotate(offset);

            Vector2 velocity = srcVelocity - dstVelocity;
            Vector2 refLocalVelocity = dstInverseRot.Rotate(velocity);

            float refVelSqr = Vector2.Dot(refLocalVelocity, refLocalVelocity);

            int axesCount = 0;

            float fullTimeStep = elapsedTime;

            float Epsilon = 0.0001f;

            // Ignore small velocities!
            if (refVelSqr > Epsilon)
                // Set Axis.
                _vertexAxis[axesCount] = new Vector2(-refLocalVelocity.Y, refLocalVelocity.X);
                // Check Interval Intersection.
                if (!_CheckIntervalIntersection(
                        ref _vertexAxis[axesCount],
                        ref refLocalOffset, ref refLocalVelocity, ref refLocalRot,
                        ref _timeAxis[axesCount], fullTimeStep))
                    // No Collision!
                    return false;

                // Next Axes.

            // Test Seperation Axes for Source Object.
            // NOTE:- We ignore if it's a point!
            if (srcVertexCount > 1)
                for (int j = srcVertexCount - 1, i = 0; i < srcVertexCount; j = i, i++)
                    // fetch the edge
                    Vector2 dP = srcVertexList[i] - srcVertexList[j];
                    Vector2 dP2 = new Vector2(-dP.Y, dP.X);
                    _vertexAxis[axesCount] = refLocalRot.Rotate(dP2);

                    // check interval intersection
                    if (!_CheckIntervalIntersection(srcVertexList, dstVertexList, ref _vertexAxis[axesCount], ref refLocalOffset, ref refLocalVelocity, ref refLocalRot, ref _timeAxis[axesCount], fullTimeStep))
                        return false;

                    //next axes

            // Test Seperation Axes for Destination Object.
            // NOTE:- We ignore if it's a point!
            if (dstVertexCount > 1)
                for (int j = dstVertexCount - 1, i = 0; i < dstVertexCount; j = i, i++)
                    // fetch the edge
                    Vector2 dP = dstVertexList[i] - dstVertexList[j];

                    // set the axis
                    _vertexAxis[axesCount] = new Vector2(-dP.Y, dP.X);

                    if (!_CheckIntervalIntersection(srcVertexList, dstVertexList, ref _vertexAxis[axesCount], ref refLocalOffset, ref refLocalVelocity, ref refLocalRot, ref _timeAxis[axesCount], fullTimeStep))
                        return false;

                    //next axes

            // Test Special-Case for Segments for Destination Object.
            if (dstVertexCount == 2)
                // Set Axis.
                _vertexAxis[axesCount] = (dstVertexList[1] - dstVertexList[0]);

                // Check Interval Intersection.
                if (!_CheckIntervalIntersection(srcVertexList, dstVertexList, ref _vertexAxis[axesCount], ref refLocalOffset, ref refLocalVelocity, ref refLocalRot, ref _timeAxis[axesCount], fullTimeStep))
                    // No Collision!
                    return false;

                // Next Axes.

            // Test Special-Case for Segments for Source Object.
            if (srcVertexCount == 2)
                // Set Axis.

                Vector2 segment = (srcVertexList[1] - srcVertexList[0]);
                _vertexAxis[axesCount] = refLocalRot.Rotate(segment);

                // Check Interval Intersection.
                if (!_CheckIntervalIntersection(srcVertexList, dstVertexList, ref _vertexAxis[axesCount], ref refLocalOffset, ref refLocalVelocity, ref refLocalRot, ref _timeAxis[axesCount], fullTimeStep))
                    // No Collision!
                    return false;

                // Next Axes.

            // find minimum seperation distance
            if (!_FindCollisionTime(_vertexAxis, _timeAxis, axesCount, ref collisionNormal, ref time))
                return false;

            // Respace Normal.
            collisionNormal = dstInverseRot.Unrotate(collisionNormal);

            // need this below (simple transpose)
            Rotation2D dstRot = dstInverseRot.Invert();

            // compute offset between poly centers for following calculation
            Vector2 polyCenter = new Vector2();
            foreach (Vector2 v in srcVertexList)
                polyCenter += v;
            polyCenter *= 1.0f / (float)srcVertexList.Length;
            Vector2 polyOffset = srcPosition + srcRot.Rotate(polyCenter);
            polyCenter = new Vector2();
            foreach (Vector2 v in dstVertexList)
                polyCenter += v;
            polyCenter *= 1.0f / (float)dstVertexList.Length;
            polyOffset -= dstPosition + dstRot.Rotate(polyCenter);

            // Make sure the collision polygons are pushed away.
            // NOTE: This is the overlap case.
            if (Vector2.Dot(collisionNormal, polyOffset) < 0.0f)
                collisionNormal = -collisionNormal;

            int contactCount = 0;
            if (!_FindContactPoints(
                    srcVertexList, srcPosition, srcVelocity, ref srcRot,
                    dstVertexList, dstPosition, dstVelocity, ref dstRot,
                    collisionNormal, time, _srcContacts, _dstContacts, out contactCount))
                // No Support Points!
                return false;

            collisionPosition = 0.5f * (_srcContacts[0] + _dstContacts[0]);
            collisionPenetration = _dstContacts[0] - _srcContacts[0];
            if (contactCount == 2)
                collisionPosition = 0.5f * collisionPosition + 0.25f * (_srcContacts[1] + _dstContacts[1]);
                Vector2 collisionPenetration2 = _dstContacts[1] - _srcContacts[1];
                if (collisionPenetration2.LengthSquared() > collisionPenetration.LengthSquared())
                    collisionPenetration = collisionPenetration2;

            // return true to indicate collision
            return true;
        // Find Support Points.
        // NOTE:-   This is a convex shape along a specified direction.
        static int _FindSupportPoints(
            Vector2[] poly, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, ref Rotation2D rotation,
            Vector2 collisionNormal, float collisionTime, Vector2[] supportPoints)
            // Calculate Normal.
            Vector2 normal = rotation.Unrotate(collisionNormal);

            // Reset Direction.
            float supportMin = _support[0] = Vector2.Dot(poly[0], normal);

            // Interate Polygon.
            for (int i = 1; i < poly.Length; i++)
                // Calculate.
                _support[i] = Vector2.Dot(poly[i], normal);

                // Check For Minimum.
                if (_support[i] < supportMin)
                    supportMin = _support[i];

            // The limit here is two support-points only.
            // If we find more then we use the extremums.
            int supportCount = 0;

            // Set Threshold.
            float threshold = 1.0e-3f;

            // Reset Sign Flag.
            bool sign = false;

            // Calculate Perpendicular Normal.
            Vector2 perpNormal = new Vector2(-collisionNormal.Y, collisionNormal.X);

            // Interate Polygon.
            for (int i = 0; i < poly.Length; i++)
                // Check Contact.
                if (_support[i] < supportMin + threshold)
                    // Transform Contact to World-Space.
                    Vector2 contact;
                    _TransformContact(poly[i], position, velocity, ref rotation, collisionTime, out contact);
                    // Contact Dot.
                    float contactDot = Vector2.Dot(contact, perpNormal);
                    // Less than two supports?
                    if (supportCount < 2)
                        // Yes, so note contact.
                        _supportMinMax[supportCount] = contactDot;
                        supportPoints[supportCount] = contact;
                        // Increase Support Count.

                        // Note Sign for two contacts.
                        if (supportCount > 1)
                            sign = (_supportMinMax[1] > _supportMinMax[0]);
                        int idx0 = 0;
                        int idx1 = 1;
                        if (!sign)
                            TorqueUtil.Swap(ref idx0, ref idx1);
                        if (contactDot < _supportMinMax[idx0])
                            _supportMinMax[idx0] = contactDot;
                            supportPoints[idx0] = contact;

                        else if (contactDot > _supportMinMax[idx1])
                            _supportMinMax[idx1] = contactDot;
                            supportPoints[idx1] = contact;


            // Return Support Count.
            return supportCount;
        static bool _CheckIntervalIntersection(Vector2[] srcVertexList, Vector2[] dstVertexList, ref Vector2 vertexAxis, ref Vector2 refLocalOffset, ref Vector2 refLocalVelocity, ref Rotation2D refLocalRot, ref float timeAxis, float collisionTime)
            // calculate intervals for source/destination
            Vector2 vertexAxisRotated = refLocalRot.Unrotate(vertexAxis);

            // Get the interval of the polygons projected onto the axis.  Min returned in x, max in y.
            Vector2 srcProj = _CalculateInterval(srcVertexList, ref vertexAxisRotated);
            Vector2 dstProj = _CalculateInterval(dstVertexList, ref vertexAxis);

            // add reference offset
            float srcOffset = Vector2.Dot(refLocalOffset, vertexAxis);

            srcProj += new Vector2(srcOffset, srcOffset);

            // calculate intervals

            // Calculate delta of min of one interval with max of the other.
            // Note that if the intervals overlap then both deltas must be negative.
            // I.e., delta>0 --> intervals don't overlap because one min greater than
            // the other max.
            float delta0 = srcProj.X - dstProj.Y;
            float delta1 = dstProj.X - srcProj.Y;

            // Are we seperated?
            if (delta0 > 0.0f || delta1 > 0.0f)
                // Yes, so test the dynamic intervals

                // calculate speed along a particular axis
                float speed = Vector2.Dot(refLocalVelocity, vertexAxis);

                float epsilon = 0.0001f;
                // ignore small speeds
                if (Math.Abs(speed) < epsilon)
                    return false;

                // The smallest absolute value must be the separation.  The reason is that one
                // delta measures separation between intervals, the other measures the span of
                // the two intervals (we want separation, which is always smaller).  Convert separation
                // into time by dividing by the speed (adjust sign depending on whether we are going
                // from source to dest or not).
                timeAxis = delta0 * delta0 < delta1 * delta1 ? -delta0 / speed : delta1 / speed;

                // successful collision?
                return timeAxis >= 0.0f && timeAxis <= collisionTime;
                // No, so we're overlapped.
                // Let's get the interval of the smallest |delta0| and |delta1| and
                // encode it as a negative value to signify an overlap rather than
                // a disjoint collision in forward-time.

                timeAxis = (delta0 > delta1) ? delta0 : delta1;

                // Successful Collision!
                return true;