static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); //Room bathroom = new Room //{ // Name = "Bathroom", // MaxOccupancy = 1 //}; //roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); //bathroom.Name = "Hotty Potty"; //bathroom.MaxOccupancy = 7; //roomRepo.Update(bathroom); //Room bath = roomRepo.GetById(8); //bath.Name = "Powder Room"; //bath.MaxOccupancy = 3; //roomRepo.Update(bath); //roomRepo.Delete(9); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine(roommate.Firstname); Console.WriteLine(roommate.Lastname); Console.WriteLine(roommate.RentPortion); Console.WriteLine(roommate.MovedInDate); } Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(2); Console.WriteLine($"Roommate Name is {singleRoommate.Firstname}"); List <Roommate> a = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(3); foreach (Roommate roommate in a) { Console.WriteLine(roommate.Firstname); Console.WriteLine(roommate.Lastname); Console.WriteLine(roommate.RentPortion); Console.WriteLine(roommate.MovedInDate); Console.WriteLine(roommate.Room.Id); Console.WriteLine(roommate.Room.Name); Console.WriteLine(roommate.Room.MaxOccupancy); } }
public List <Roommate> GetAll() { using (SqlConnection conn = Connection) { conn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT roommate.Id AS 'roomyId', FirstName, LastName, MoveInDate, RentPortion, room.Id AS 'roomId', room.Name AS 'roomName', room.MaxOccupancy AS 'roomOcc' FROM Roommate roommate JOIN Room room ON room.Id = Roommate.RoomId"; SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <Roommate> roommates = new List <Roommate>(); while (reader.Read()) { int idColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("roomyId"); int idValue = reader.GetInt32(idColumnPosition); int firstNameColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("FirstName"); string firstNameValue = reader.GetString(firstNameColumnPosition); int lastNameColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("LastName"); string lastNameValue = reader.GetString(lastNameColumnPosition); int rentPortionColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("RentPortion"); int rentPortion = reader.GetInt32(rentPortionColumnPosition); int moveInDateColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("MoveInDate"); DateTime moveInDate = reader.GetDateTime(moveInDateColumnPosition); int roomIdColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("roomId"); int roomIdValue = reader.GetInt32(roomIdColumnPosition); int roomNameColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("roomName"); string roomName = reader.GetString(roomNameColumnPosition); int roomOcc = reader.GetOrdinal("roomOcc"); int roomOccValue = reader.GetInt32(roomOcc); Roommate roommate = new Roommate { Id = idValue, Firstname = firstNameValue, Lastname = lastNameValue, RentPortion = rentPortion, MovedInDate = moveInDate, Room = new Room { Id = roomIdValue, Name = roomName, MaxOccupancy = roomOccValue } }; // ...and add that room object to our list. roommates.Add(roommate); } // We should Close() the reader. Unfortunately, a "using" block won't work here. reader.Close(); // Return the list of rooms who whomever called this method. return(roommates); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // ROOM CALLS RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); // GET ALL ROOMS Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } // GET ROOM BY ID Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); // CREATE NEW ROOM Room bathroom = new Room { Name = "Bathroom", MaxOccupancy = 1 }; roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); // UPDATE ROOM bathroom.MaxOccupancy = 3; roomRepo.Update(bathroom); Room bathroomFromDb = roomRepo.GetById(bathroom.Id); Console.WriteLine($"{bathroomFromDb.Id} {bathroomFromDb.Name} {bathroomFromDb.MaxOccupancy}"); //DELETE ROOM Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); roomRepo.Delete(bathroom.Id); allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } // ROOMMATE CALLS RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); // GET ALL ROOMMATES Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id}. {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName} moved in on {roommate.MoveInDate} and pays {roommate.RentPortion} per month"); } // GET ROOMMATE BY ID Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Roommate with Id 1"); Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoommate.Id}. {singleRoommate.FirstName} {singleRoommate.LastName}"); // GET ROOMMATE WITH ROOM Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Roommates with Room"); List <Roommate> roommatesRooms = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(5); foreach (Roommate roommate in roommatesRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id}. {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName} lives in room {roommate.Room.Id}"); } // CREATE NEW ROOMMATE Roommate rick = new Roommate { FirstName = "Big", LastName = "Rick", RentPortion = 10, MoveInDate = DateTime.Now, Room = roomRepo.GetById(4) }; roommateRepo.Insert(rick); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Roommate with id {rick.Id}"); // UPDATE ROOMMATE rick.LastName = "Ricky"; roommateRepo.Update(rick); Roommate rickFromDb = roommateRepo.GetById(rick.Id); Console.WriteLine($"{rickFromDb.Id}. {rickFromDb.FirstName} {rickFromDb.LastName}"); //DELETE ROOMMATE Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); roommateRepo.Delete(4); allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id}. {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName}"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); ChoreRepository choreRepo = new ChoreRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); bool runProgram = true; while (runProgram) { string selection = GetMenuSelection(); switch (selection) { case ("Show all rooms"): List <Room> rooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room r in rooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{r.Id} - {r.Name} Max Occupancy({r.MaxOccupancy})"); } Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Search for room"): Console.Write("Room Id: "); int id = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room room = roomRepo.GetById(id); Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} - {room.Name} Max Occupancy({room.MaxOccupancy})"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Add a room"): Console.Write("Room name: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Max occupancy: "); int max = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room roomToAdd = new Room() { Name = name, MaxOccupancy = max }; roomRepo.Insert(roomToAdd); Console.WriteLine($"{roomToAdd.Name} has been added and assigned an Id of {roomToAdd.Id}"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Show all chores"): List <Chore> chores = choreRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Chore c in chores) { Console.WriteLine($"{c.Id} - {c.Name}"); } Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Search for chore"): Console.WriteLine("Chore Id: "); int choreId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Chore chore = choreRepo.GetById(choreId); Console.WriteLine($"{chore.Id} - {chore.Name}"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Add a chore"): Console.WriteLine("Chore name: "); string choreName = Console.ReadLine(); Chore choreToAdd = new Chore() { Name = choreName }; choreRepo.Insert(choreToAdd); Console.WriteLine($"{choreToAdd.Name} has been added and assigned an Id of {choreToAdd.Id}"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Search for roommate"): Console.WriteLine("Roommate Id: "); int roommateId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Roommate roommate = roommateRepo.GetById(roommateId); Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Firstname}:"); Console.WriteLine($" Rent Portion:{roommate.RentPortion}"); Console.WriteLine($" Room: {roommate.Room.Name}"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Unassigned chores"): List <Chore> unassignedchores = choreRepo.UnassignedChores(); foreach (Chore c in unassignedchores) { Console.WriteLine(c.Name); } Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Assign chore to roommate"): List <Chore> choreList = choreRepo.GetAll(); List <Roommate> roommateList = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Chore c in choreList) { Console.WriteLine($"{c.Id} - {c.Name}"); } Console.WriteLine("Please enter the id of the chore."); int choreIdToAdd = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Chore chore1 = choreRepo.GetById(choreIdToAdd); foreach (Roommate r in roommateList) { Console.WriteLine($"{r.Id} - {r.Firstname} {r.Lastname}"); } Console.WriteLine("Please enter the id of the roommate."); int roommateIdToAdd = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Roommate roommate1 = roommateRepo.GetById(roommateIdToAdd); choreRepo.assignChore(roommateIdToAdd, choreIdToAdd); Console.WriteLine($"{roommate1.Firstname} {roommate1.Lastname} has been assigned to {chore1.Name}"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Update a room"): List <Room> roomOptions = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room r in roomOptions) { Console.WriteLine($"{r.Id} - {r.Name} Max Occupancy({r.MaxOccupancy})"); } Console.Write("Which room would you like to update? "); int selectedRoomId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room selectedRoom = roomOptions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == selectedRoomId); Console.Write("New Name: "); selectedRoom.Name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("New Max Occupancy: "); selectedRoom.MaxOccupancy = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); roomRepo.Update(selectedRoom); Console.WriteLine($"Room has been successfully updated"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Delete room"): List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room r in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{r.Id} - {r.Name}"); } Console.WriteLine("Selecet the Id of the room to delete."); int roomToDelete = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); roomRepo.Delete(roomToDelete); break; case ("Update a chore"): List <Chore> choreOptions = choreRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Chore c in choreOptions) { Console.WriteLine($"{c.Id} - {c.Name}"); } Console.WriteLine("Which chore would you like to update?"); int selectedChoreId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Chore selectedChore = choreOptions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == selectedChoreId); Console.WriteLine("New Name: "); selectedChore.Name = Console.ReadLine(); choreRepo.Update(selectedChore); Console.WriteLine("Chore has been successfully updates."); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Delete chore"): List <Chore> allChore = choreRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Chore c in allChore) { Console.WriteLine($"{c.Id} - {c.Name}"); } Console.WriteLine("Selecet the Id of the chore to delete."); int choreToDelete = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); choreRepo.Delete(choreToDelete); break; case ("Exit"): runProgram = false; break; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); ChoreRepository choreRepo = new ChoreRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); RoommateChoreRepo rcRepo = new RoommateChoreRepo(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); //Console.WriteLine(); //List<Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); //foreach (Room room in allRooms) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); //} //Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); //Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); //Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); //Room bathroom = new Room //{ // Name = "Bathroom", // MaxOccupancy = 1 //}; //roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); //Room washroom = new Room //{ // Id = 7, // Name = "Washroom", // MaxOccupancy = 2 //}; //roomRepo.Update(washroom); while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); int selection = Menu(); switch (selection) { case 1: List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine(@$ "{roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} {roommate.RentPortion} Living in the {roommate.Room.Name}"); } break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Enter room id to return who lives in that room"); string roomyRoomString = Console.ReadLine(); int roomyRoomId = int.Parse(roomyRoomString); List <Roommate> roomies = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(roomyRoomId); foreach (Roommate roommate in roomies) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname}"); } break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("Roommate First Name:"); string FirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Roommate Last Name:"); string LastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Rent Portion:"); string RentString = Console.ReadLine(); int RentInt = Int32.Parse(RentString); DateTime todaysDate = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("Room Id:"); string RoomIdString = Console.ReadLine(); int RoomIdInt = Int32.Parse(RoomIdString); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(RoomIdInt); Roommate newRoomy = new Roommate() { Firstname = FirstName, Lastname = LastName, RentPortion = RentInt, MovedInDate = todaysDate, Room = singleRoom }; roommateRepo.Insert(newRoomy); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("Enter Roommate Id to Update:"); string roomyString = Console.ReadLine(); int roomyInt = Int32.Parse(roomyString); Roommate roomyToUpdate = roommateRepo.GetById(roomyInt); Console.WriteLine($"Enter updated roomy First Name from {roomyToUpdate.Firstname}:"); string firstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Enter updated roomy Last Name from {roomyToUpdate.Lastname}"); string lastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Update Rent Portion from {roomyToUpdate.RentPortion}"); string RentStringed = Console.ReadLine(); int RentInted = Int32.Parse(RentStringed); Console.WriteLine($"Enter updated room Id from {roomyToUpdate.Room.Id}"); string RoomyIdString = Console.ReadLine(); int RoomyIdInt = Int32.Parse(RoomyIdString); Room updateSingleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(RoomyIdInt); Roommate updatedRoomy = new Roommate { Firstname = firstName, Lastname = lastName, RentPortion = RentInted, MovedInDate = roomyToUpdate.MovedInDate, Room = updateSingleRoom, Id = roomyToUpdate.Id }; roommateRepo.Update(updatedRoomy); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine("Enter Roommate id to kick from the house:"); string stringOfRoomyKick = Console.ReadLine(); int intOfRoomyKick = Int32.Parse(stringOfRoomyKick); roommateRepo.Delete(intOfRoomyKick); break; case 6: Console.WriteLine("Enter roommate Id of roomy who needs some chores:"); string rmString = Console.ReadLine(); int rmInt = int.Parse(rmString); Roommate lazyRoomy = roommateRepo.GetById(rmInt); Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the chore to complete"); string choreName = Console.ReadLine(); Chore newChore = new Chore() { Name = choreName }; choreRepo.Insert(newChore); Chore choreSelected = choreRepo.GetWithChoreName(newChore.Name); rcRepo.InsertRC(lazyRoomy, choreSelected); break; case 0: Console.WriteLine("Goodbye"); return; default: throw new Exception("Something went wrong...invalid selection"); } }
public void UploadAccomodationRequests(ExcelFile fileUpload) { var accomodations = new AccomodationRequest[_repository.GetAllStudents().Count()]; var file = fileUpload.FileAccomodationRequests; string folderName = "UploadAccomodationRequests"; string webRootPath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath; string newPath = Path.Combine(webRootPath, folderName); if (!Directory.Exists(newPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(newPath); } if (file.Length > 0) { string sFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower(); ISheet sheet; string fullPath = Path.Combine(newPath, file.FileName); using (var stream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create)) { file.CopyTo(stream); stream.Position = 0; if (sFileExtension == ".xls") { HSSFWorkbook hssfwb = new HSSFWorkbook(stream); //This will read the Excel 97-2000 formats sheet = hssfwb.GetSheetAt(0); //get first sheet from workbook } else { XSSFWorkbook hssfwb = new XSSFWorkbook(stream); //This will read 2007 Excel format sheet = hssfwb.GetSheetAt(0); //get first sheet from workbook } IRow headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0); //Get Header Row int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum; for (int i = (sheet.FirstRowNum + 1); i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) //Read Excel File { IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i); if (row == null) { continue; } if (row.Cells.All(d => d.CellType == CellType.Blank)) { continue; } AccomodationRequest accomodationRequest = new AccomodationRequest(); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { DormsPreferred dorm = new DormsPreferred(); if (row.GetCell(j + 1).ToString().Length > 0 && row.GetCell(j + 1).ToString() != "e") { dorm.DormName = row.GetCell(j + 1).ToString(); accomodationRequest.ArDorm.Add(dorm); } else { break; } } for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { if (row.GetCell(k + 6).ToString() != "e") { RoomPreferred room = new RoomPreferred(); room.RoomNo = row.GetCell(k + 6).ToString(); accomodationRequest.ArRoom.Add(room); } else { break; } } for (int l = 0; l < 2; l++) { if (row.GetCell(l + 11).ToString() != "e" && row.GetCell(l + 12).ToString() != "e" && row.GetCell(l + 13).ToString() != "e") { Roommate roommate = new Roommate(); roommate.FirstName = row.GetCell(l + 11).ToString(); roommate.LastName = row.GetCell(l + 12).ToString(); roommate.Initial = row.GetCell(l + 13).ToString(); accomodationRequest.ArRoommates.Add(roommate); } else { break; } } if (row.GetCell(17).ToString() != "e") { accomodationRequest.LastComfortAccepted = row.GetCell(17).ToString(); } //_repository.AddAccomodationRequestToDatabase(accomodationRequest); string cnp = row.GetCell(18).ToString(); Student student = _repository.GetStudentByCNP(cnp); student.AccomodationRequest = accomodationRequest; student.AccomodationRequestId = accomodationRequest.Id; _repository.UpdateStudent(student); } //var students = _repository.GetStudentsOrderdById().ToList(); //for (int i = 0; i < accomodations.Count; i++) //{ // students[i].AccomodationRequest = accomodations[i]; // students[i].AccomodationRequestId = accomodations[i].Id; //} } } }
public Roommate Add(Roommate roomie) { _roomies.InsertOne(roomie); return(roomie); }
public List <Roommate> GetAllWithRoom(int roomId) { // We must "use" the database connection. // Because a database is a shared resource (other applications may be using it too) we must // be careful about how we interact with it. Specifically, we Open() connections when we need to // interact with the database and we Close() them when we're finished. // In C#, a "using" block ensures we correctly disconnect from a resource even if there is an error. // For database connections, this means the connection will be properly closed. using (SqlConnection conn = Connection) { // Note, we must Open() the connection, the "using" block doesn't do that for us. conn.Open(); // We must "use" commands too. using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { // Here we setup the command with the SQL we want to execute before we execute it. cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Roommate JOIN Room ON Room.Id = Roommate.RoomId WHERE roomId = @roomId"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@roomId", roomId); // Execute the SQL in the database and get a "reader" that will give us access to the data. SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // A list to hold the roommates we retrieve from the database. List <Roommate> roommates = new List <Roommate>(); // Read() will return true if there's more data to read while (reader.Read()) { // The "ordinal" is the numeric position of the column in the query results. int idColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("Id"); // We user the reader's GetXXX methods to get the value for a particular ordinal. int idValue = reader.GetInt32(idColumnPosition); int firstNameColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("FirstName"); string firstNameValue = reader.GetString(firstNameColumnPosition); int lastNameColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("LastName"); string lastNameValue = reader.GetString(lastNameColumnPosition); int rentPortionColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("RentPortion"); int rentPortionValue = reader.GetInt32(rentPortionColumnPosition); int moveInDateColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("MoveInDate"); DateTime moveInDateValue = reader.GetDateTime(moveInDateColumnPosition); // Now let's create a new room object using the data from the database. Room roommatesRoom = new Room() { Id = roomId, Name = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("Name")), MaxOccupancy = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("MaxOccupancy")), }; // Now let's create a new roommate object using the data from the database. Roommate roommate = new Roommate { Id = idValue, Firstname = firstNameValue, Lastname = lastNameValue, RentPortion = rentPortionValue, MovedInDate = moveInDateValue, Room = roommatesRoom }; // ...and add that roommate object to our list. roommates.Add(roommate); } // We should Close() the reader. Unfortunately, a "using" block won't work here. reader.Close(); // Return the list of roommates who whomever called this method. return(roommates); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); /* * Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); * Console.WriteLine(); * * List<Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); * * foreach (Room room in allRooms) * { * Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); * } */ Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("getting all the roommates"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MovedInDate} {roommate.Room}"); } /* * Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); * * Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); * * Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); * * Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); */ Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Roommate with Id 1"); Roommate roommate1 = roommateRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{roommate1.Firstname} {roommate1.Lastname} {roommate1.Room}"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); // getting roommates based on roomId Console.WriteLine("getting all the roommates and all their room info"); List <Roommate> allRoommatesWithRoom = roommateRepo.GetRoommatesByRoomId(1); foreach (Roommate roommateWithRoom in allRoommatesWithRoom) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommateWithRoom.Id}: {roommateWithRoom.Firstname} {roommateWithRoom.Lastname} is assigned {roommateWithRoom.Room.Name}; \n pays {roommateWithRoom.RentPortion} move-in-date: {roommateWithRoom.MovedInDate}"); } ; Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate { Firstname = "pablo", Lastname = "nuts", MovedInDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 22), RentPortion = 12, Room = roomRepo.GetById(1) }; //roommateRepo.Insert(newRoommate); //update roommateRepo.Update(newRoommate); Console.WriteLine($"updated juan to {newRoommate.Firstname}"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); roommateRepo.Delete(2); /* * Room bathroom = new Room * { * Name = "Bathroom", * MaxOccupancy = 1 * }; * * roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); * */ /* * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); * * bathroom.MaxOccupancy = 3; * * roomRepo.Update(bathroom); * * * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine($"updated the room to have max occupancy of {bathroom.MaxOccupancy}"); */ /* * foreach (Room room in allRooms) * { * Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); * } * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * * roomRepo.Delete(bathroom.Id); */ }
static void Main(string[] args) { //RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); //Console.WriteLine(); //List<Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"Roommate {roommate.Id} Information"); Console.WriteLine($"Full Name: {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Rent Portion: {roommate.RentPortion}"); Console.WriteLine($"Date Moved In: {roommate.MoveInDate}"); Console.WriteLine($""); Console.WriteLine($"Roommates Room:"); Console.WriteLine($"Room Name: {roommate.Room.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"Maximum Occupancy: {roommate.Room.MaxOccupancy}"); Console.WriteLine("---------------"); Console.WriteLine($""); } Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Dough", RentPortion = 50, MoveInDate = DateTime.Now, Room = null }; roommateRepo.Insert(newRoommate); //RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); //Console.WriteLine(); //List<Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); //foreach (Room room in allRooms) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); //} //Room frontBedroom = roomRepo.GetById(1); //Console.WriteLine("Enter a new name for the front room."); //frontBedroom.Name = Console.ReadLine(); //roomRepo.Update(frontBedroom); //roomRepo.Delete(2); //allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); //foreach (Room room in allRooms) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); //} }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); //Room bathroom = new Room //{ // Name = "Bathroom", // MaxOccupancy = 1 //}; //roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); //Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine($"Updating Room with Id {bathroom.Id}"); //Room updatedBathroom = new Room //{ // Name = "Washroom", // MaxOccupancy = 1, // Id = bathroom.Id //}; //roomRepo.Update(updatedBathroom); allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } //roomRepo.Delete(8); //roomRepo.Delete(9); //roomRepo.Delete(10); //roomRepo.Delete(11); //roomRepo.Delete(12); //roomRepo.Delete(14); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting Roommate with Id 1"); List <Roommate> someRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(1); foreach (Roommate roommate in someRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MovedInDate} {roommate.Room.Name}"); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); List <Room> someRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); Room aRoom = someRooms.First(); Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate() { Firstname = "Carrie", Lastname = "Wilson", RentPortion = 76, MovedInDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), Room = aRoom }; roommateRepo.Insert(newRoommate); ////Room bathroom = new Room ////{ //// Name = "Bathroom", //// MaxOccupancy = 1 ////}; ////roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); ////Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); ////Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); ////Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); ////Console.WriteLine($"Updating Room with Id {bathroom.Id}"); ////Room updatedBathroom = new Room ////{ //// Name = "Washroom", //// MaxOccupancy = 1, //// Id = bathroom.Id ////}; ////roomRepo.Update(updatedBathroom); //allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); //foreach (Room room in allRooms) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); //} ////roomRepo.Delete(8); }
public List <Roommate> GetAllWithRoom(int roomId) { using (SqlConnection conn = Connection) { conn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT rm.Id, rm.Firstname, rm.Lastname, rm.RentPortion, rm.MoveInDate, rm.RoomId, r.Name, r.MaxOccupancy FROM Roommate rm join room r on rm.RoomId = where roomId = @roomId"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@roomId", roomId); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <Roommate> roommates = new List <Roommate>(); while (reader.Read()) { int idColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("Id"); int idValue = reader.GetInt32(idColumnPosition); int FirstNameColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("FirstName"); string FirstNameValue = reader.GetString(FirstNameColumnPosition); int LastNameColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("LastName"); string LastNameValue = reader.GetString(LastNameColumnPosition); int RentPortionColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("RentPortion"); int RentPortionValue = reader.GetInt32(RentPortionColumnPosition); int MovedInDateColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("MoveInDate"); DateTime MovedInDateValue = reader.GetDateTime(MovedInDateColumnPosition); int RoomId = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("RoomId")); string roomName = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("name")); int maxOccupancy = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("MaxOccupancy")); // Now let's create a new roommate object using the data from the database. Roommate roommate = new Roommate { Id = idValue, Firstname = FirstNameValue, Lastname = LastNameValue, RentPortion = RentPortionValue, MovedInDate = MovedInDateValue, Room = new Room() { Id = RoomId, Name = roomName, MaxOccupancy = maxOccupancy } }; // ...and add that roommate object to our list. roommates.Add(roommate); } // We should Close() the reader. Unfortunately, a "using" block won't work here. reader.Close(); // Return the list of roommates to whomever called this method. return(roommates); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); //Console.WriteLine(); //List<Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); //foreach (Room room in allRooms) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); //} RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); ChoreRepository choreRepo = new ChoreRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); //Console.WriteLine(); //List<Roommate> allRoommatesWithRoom = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(); // foreach (var roommate in allRoommatesWithRoom) // { // Console.WriteLine(@$"{roommate.Id} //{roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName} //{roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MoveInDate} //{roommate.Room.Name}"); // } while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); int selection = Menu(); switch (selection) { case 0: Console.WriteLine("Goodbye"); return; default: throw new Exception("Something went wrong...invalid selection"); case 1: List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } break; case 2: Console.Write($"Enter the name of the new room to add: "); string newName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write($"Enter {newName}'s Max Occupancy: "); int newMaxOcc = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room AddedRoom = new Room { Name = newName, MaxOccupancy = newMaxOcc }; roomRepo.Insert(AddedRoom); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room {AddedRoom.Name} with id {AddedRoom.Id}"); break; case 3: Console.Write($"Enter Id of a room you want to delete: "); int roomId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); roomRepo.Delete(roomId); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Deleted the room with id {roomId}"); break; case 4: Console.Write($"Enter the id of the room you'd like to edit: "); int UpdatedRoomId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var selectedRoom = roomRepo.GetById(UpdatedRoomId); Console.Write($"Enter a new name for {selectedRoom.Name} to update database: "); string UpdatedName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write($"Enter a new Max Occupancy for {selectedRoom.Name} to update database: "); int UpdatedMaxOcc = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room UpdatedRoom = new Room { Id = UpdatedRoomId, Name = UpdatedName, MaxOccupancy = UpdatedMaxOcc }; roomRepo.Update(UpdatedRoom); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Updated the {UpdatedRoom}"); break; case 5: //List all roommates List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine(@$ " Id: {roommate.Id} {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName} Rent Portion: {roommate.RentPortion} Move In Date: {roommate.MoveInDate} "); } break; case 6: //Add a roommate Console.Write($"Enter the name of the new roommate's first name: "); string newFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write($"Enter the name of the new roommate's last name: "); string newLastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write($"Enter {newFirstName}'s Rent share percentage (Enter a number 0-100): "); int RentPortion = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); DateTime MoveInDate = DateTime.Now; List <Room> allRoomsAgain = roomRepo.GetAll(); Console.WriteLine($"Enter {newFirstName}'s room id to rent from the list"); foreach (Room room in allRoomsAgain) { Console.WriteLine($"Room Id: {room.Id} Room : {room.Name}:"); } Console.Write($"> "); int NewRoomId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room newRoomforRoommate = roomRepo.GetById(NewRoomId); Roommate AddedRoommate = new Roommate { FirstName = newFirstName, LastName = newLastName, RentPortion = RentPortion, MoveInDate = MoveInDate, Room = newRoomforRoommate }; roommateRepo.Insert(AddedRoommate); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Roommate {AddedRoommate.FirstName}{AddedRoommate.LastName}"); break; case 7: //Edit a roommate's info List <Roommate> allRoomies = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoomies) { Console.WriteLine($"Id: {roommate.Id} {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName}"); } Console.Write($"Enter the id (listed above) of the roommate you'd like to edit: "); int UpdatedRoommateId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var selectedRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(UpdatedRoommateId); Console.Write($"Enter a first name for {selectedRoommate.FirstName} to edit the info or type in {selectedRoommate.FirstName} to keep it the same: "); string UpdatedFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write($"Enter a new last name instead of {selectedRoommate.LastName} or type in {selectedRoommate.LastName} to keep it the same"); string UpdatedLastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write($"Enter a new rent share percentage (a number 0-100) or type in the current share ({selectedRoommate.RentPortion}) to remain the same: "); int UpdateRentPortion = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); DateTime EditMoveInDate = DateTime.Now; List <Room> allRoomsEncore = roomRepo.GetAll(); Console.WriteLine($"Enter a new room id to rent from the list below"); foreach (Room room in allRoomsEncore) { Console.WriteLine($"Room Id: {room.Id} Room : {room.Name}:"); } Console.Write($"> "); int EditRoomId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room updatedRoomforRoommate = roomRepo.GetById(EditRoomId); Roommate UpdatedRoommate = new Roommate { Id = UpdatedRoommateId, FirstName = UpdatedFirstName, LastName = UpdatedLastName, RentPortion = UpdateRentPortion, MoveInDate = EditMoveInDate, Room = updatedRoomforRoommate }; roommateRepo.Update(UpdatedRoommate); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Updated {UpdatedRoommate.FirstName}{UpdatedRoommate.LastName}'s info"); break; case 8: //delete a roommate Console.Write($"Enter Id of a roommate you want to delete: "); int roommateId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); roomRepo.Delete(roommateId); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Deleted the roommate with id {roommateId}"); break; case 9: //List all chores List <Chore> allChores = choreRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Chore chore in allChores) { Console.WriteLine(@$ "Id: {chore.Id} Name: {chore.Name}"); } break; case 10: Console.Write($"Enter the name of the new chore to add: "); string newChoreName = Console.ReadLine(); Chore AddedChore = new Chore { Name = newChoreName, }; choreRepo.Insert(AddedChore); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new chore '{AddedChore.Name}' with id {AddedChore.Id}"); break; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); /// Show the room with Id of 1. Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); /// Create a new room known as Bathroom with a Max Occupancy of 1. Room bathroom = new Room { Name = "Bathroom", MaxOccupancy = 1 }; roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); Room updatedBathroom = new Room { Name = "Pool Room", MaxOccupancy = 40, Id = bathroom.Id }; roomRepo.Update(updatedBathroom); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Deleting the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); roomRepo.Delete(bathroom.Id); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MoveInDate} {roommate.Room}"); } Console.WriteLine($"Getting All Roommates with id 1:"); Console.WriteLine(); Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoommate.Id} {singleRoommate.FirstName} {singleRoommate.RentPortion} {singleRoommate.MoveInDate} {singleRoommate.Room}"); Console.WriteLine($"Getting All Roommates with room Id of 1:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> someRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(1); foreach (Roommate roommate in someRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName} {roommate.Room.Name}"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } // >> Roommates Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName} {roommate.RentPortion}"); } // Getting Room with Id 1 Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Roommate with Id 1"); Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoommate.Id} {singleRoommate.FirstName} {singleRoommate.LastName} {singleRoommate.RentPortion}"); // INSERT ROOM Room bathroom = new Room { Name = "Bathroom", MaxOccupancy = 1 }; roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); // INSERT ROOMATE // INSERT ROOMATE // INSERT ROOMATE string userTypedFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); string userTypedLastName = Console.ReadLine(); int userTypedRentPortion = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // Roomsssssss... List <Room> someRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); Room aRoom = someRooms.First() // int userTypedRoomId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); ; Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate { FirstName = userTypedFirstName, LastName = userTypedLastName, RentPortion = userTypedRentPortion, MoveInDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), Room = aRoom }; RoommateRepository.Insert(newRoommate); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {newRoommate.Id}"); //Console.ReadLine($"First name: {userTypedFirstName}"); // UPDATE new Room { Name = "Bathroom2", MaxOccupancy = 2 }; roomRepo.Update(bathroom); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id} 2"); // DELETE roomRepo.Delete(10); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Deleted Room with id {bathroom.Id} 3"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); Room bathroom = new Room { Name = "Bathroom", MaxOccupancy = 1 }; roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); bathroom.MaxOccupancy = 3; roomRepo.Update(bathroom); Room bathroomFromDb = roomRepo.GetById(bathroom.Id); Console.WriteLine($"{bathroomFromDb.Id} {bathroomFromDb.Name} {bathroomFromDb.MaxOccupancy}"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); roomRepo.Delete(bathroom.Id); allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); /////Implement the RoommateRepository class to include the following methods RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} rent: {roommate.RentPortion}%, date moved in: {roommate.MovedInDate}"); } ; Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Roommate with Id 1"); Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoommate.Id} {singleRoommate.Firstname} {singleRoommate.Lastname} rent: {singleRoommate.RentPortion}%, date moved in: {singleRoommate.MovedInDate}"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates with Room:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommatesWithRoom = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(1); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommatesWithRoom) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} rent: {roommate.RentPortion}%, date moved in: {roommate.MovedInDate}"); } ; Roommate newRoomate = new Roommate { Firstname = "Andy", Lastname = "Collins", RentPortion = 10, MovedInDate = new DateTime(2020, 11, 06), Room = allRooms[2] }; roommateRepo.Insert(newRoomate); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Roommate with id {newRoomate.Id}"); newRoomate.RentPortion = 20; roommateRepo.Update(newRoomate); allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} rent: {roommate.RentPortion}%, date moved in: {roommate.MovedInDate}"); } roommateRepo.Delete(newRoomate.Id); allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} rent: {roommate.RentPortion}%, date moved in: {roommate.MovedInDate}"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommatess:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommatess = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommatess) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} lives in {roommate.Room.Name}"); } Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("roomate with id of 1"); Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoommate.Id} {singleRoommate.Firstname} {singleRoommate.Lastname} lives in {singleRoommate.Room.Name}"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); Room bathroom = new Room { Name = "Bathroom", MaxOccupancy = 1 }; roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); Room UpdatedRoom = new Room { Name = "Attic", MaxOccupancy = 1, Id = 5 }; roomRepo.Update(UpdatedRoom); roomRepo.Delete(9); }
public static void NotifyRoomChange() { var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <NotifyHub>(); context.Clients.All.OnRoomChanged(Roommate.Enum()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Get All roommates //RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); //Console.WriteLine(); //List<Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); //foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MoveInDate}"); //} //Get roommates By Id //RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Getting Roommate with Id 1"); //Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(1); //Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoommate.Id} {singleRoommate.FirstName} {singleRoommate.LastName} {singleRoommate.RentPortion} {singleRoommate.MoveInDate}"); //Get roommate With All rooms //RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Getting Roommate with Rooms"); //List<Roommate> withRooms = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(); //foreach (Roommate roommate in withRooms) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MoveInDate} {roommate.Room.Name} {roommate.Room.MaxOccupancy}"); //} //Create New roommate RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); List <Room> someRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); Room aRoom = someRooms.First(); Roommate joe = new Roommate() { FirstName = "joe", LastName = "perry", RentPortion = 100, MoveInDate = DateTime.Now, Room = aRoom }; roommateRepo.Insert(joe); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Roommate with id {joe.Id} and name {joe.FirstName}: {joe.RentPortion} {joe.MoveInDate} {joe.Room.Name}"); //Get All rooms //RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); //Console.WriteLine(); //List<Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); //foreach (Room room in allRooms) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); //} //Get room By Id //Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); //Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); //Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); //Create New room //Room bathroom = new Room //{ // Name = "Bathroom", // MaxOccupancy = 1 //}; //roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id} and name {bathroom.Name}: {bathroom.MaxOccupancy}"); //Update room //bathroom.Name = "Pooproom"; //bathroom.MaxOccupancy = 3; //roomRepo.Update(bathroom); //allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); //foreach (Room room in allRooms) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); //} //Delete room ////roomRepo.Delete(17); ////roomRepo.Delete(18); ////roomRepo.Delete(19); ////roomRepo.Delete(20); }
public void RequestRoomUsers() { Clients.Caller.OnRoomChanged(Roommate.Enum()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); //returning list of rooms List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); //looping over room list and printing them all out foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } //calling getbyID method to print out the results Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); Room bathroom = new Room { Name = "Bathroom", MaxOccupancy = 1 }; roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); bathroom.MaxOccupancy = 3; roomRepo.Update(bathroom); Room bathroomFromDb = roomRepo.GetById(bathroom.Id); Console.WriteLine($"{bathroomFromDb.Id} {bathroomFromDb.Name} {bathroomFromDb.MaxOccupancy}"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); roomRepo.Delete(bathroom.Id); allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } ////////////////Roommate/////////////////////// ///////////Getting All Roommates w/o Room////// RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.FirstName} {roommate.LastName} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MoveInDate}"); } ///////////Getting One Single Roommate by Id ////// Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Roomate with Id 1"); Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoommate.Id} {singleRoommate.FirstName} {singleRoommate.LastName} {singleRoommate.RentPortion} {singleRoommate.MoveInDate}"); ///////////Getting All Rooms with Room Object Attatched ////// RoommateRepository roommateRoomRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates with Room:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommateswithRoom = roommateRoomRepo.GetAllWithRoom(2); foreach (Roommate roommateWithRoom in allRoommateswithRoom) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommateWithRoom.Id} {roommateWithRoom.FirstName} {roommateWithRoom.LastName} {roommateWithRoom.RentPortion} {roommateWithRoom.MoveInDate} {roommateWithRoom.Room.Name} {roommateWithRoom.Room.MaxOccupancy}"); } ///////////Adding in New Roommate ////// Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate { FirstName = "Wendy", LastName = "Jones", MoveInDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), RoomId = 1, RentPortion = 10 }; roommateRepo.Insert(newRoommate); ///////////Updating Roommate ////// newRoommate.LastName = "Smith"; roommateRepo.Update(newRoommate); allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} First Name : {roommate.FirstName} Last Name: {roommate.LastName} Rent Portion: {roommate.RentPortion} Date Moved In : {roommate.MoveInDate}"); } Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); ///////////Deleting Roommate /////////// roommateRepo.Delete(newRoommate.Id); allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} First Name : {roommate.FirstName} Last Name: {roommate.LastName} Rent Portion: {roommate.RentPortion} Date Moved In : {roommate.MoveInDate}"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); //Console.WriteLine(); //List<Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); //foreach (Room room in allRooms) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); //} //Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); //Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); //Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); //Room bathroom = new Room //{ // Name = "Bathroom", // MaxOccupancy = 1 //}; //roomRepo.Delete(11); //roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); //Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); //Room updatedBathroom = new Room //{ // Id = 7, // Name = "Bathroom", // MaxOccupancy = 2 //}; //roomRepo.Update(updatedBathroom); //RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); //Console.WriteLine("Getting all roommates: "); //List<Roommate> roommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); //foreach(Roommate rm in roommates) //{ // Console.WriteLine(@$" // Id: {rm.Id} // {rm.Firstname} {rm.Lastname} // Rent Portion: {rm.RentPortion} // Move In Date: {rm.MovedInDate} // "); //} //Roommate id1 = roommateRepo.GetById(1); //Console.WriteLine(@$" // {id1.Firstname} {id1.Lastname} // Rent Portion: {id1.RentPortion} // Move In Date: {id1.MovedInDate} // "); //List<Roommate> roommates = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(); //foreach (Roommate rm in roommates) //{ // Console.WriteLine(@$" // Id: {rm.Id} // {rm.Firstname} {rm.Lastname} // Rent Portion: {rm.RentPortion} // Move In Date: {rm.MovedInDate} // Room: {rm.Room.Name} // "); //} RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); bool app = true; while (app == true) { int choice = -1; List <int> allRoomIds = roomRepo.GetAllIds(); List <int> allRoommateIds = roommateRepo.GetAllIds(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine(@" Welcome to Chore Manager! ------------------------- Select an option: 0 List all rooms 1 List room by Id 2 Add a room 3 Delete a room 4 Edit a room 5 List all roommates 6 List roommate by Id 7 Add a roommate 8 Edit a roommate 9 Delete a roommate "); string resp = Console.ReadLine(); if (resp == "") { app = false; break; } else { bool allowed = int.TryParse(resp, out choice); if (allowed && choice >= 0 && choice < 10) { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Not a valid choice."); } } } switch (choice) { case 0: List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } break; case 1: int roomId = -1; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Input Room Id: "); bool allowed = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out roomId); if (allowed && allRoomIds.Contains(roomId)) { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Id. Choice is not an interger or Id does not exist."); } } Console.WriteLine($"Getting Room with Id {roomId}"); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(roomId); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Room name:"); string roomName = Console.ReadLine(); int maxOcc = -1; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Maximum occupancy: "); bool allowed = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out maxOcc); if (allowed && maxOcc > 0) { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Value must be a postive number"); } } Room newRoom = new Room { Name = roomName, MaxOccupancy = maxOcc }; roomRepo.Insert(newRoom); Console.WriteLine($"Added {newRoom.Name} with id {newRoom.Id}"); break; case 3: int roomToDelete = -1; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Input Id of room to be deleted: "); string response = Console.ReadLine(); if (response == "") { break; } else { bool allowed = int.TryParse(response, out roomToDelete); if (allowed && allRoomIds.Contains(roomToDelete)) { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Room does not exist. Please enter a valid room Id."); } } } if (roomToDelete == -1) { break; } else { roomRepo.Delete(roomToDelete); Console.WriteLine($"Deleted room with Id {roomToDelete}"); break; } case 4: int roomToEditId = -1; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Id of room to edit"); bool allowed = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out roomToEditId); if (allowed && allRoomIds.Contains(roomToEditId)) { Room roomToEdit = roomRepo.GetById(roomToEditId); Console.WriteLine($"{roomToEdit.Id} {roomToEdit.Name} {roomToEdit.MaxOccupancy}"); Console.WriteLine("Room name: "); string newName = Console.ReadLine(); if (newName == "") { newName = roomToEdit.Name; } int newOcc = -1; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Max occupancy: "); bool permitted = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out newOcc); if (permitted && newOcc > 0) { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Value must be a number > 0."); } } Room editedRoom = new Room { }; editedRoom.Id = roomToEditId; editedRoom.Name = newName; editedRoom.MaxOccupancy = newOcc; roomRepo.Update(editedRoom); Console.WriteLine($"Edited room: {editedRoom.Id} {editedRoom.Name} {editedRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Room Id invalid. Please enter a valid Id."); } } break; case 5: List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(); foreach (Roommate rm in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine(@$ " Id: {rm.Id} {rm.Firstname} {rm.Lastname} Rent Portion: {rm.RentPortion} Move In Date: {rm.MovedInDate} "); } break; case 6: int roommateId = -1; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Input Roommate Id: "); bool allowed = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out roommateId); if (allowed && allRoommateIds.Contains(roommateId)) { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Id. Choice is not an interger or Id does not exist."); } } Console.WriteLine($"Getting Roommate with Id {roommateId}"); Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(roommateId); Console.WriteLine(@$ " {singleRoommate.Firstname} {singleRoommate.Lastname} Rent Portion: {singleRoommate.RentPortion} Move In Date: {singleRoommate.MovedInDate}, Room: {singleRoommate.Room.Name} "); break;
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); Room bathroom = new Room { Name = "Bathroom", MaxOccupancy = 1 }; roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); bathroom.MaxOccupancy = 3; roomRepo.Update(bathroom); Room bathroomFromDb = roomRepo.GetById(bathroom.Id); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); roomRepo.Delete(bathroom.Id); allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } RoommateRepository roommateRepository = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Roommate aRoommate = roommateRepository.GetById(2); Console.WriteLine($"{aRoommate.Firstname} {aRoommate.Lastname}"); /*Roommate another = roommateRepository.GetById(999); * Console.WriteLine($"{another.Firstname} {another.Lastname}");*/ Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate() { Firstname = "Sadie", Lastname = "Bean", MovedInDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), RoomId = 1, RentPortion = 10 }; roommateRepository.Insert(newRoommate); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // <----- Rooms Test Code -----> /*RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); * * Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); * Console.WriteLine(); * * List<Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); * * foreach (Room room in allRooms) * { * Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); * } * * Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); * * Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); * * Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); * * Room bathroom = new Room * { * Name = "Bathroom", * MaxOccupancy = 1 * }; * * * roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); * * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); * * bathroom.MaxOccupancy = 2; * * roomRepo.Update(bathroom); * * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * * allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); * * foreach (Room room in allRooms) * { * Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); * } * * roomRepo.Delete(8); * * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * * allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); * * foreach (Room room in allRooms) * { * Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); * }*/ // <----- Roommates Test Code -----> /*RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); * * Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); * Console.WriteLine(); * * List<Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); * * foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) * { * Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MovedInDate} {roommate.Room}"); * } * * Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine("Getting Roommate with Id 1"); * * Roommate aRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(1); * * Console.WriteLine($"{aRoommate.Id} {aRoommate.Firstname} {aRoommate.Lastname} {aRoommate.RentPortion} {aRoommate.MovedInDate} {aRoommate.Room}"); * * Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine("Getting Roommates with roomId 1"); * * List<Roommate> allRoommatesWithRoomId = roommateRepo.GetRoommmatesByRoomId(1); * * foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommatesWithRoomId) * { * Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} {roommate.Room.Name}"); * } * * Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate * { * Firstname = "Jimmy", * Lastname = "Rocket", * RentPortion = 2, * MovedInDate = DateTime.Now, * RoomId = 1 * }; * * roommateRepo.Insert(newRoommate); * * newRoommate.RentPortion = 10; * * roommateRepo.Update(newRoommate); * * roommateRepo.Delete(5);*/ RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Roommates!"); Console.WriteLine("Please select an option from the menu below:"); Console.WriteLine("(1) View all roommates (2) View specific roommate by Id (3) Add a new roommate "); int userResponse = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (userResponse) { case 1: List <Roommate> listOfRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in listOfRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"Id: {roommate.Id} Name: {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname}"); } ; break; case 2: Console.Write("Enter a roommate Id: "); int res = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Roommate foundRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(res); Console.WriteLine($"Name: {foundRoommate.Firstname} {foundRoommate.Lastname} Moved In Date: {foundRoommate.MovedInDate}"); break; case 3: Console.Write("Enter first name: "); string firstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter last name: "); string lastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter rent portion: "); int rentPortion = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Moved in date: "); DateTime movedInDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Enter room id: "); int roomId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate { Firstname = firstName, Lastname = lastName, RentPortion = rentPortion, MovedInDate = movedInDate, RoomId = roomId }; roommateRepo.Insert(newRoommate); Console.WriteLine($"{firstName} {lastName} was successfully added!"); break; } }
public List <Roommate> GetAllWithRoom(int roomId) { using (SqlConnection conn = Connection) { conn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT roommate.Id AS 'roomyId', FirstName, LastName, MoveInDate, RentPortion, room.Id AS 'roomId', room.Name AS 'roomName', room.MaxOccupancy AS 'roomOcc' FROM Roommate roommate JOIN Room room ON room.Id = Roommate.RoomId WHERE roommate.RoomId = @roomId"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@roomId", roomId); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <Roommate> roommates = new List <Roommate>(); while (reader.Read()) { int idColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("roomyId"); int idValue = reader.GetInt32(idColumnPosition); string firstNameValue = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("FirstName")); int lastNameColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("LastName"); string lastNameValue = reader.GetString(lastNameColumnPosition); int rentPortionColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("RentPortion"); int rentPortion = reader.GetInt32(rentPortionColumnPosition); int moveInDateColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("MoveInDate"); DateTime moveInDate = reader.GetDateTime(moveInDateColumnPosition); int roomIdColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("roomId"); int roomIdValue = reader.GetInt32(roomIdColumnPosition); int roomNameColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("roomName"); string roomName = reader.GetString(roomNameColumnPosition); int roomOcc = reader.GetOrdinal("roomOcc"); int roomOccValue = reader.GetInt32(roomOcc); Roommate roommate = new Roommate { Id = idValue, Firstname = firstNameValue, Lastname = lastNameValue, RentPortion = rentPortion, MovedInDate = moveInDate, Room = new Room { Id = roomIdValue, Name = roomName, MaxOccupancy = roomOccValue } }; roommates.Add(roommate); } reader.Close(); return(roommates); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); ChoreRepository choreRepo = new ChoreRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); bool runProgram = true; while (runProgram) { string selection = GetMenuSelection(); switch (selection) { case ("Show all rooms"): List <Room> rooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room r in rooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{r.Name} has an Id of {r.Id} and a max occupancy of {r.MaxOccupancy}"); } Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Search for room"): Console.Write("Room Id: "); int id = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room room = roomRepo.GetById(id); Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} - {room.Name} Max Occupancy({room.MaxOccupancy})"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Add a room"): Console.Write("Room name: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Max occupancy: "); int max = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room roomToAdd = new Room() { Name = name, MaxOccupancy = max }; roomRepo.Insert(roomToAdd); Console.WriteLine($"{roomToAdd.Name} has been added and assigned an Id of {roomToAdd.Id}"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Show all chores"): List <Chore> chores = choreRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Chore c in chores) { Console.WriteLine($"{c.Name} has an Id of {c.Id}"); } Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Add a chore"): Console.Write("Chore name: "); string choreName = Console.ReadLine(); Chore choreToAdd = new Chore() { Name = choreName }; choreRepo.Insert(choreToAdd); break; case ("Search for roommate"): Console.Write("Roommate Id: "); int Roommateid = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Roommate roommate = roommateRepo.GetById(Roommateid); Console.WriteLine($"Name: {roommate.FirstName}, Rent Portion: {roommate.RentPortion}%, Room: {roommate.RoomName}"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case ("Exit"): runProgram = false; break; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { /* RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); * * Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); * Console.WriteLine(); * * List<Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); * * foreach (Room room in allRooms) * { * Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); * } * * Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); * * Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); * * Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); * * Room bathroom = new Room * { * Name = "Bathroom", * MaxOccupancy = 1 * }; * * roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); * * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * bathroom.Name = "Outhouse"; * bathroom.MaxOccupancy = 1; * * roomRepo.Update(bathroom); * Room UpdateTest = roomRepo.GetById(bathroom.Id); * Console.WriteLine($"Updated: {UpdateTest.Id} {UpdateTest.Name} {UpdateTest.MaxOccupancy}"); * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * roomRepo.Delete(bathroom.Id); * * List<Room> allRooms2 = roomRepo.GetAll(); * * foreach (Room room in allRooms2) * { * Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); * }*/ RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); int userEntry = 1; bool mainWhileCheck = true; while (mainWhileCheck != false) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Roommate Manager!"); Console.WriteLine("Choose an option below:"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("1) Get all Roommates"); Console.WriteLine("2) Get Roommate by Id/Edit"); Console.WriteLine("3) Get First Roommate by Room"); Console.WriteLine("4) Get Roommates by Room"); Console.WriteLine("5) Add new Rommmate"); Console.WriteLine("6) Delete a Roommate"); Console.WriteLine("0) Exit"); Console.WriteLine(""); userEntry = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(""); if (userEntry == 0) { mainWhileCheck = false; break; } else if (userEntry == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MovedInDate} {roommate.Room}"); } Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); } else if (userEntry == 2) { int byIdEntry = 1; Console.Write("Type in the id of the roommate you want to find:"); byIdEntry = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"Getting Roommate with Id {byIdEntry}"); Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(byIdEntry); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoommate.Id} {singleRoommate.Firstname} {singleRoommate.Lastname} {singleRoommate.RentPortion} {singleRoommate.MovedInDate} {singleRoommate.Room}"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); string editCheck = "a"; bool editWhile = true; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("Do you want to Edit this Entry Y/N:"); editCheck = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(""); if (editCheck == "y" || editCheck == "Y") { int editSelect = 1; while (editWhile == true) { Console.WriteLine("What do you want to edit:"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("1) First Name"); Console.WriteLine("2) Last Name"); Console.WriteLine("3) Rent Portion"); Console.WriteLine("4) Move in Date"); Console.WriteLine("5) Assigned Room Id"); Console.WriteLine("0) Edit Complete"); editSelect = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (editSelect == 0) { editWhile = false; } else if (editSelect == 1) { Console.WriteLine($"The entry's First Name is {singleRoommate.Firstname}. What would you like to change it to?"); singleRoommate.Firstname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(""); } else if (editSelect == 2) { Console.WriteLine($"The entry's Last Name is {singleRoommate.Lastname}. What would you like to change it to?"); singleRoommate.Lastname = Console.ReadLine(); } else if (editSelect == 3) { Console.WriteLine($"The entry's Rent Portion is {singleRoommate.RentPortion}. What would you like to change it to?"); singleRoommate.RentPortion = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } else if (editSelect == 4) { Console.WriteLine($"The entry's Move in Day is {singleRoommate.MovedInDate}. What would you like to change it to? (Year, Month, Day)"); singleRoommate.MovedInDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } else if (editSelect == 5) { Console.WriteLine($"The entry's Assigned Room Id is {singleRoommate.RoomId}. What would you like to change it to?"); singleRoommate.RoomId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } } roommateRepo.Update(singleRoommate); Roommate UpdatedTest = roommateRepo.GetById(singleRoommate.Id); Console.WriteLine($"Updated: {UpdatedTest.Id} {UpdatedTest.Firstname} {UpdatedTest.Lastname} {UpdatedTest.RentPortion} {UpdatedTest.MovedInDate}"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); } else { Console.WriteLine(""); } } else if (userEntry == 3) { int byIdEntry = 1; Console.Write("Type in the Roomid of the roommate you want to find:"); byIdEntry = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"Getting Latest Roommate with RoomId {byIdEntry}"); Roommate singleRoommate2 = roommateRepo.GetByRoom(byIdEntry); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoommate2.Id} {singleRoommate2.Firstname} {singleRoommate2.Lastname} {singleRoommate2.RentPortion} {singleRoommate2.MovedInDate} {singleRoommate2.Room.Name} {singleRoommate2.Room.MaxOccupancy} {singleRoommate2.Room.MaxOccupancy}"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); } else if (userEntry == 4) { int byIdEntry = 1; Console.Write("Type in the Roomid of the roommates you want to find:"); byIdEntry = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"Getting Roommates with RoomId {byIdEntry}"); List <Roommate> allRoommatesByRoom = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(byIdEntry); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommatesByRoom) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MovedInDate} {roommate.Room.Name}"); } Console.WriteLine(""); } else if (userEntry == 5) { Roommate roomy1 = new Roommate { Firstname = "Matt", Lastname = "Patt", RentPortion = 40, MovedInDate = new DateTime(2020, 09, 15), Room = null, RoomId = 3 }; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Input information for a new Roommate:"); Console.Write("First Name:"); roomy1.Firstname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Last Name:"); roomy1.Lastname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Rent Portion:"); roomy1.RentPortion = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Move In Date (Year, Month, Day):"); roomy1.MovedInDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Assigned Room Id:"); roomy1.RoomId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Press any key to submit the Roommate:"); Console.ReadLine(); roommateRepo.Insert(roomy1); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Roommate with id {roomy1.Id}"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); } else if (userEntry == 6) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Which Roommate would you like to Delete?"); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id}) {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MovedInDate}"); } roommateRepo.Delete(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); List <Roommate> allRoommates2 = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates2) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MovedInDate} {roommate.RoomId}"); } Console.WriteLine(""); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Room> allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRooms) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } /*Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine("Getting Room with Id 1"); * * Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(1); * * Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Id} {singleRoom.Name} {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); * * Room bathroom = new Room * { * Name = "Bathroom", * MaxOccupancy = 1 * }; * * roomRepo.Insert(bathroom); * * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine($"Added the new Room with id {bathroom.Id}"); * * bathroom.MaxOccupancy = 3; * roomRepo.Update(bathroom); * * Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); * Console.WriteLine($"Updated room to have a new occupancy of {bathroom.MaxOccupancy}"); * * roomRepo.Delete(9); * roomRepo.Delete(8); * * allRooms = roomRepo.GetAll(); * * foreach (Room room in allRooms) * { * Console.WriteLine($"{room.Id} {room.Name} {room.MaxOccupancy}"); * }*/ RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{roommate.Id} {roommate.Firstname} {roommate.Lastname} {roommate.RentPortion} {roommate.MovedInDate}"); } Roommate roommateById = roommateRepo.GetById(1); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Getting a roommate by Id"); Console.WriteLine($"{roommateById.Id} {roommateById.Firstname} {roommateById.Lastname} {roommateById.RentPortion} {roommateById.MovedInDate}"); List <Roommate> allRoommatesWithRooms = roommateRepo.GetAllWithRoom(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Getting all roommates with rooms"); foreach (Roommate roommateWithRoom in allRoommatesWithRooms) { Console.WriteLine($@"{roommateWithRoom.Id} {roommateWithRoom.Firstname} {roommateWithRoom.Lastname} {roommateWithRoom.RentPortion} {roommateWithRoom.MovedInDate} // {roommateWithRoom.Room.Id} {roommateWithRoom.Room.Name} {roommateWithRoom.Room.MaxOccupancy}"); } }
/// >>>>>>>>> /// ...We'll add some methods shortly... /// <summary> /// Get a list of all Roommatess in the database /// </summary> public List <Roommate> GetAll() { // We must "use" the database connection. // Because a database is a shared resource (other applications may be using it too) we must // be careful about how we interact with it. Specifically, we Open() connections when we need to // interact with the database and we Close() them when we're finished. // In C#, a "using" block ensures we correctly disconnect from a resource even if there is an error. // For database connections, this means the connection will be properly closed. using (SqlConnection conn = Connection) { // Note, we must Open() the connection, the "using" block doesn't do that for us. conn.Open(); // We must "use" commands too. using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { // Here we setup the command with the SQL we want to execute before we execute it. cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Id, Firstname, Lastname, MoveInDate FROM Roommate"; // Execute the SQL in the database and get a "reader" that will give us access to the data. SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // A list to hold the rooms we retrieve from the database. List <Roommate> roommates = new List <Roommate>(); // Read() will return true if there's more data to read while (reader.Read()) { // The "ordinal" is the numeric position of the column in the query results. // For our query, "Id" has an ordinal value of 0 and "Name" is 1. int idColumnPosition = reader.GetOrdinal("Id"); // We user the reader's GetXXX methods to get the value for a particular ordinal. int idValue = reader.GetInt32(idColumnPosition); int FirstnamePosition = reader.GetOrdinal("Firstname"); string Firstname = reader.GetString(FirstnamePosition); int LastnamePosition = reader.GetOrdinal("Lastname"); string Lastname = reader.GetString(LastnamePosition); int MoveInDatePosition = reader.GetOrdinal("MoveInDate"); DateTime MoveInDate = reader.GetDateTime(MoveInDatePosition); // Now let's create a new room object using the data from the database. Roommate roommate = new Roommate { Id = idValue, Firstname = Firstname, Lastname = Lastname, MoveInDate = MoveInDate }; // ...and add that room object to our list. roommates.Add(roommate); } // We should Close() the reader. Unfortunately, a "using" block won't work here. reader.Close(); // Return the list of rooms who whomever called this method. return(roommates); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RoomRepository roomRepo = new RoomRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); RoommateRepository roommateRepo = new RoommateRepository(CONNECTION_STRING); Console.WriteLine(@" Welcome, what would you like to do today? 1: View or edit rooms 2: View or edit roommates "); int response = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (response) { case 1: Console.WriteLine(@" What would you like to do? 1: View all rooms 2: View individual room info 3: Add a room 4: Edit room info 5: Delete a room"); int roomResponse = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (roomResponse) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Getting All Rooms:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Room> allRoommates = roomRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Room room in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($"{room.Name} has an Id of {room.Id} and a max occupancy of {room.MaxOccupancy}"); } break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Enter a room number:"); int roomNum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room singleRoom = roomRepo.GetById(roomNum); Console.WriteLine($"{singleRoom.Name}, Max occupancy: {singleRoom.MaxOccupancy}"); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("Enter room name:"); string newRoomName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Enter {newRoomName}'s max occupancy:"); int newRoomOccupancy = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room newRoom = new Room() { Name = newRoomName, MaxOccupancy = newRoomOccupancy }; roomRepo.Insert(newRoom); Console.WriteLine($"Added {newRoomName}."); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("Enter a room number:"); int editNum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter the room's name:"); string newName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the room's max occupancy:"); int newOcc = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room edittedRoom = new Room() { Name = newName, MaxOccupancy = newOcc, Id = editNum }; roomRepo.Update(edittedRoom); Console.WriteLine($"Updated {newName} info"); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine("Enter a room number:"); roomRepo.Delete(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); Console.WriteLine("Deleted"); break; } break; case 2: Console.WriteLine(@" What would you like to do? 1: View all roommates 2: View individual roommate info 3: Add a roommate 4: Edit roommate info 5: Delete a roommate 6: View all roommates in specific room"); int roommateResponse = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (roommateResponse) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommates:"); Console.WriteLine(); List <Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); foreach (Roommate roommate in allRoommates) { Console.WriteLine($@" {roommate.Firstname}{roommate.Lastname} ID: {roommate.Id} Rent portion: {roommate.RentPortion} Move in date: {roommate.MovedInDate}"); } break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Enter a roommate number:"); int roommateNum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Roommate singleRoommate = roommateRepo.GetById(roommateNum); Console.WriteLine($@" {singleRoommate.Firstname}{singleRoommate.Lastname} ID: {singleRoommate.Id} Rent portion: {singleRoommate.RentPortion} Move in date: {singleRoommate.MovedInDate}"); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("Enter roommate's first name:"); string newRoommateFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Enter {newRoommateFirstName}'s last name:"); string newRoommateLastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Enter {newRoommateFirstName}'s rent portion:"); int newRoommateRent = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"When did they move in?"); DateTime newRoommateMove = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter room ID:"); int newRoommateRoomId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room newRoommateRoom = roomRepo.GetById(newRoommateRoomId); Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate() { Firstname = newRoommateFirstName, Lastname = newRoommateLastName, RentPortion = newRoommateRent, MovedInDate = newRoommateMove, Room = newRoommateRoom }; roommateRepo.Insert(newRoommate); Console.WriteLine($"Added {newRoommateFirstName}."); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("Enter roommate ID:"); int editRoommateId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter roommate's first name:"); string editRoommateFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Enter {editRoommateFirstName}'s last name:"); string editRoommateLastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Enter {editRoommateFirstName}'s rent portion:"); int editRoommateRent = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"When did they move in?"); DateTime editRoommateMove = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter room ID:"); int editRoommateRoomId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Room editRoommateRoom = roomRepo.GetById(editRoommateRoomId); Roommate editRoommate = new Roommate() { Id = editRoommateId, Firstname = editRoommateFirstName, Lastname = editRoommateLastName, RentPortion = editRoommateRent, MovedInDate = editRoommateMove, Room = editRoommateRoom }; roommateRepo.Update(editRoommate); Console.WriteLine($"Updated {editRoommateFirstName}'s info."); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine("Enter a roommate ID:"); roommateRepo.Delete(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); Console.WriteLine("Deleted"); break; case 6: Console.WriteLine("Enter the room's ID:"); int singleRoomId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); List <Roommate> roomMembers = roommateRepo.GetRoommatesByRoomId(singleRoomId); foreach (Roommate roommate in roomMembers) { Console.WriteLine($@" {roommate.Firstname}{roommate.Lastname} ID: {roommate.Id} Rent portion: {roommate.RentPortion} Move in date: {roommate.MovedInDate}"); } ; break; } break; ; } //Console.WriteLine("Getting All Roommmates:"); //Console.WriteLine(); //List<Roommate> allRoommates = roommateRepo.GetAll(); //} //break; //Roommate newRoommate = new Roommate() //{ // Firstname = "Wes", // Lastname = "Harrison", // RentPortion = 20, // MovedInDate = DateTime.Parse("1/1/2021"), // Room = backBedroom //}; //roommateRepo.Insert(newRoommate); //Roommate updatedRoommate = new Roommate() //{ // Firstname = "Wes", // Lastname = "Harrison", // RentPortion = 30, // MovedInDate = DateTime.Parse("1/1/2021"), // Room = backBedroom, // Id = 4 //}; }