}//end huffman()

		private static void assignCodes(ref string codeString, Word[] theWords, RootedBinaryTree<Word> combinedTree)
		{	//if we can go left...
			if (combinedTree.moveLeft())
			{	//adjust codeword string accordingly...
				codeString += '0';
				if (combinedTree.getData().plainWord != null)
				{	//if we have a character here....
					for (int i = 0; i < theWords.Length; i++)
					{	//find the character in our 'theWords' array...
						if (combinedTree.getData().plainWord == theWords[i].plainWord)
						{	//label this character with a codeword string
							theWords[i].codeWord = codeString;
				//recusive call
				assignCodes(ref codeString, theWords, combinedTree);
				//back from recursion, remove a character from our codeword string
				codeString = codeString.Remove(codeString.Length - 1);
			}//end if(combinedTree.moveLeft())
			//do the same for right sides....
			if (combinedTree.moveRight())
				codeString += '1';
				if (combinedTree.getData().plainWord != null)
					for (int i = 0; i < theWords.Length; i++)
						if (combinedTree.getData().plainWord == theWords[i].plainWord)
							theWords[i].codeWord = codeString;
				assignCodes(ref codeString, theWords, combinedTree);
				codeString = codeString.Remove(codeString.Length-1);
			//explored all possibilities, move back up....
		}//end decompress()

		private static void huffman(Word[] theWords)
			List<RootedBinaryTree<Word>> treeArray = new List<RootedBinaryTree<Word>>();
			//make our initial list of binary trees
			for (int i = 0; i < theWords.Length; i++)
				treeArray.Add(new RootedBinaryTree<Word>(theWords[i]));
			//combine trees
			while (treeArray.Count > 1)
				Word newWord = new Word();
				newWord.plainWord = null;
				newWord.codeWord = null;
				//combine the probabilities
				newWord.probability = treeArray.ElementAt(0).getData().probability + treeArray.ElementAt(1).getData().probability;
				//make a new tree for the combined trees.
				RootedBinaryTree<Word> combinedTrees = new RootedBinaryTree<Word>(newWord);
				combinedTrees.combineTrees(treeArray.ElementAt(0), treeArray.ElementAt(1));
				//make sure we are at root
				int newTreeIndex = 0;
				//insert tree
				while ((combinedTrees.getData().probability >= treeArray.ElementAt(newTreeIndex).getData().probability))
					//did we reach the end?
					if (newTreeIndex == treeArray.Count - 1)
					//if not, keep looping until we find our insert point
				//insert tree
				treeArray.Insert(newTreeIndex, combinedTrees);
			}//end while( >1)
			RootedBinaryTree<Word> combinedTree = treeArray.ElementAt(0);
			string codeString = "";
			assignCodes(ref codeString, theWords, combinedTree);
		}//end huffman()