Exemple #1
        // mark single game as hidden
        public void MarkRomAsHidden(int gameId)
            Game game = (from g in Games
                         where g.gameId == gameId
                         select g).ToList().SingleOrDefault();

            if (game == null)
                // no game found
                Game newGame = game;
                if (newGame.hidden == false)
                    newGame.hidden = true;
                    // add to GamesToUpdate to be processed later
                    // game is already hidden
Exemple #2
        // mark all ROMS from a system as hidden (as long as it is not a disk based game)
        public void MarkAllRomsAsHidden(int systemId)
            List <Game> gamesAll = (from g in Games
                                    where g.systemId == systemId
                                    select g).ToList();
            List <Game> games = (from g in gamesAll
                                 where g.isDiskBased == false
                                 select g).ToList();

            if (games == null)
                // no games found
                // iterate through each game
                foreach (Game game in games)
                    Game newGame = game;
                    if (newGame.hidden == false)
                        newGame.hidden = true;
                        // add to GamesToUpdate to be processed later
                        // game is already marked as hidden
Exemple #3
        // Start ROM scan and import process for specific system
        public void BeginRomImport(int _systemId, ProgressDialogController _dialog)
            allowedFiles = new List <string>();
            dialog       = _dialog;
            systemId     = _systemId;

            Common.Eventing.Listeners.ProgressDialogListener l = new Common.Eventing.Listeners.ProgressDialogListener(dialog, SignatureType.Archive);

            // get path to ROM folder
            romFolderPath = GetPath(systemId);
            // get allowed file types for this particular system
            HashSet <string> exts = GSystem.GetAllowedFileExtensions(systemId);

            // get a list of games for this system currently already in the database
            presentGames = (from g in Games
                            where g.systemId == systemId
                            select g).ToList();
            // get all files from romfolderpath and sub directories that have an allowed extension
            IEnumerable <string> romFiles = FileAndFolder.GetFiles(romFolderPath, true);

            // if romfiles is null break
            if (romFiles == null)

            // populate list of allowed file paths
            foreach (string s in exts)
                foreach (string p in romFiles)
                    if (p.EndsWith(s))
                        //MessageBoxResult result5 = MessageBox.Show(p);

            // calculate the number of files to be processed
            numFiles = allowedFiles.Count;
            progress = 0;
            // set base dialog message
            strBase = "Scanning: ";

            // now we have a list of allowed files, loop through them
            foreach (string file in allowedFiles)
                if (_dialog.IsCanceled)

            // whatever games are left in the presentGames list should be marked as hidden as they have not been found
            if (presentGames.Count > 0)
                foreach (Game g in presentGames)
                    g.hidden = true;

Exemple #4
        // Start ROM scan and import process for specific system
        public void BeginRomImport(int systemId, ProgressDialogController dialog)
            // get path to ROM folder
            string romFolderPath = GetPath(systemId);
            //MessageBoxResult result2 = MessageBox.Show(romFolderPath);
            // get allowed file types for this particular system
            HashSet <string> exts = GetAllowedFileExtensions(systemId);

            // get a list of games for this system currently already in the database
            List <Game> presentGames = (from g in Games
                                        where g.systemId == systemId
                                        select g).ToList();

            // get all files from romfolderpath and sub directories that have an allowed extension
            IEnumerable <string> romFiles = GetFiles(romFolderPath, true);

            // if romfiles is null break
            if (romFiles == null)

            List <string> allowedFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (string s in exts)
                foreach (string p in romFiles)
                    if (p.EndsWith(s))
                        //MessageBoxResult result5 = MessageBox.Show(p);

                 * List<string> fi = (from a in romFiles
                 *       where a.EndsWith(s)
                 *       select a).ToList();
                 * if (fi == null || fi.Count < 1) { continue; }
                 * allowedFiles.AddRange(fi);

            // calculate the number of files to be processed
            int numFiles = allowedFiles.Count;
            // set the progress bar limits
            //dialog.Minimum = 0;
            //dialog.Maximum = numFiles;
            int progress = 0;
            // set base dialog message
            string strBase = "Scanning: ";

            // create new final list to be populated with approved files
            List <Game> finalGames = new List <Game>();

            // now we have a list of allowed files, loop through them
            foreach (string file in allowedFiles)
                // get the relative path
                string relPath = PathUtil.GetRelativePath(romFolderPath, file);
                // get just the filename
                string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file);
                // get just the extension
                string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower();
                // get rom name wihout extension
                string romName = fileName.Replace(extension, "");

                // update UI
                string uiUpdate = strBase + fileName + "\n(" + progress + " of " + numFiles + ")";

                Game   newGame = new Game();
                string hash    = String.Empty;

                // inspect archive files
                if (extension == ".zip" || extension == ".7z")
                    bool isAllowed = false;
                        Archiving arch = new Archiving(file, systemId);
                        hash      = arch.MD5Hash;
                        isAllowed = arch.IsAllowed;
                        if (hash == null)
                    catch (System.IO.InvalidDataException ex)
                        // problem with the archive file
                    finally { }

                    if (isAllowed == false)
                    // file is not an archive - calculate md5
                    //hash = Crypto.Crc32.ComputeFileHash(file);
                    hash = Crypto.checkMD5(file);

                // check whether game already exists (by gameName and systemId)
                Game chkGame = (from g in Games
                                where g.systemId == systemId && g.gameName == romName
                                select g).FirstOrDefault();

                // lookup game in master dat
                //var sysFilter = DAT.Where(p => p.SystemId == systemId);
                // var lookup = DAT.Where(p => p.Roms.Any(x => x.MD5.ToUpper().Trim() == hash.ToUpper().Trim())).ToList();

                //var lookup = DAT.Where(p => p.Roms.Any(x => x.MD5.ToUpper() == hash)).ToList();
                string          nHash  = hash.ToUpper().Trim().ToString();
                List <DATMerge> lookup = (from i in DAT
                                          where i.SystemId == systemId && i.Roms.Any(l => l.MD5.ToUpper().Trim() == hash)
                                          select i).ToList();

                if (chkGame == null)
                    // does not already exist - create new game
                    newGame.configId = 1;

                    if (lookup != null && lookup.Count > 0)
                        newGame.gameNameFromDAT = lookup.First().GameName;
                        newGame.Publisher       = lookup.First().Publisher;
                        newGame.Year            = lookup.First().Year;

                        // get rom we are interested in
                        var rom = (from ro in lookup.First().Roms
                                   where ro.MD5.ToUpper().Trim() == hash.ToUpper().Trim()
                                   select ro).First();
                        newGame.romNameFromDAT    = rom.RomName;
                        newGame.Copyright         = rom.Copyright;
                        newGame.Country           = rom.Country;
                        newGame.DevelopmentStatus = rom.DevelopmentStatus;
                        newGame.Language          = rom.Language;
                        newGame.OtherFlags        = rom.OtherFlags;

                        if (rom.Year != null && rom.Year != "")
                            newGame.Year = rom.Year;
                        if (rom.Publisher != null && rom.Publisher != "")
                            newGame.Publisher = rom.Publisher;

                    newGame.gameName    = romName;
                    newGame.gamePath    = relPath;
                    newGame.hidden      = false;
                    newGame.isDiskBased = false;
                    newGame.isFavorite  = false;
                    newGame.systemId    = systemId;
                    newGame.CRC32       = hash;

                    // add to finaGames list
                    // increment the added counter
                    // matching game found - update it
                    if (chkGame.gamePath == relPath && chkGame.hidden == false && chkGame.CRC32 == hash)
                        //nothing to update - increment untouched counter
                        newGame = chkGame;
                        // update path in case it has changed location
                        newGame.gamePath = relPath;
                        // mark as not hidden
                        newGame.hidden = false;

                        newGame.CRC32 = hash;
                        if (lookup != null && lookup.Count > 0)
                            newGame.gameNameFromDAT = lookup.First().GameName;
                            newGame.Publisher       = lookup.First().Publisher;
                            newGame.Year            = lookup.First().Year;

                            // get rom we are interested in
                            var rom = (from ro in lookup.First().Roms
                                       where ro.MD5.ToUpper().Trim() == hash.ToUpper().Trim()
                                       select ro).First();
                            newGame.romNameFromDAT    = rom.RomName;
                            newGame.Copyright         = rom.Copyright;
                            newGame.Country           = rom.Country;
                            newGame.DevelopmentStatus = rom.DevelopmentStatus;
                            newGame.Language          = rom.Language;
                            newGame.OtherFlags        = rom.OtherFlags;

                            if (rom.Year != null && rom.Year != "")
                                newGame.Year = rom.Year;
                            if (rom.Publisher != null && rom.Publisher != "")
                                newGame.Publisher = rom.Publisher;

                        // add to finalGames list
                        // increment updated counter

                    // remove game from presentGames list - remaining games in this list will be marked as hidden at the end

            // whatever games are left in the presentGames list should be marked as hidden as they have not been found
            if (presentGames.Count > 0)
                foreach (Game g in presentGames)
                    g.hidden = true;

Exemple #5
        public void ProcessGame(string romName, string hash, string relPath, string fileName, string extension)
            Game newGame = new Game();

            // check whether game already exists (by gameName and systemId)
            Game chkGame = (from g in Games
                            where g.systemId == systemId && g.gameName == romName //&& g.archiveGame == archiveGame
                            select g).FirstOrDefault();

            // filter DAT by systemId
            List <DATMerge> lookup = DATMerge.FilterByMedLaunchSystemId(DAT, systemId);

            // lookup game in master dat - order by DATProviderId (so NoIntro first)
            string nHash = hash.ToUpper().Trim().ToString();
            //List<DATMerge> look = lookup.Where(a => a.MD5.ToUpper().Trim() == nHash || a.CRC.ToUpper().Trim() == nHash || a.SHA1.ToUpper().Trim() == nHash).OrderBy(a => a.DatProviderId).ToList();
            List <DATMerge> look = lookup.Where(a =>
                                                (a.MD5 != null && a.MD5.ToUpper().Trim() == nHash) ||
                                                (a.CRC != null && a.CRC.ToUpper().Trim() == nHash) ||
                                                (a.SHA1 != null && a.SHA1.ToUpper().Trim() == nHash)).OrderBy(a => a.DatProviderId).ToList();

            int subSysId = GSystem.GetSubSystemId(systemId, extension);

            if (chkGame == null)
                // does not already exist - create new game
                newGame.configId = 1;

                if (look != null && look.Count > 0)
                    newGame.gameNameFromDAT = look.First().GameName;
                    //newGame.Publisher = look.First().Publisher;
                    //newGame.Year = look.First().Year;
                    newGame.romNameFromDAT    = look.First().RomName;
                    newGame.Copyright         = look.First().Copyright;
                    newGame.Country           = look.First().Country;
                    newGame.DevelopmentStatus = look.First().DevelopmentStatus;
                    newGame.Language          = look.First().Language;
                    newGame.OtherFlags        = look.First().OtherFlags;
                    //newGame.Publisher = look.First().Publisher;
                    //newGame.Year = look.First().Year;
                    //newGame.Developer = look.First().Developer;

                    if (look.First().Year != null && look.First().Year != "")
                        newGame.Year = look.First().Year;
                    if (look.First().Publisher != null && look.First().Publisher != "")
                        newGame.Publisher = look.First().Publisher;
                    if (look.First().Developer != null && look.First().Developer != "")
                        newGame.Developer = look.First().Developer;

                newGame.gameName    = romName;
                newGame.gamePath    = relPath;
                newGame.hidden      = false;
                newGame.isDiskBased = false;
                newGame.isFavorite  = false;
                newGame.systemId    = systemId;
                newGame.CRC32       = hash;

                // check for subsystemid
                if (subSysId > 0)
                    // sub system found
                    newGame.subSystemId = subSysId;

                // add to finaGames list
                // increment the added counter
                // matching game found - update it
                if (chkGame.gamePath == relPath && chkGame.hidden == false && (chkGame.CRC32 == hash || chkGame.CRC == hash || chkGame.SHA1 == hash) && chkGame.subSystemId == subSysId)
                    //nothing to update - increment untouched counter
                    newGame = chkGame;
                    // update path in case it has changed location
                    newGame.gamePath = relPath;
                    // mark as not hidden
                    newGame.hidden = false;

                    newGame.CRC32 = hash;
                    if (look != null && look.Count > 0)
                        newGame.gameNameFromDAT = look.First().GameName;
                        //newGame.Publisher = look.First().Publisher;
                        //newGame.Year = look.First().Year;
                        //newGame.Developer = look.First().Developer;
                        newGame.romNameFromDAT    = look.First().RomName;
                        newGame.Copyright         = look.First().Copyright;
                        newGame.Country           = look.First().Country;
                        newGame.DevelopmentStatus = look.First().DevelopmentStatus;
                        newGame.Language          = look.First().Language;
                        newGame.OtherFlags        = look.First().OtherFlags;

                        if (look.First().Year != null && look.First().Year != "")
                            newGame.Year = look.First().Year;
                        if (look.First().Publisher != null && look.First().Publisher != "")
                            newGame.Publisher = look.First().Publisher;
                        if (look.First().Developer != null && look.First().Developer != "")
                            newGame.Developer = look.First().Developer;

                    // check for subsystemid
                    if (subSysId > 0)
                        // sub system found
                        newGame.subSystemId = subSysId;

                    // add to finalGames list
                    // increment updated counter

                // remove game from presentGames list - remaining games in this list will be marked as hidden at the end