public DbSetup(WebApplicationFactory <Startup> factory) { // This fetches the same single lifetime instantiation used by Controller classes _dbContext = factory.Services.GetRequiredService <RosterDbContext>(); // Seed in-memory database with some data needed for tests var school = new School { Id = 1, Name = "School of Hard Knocks", City = "Life", State = "Madness" }; _dbContext.School.Add(school); var teacher = new Teacher { Id = 1, Name = "Mrs. Stricter", School = school }; _dbContext.Teacher.Add(teacher); var @class = new Class { Id = 1, Name = "Fifth Grade Class", Teacher = teacher }; _dbContext.Class.Add(@class); var student1 = new Student { Id = 1, Name = "Jim Bob", Class = @class }; _dbContext.Student.Add(student1); var student2 = new Student { Id = 2, Name = "Jane Doe", Class = @class }; _dbContext.Student.Add(student2); _dbContext.SaveChanges(); }
public StudentsController(RosterDbContext dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; }
public StudentController(RosterDbContext dbContext) { this.dbContext = dbContext; }
public CreateSchoolCommandHandler(RosterDbContext context) { this._context = context; }