private Room7DRL GenerateCellAutomata(Room7DRLGeneratorData genData, int size)
        Debug.Log("Entered GenerateCellAutomata");
        Room7DRL automata = new Room7DRL();
        int      attempts = 0;

        while (true)

            automata.size  = new Vector2Int(size, size);
            automata.tiles = new int[automata.size.x, automata.size.y];

            for (int i = 2; i < size - 2; ++i)
                for (int j = 2; j < size - 2; ++j)
                    if (URandom.value >= genData.WallProbability)
                        automata.tiles[i, j] = genData.GroundTile;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                for (int j = 1; j < size - 1; ++j)
                    for (int k = 1; k < size - 1; ++k)
                        int adjacent = CountAdjacentWalls(automata.tiles, j, k, genData.NoTile); // check if this changes state!
                        if (adjacent > genData.Neighbours)
                            automata.tiles[j, k] = genData.NoTile;
                        else if (adjacent < genData.Neighbours)
                            automata.tiles[j, k] = genData.GroundTile;

            //FloodFill(automata, genData.GroundTile, genData.NoTile, genData.MinRoomSize);

            for (int i = 0; i < automata.size.x; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < automata.size.y; ++j)
                    if (automata.tiles[i, j] == genData.GroundTile)
                        Debug.Log($"Exited after {attempts}");
    public bool Overlaps(Room7DRL room, int[,] mapAux, Vector2Int coords, Vector2Int mapSize, int groundTile)
        for (int i = 0; i < room.size.x; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < room.size.y; ++j)
                if (room.tiles[i, j] != groundTile)

                int testX = coords.x + i;
                int testY = coords.y + j;
                if (1 <= testX && testX < mapSize.x - 1 && 1 <= testY && testY < mapSize.y - 1)
                    if (mapAux[testX - 1, testY - 1] == groundTile ||
                        mapAux[testX, testY - 1] == groundTile ||
                        mapAux[testX + 1, testY - 1] == groundTile ||
                        mapAux[testX - 1, testY] == groundTile ||
                        mapAux[testX, testY] == groundTile ||
                        mapAux[testX + 1, testY + 1] == groundTile ||
                        mapAux[testX, testY + 1] == groundTile ||
                        mapAux[testX - 1, testY + 1] == groundTile)
    private Room7DRL GenerateRect(Room7DRLGeneratorData genData)
        Debug.Log("Entered GenerateRect");
        int width  = URandom.Range(genData.RectMin, genData.RectMax + 1);
        int height = URandom.Range((int)Mathf.Max((width * 0.5f), genData.RectMin), (int)Mathf.Min((int)width * 1.5f, genData.RectMax) + 1);

        Room7DRL r = new Room7DRL();

        r.size  = new Vector2Int(height, width);
        r.tiles = new int[height, width];
    private Room7DRL GenerateCross(Room7DRLGeneratorData genData)
        Debug.Log("Entered GenCross");
        int horWidth  = URandom.Range(genData.CrossMin + 2, genData.CrossMax + 1) / 2 * 2;
        int verHeight = URandom.Range(genData.CrossMin + 2, genData.CrossMax + 1) / 2 * 2;
        int horHeight = URandom.Range(genData.CrossMin, verHeight - 1) / 2 * 2;
        int verWidth  = URandom.Range(genData.CrossMin, horWidth - 1) / 2 * 2;

        Room7DRL r = new Room7DRL();

        r.size  = new Vector2Int(verHeight, horWidth);
        r.tiles = new int[verHeight, horWidth];

        int verOffset = verHeight / 2 - horHeight / 2;

        for (int i = verOffset; i < verOffset + horHeight; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < horWidth; ++j)
                r.tiles[i, j] = genData.GroundTile;

        int horOffset = horWidth / 2 - verWidth / 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < verHeight; ++i)
            for (int j = horOffset; j < horOffset + verWidth; ++j)
                r.tiles[i, j] = genData.GroundTile;

    private void FloodFill(Room7DRL automata, int groundTile, int noTile, int minSize)
        Debug.Log("Entered Floodfill");
        HashSet <Vector2Int> largest = new HashSet <Vector2Int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < automata.size.x; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < automata.size.y; ++j)
                if (automata.tiles[i, j] != groundTile)

                HashSet <Vector2Int> newR   = new HashSet <Vector2Int>();
                Vector2Int           coords = new Vector2Int(i, j);

                List <Vector2Int> toBeFilled = new List <Vector2Int>();
                while (toBeFilled.Count > 0)
                    int        idx        = URandom.Range(0, toBeFilled.Count - 1);
                    Vector2Int testCoords = toBeFilled[idx];

                    if (!newR.Contains(testCoords))
                        automata.tiles[testCoords.x, testCoords.y] = noTile;

                        Vector2Int n = new Vector2Int(testCoords.x + 1, testCoords.y);
                        Vector2Int s = new Vector2Int(testCoords.x - 1, testCoords.y);
                        Vector2Int e = new Vector2Int(testCoords.x, testCoords.y + 1);
                        Vector2Int w = new Vector2Int(testCoords.x, testCoords.y - 1);

                        Vector2Int[] dirs = new Vector2Int[4]
                            n, s, e, w
                        foreach (var dir in dirs)
                            if (dir.x < 0 || dir.x >= automata.size.x || dir.y < 0 || dir.y >= automata.size.y)

                            if (automata.tiles[dir.x, dir.y] == groundTile && !toBeFilled.Contains(dir) && !newR.Contains(dir))
                if (newR.Count > minSize && newR.Count > largest.Count)
                    largest = newR;

        foreach (var coords in largest)
            automata.tiles[coords.x, coords.y] = groundTile;
 private void AddRoom(List <Room7DRL> rooms, Room7DRLGeneratorData genData, ref int[,] mapAux, Room7DRL roomToAdd)
     for (int i = 0; i < roomToAdd.size.x; ++i)
         for (int j = 0; j < roomToAdd.size.y; ++j)
             if (roomToAdd.tiles[i, j] == genData.GroundTile)
                 mapAux[roomToAdd.coords.x + i, roomToAdd.coords.y + j] = roomToAdd.tiles[i, j];
    private PlaceResult PlaceRoom(Vector2Int mapSize, Room7DRLGeneratorData genData, ref int[,] mapAux, List <Room7DRL> rooms, Room7DRL next)
        Debug.Log("Entered PlaceRoom");
        PlaceResult result = new PlaceResult();
        Vector2Int  wall   =;

        List <(Vector2Int, Vector2Int)> candidateCoords = new List <(Vector2Int, Vector2Int)>();

        Vector2Int[] offsets = new Vector2Int[4]
            new Vector2Int(1, 0),  // N
            new Vector2Int(-1, 0), // S
            new Vector2Int(0, 1),  // E
            new Vector2Int(0, -1)  // W

        for (int i = 1; i < mapSize.x - 1; ++i)
            for (int j = 1; j < mapSize.y - 1; ++j)
                for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir)
                    Vector2Int offset = offsets[dir];
                        if (mapAux[i, j] == genData.NoTile && mapAux[i + offsets[dir].x, j + offsets[dir].y] == genData.NoTile && mapAux[i - offsets[dir].x, j - offsets[dir].y] == genData.GroundTile)
                            candidateCoords.Add((new Vector2Int(i, j), offsets[dir]));
                    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                        Debug.LogError($"offset: {offset}, i,j:{(i, j)}");
        if (candidateCoords.Count == 0)
            // No way to place this room
            Debug.Log($"PLACE ROOMS:: No single coord was found matching the noTile/[noTile]/ground requirement :/");

        List <Vector2Int> groundTiles = new List <Vector2Int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < next.size.x; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < next.size.y; ++j)
                if (next.tiles[i, j] == genData.GroundTile)
                    groundTiles.Add(new Vector2Int(i, j));

        if (groundTiles.Count == 0)
            Debug.Log("Invalid room. GTFO");

        for (int i = 0; i < genData.PlaceAttempts; ++i)
            int idx = URandom.Range(0, candidateCoords.Count);

            wall = candidateCoords[idx].Item1;
            Vector2Int direction = candidateCoords[idx].Item2;

            Vector2Int start  = groundTiles[URandom.Range(0, groundTiles.Count)];
            int        startX = wall.x - start.x;
            int        startY = wall.y - start.y;

            for (int tunnelLen = 0; tunnelLen < genData.MaxTunnelLength; ++tunnelLen)
                Vector2Int cand     = new Vector2Int(startX + direction.x * tunnelLen, startY + direction.y * tunnelLen);
                bool       overlaps = Overlaps(next, mapAux, cand, mapSize, genData.GroundTile);
                if (!overlaps)
                    next.coords      = cand;
                    result.wallTile  = wall;
                    result.direction = direction;
                    result.length    = tunnelLen;
