protected override float RandomBranchAngle(RoomDef r)
            Vector2 center;

            if (firstLoop.Contains(r))
                center = firstLoopCenter;
                center = secondLoopCenter;

            float toCenter = AngleBetweenPoints(new Vector2((r.Left + r.Right) / 2f, (r.Top + r.Bottom) / 2f), center);

            if (toCenter < 0)
                toCenter += 360f;

            float currAngle = Rnd.Float(360f);

            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                float newAngle = Rnd.Float(360f);
                if (Math.Abs(toCenter - newAngle) < Math.Abs(toCenter - currAngle))
                    currAngle = newAngle;

Exemple #2
        public static void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, int i = -1, bool gold = false)
            var painter = i == -1 ? Instance.Generate() : Instance.Get(i);

            painter.Paint(level, room, new Rect(room.Left + 1, room.Top + 1,
                                                room.Left + 1 + room.GetWidth() - 2, room.Top + 1 + room.GetHeight() - 2), gold);
Exemple #3
        public void Build(FileInfo outFile, RoomDef room)
            Room = room;

            Builder = new StringBuilder();

            // build the floor
            Verts.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, room.Bounds.Height));
            Verts.Add(new Vector3(room.Bounds.Width, 0, room.Bounds.Height));
            Verts.Add(new Vector3(room.Bounds.Width, 0, 0));
            Verts.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

            Normals.Add(new Vector3(0, 1, 0));

            UVs.Add(new Vector2(0, room.Bounds.Height));
            UVs.Add(new Vector2(room.Bounds.Width, room.Bounds.Height));
            UVs.Add(new Vector2(room.Bounds.Width, 0));
            UVs.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));

            Builder.AppendLine("g " + room.FloorObjectName);
            Builder.AppendLine("usemtl " + room.FloorMaterialName);
            Builder.AppendLine("usemap " + room.FloorMaterialName);
            Builder.AppendLine("f 0//0//0 1//1//0 2//2//0 3//3//0");

            // build low walls
            // north
Exemple #4
        protected static float AngleBetweenRooms(RoomDef From, RoomDef To)
            var FromCenter = new Vector2((From.Left + From.Right) / 2f, (From.Top + From.Bottom) / 2f);
            var ToCenter   = new Vector2((To.Left + To.Right) / 2f, (To.Top + To.Bottom) / 2f);

            return(AngleBetweenPoints(FromCenter, ToCenter));
Exemple #5
        public static bool[][] Generate(RoomDef R)
            var Maze = new bool[R.GetWidth()][];

            for (var X = 0; X < Maze.Length; X++)
                Maze[X] = new bool[R.GetHeight()];

                for (var Y = 0; Y < Maze[0].Length; Y++)
                    if (X == 0 || X == Maze.Length - 1 || Y == 0 || Y == Maze[0].Length - 1)
                        Maze[X][Y] = Filled;

            foreach (var D in R.Connected.Values)
                try {
                    Maze[D.X - R.Left][D.Y - R.Top] = Empty;
                } catch (Exception e) {

Exemple #6
        public void Build(FileInfo outFile, RoomDef room)
            Room = room;

            Builder = new StringBuilder();

            // build the floor
            Verts.Add(new Vector3(0,0,room.Bounds.Height));
            Verts.Add(new Vector3(room.Bounds.Width, 0, room.Bounds.Height));
            Verts.Add(new Vector3(room.Bounds.Width, 0, 0));
            Verts.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

            Normals.Add(new Vector3(0, 1, 0));

            UVs.Add(new Vector2(0,room.Bounds.Height));
            UVs.Add(new Vector2(room.Bounds.Width, room.Bounds.Height));
            UVs.Add(new Vector2(room.Bounds.Width, 0));
            UVs.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));

            Builder.AppendLine("g " + room.FloorObjectName);
            Builder.AppendLine("usemtl " + room.FloorMaterialName);
            Builder.AppendLine("usemap " + room.FloorMaterialName);
            Builder.AppendLine("f 0//0//0 1//1//0 2//2//0 3//3//0");

            // build low walls
            // north
Exemple #7
        public static void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, WallRegistry registry = null, int i = -1)
            var painter = i == -1 ? (registry ?? Instance).Generate() : (registry ?? Instance).Get(i);

            painter.Paint(level, room, new Rect(room.Left + 1, room.Top + 1,
                                                room.Left + 1 + room.GetWidth() - 2, room.Top + 1 + room.GetHeight() - 2));
Exemple #8
        protected void CleanDiagonalEdges(RoomDef room)
            if (Patch == null)

            var w = room.GetWidth() - 2;

            for (var i = 0; i < Patch.Length - w - 1; i++)
                if (!Patch[i])

                if (i % w != 0)
                    if (Patch[i - 1 + w] && !(Patch[i - 1] || Patch[i + w]))
                        Patch[i - 1 + w] = false;

                if ((i + 1) % w != 0)
                    if (Patch[i + 1 + w] && !(Patch[i + 1] || Patch[i + w]))
                        Patch[i + 1 + w] = false;
        public override void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, Rect inside)
            var t      = Tiles.RandomFillWall();
            var hw     = room.GetWidth() / 2;
            var hh     = room.GetHeight() / 2;
            var before = Rnd.Chance();
            var frame  = Rnd.Chance();

            if (before && frame)
                Painter.Rect(level, room, 1, Tile.Chasm);

            switch (Rnd.Int(4))
            case 0: {
                Painter.Fill(level, room.Left + 1, room.Top + 1, hw, hh, t);

            case 1: {
                Painter.Fill(level, room.Right - hw, room.Top + 1, hw, hh, t);

            case 2: {
                Painter.Fill(level, room.Left + 1, room.Bottom - hh, hw, hh, t);

            default: {
                Painter.Fill(level, room.Right - hw, room.Bottom - hh, hw, hh, t);

            if (Rnd.Chance())
                var s  = Math.Min(inside.GetWidth(), inside.GetHeight());
                var c  = room.GetTileCenter();
                var sz = s / 3;
                inside = new Rect(c.X - sz / 2, c.Y - sz / 2).Resize(sz, sz);

                Painter.Fill(level, inside, Tiles.Pick(Tile.Chasm, Tiles.RandomFillWall()));

                if (Rnd.Chance())
                    inside = inside.Shrink(Rnd.Int(1, 3));
                    Painter.Fill(level, inside, Tiles.Pick(Tile.Chasm, Tiles.RandomFillWall()));

            if (!before && frame)
                Painter.Rect(level, room, 1, Tile.Chasm);

            room.PaintTunnel(level, Tiles.RandomFloor(), room.GetCenterRect(), Rnd.Chance(30));
        public override void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, Rect inside)
            var t = Tiles.RandomSolid();

            fl = Rnd.Chance(10);

            CreateWalls(level, new Rect(room.Left + 1, room.Top + 1, room.Right - 1, room.Bottom - 1), t);
Exemple #11
        private void SimplePaint(Level level, RoomDef room)
            var fill = 0.25f + (room.GetWidth() * room.GetHeight()) / 1024f;

            Setup(level, room, fill, 4, true);
            PaintPatch(level, room, Tiles.RandomSolid());
        public override bool CanConnect(RoomDef r)
            if (Run.Type != RunType.BossRush && LevelSave.BiomeGenerated is JungleBiome && !(r is HiveRoom))

        public override bool CanConnect(RoomDef R, Dot P)
            if (P.X == Left || P.X == Right || P.Y == Top)

            return(base.CanConnect(R, P));
        public override bool CanConnect(RoomDef r, Dot p)
            if (p.X == Left + 1 || p.X == Right - 1 || p.Y == Top + 1 || p.Y == Bottom - 1)

            return(base.CanConnect(r, p));
Exemple #15
        public override bool CanConnect(RoomDef R)
            if (!(R is ShopRoom || R is SubShopRoom))

Exemple #16
        public override bool CanConnect(RoomDef R)
            if (R is GrannyRoom || R is OldManRoom || R is PrebossRoom || R is ShopRoom)

Exemple #17
        public override void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, Rect inside)
            Painter.Fill(level, room, 1, Tiles.Pick(Tile.Chasm, Tile.SensingSpikeTmp));

            var f = Tiles.RandomFloor();

            Painter.Fill(level, room, Rnd.Int(2, 4), f);

            room.PaintTunnel(level, Rnd.Chance(30) ? f : Tiles.RandomFloorOrSpike(), room.GetCenterRect());
Exemple #18
 private void printToMap(char[,] map, RoomDef room, char tile)
     for (int j = room.getNW()[1]; j <= room.getSW()[1]; j++)
         for (int i = room.getNW()[0]; i <= room.getNE()[0]; i++)
             //Debug.Log("i = " + i + ", j = " + j);
             map[i, j] = tile; //TODO Array index out of bounds exception
Exemple #19
        public override void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, Rect inside, bool gold)
            FloorRegistry.Paint(level, room, -1, gold);

            var m = Rnd.Int(2, 4);
            var a = gold && Rnd.Chance();

            Painter.Fill(level, room, m, a ? Tile.FloorD : Tiles.RandomFloor());
            Painter.Fill(level, room, m + 1, !a && gold && Rnd.Chance() ? Tile.FloorD : Tiles.RandomNewFloor());
            Painter.Fill(level, room, m + 1, LevelSave.BiomeGenerated is DesertBiome ? Tiles.RandomNewFloor() : Tile.Water);
Exemple #20
    //Function to make a room only take up a portion of its possible space, to space out the map
    private void depleteTheRoom(RoomDef room)
        //Decide what percent to deplete the room horizontally and vertically by
        float horizontalPercent = randomHorDist.Next(30, 71);
        float verticalPercent   = randomVerDist.Next(30, 71);

        //Distribute those percents to the four sides randomly
        float splitPercent = randomHorVerSplit.Next(10, 91);
        float westPercent  = verticalPercent * (splitPercent / 100);
        float eastPercent  = verticalPercent - westPercent;

        splitPercent = randomHorVerSplit.Next(10, 91);
        float northPercent = horizontalPercent * (splitPercent / 100);
        float southPercent = horizontalPercent - northPercent;

        //Calculate room width and height
        float roomWidth  = room.getNE()[0] - room.getNW()[0];
        float roomHeight = room.getSE()[1] - room.getNE()[1];

        //Deplete each side by their percent of the width or height
        float northCalc    = roomHeight * (northPercent / 100);
        int   northDeplete = Mathf.RoundToInt(northCalc);

        room.setNE(room.getNE()[0], room.getNE()[1] + northDeplete);
        room.setNW(room.getNW()[0], room.getNW()[1] + northDeplete);

        float southCalc    = roomHeight * (southPercent / 100);
        int   southDeplete = Mathf.RoundToInt(southCalc);

        room.setSE(room.getSE()[0], room.getSE()[1] - southDeplete);
        room.setSW(room.getSW()[0], room.getSW()[1] - southDeplete);

        float westCalc    = roomWidth * (westPercent / 100);
        int   westDeplete = Mathf.RoundToInt(westCalc);

        room.setNW(room.getNW()[0] + westDeplete, room.getNW()[1]);
        room.setSW(room.getSW()[0] + westDeplete, room.getSW()[1]);

        float eastCalc    = roomWidth * (eastPercent / 100);
        int   eastDeplete = Mathf.RoundToInt(eastCalc);

        room.setNE(room.getNE()[0] - eastDeplete, room.getNE()[1]);
        room.setSE(room.getSE()[0] - eastDeplete, room.getSE()[1]);

         * Debug.Log("northPercent = " + northPercent + "%");
         * Debug.Log("southPercent = " + southPercent + "%");
         * Debug.Log("eastPercent = " + eastPercent + "%");
         * Debug.Log("westPercent = " + westPercent + "%");
Exemple #21
        public override void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, Rect inside, bool gold)
            var tiles = new[] {
                Tile.FloorA, Tile.FloorB, Tile.FloorC

            if (gold)
                tiles[Rnd.Int(3)] = Tile.FloorD;

            tiles = tiles.OrderBy(x => Rnd.Generator.Next()).ToArray();

            var a     = tiles[0];
            var b     = tiles[1];
            var c     = Rnd.Chance() ? a : tiles[2];
            var start = Rnd.Float();
            var size  = Rnd.Int(1, 4);
            var two   = Rnd.Chance();

            for (int y = inside.Top; y < inside.Bottom; y++)
                for (int x = inside.Left; x < inside.Right; x++)
                    int val;

                    if (two)
                        val = ((int)(x + start) % size == 0 ? 1 : ((int)(y + start)) % size == 0 ? 1 : 0) % 3;
                        val = (((int)(x + start) % size == 0 ? 1 : 0) + ((int)(y + start) % size == 0 ? 1 : 0)) % 3;

                    var tile = a;

                    if (val == 1)
                        tile = b;
                    else if (val == 2)
                        tile = c;

                    Painter.Set(level, x, y, tile);
Exemple #22
        protected void PaintPatch(Level level, RoomDef room, Tile tile)
            var w = room.GetWidth() - 2;

            for (var y = 0; y < room.GetHeight() - 2; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < w; x++)
                    if (Patch[x + y * w])
                        level.Set(room.Left + x + 1, room.Top + y + 1, Tile.FloorA);
                        level.Set(room.Left + x + 1, room.Top + y + 1, tile);
Exemple #23
        public override bool CanConnect(RoomDef R, Dot P)
            if (P.X == Left || P.X == Right)
                if (P.Y == Top + 1 || P.Y == Bottom - 1)
            else if (P.Y == Top || P.Y == Bottom)

            return(base.CanConnect(R, P));
Exemple #24
        public override void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, Rect inside)
            base.Paint(level, room, inside);
            var t = Tiles.Pick(Tile.WallA, Tile.Planks);

            if (Rnd.Chance())
                Painter.DrawLine(level, new Dot(room.Left + room.GetWidth() / 2, room.Top + 1), new Dot(room.Left + room.GetWidth() / 2, room.Bottom - 1), t);
                PlaceTeleporter(level, new Dot(room.Left + room.GetWidth() / 4, Rnd.Int(room.Top + 3, room.Bottom - 3)), new Dot(room.Left + room.GetWidth() / 4 * 3, Rnd.Int(room.Top + 3, room.Bottom - 3)));
                Painter.DrawLine(level, new Dot(room.Left + 1, room.Top + room.GetHeight() / 2), new Dot(room.Right - 1, room.Top + room.GetHeight() / 2), t);
                PlaceTeleporter(level, new Dot(Rnd.Int(room.Left + 3, room.Right - 3), room.Top + room.GetHeight() / 4), new Dot(Rnd.Int(room.Left + 3, room.Right - 3), room.Top + room.GetHeight() / 4 * 3));
        protected override float PlaceRoom(List <RoomDef> Collision, RoomDef Prev, RoomDef Next, float Angle)
            var v = base.PlaceRoom(Collision, Prev, Next, Angle);

            if (v > -1 && Next is ShopRoom)
                Log.Info("Placing sub shop rooms");

                foreach (var r in SubShop)
                    var a = Rnd.Angle();
                    var i = 0;

                    while (true)
                        var an = PlaceRoom(Collision, Next, r, a % 360);

                        if ((int)an != -1)


                        if (i > 36)

                        a += 10;

                /*if (SubShop.Count > 0) {
                 *      for (var i = 0; i < SubShop.Count - 1; i++) {
                 *              for (var j = i + 1; j < SubShop.Count; j++) {
                 *                      SubShop[i].ConnectTo(SubShop[j]);
                 *              }
                 *      }
                 * }*/

                Log.Info("Failed to fail.");

        private bool InvestigateDoor(RoomDef room, DoorPlaceholder cameFrom)
            if (room is LibraryConnectionRoom && room != this)

            foreach (var door in room.Connected)
                if (door.Value != cameFrom)
                    return(InvestigateDoor(door.Key, door.Value));

Exemple #27
        public override void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, Rect inside)
            var fill = 0.25f + (room.GetWidth() * room.GetHeight()) / 2048f;
            var t    = Rnd.Chance(20) ? Tile.Lava : Tiles.RandomFloorOrSpike();

            Setup(level, room, fill, 0, true);

            for (var i = room.Top + 1; i < room.Bottom; i++)
                for (var j = room.Left + 1; j < room.Right; j++)
                    if (Patch[ToIndex(room, j, i)])
                        level.Set(j, i, t);
        public override bool CanConnect(RoomDef R, Dot P)
            if (P.X == Left || P.X == Right)
                if (Math.Abs(P.Y - (Top + GetHeight() / 2)) > 0)
                if (Math.Abs(P.X - (Left + GetWidth() / 2)) > 0)

            return(base.CanConnect(R, P));
        public override void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, Rect inside)
            Painter.Fill(level, room, Tiles.RandomWall());

            var t = Tiles.RandomSolid();

            if (t == Tile.Lava)
                Painter.Fill(level, inside, Tiles.RandomFloor());

            Painter.Fill(level, inside, t);
            Painter.FillEllipse(level, inside, Tiles.RandomFloor());

            // fixme: breaks custom floors

            var before = Rnd.Chance();

            if (before)
                if (Rnd.Chance())
                    room.PaintTunnel(level, Tiles.RandomNewFloor(), new Rect(room.GetCenter()), true);

                room.PaintTunnel(level, Tiles.RandomNewFloor(), new Rect(room.GetCenter()));

            if (Rnd.Chance())
                Painter.Ellipse(level, inside, Tiles.RandomFloor());

            if (!before)
                if (Rnd.Chance())
                    room.PaintTunnel(level, Tiles.RandomNewFloor(), new Rect(room.GetCenter()), true);

                room.PaintTunnel(level, Tiles.RandomNewFloor(), new Rect(room.GetCenter()));
Exemple #30
        public override bool CanConnect(RoomDef R, Dot P)
            if (P.X == Left || P.X == Right)
                if (P.Y - Top < 3 || Bottom - P.Y < 3)
                if (P.X - Left < 3 || Right - P.X < 3)

            return(base.CanConnect(R, P));
        public override void Paint(Level level, RoomDef room, Rect inside, bool gold)
            if (Rnd.Chance())
                Painter.Fill(level, inside, Tiles.RandomFloor());
                inside = inside.Shrink(Rnd.Int(1, 3));

            var a = gold ? Tile.FloorD : Tiles.RandomFloor();
            var b = Tiles.RandomNewFloor();

            for (int y = inside.Top; y < inside.Bottom; y++)
                for (int x = inside.Left; x < inside.Right; x++)
                    Painter.Set(level, x, y, (x + y * 2) % 4 == 0 ? a : b);